Homework-Assignment-4-Ceng2311 - EDM & Total Station Applications

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Department of Construction Engineering

CENG 2311 – Construction Surveying

Homework Assignment No. 4

EDM & Total Station Applications

1. Find the lowest level of high voltage elevated cable between two towers using total station, station
A(1200 E, XX N) was occupied and Point B below the cable was observed with target height 1.6m
and the coordinates of B were ( 1425E, 1384N, 11.53) and zenith angle 90o 20’ 10” and then point
C on cable was observed with zenith angle 88o 17’ 22” find the level of C (Remote Elevation).
XX=Last six digits from your ID divided by 100 (e.g., ID 900172567 XX=1725.67)

2. To find reduced level of B from A, total station was used to observe B from A and then to observe
A from B. The observations are as follows:
from to Zenith angle Slope distance Height of Height of target
A B 89º 50´ 40” 425.830 1.52 1.60
B A 90º 09´ 32” 425.836 1.68 1.60
If reduced level of A is 16.773 m find the reduced level of B.

3. A slope distance AB XX m measured with EDM, if vertical angle is 01o 14' 20" and elevation of
point A is 426.546m and height of instrument is 1.5m and height of target is 1.7m. The prism

Prepared by: Prof. Adel EL-Shazly

Department of Construction Engineering
CENG 2311 – Construction Surveying

constant is -30mm , the pressure and temperature correction is 15 ppm and scale factor
correction is 1.0004. Find:
- The corrected horizontal distance AB projected on local map.
- The corrected horizontal distance AB projected on national map (radius of Earth 6375 km).
- The relative error due to neglecting sea level correction.
- The accuracy of the corrected distance if EDM accuracy is ± (3 mm +3ppm).
- XX=Last six digits from your ID divided by 100 (e.g., ID 900172567 XX=1725.67)

4. The observations given below were taken with a total station. (height of instrument =height of target=1.5)

Prepared by: Prof. Adel EL-Shazly

Department of Construction Engineering
CENG 2311 – Construction Surveying

Total station Reflector position Horizontal circle reading Vertical angle Slope distance
M A 1174552 + 011845 225.364 m

M B 2203305 − 014227 228.054 m

- If coordinates of A is (1200 E, 800 N, 10m) and bearing of Line AB is XX o, find coordinates

of M (Eating, Northing, Reduced level)
XX=Last two digits from your ID (e.g., ID 900172567 XX= 67)

Prepared by: Prof. Adel EL-Shazly

Department of Construction Engineering
CENG 2311 – Construction Surveying

5. The following data were taken with total station to determine coordinates of unoccupied station
C using intersection method from two occupied stations A &B : Point A with coordinates (1400
E, XX N) was occupied and Observed horizontal angle CAB was 33o 37’ 43” ; Point B with
coordinates (1300 E, 1300 N) was occupied and angles CBA was observed to be 56o 22’ 16” Find
the Coordinates of Point C (easting, northing).
XX=Last six digits from your ID divided by 100 (e.g., ID 900172567 XX=1725.67)

Prepared by: Prof. Adel EL-Shazly

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