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Past Simple

(Regular verbs)
1. Write the Past Simple of the following verbs.
study ___________________ finish __________________ work ____________________
arrive ___________________ realise ___________________ laugh ___________________
stop ____________________ enjoy ____________________ stay _____________________
love _____________________ tidy _____________________ kiss _____________________
live ____________________ wash____________________ switch ___________________
hate ____________________ rob______________________ start_____________________

2. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Susan __________________ (live) in New York when was young.

My teacher ____________________ (like) our presentations.
My mother ___________________ (study) French at school.
The student _______________ (close) the window because it was cold.
We _________________ (start) the new unit yesterday.
Peter________________ (join) the music lessons.

3. Change the following questions into the negative FULL form.

Susan liked the new movie.
Mary arrived at home late.
Tim tidied his room.
We stopped to buy some milk.
My school hosted a graduation party.
The burglars robbed all the jewels.

4. Write questions for the following answers.

1.What ____________________________________?
I watched a movie.
2. What ___________________________________?
I visited the National Art Gallery.
3. Where ___________________________________?
She studied English at school.
4. When ___________________________________?
He stopped smoking a year ago.
5. Did ____________________________________?
Yes, I liked the movie.


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