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Rapid Beer Fermentation: The Effect of Vacuum Pressure on a Pilot Scale Lager

Article  in  Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists · October 2019

DOI: 10.1080/03610470.2019.1669416


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2 authors:

Mario Sergio Guadalupe Daqui A.J. MacIntosh

University of Florida University of Florida


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Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
The Science of Beer

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Rapid Beer Fermentation: The Effect of Vacuum

Pressure on a Pilot Scale Lager Fermentation

Mario Guadalupe-Daqui & Andrew J. MacIntosh

To cite this article: Mario Guadalupe-Daqui & Andrew J. MacIntosh (2019): Rapid Beer
Fermentation: The Effect of Vacuum Pressure on a Pilot Scale Lager Fermentation, Journal of the
American Society of Brewing Chemists, DOI: 10.1080/03610470.2019.1669416

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Rapid Beer Fermentation: The Effect of Vacuum Pressure on a Pilot Scale Lager
Mario Guadalupe-Daqui and Andrew J. MacIntosh
Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.

Changes to industrial fermentation processes are rare, largely due to the impact on viability for Carbon dioxide; high
Saccharomyces spp., related to environmental stresses during the process such as: osmotic pres- gravity; low pressure; rapid
sure, ethanol concentration, dissolved CO2. This research studied yeast behavior during a High fermentation; vacuum
Gravity (HG) fermentation under partial vacuum pressure during standard brewing operations. This
was accomplished by controlling the temperature and pressure of 30 L pilot fermentations. An
experimental lager wort recipe with “Diamond” lager yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus) was used
in this study. The modified process conducted at 24.1 kPa of pressure in the headspace was com-
pared to a control process at standard atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa). This research showed
that at 15  C, lager fermentations (14–15 P) fermented up to 30% faster under vacuum, with an
increase in the number of yeast cells in suspension of up to 100%. The rate of sugar consumption
under vacuum was greater compared to the control, thus increasing the rate of ethanol produc-
tion. The removal of volatile CO2 is one hypothesized mechanism for these results. The total etha-
nol production, pH and yeast viability did not differ significantly between the control and
modified process. The application of vacuum during brewing resulted in an increased fermenta-
tion rate and number of yeast cells in suspension during fermentation.

Introduction 19th century, the nature of the fermentation process was

clearly established. While many other industrial fermenta-
Historically, the industrial fermentation process has been
tions have changed from batch to continuous, semi-continu-
slow to change due to the potential impact upon the viabil-
ous or controlled atmosphere conditions,[12] the brewing
ity of typical brewer’s yeast. The impact of environmental industry continues to utilize batch fermentations under one
conditions on brewing species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and atmosphere (101.3 kPa), carbon dioxide headspace.
Saccharomyces pastorianus) is related closely to specific Previous work by Cysewski and Wilke[13] explored two
stresses present during the process. Throughout fermenta- different methods of controlled atmosphere yeast fermenta-
tion, levels of osmotic pressure,[1] ethanol concentration,[2] tion: a semi-continuous and a continuous process, where a
and carbon dioxide[3,4] all affect yeast viability.[5] If too constant feed of 10% glucose media was fed to the fermen-
severe, the effect of the stress upon the yeast may result in tor. Due to the accumulation of compounds not metabolized
non-viable cells, forcing the fermentation either to slow by the yeast, especially under a semi-continuous process, the
down or cease without reaching the desired extract concen- viability decreased to 60% of viable cells after 55 h. The vac-
tration (also termed attenuation). Yeast cells undergo adap- uum continuous fermentation studied included a constant
tation to various stresses during the brewing process.[6] One volume of media fed to the fermentor, as well as a specific
such mechanism of yeast to resist diverse stresses is the for- volume of fermented broth withdrawn to avoid the accumu-
mation of different protective compounds, such as trehal- lation of toxic metabolites. The cell mass was kept constant
ose[7] and glycerol.[6,8,9] One method to reduce carbon at 50 g/L for 13 days. Ethanol production rate increased
dioxide concentration is through fermentation under a par- from 7 g/Lh1 at atmospheric continuous conditions to 40 g/
tial vacuum; the reduced total pressure results in a low CO2 Lh under vacuum pressure. Continuous vacuum fermenta-
partial pressure, thus a lower amount of CO2 dissolved in tion was able to completely ferment a 33.4% glucose feed
the wort. media, whereas an atmospheric fermentation was not able to
Fermentation is a critical process to the brewing industry, do this.
in which the main goal is to use yeast to convert sugars into Ramalingham and Finn[14] compared a batch fermenta-
ethanol and carbon dioxide.[10] Around 1854, Louis Pasteur tion at atmospheric and using vacuum conditions. Similar to
began researching on fermentation,[11] and by the end of the previous research, this research included the removal of

CONTACT Andrew J. MacIntosh

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Presented at the 2018 ASBC Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
ß 2019 American Society of Brewing Chemists, Inc.

alcohol from the fermentor, maintaining a constant level of propagated in a 5 L bioreactor prior to pitching into the
alcohol below 6% by volume. Their study concluded that the 130 L primary fermentor. Fifteen to twenty samples were
yeast growth rate during the exponential phase did not differ taken throughout the fermentations and extract, pH, etha-
when fermenting under either condition. However, vacuum nol, number of yeast cells in suspension, and viability were
fermentation resulted in a higher cell density than atmos- assessed. Each attribute was modeled and statistically com-
pheric fermentation. Under vacuum pressure, the cell density pared to determine if any difference between fermentation
was one to one-half times higher than at one atmosphere. pressures occurred. The overall experimental preparation is
Also, the extract fell faster, reaching a higher cell density outlined in Figure 1.
under vacuum pressure than atmospheric conditions. This
study also mentioned that the removal of alcohol led to better
Media (wort)
sugar utilization. It is noteworthy that this study did not con-
trol the acclimation of yeast with oxygen. The wort used for this research was based upon an experi-
Literature has emphasized the importance of oxygen dur- mental lager wort recipe as described in Table 1. The time
ing a fermentation process, related to the formation of ster- and temperatures used during the mash are presented in
ols and fatty acids.[14] Cysewski and Wilke[13] concluded Table 2. Hops were added to the boil in two parts: Hallertau
that dissolved oxygen promoted the rate of fermentation. Hersbruckera was added 20 min after boiling was initiated.
Although it was not clearly defined as the mechanism, this Additional Hallertau Hersbruckerb was added at the end of
is very likely due to the growth of new yeast cells, as well as the boil (70 min after the first addition). UK Pale Ale
the formation of protective compounds. Their study (Propino) 2 row, and Rahr standard 6 row malt were uti-
included the use of air instead of oxygen, resulting in a lized in this research and were provided by Muntons plc.,
reduced rate of ethanol production. However, the literature and BSG Inc., while Hallertau Hersbrucker hops were
discussed did not represent a conventional brewing operation from Yakima Chief Hops (YCH) and flaked rice was from
system, since it was more focused on a semi-continuous or Briess Malt & Ingredients Co., and were purchased from
continuous fermentation. Therefore, it is possible that the Hoggetowne Ale Works in Gainesville, FL. The water used
process of manipulating pressure can be used as a practical for this research was filtered and sterilized using Impact LC
modification for industrial brewing fermentations (thus Series commercial reverse osmosis equipment (IWP water
increasing the rate of fermentation), provided the oxygen systems, Austin, TX) with an UV lamp attached.
requirements for the yeast are optimized, and a simple pro-
cess for the removal of CO2 from the headspace is developed.
The objective of this research was to evaluate and study Yeast rehydration and propagation
the behavior of yeast within the high gravity lager wort fer- A dried Saccharomyces pastorianus strain, commercially des-
mentation under vacuum pressure (24.1 kPa) compared to ignated “Diamond Lager” Active Dry Yeast (ADY), was used
normal fermentations (101.3 kPa). Specifically, to determine in this study. Multiple packages containing the same pro-
the effect upon ethanol production, number of yeast cells in duction lot were provided directly by Lallemand Inc. These
suspension, and viability of cells, in order to assess the feasi- were stored under refrigeration at 4  C, in their supplied
bility of using this technology in the brewing and industrial packages, prior to use. Survival of yeast during rehydration
fermentation industry. To accomplish the objective, this and storage is determined by many factors such as: osmotic
study controlled the temperature and pressure of a 30 L pilot pressure, temperature, and the medium.[15] Therefore, the
fermentation at several extract concentrations, while moni- rehydration and propagation procedures are vital to reduce
toring attributes such as: extract, pH, number of yeast cells variability between fermentations and these were carefully
in suspension, viability, and ethanol concentration. controlled to ensure a consistent inoculum for the fermenta-
tion trials. The ADY was rehydrated at 25  C for 1 h as per
the method described by Jenkins et a1.[16] After rehydration,
approximately 15  106 yeast cells per mL were pitched into
In order to assess the effect of vacuum pressure on typical a 5 L BioFloV R 310 Benchtop Bioreactor for 48 h of propaga-

brewing fermentations, conditions were mimicked as closely tion at 20  C. Air was supplied to the bioreactor with a con-
as possible over a series of pilot scale fermentations, within stant flowrate and 100% relative humidity, while a constant
a vacuum rated 130 L fermentor. The experiment was agitation of 100 rpm was maintained. The main objective of
designed to run three duplicates of vacuum and control fer- this process was to promote yeast growth under aerobic
mentations, six runs in total at 14.5 P ± 0.5 P (each run conditions, the number of yeast cells, yeast viability, pH
took 1.5 weeks including propagation and cleaning). drop and extract reduction rate were monitored. Figure 2
Sufficient wort was created for a control and vacuum fer- shows the yeast cells in suspension and viability data during
mentation from each mash. After pitching, these worts came propagation, prior to each fermentation run.
to 14 P, 14.5 P and 15 P. Therefore, the six experiments
were performed in alternating pairs (initial run at 14 P, first
control then vacuum; second run at 14.5 P, first vacuum
then control; final run at 15 P, first control then vacuum.). The primary fermentation was completed in an Applikon
For these fermentations, dried yeast was rehydrated and BioPlot 130 L cylindroconical fermentor. A condenser was

Figure 1. Process description for creation of experimental wort for control and vacuum fermentations.

Table 1. Experimental lager wort recipe. Table 2. Process applied to make lager wort.
Ingredients Quantity Process Temperature Time
Malted barley Mashing 65  C 90 min
2-row (Muntons - Propino) 14.37 kg 79  C 10 min
6-row (Rahr - standard 6 row) 14.37 kg Lautering 79  C
Adjunct Boiling Phase 1 Boiling point 20 min
American flaked rice (Briess) 9.61 kg Phase 2 Boiling point 70 min
Hallertau Hersbruckera 147.91 g
Hallertau Hersbruckerb 295.83 g 101.3 kPa and 24.3 kPa respectively; both at 15  C, until the
Mashing water 160.00 L
lowest extract content was reached. Temperature and pres-
Lautering water 40.00 L sure were controlled to ±0.5  C and ±3.5 kPa, while pH, dis-
First addition of hops to the boiling process (Phase 1). solved oxygen, extract, ethanol concentration, yeast cells in
Second addition of hops to the boiling process (Phase 2). suspension and yeast viability were monitored via intermit-
tent sampling.
attached to the top of the tank and connected to the vacuum
line during vacuum fermentations. The condenser was main- Wort sampling procedure
tained at 4  C during fermentations to retain evaporated
volatile ethanol to the fermentation during vacuum fermen- Control and vacuum fermentations were sampled (100 mL)
tation. A 30 L portion of 16.5 P wort was poured into the at appropriate intervals to assess the monitored fermentation
fermentor and diluted to three different extract concentra- attributes. An initial sample of fermenting wort was taken
tions (14.0 P, 14.5 P and 15 P). Diluted wort was oxygen- 30 min after pitching, to guarantee a good distribution and
ated until fully saturated using an inner bubbler (sparge) adaptation of the inoculum. Vacuum fermentation samples
and agitation at 100 rpm. The pitching rate was controlled at were taken by applying a vacuum pressure to the sample
15x106 viable cells per mL and mixed at 100 rpm for 5 min port, lower than the internal pressure of the tank, thus
to homogenize. The timing of the vacuum application was ensuring that there was no increase of pressure and air con-
an important attribute due to the oxygen requirements of tamination to the tank. A 5 mL aliquot of the fermenting
yeast during fermentation. Thus, the vacuum was not media was separated for cell count and viability determin-
applied until the oxygen had been fully depleted. The dis- ation of the yeast. The rest of the sample was degassed and
solved oxygen within the wort was monitored, and the vac- filtered immediately after the pH measurement. The samples
uum applied 12 h after pitching for each fermentation. were partially degassed by shaking in a tightly sealed tube,
Control and vacuum fermentations were then carried out at unscrewing the lid to relieve the pressure until no more gas

Figure 2. Yeast propagation under aerobic conditions and at 20  C, prior to each fermentation. (A) for fermentation at 14 P, (B) for fermentation at 14.5 P, (C) for
fermentation at 15 P. (-) Cells in suspension and (- -) viability.

was released (approximately 3 times). Finally, the degassed Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) Yeast-14 method
sample was vacuum filtered, using 1 g of diatomaceous earth (Equation 1). The amplitude of this model described the
(DE) per 100 mL of sample. The filtered degassed sample maximum quantity of yeasts in suspension during the fer-
was then assessed using the Anton-Paar ALEX 500 to deter- mentation. It also incorporated the Heaviside function to
mine the ethanol and extract concentration. account for the final yeast population[19], when the yeast
was not removed via cold crash. The amplitude of the Step
model was selected for the statistical analysis of significant
Measured attributes: yeast cell in suspension, viability,
differences with respect the maximum number of suspended
extract, ethanol, and pH determination
yeast cells. The Step model is described as follows:
Yeast cells were counted after rehydration, and throughout  tl 2
both propagation and fermentation, based upon the method 12 r !
ð1þHðtÞ SÞ
e A
described by the American Society of Brewing Chemists PðtÞ ¼ A þ A (1)
(ASBC) Yeast-4. A hemocytometer with a cover slip was 1 þ HðtÞ S ð1 þ SÞHðtÞ
used for cell collection and the cells were observed through
where P(t) is the cells in suspension at a specific time (t),
a microscope with at 400 magnification (combining a 40
A is the amplitude, m is the midpoint, r is the width factor.
objective lens and 10 eyepiece). Yeast viability was assessed
H(t) is the Heaviside step function and S modifies the height
using Painting and Kirsop’s[17] methylene blue technique.
of the step in this function.
The methylene blue technique is commonly accepted in the
The Sigmodal 5P model was used to describe the extract,
industry to assess viability. However, it should be noted that
ethanol content and pH drop throughout the fermentation.
the accuracy of this technique is significantly reduced when
The slope of the Sigmoidal 5P model was selected for the
viability is less than 90%.[18] Methylene blue was used in
analysis of the extract and ethanol production rates during
this research due to its simplicity, prevalence in industry,
control and vacuum fermentations. Propagation data was
and as the viability throughout the fermentation was
expected to be higher than 90%. analyzed using this model. The sigmoidal 5P model is
An AccumetV R AB15 pH meter was used to determine the
described as follows:
pH measurements. Thirty mL of degassed and filtered sam- Pi  Pe
PðtÞ ¼ Pe þ (2)
ple was used per test to determine extract, measuring the ð1 þ s eBðtMÞ Þ s

density based on the oscillating U-tube technology using an

Anton-Paar DMA35. Ethanol concentration was calculated where P(t) is a function in term of a specific time (t), Pi
based upon the ASBC Beer-4: Alcohol part C, then con- is the upper asymptote of the curve, Pe is the lower asymp-
firmed using an Anton-Paar ALEX 500 through an absorp- tote of the curve, M is the time of the inflection point of the
tion measurement via Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) curve, B is the slope, which can also be considered as the
spectroscopy. rate factor of the curve, and s modifies the shape of the
curve around the inflection point.
Statistical analysis
Two models were used for the data analysis, a Step model
(Equation 1) and the Sigmoidal five-parameter (5P) model Experimental data was subjected to statistical analysis using
(Equation 2). Due to the high sampling frequency, the Step GraphPad Prism version 8.00 for Windows, GraphPad
model described the number of yeast cells in suspension Software, La Jolla, CA, The level of sig-
during the fermentation more accurately than previously nificance used to determine differences was established at
discussed methods such as those described in the American 5%. The models adjusted to the data collected during the

control and vacuum fermentations were fitted with a 95% The final count of the yeast cells in suspension over the
confidence interval. propagation was 155.25 ± 16.98  106 cells per mL; this rep-
resented a 10-fold increase. No significant differences at P
value  0.05 were found between the propagations per-
Results and discussion
formed prior each fermentation with respect to the previ-
Rehydration and propagation of yeast prior to ously mentioned attributes. The data collected during the
fermentation propagations are shown in Figure 2. Thus, through consist-
ent propagation techniques, there was no significant differ-
After initial rehydration, yeast viability was measured to be
ence in the inoculum used for the vacuum fermentations
43.52 ± 12.84%. This low percentage of viable yeast was likely
and atmospheric controls.
due to the stress applied to the ADY during drying and
given the low accuracy of methylene blue at low viabilities,
this number is likely not accurate. Regardless, this initially Vacuum and control fermentation
low number showed a need to improve the viability of the
yeast prior to the fermentation. Therefore, a 48 h propaga- Yeast cells in suspension
tion was applied and yeast viability increased to The effect of partial vacuum pressure applied to yeast cells
92.83 ± 2.72%. Although 93% viability was not ideal, the ini- in suspension during fermentation compared to the control
tial viability was consistent among the trials, reducing any process is shown in Figures 3–5. Under partial vacuum pres-
potential variability that could originate from this attribute. sure, higher numbers of yeast cells in suspension were

Figure 3. Yeast cells in suspension throughout a 14 P, 14.5 P and 15 P fermentation at 15  C. Vacuum conditions at 24.1 kPa (v) and atmospheric conditions at
101.3 kPa (c).

Figure 4. Extract and ethanol concentration throughout a 14 P, 14.5 P and 15 P fermentation at 15  C. Vacuum conditions at 24.1 kPa (v) and atmospheric
conditions at 101.3 kPa (c).

Figure 5. Direct comparison of control (A) versus vacuum (B) fermentation at 15 P, with respect to five fermentation attributes (extract, pH, ethanol concentration,
viability and yeast cells in suspension).

Table 3. Summary of statistical results from fermentations.

Original extract Model Treatment Model fit R2 P value Null hypothesis Conclusion
Cells in suspension
14 P Step model Control 0.8856 0.0266 Yeast cells in suspension are the same Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9942 for control and vacuum fermentation
14.5 P Step model Control 0.8856 0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9294
15 P Step model Control 0.9351 <0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.8988
Attenuation rate
14 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9992 0.0086 Attenuation rate is the same Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9967 for control and vacuum fermentation

14.5 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9978 <0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9947
15 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9990 <0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9991
Ethanol production rate
14 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9993 0.0106 Ethanol production rate is the same Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9967 for control and vacuum fermentation
14.5 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9978 <0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9949
15 P Sigmoidal Control 0.9990 <0.0001 Reject null hypothesis
Vacuum 0.9991

measured as compared to atmospheric conditions; a 15% at 91.22 ± 3.75% and rose to 97.54 ± 1.02% at the end of the
increase for the 14 P wort, 25% for the 14.5 P wort, and fermentation. This yeast viability trend was greater com-
100% for the 15 P wort. Table 3 shows how the Step model pared to the vacuum viability trend reported by
(Equation 2) fitted the yeast data collected based upon the Ramalingham and Finn.[14] They found a decreasing viabil-
coefficient of determination (R2), and the P value for the ity trend and theorized that this was due to the accumula-
comparison of the models between the vacuum experiment tion of nonvolatile metabolites, a common problem with
and atmospheric control. This result is similar to that found continuous and semi-continuous fermentations, regardless of
by Ramalingham and Finn,[14] where an increase of pressure. Normally, pH reduces during fermentation due to
100–150% of the cell density was observed under vacuum the yeast’s production of carbon dioxide and the yeast’s
pressure compared to atmospheric in a continuous (non- secretion of organic acids.[6,20] The pH throughout both
brewing) fermentation. It was also found that the increase in control and vacuum fermentations was measured as
yield of yeast cells in suspension under vacuum pressure described at each sampling interval. It decreased as expected
throughout the fermentation process was proportional to the and its slope showed no significant difference between the
original extract level (initial fermentable sugar concentra- vacuum and the control fermentations. This was likely due
tion). There were significant differences between each con- to the fact that the carbonic acid (at a higher concentration
trol and vacuum fermentation at the three original extract in the atmospheric fermentation) did not significantly con-
levels measured, and none between duplicate experiments. tribute to the pH of the wort, as compared to the produc-
tion of organic acids.
Yeast viability and pH drop
Yeast viability was measured during vacuum and control Extract and ethanol concentration
fermentations and increased over each process. A rising The extract and ethanol concentrations throughout the fer-
trend was observed in both vacuum and control fermenta- mentations under vacuum and atmospheric conditions are
tions. The viability of the yeast in each fermentation started shown in Figure 4. The rate of extract reduction under the

vacuum fermentation was greater in every trial than the that the carbon dioxide could be impacting the yeast as dis-
controls (at atmospheric pressure), thus increasing the rate solved molecular CO2, carbonic acid, HCO3, CO32, or as
of ethanol production when vacuum was applied. The total physical bubbles influencing the yeast cell, and further cap-
reduction in the fermentation time, when fermenting acity to release intracellular CO2. Due to the increased num-
under vacuum, was found to be 15%, 20% and 30% lower ber of cells in suspension, it is hypothesized that this
than that of the control process, using extracts of 14 P, research could be applied to very high extract fermenta-
14.5 P and 15 P, respectively. The removal of CO2 and the tions (>20 P).
higher number of yeast cells in suspension under vacuum, In summary, fermentation under vacuum pressure was
is the hypothesized mechanism for the higher observed completed on a pilot scale, using an experimental wort. The
rates of fermentation. Vacuum fermentation showed a results of this study are immediately applicable for distilla-
higher extract reduction and ethanol production rates tion and bioethanol production, where the profiles of aro-
compared to atmospheric pressure. Similar to the max- mas and flavors are not of major importance compared to
imum number of yeast cells in suspension discussed previ- the speed and efficiency of the process. To be utilized within
ously, these rates appeared to be directly proportional to the brewing industry, additional research on volatile and
the original extract (initial fermentable sugar concentra- sensory changes are necessary, as well as modifications to
tion). There were significant differences between the con- trap escaping volatiles from the vacuum apparatus. This
trol and vacuum fermentation with respect to the extract technology has the potential to significantly increase fermen-
reduction rate and with respect the ethanol production tation efficiency, if the sensory characteristics and quality of
rate at the three original extracts performed. Table 3 the product are not negatively affected by the process.
shows how the Sigmoidal 5 P model (Equation 2) fitted the Future work will assess fermentations under high pressure,
data collected based upon the coefficient of determination as well as examine the impact upon the sensory and volatiles
(R2) and the P value obtained in each trial. A direct com- present during vacuum fermentation.
parison of vacuum versus control fermentation at 15 P is
shown in Figure 5. Note
Previous research conducted on the application of vac-
uum during yeast fermentation has been more focused on 1. g/Lh: grams per liter per hour (g/liter-h).
semi-continuous or continuous processes. These processes
are less applicable to brewing industries, as they normally
operate on daily schedules. However, under vacuum pres- Acknowledgments
sure, Ramalingham and Finn[14] observed a production of The authors would like to acknowledge Lallemand Inc. and Muntons
ethanol 5-times higher than at atmospheric pressure. This plc. for their kind donations of yeast and malt, respectively, used
study shows that similar results can be attained by the brew- throughout this research.
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