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2nd Semester, School Year 2021 - 2022

NAME: MARTINEZ, REYMART M. Score: ________

Course, Year & Section: BPED 1 – C Date: 03/18/2022

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Answer the following questions within the given time frame. Once
accomplished, submit and send your file in PDF/Word/JPEG etc format via messenger: Kyel J.
Padilla. Please name your file as follows: SURNAME_COURSE&SECTION_MEGECC108a
(e.g. PADILLA_BSE1-2_MEGECC108a)

I. COLLAGE MAKING. Design a collage according to what is asked below:

1. Using the stratigraphic conception as a concept, come up with a collage or a

collection of different things from you that of great significance, and explain how such specific
thing contributes to the over-all development of your self-understanding. The objects or things
that you will use should be related or have a connection to the given systems (e.g. a picture
showing you and your friends which could be under the social systems, or your make up kit that
could be under the physical system, etc). – 20 pts.

Sports under the physical system. Having self-control is

the ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid
undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-
term goals. It is shown that possessing self-control can be
important for health and well-being. It also covers how to improve
yourself and your ability to manage your behavior and resist
temptation. And the common goals such as exercising regularly,
eating healthy, not procrastinating, giving up bad habits, and
saving money are just a few worthwhile ambitions that require

II. COMPARE AND CONTRAST. Provide comparisons among the Eastern and Western thoughts by
filling out the given parameter. - 10 pts.

Filipino Hinduism Confucianism Taoism Buddhism

Eastern Eastern - Eastern – is Eastern - Eastern -
*Duality – you Fundamental to concerned with Taoism holds Buddhism
are distinct Hinduism is the the principles of that humans and encourages its
View on from other belief in a good conduct, animals should people to avoid
Self persons. cosmic practical live in balance self-indulgence
*Talk about principle of wisdom, and with the Tao, or but also self-
personal ultimate reality proper the universe. denial.
attributes. called brahman relationships. Taoists believe Buddha's most
* Individualistic and its identity in spiritual important
– focus on the with the Western – immortality, teachings,
person. individual soul, The worldly where the spirit known as The
* Values or atman. All concern of of the body joins Four Noble
competition creatures go Confucianism the universe Truths, are
*Values through a cycle rests upon the after death essential to
equality. of rebirth, or belief that understanding
samsara, which human beings Western - Taoist the religion.

REV. 00 (07.15.2020)

Western can be broken are theology can be Buddhists

*Other person only by spiritual fundamentally defined as embrace the
are part of self-realization, good, and apophatic, given concepts of
yourself. after which teachable, its philosophical karma (the law
*Talk about liberation, or improvable, and emphasis on the of cause and
their social moksha, is perfectible formlessness effect) and
roles. attained. through and unknowable reincarnation
*Keeps a low personal and nature of the (the continuous
profile and Western - communal Tao, and the cycle of
avoid Outside endeavor, primacy of the rebirth).
boastfulness. traditional especially self- "Way" rather
*Collective - forms of home cultivation and than Western -
groups and altars, temple self-creation. anthropomorphi Buddhism in
social relations worship, and Confucian c concepts of the West (or
are more festivals, there thought focuses God. This is one more narrowly
important. are many ways on the of the core Western
*Values in which cultivation of beliefs that Buddhism)
cooperation. Hinduism has virtue in a nearly all the broadly
*Values influenced morally sects share. encompasses
hierarchy. American organised the knowledge
culture. The world. and practice of
guru Buddhism
movements outside of Asia
that flourished in the Western
in the world.
countercultural Occasional
spiritual intersections
experimentatio between
n of the long Western
decade of the civilization and
1960s continue the Buddhist
to draw world have
followers today. been occurring
for thousands
of years.

III. Photo evaluation. 10 pts each.

1. Using the given pictures below, what do you think the picture implies in relation to the given topics
in each picture and what is its significance in the understanding of the self?

a. Reality b. Grandiose Self c. Cohesive Self

REV. 00 (07.15.2020)

 Reality – Perception is reality: the looking glass self. Were reality is a result of looking into oneself.
A separate self is the result of interactions within oneself, and the self is the only kind of reality
there is otherwise. The looking-glass self describes the process wherein individuals base their
sense of self on how they believe others view them. Using social interaction as a type of “mirror,”
people use the judgments they receive from others to measure their own worth, values, and
behavior. In this way, society and individuals are not separate, but rather two complementary
aspects of the same phenomenon.
 Cohesive Self - Having a grandiose sense of self-importance is a defining characteristic of NPD.
People with NPD have a sense of superiority over others. It is not always obvious that someone
with NPD feels superior to others. Some people with NPD appear confident and self-important,
whereas others may appear to be insecure and self-deprecating. In both cases, however, the
person firmly believes they are better than others. They may insist on having the best of everything
or reject things that they feel are beneath them, such as a mundane job. Those with NPD may
exaggerate or lie about their achievements.
 Cohesive Self - A cohesive self refers to the stable sense of one’s identity. An individual’s cohesive
self is one that is stable and remains so even when faced with threats to one’s identity. Although
the term has been used in many ways, it is derived from psychoanalytic theory. From that
standpoint, the cohesive self is one that is deemed as developing in early childhood and
manifested later in life.

IV. What’s in a Name? – 10 pts.

1. Given the initials of your name, come up with a description of your private self, public self and
collective self which you think are the MOST TRUE together with your reflection on how these
constitute to your clearer understanding of yourself.

D – Demanding. (Collective self)
A – Ang gwapo at ang yummy (Public self)
N – Nerd (Private self)

Reflection: ………….

R – Romantic (Public self)
E – Energetic (Public self)
Y - Young (Public self)
M – Moody (Private self)
A – Adventurous (Collective self)
R – Real friend (Public self)
T – Talkative (Collective self)

V. ESSAY. Explain substantially. – 10 pts.

1. “We are only able to understand thy self by virtue of being a part of a larger social
 Every journey has its own obstacles. Whether we are leading the path
towards success, or the path towards happiness. Oftentimes, these two are
intertwined, and for many people, they mean the same thing. There is no

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success without happiness, or at least it does not mean anything to us. And
the other way around, if you are happy, you’ve also succeeded in life.
However, not all people can brag about this. Not every one of us can say
that he or she is happy and successful in the long term. For this to happen,
you need to work hard, and even more importantly, you need to work on
yourself and get to know your feelings and needs better. It’s so common for
people trying to figure out what they want, and what they really need in life.
Unfortunately, sometimes we forget how important this is for our entire well-
being, and what an immense value it holds in understanding others. To
understand yourself and others is a virtue, one that is not given to you, but
one in which you need to put effort into obtaining. But how does one do it?
There are many questions correlated to this that I want to appoint, and I
believe they will lead to a “conclusion” on how one can understand others
through understanding oneself, and why it matters so much in life.

REV. 00 (07.15.2020)

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