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MIS Assignment 2: AUBG Corporate Consultants

Handout Date: Week beginning 28th February 2022
Hand in Date: 23.59 19th April 2022


AUBG Corporate Consultants (ACC) is a start-up company operating out of Sofia. The
company consists of a small team of ‘Business/Technology’ type advisors that specialise in
giving guidance to companies of every size on the way various categories of information
systems can assist organizations in achieving their goals. They are particularly adept at
providing critical information on Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP), Customer
Relationship Management Systems (CRM), Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM),
Accounting Information Systems and other similar applications. They also provide advice on
‘Cloud Technology’ and ‘Outsourcing’.

To facilitate potential client communication ACC has decided to create a Google Form that
will be posted on various websites enabling interested parties to contact ACC with a view to
engaging in a potential consultation.

Task 1: You are required to use Google Forms to create a contact form for ACC
advice/consultations with the following fields/sections:

1) Customer Name: Short Answer 1 mark

2) Customer ID Short Answer 1 mark

(For the purpose of this assignment – assume that your Customer ID is already
created for you by the host website. We will assume that it is made up of the first
two characters of the Customer Name and the last three digits of their phone

3) Date Date Type 1 mark

4) Contact mail: Short Answer 1 mark

5) Phone Number: Short Answer 1 mark

6) A multiple-choice grid section as laid out in the following screenshot: 3 marks


7) A paragraph section enabling potential customers to enter any other information or

requirements. See below:

1 mark

8) You are required to include a link wherein you can send a copy of any of the
submitted order forms to a corresponding Google sheet. You will then fill your
Google consultation order forms with 10 individual consultation orders – thus
populating your connecting Google sheet with appropriate information.
1 mark

Task 2: The linked Google sheet to Task 1 data will carry out the following operations. It
will calculate:

I) The total number of Zoom consultations using the CountIF function.

2 marks

II) The total number of Onsite consultations using the CountIF function.
2 marks

III) The total value of the Zoom consultations using formula in conjunction with the
Sum function.
2 marks

IV) The total value of the Onsite consultations using formula in conjunction with the
Sum function. 2 marks

V) The average consultation value per client using the Average function.
2 marks

Task 3: The Google assignment Sheet ‘MIS 2’ in Canvas contains 8 worksheets containing
various blocks of data and associated sub-tasks. You will use the data embedded in this
Google Sheet to demonstrate the use of:

a) Name & Filter 2

b) Sparklines & Google Script 3
c) A ‘Pivot’ Table 3
d) The ‘Forecast’ Function 3
e) Goal Seek 4
f) IF, AND, OR 5
g) Macros 5
h) The VLookup Function; 5
30 Marks

Task 4: Report

ACC has been recruited by a local chamber of commerce with the express task of explaining
to the local business community as to the nature of the technologies listed to below.

i) Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)

ii) Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)
iii) Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)
iv) Cloud Technology

You are required to write a report in the form of a critical review evaluating the nature of
such technologies. The report should also be structured wherein the following aspects are
considered in the event of the organisation choosing to adopt any of these technologies:

a) The business case for such technologies.

b) The potential security threats/risks that can be encountered when employing or
implementing such technologies.
c) The potential role of change management should an organisation/user decide to
adopt an ERP and/or a CRM or SCM.

Your report will:

 Have an introduction and a conclusion.

 Ensure that all quotes etc are fully referenced. Please note - The references must be
referenced using either the APA or Harvard referencing system.
 Have a word count of about 1500 (1450 – 1550) words. The report word count does
not, include the attached references.
50 marks

Research Centre:

1) Access to demo Customer Relationship Management System

2) Videos in Canvas demonstrating how to use the espocrm application.

3) Intelligent Customer Relationship Management (iCRM)

4) Lidl Inventory System – Case Study

5) Top 10 Computer Security Threats to Business IT in 2021

6) Videos in Canvas demonstrating how to use Google Forms

7) Videos in Canvas demonstrating how to use various Google Sheet tools.

8) MIS CRM SCM ERP.pptx slide in the Management Information Systems Lessons

9) CRM SCM ERP video in the course video folder in Canvas

Marking Scheme

Task 1: You will create an appropriate form with the sections/fields as outlined above.

All fields created as required: 10 marks (One mark per field/section). 10 marks

Task 2: You will create an appropriate Google Sheet connecting to the Google Form created
in Task 1.

You will receive full marks for each completed worksheet calculation – and up to 50% of the
mark for each partially completed worksheet calculation. 10 marks

Task 3: You will ensure that the individual worksheet tasks in the MIS 2 workbook will have
been completed as required.

You will receive full marks for each completed task – and up to 50% of the mark for each
partially completed task. 30 marks

Task 4: You will ensure the report is well written and fully focused.

Efficacy of report 40 marks

(Quality of Argument – This concerns the degree of coherence and context contained within
the report – 20 Marks)

(Quality of Material – This concerns the nature of the material and relevancy of the material
included - 20 Marks)

Presentation of report 10 marks

(English/Layout – 5 Marks)
(References – 5 Marks)
Total marks 100

Submission Details:
Please Note: You will need to share your Google Form and your Google Sheets with me (The
Professor). The email you will use is

You will submit your assignment report inside Turnitin in Canvas. Besides the report, the
document will contain the following three Google links. These are:

1) A URL link to your Google Form as in Task 1

2) A URL link to the associated Google Sheet for Task 2

3) A URL link to the Google Sheet for Task 3 (You will load up your MIS 2 Sheet in
Canvas and complete the tasks in Google Sheets for Task 3) and

Submission deadlines:

The deadline for this submission is by 23.59 Tuesday 19th April 2022.

If you fail to meet this deadline – you can submit up till 23.59 on Thursday 21st April 2021,
but you will lose 25% of your marks! A failure to meet this final submission date could
(depending on the circumstances) result in zero marks for the assignment.

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