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Dirección General de Educación Superior



Semestre Agosto 2018 - Febrero 2019
Datos de identificación de la materia

Tipo de curso: ( ) Modular (X) Asignatura Semestre: 3 Grupo(s): B 1-

Materia: INGLÉS III - Nivel B1-

Profesor(a) de la materia: Castillo Llamas Anabel Iveth

Horas semanales

Créditos Total de horas de la materia Bajo la conducción de un académico Trabajo independiente

4 4 3 1

Evaluación parcial 1º Evaluación 2º Evaluación

¿Será obligatorio el 80% de asistencia
para tener derecho a evaluaciones (X) Sí ( ) No Fecha 05/10/2018 05/12/2018
Unidad(es) que contempla I II

Evaluación Ordinaria Extraordinaria Regularización

Fecha probable 14/12/2018 14/01/2019 25/01/2019

Propósitos de la materia

Can interact with reasonable ease in structured situations and short conversations, provided the other person helps if necessary.
Can manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort; can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in
predictable everyday situations.
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters to do with work
and free time. Can handle very short social exchanges but is rarely able to understand enough to keep conversation going of his/her own accord.
Can write short, simple formulaic notes relating to matters in areas of immediate need.
Can understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language
Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items.
Can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.
Can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local
geography, employment) provided speech is clearly and slowly articulated.

Competencias o elementos del perfil del egresado a que contribuye la materia

The Curriculum Objective of the English Language Program is: to develop in students the ability to use foreign languages to communicate and
interact in intercultural environments appropriately.

Nivel de dominio Descripción del nivel Equivalencia numérica

The student is able to understand frequently used phrases and

expressions related to areas of experience that are especially relevant to
him (basic information about himself and his family, shopping, places of
interest, occupations, etc.). He knows how to communicate perfectly
Sobresaliente when carrying out simple and everyday tasks that require nothing more 9.5 a 10
than simple and direct exchanges of information on matters that are
familiar or habitual to him. He can describe in simple terms and without
any difficulty, aspects of his past and his environment, as well as issues
related to his immediate needs.
The student is able to understand frequently used phrases and
expressions related to areas of experience that are especially relevant to
him (basic information about himself and his family, shopping, places of
interest, occupations, etc.). He knows how to communicate, although
Competente with some difficulty when carrying out simple and everyday tasks that 8.0 a 9.4
require only simple and direct exchanges of information on matters that
are familiar or habitual to him. He can make descriptions in simple terms
and make some simple mistakes when talking about aspects of his past
and his environment, as well as issues related to his immediate needs.

The student understands some frequently used phrases and expressions

related to areas of expertise that are especially relevant to him (basic
information about himself and his family, shopping, places of interest,
occupations, etc.). He knows how to communicate, with a certain
Suficiente difficulty, to carry out simple and daily tasks that require nothing more 6.0 a 7.9
than simple and direct exchanges of information on matters that are
familiar or habitual to him. He can describe in simple terms and make
several mistakes that may cause misunderstanding, aspects of his past
and his environment, as well as issues related to his immediate needs.

He is not able to understand frequently used phrases and expressions

related to areas of experience that are especially relevant to him (basic
information about himself and his family, shopping, places of interest,
occupations, etc.). He cannot communicate when carrying out simple and
No competente Menor a 6.0
everyday tasks that require only simple and direct exchanges of
information on issues that are familiar or habitual. He is not able to
describe the aspects of his past and his environment, nor issues related
to his immediate needs.

Unidad(es) que contempla

Nombre de la unidad I: Let´s talk a little

Resultados de aprendizaje

1. Can explain their view on the differences of general and current actions of geography, climate, or current topics
2. Can describe different preferred things like food, sports, activities, etc.
3. Can talk about personal experiences.
4. Can briefly talk to new people using general icebreaker themes by adapting previously learned phrases.

Período de desarrollo de la unidad: 13/08/2018 - 05/10/2018

Estrategias didácticas y experiencias de aprendizaje bajo la conducción de un

Contenidos a desarrollar
Study grammar in context
Formulating questions
Fill in the blanks
Writing Sentences
Completing sentences
Sharing sentences
Reviewing through questions
Role play
Grammar activities (complementary activities)
Fill in the blanks
Look and describe
Read and describe
Write sentences
Compare answers with partners
Study the word bank of the unit
Listen and talk
Listen and fill in
Listen and write
Listen and repeat
Listen and choose
Repeating what the reading said
Underline the sounds that link together
Listen and explain
Role-play: describe the geography, climate and food people usually eat
Verb tense review: Simple present tense vs. present continuous tense
World English communication activities
I eat rice.
Pre-reading: look at the title of the article and explain how the reading is organized
She’s cooking fish now.
While-reading: Read and circle unknown words
Simple past tens (regular and irregular)
Fill in the blanks
We learned how to make pizza yesterday
After reading: make a list of foods
Geographical regions
Role-play and talk about food
Practice reading skills: looking for the topic, looking for the main idea, pattern of
Food staples
Focused listening
Fill in the blank with information of the e-mail
An interview: rice farming.
Write about advice for a student that’s coming to visit their country
Comparing different regions: discussing their climate and food.
Note: Provide students with a model before asking them to write
Linking sounds: the final consonant followed by the vowel.
Analyzing paragraph structure
A slice of history
Writing program (complementary activities)
Responding to an e-mail
Pre: discussing adjectives from the box, answering questions with a partner
Forbidden fruit
While: Watch the video, fill in the blanks, match with the correct answer
Unit 2
Post: Complete the activity after watching it and communicate
Present perfect tense
Study grammar in context
has he traveled to many countries
Complete the sentences with present perfect
signal words: yet, already, ever, never
have you ever eaten Indian food?
Review grammar chart yet, already, ever, never
Culture, communication, and gestures
Complete the conversation
Small talk
Practice the conversations in groups
Listening for a general understanding
about a special celebration or festival
Conversation: small talk
Grammar activities (complementary activities)
Talking about what you have or haven’t done
Look at the picture and describe
Making small talk
Relate the words with their meaning
Pronunciation: have or has vs. contractions
Compare answers with partners
Taking pictures of the world
Point out expression in the word focus box: small talk
Writing opinions
Study the word bank of the unit
Orangutan language
Listening to a conversation
Listen and circle
Listen and repeat
Listen and check
Listen and repeat
Talk to a partner: what you have or haven’t done
Review information about the small talk
Role-play: a small conversation with a stranger
World English communication activities
Pre-reading: look at the pictures and describe it
Read and circle unknown words
While-reading: Read and circle true or false
After reading: compare answers with a partner
Practice reading skills: looking for the topic, looking for the main idea, the pattern of
Complete sentences: with their own ideas
Complete the paragraph
Complete the paragraph collectively with the students.
Analyzing paragraph structure
Writing program (complementary activities)
Pre: look up the words in bold
While: Watch the video and circle the answers
Watch the video and answer the questions
Post: Complete the activity after watching, and communicating
Actividades de trabajo independiente

Independent work will depend on the results of the diagnostic evaluation for each student. The following is a case of students whose results are at the lower end
of the assessment results:
• Elaboration of self-evaluation at the end of the term
The grade weight of the independent work is ___% of the term grade. (It is advised to be between 10 and 15%)

Bibliografía básica y recursos educativos para el desarrollo de la unidad

• Becky Tarver Chase; Martin Milner; Kristen L. Johannsen (late) (2015). World English 2nd Ed. Cengage Learning: Boston
• Murphy, R. (2012) Essential Grammar in Use. Spanish Edition. Cambridge University Press.
• Betty Azar. Basic English Grammar.
Class exercises and interactive material can be downloaded at no cost from

Criterios de desempeño

● Master the linguistic contents that will allow him to communicate in a basic way orally or written in the institutional examination.
● Show reflection on your learning process and work 5 hours extra class to achieve the objectives of the same.
● Make use of oral language elements appropriate to their level and context
● Understand short listening comprehension texts on topics reviewed in class.
● Expresses ideas in a short way and without using connectors, but with the correct use of the simple grammatical structure.

Evidencia / Instrumento Herramienta de calificación Ponderación

Institutional Exam 40

Listening LISTENING.pdf 10

Homework homework.pdf 10

Speaking Speaking-PI-FIE.pdf 20

Writing writing-rubric.pdf 20

Nombre de la unidad II: The place where I live

Resultados de aprendizaje

1. Describes his city or town and explains what makes a neighborhood good.
2. Expresses his opinion on an action plan to improve the city or neighborhood, makes predictions about the future.
3. Describes ways to be healthy by suggesting remedies.
4. Explains cause and effect by describing different lifestyles.

Período de desarrollo de la unidad: 06/10/2018 - 05/12/2018

Contenidos a desarrollar Estrategias didácticas y experiencias de aprendizaje bajo la conducción de un académico

Unit 3
Study grammar in context
Answer yes or no questions
Review information in the chart (future with will)
Complete the conversation
Write questions
Role-play: about the future of cities
Read and circle the answers
Compare answers with a partner
Grammar activities (complementary activities)
Look and describe the picture
Read and describe the text
Explain witch opinion they agree with and why
Complete the sentences
Study the word bank of the unit
Look and describe the picture
Listen to a radio interview
Listen and circle the correct answer
Listen and complete the sentences
Listen and compare the answers with a partner
Listen and answer the questions
Listen and repeat the answers
Practice with a partner
Categorize words and phrases
Discuss ideas on how to improve a neighborhood
Practice talk about their own neighborhood
World English communication activities
Pre-reading: look and describe the picture
2nd term
Review the word box
Unit 3
While-reading: Read and choose the correct answers
Compare answers with a partner
Future with will
After reading: read the problems and solutions
The city will be cleaner
Match the problems with the solutions
Will+ time clauses
Practice reading skills: looking for the topic, looking for the main idea, pattern of organization
I’ll check out the neighborhood before I rent an apartment
Write six ideas about the food in cities of the future
City life
Share and compare ideas
Complete the paragraph
Write a paragraph about predictions of the future
General and focused listening
Analysing paragraph structure
A radio interview: jardin nomade in Paris
Writing topic sentences, supporting details and concluding sentences of a paragraph
Discussing good and bad elements in a neighborhood
Writing program (complementary activities)
Predicting the future cities
Pre: look and describe the picture
Empathic stress
Read the video summary and look up word
How food shape our cities
While: watch the video and answer true or false
Writing a paragraph with predictions about cities in the future
Circle the correct answer
Post: make a list of important places in their city
Complete the activity after watching, and communicating
Unit 4
The comparatives, superlatives and equatives
Unit 4
Henry is healthier than his father
Study grammar in context
Infinitive of purpose
Review information in the box about comparatives, superlatives and equatives
You can drink tea with honey to help the sore throat
Fill the sentences with the correct form of the adjective
Human organs
Compare answers with partner
Parts of the body
Discussing opinions
Everyday ailments
Go over the information in the chart: infinitive of purpose
Focused listening
Matching answer with sentences
Discussions: Different lifestyles
Grammar activities (complementary activities)
Talking about food and exercise that are good for you
Name parts of the body
Suggesting easy remedies
Fill in the blanc with corresponding vocabulary
Linking with comparatives and superlatives
Listen and check words that you hear
Tiny invaders
Study the word bank of the unit
Writing an excuse for a sick child
Discussing questions with a partner
The human body
Listen to people talking about their health
Listen and answer the questions
Listen and compare answers with a partner
Interview a partner
Tell the class about their lifestyle
Listen and answer
Listen and repeat
Talk about food you know with a partner
Talk about health habits
Talk about the healthiest people you know
Role play: about remedies for fatigue
Talk about health problems
World English communication activities
Pre-reading: look and describe the picture
Talk to a partner about what actions can make you sick
While-reading: Read and answer true or false
Read and answer the questions
Read and compare answer with a partner
After reading: students talk about their experience
Practice reading skills: looking for the topic, looking for the main idea, pattern of organization
Write a message to your children’s teacher giving an excuse about your sick child
Give reasons on why he or she should stay home
Writing topic sentences, supporting details and concluding sentences of a paragraph
Writing program (complementary activities)
Pre: look and describe the picture
Compare answers with partners
While: watch the video and relate the answers with sentences
Watch the video and answer true or false
Post: Complete the activity after watching, and communicating
Actividades de trabajo independiente

Independent work will depend on the results of the diagnostic evaluation for each student. The following is a case of students whose results are at the lower end of the assessment results:
• Elaboration of self-evaluation at the end of the term.
The grade weight of the independent work is ___% of the term grade. (It is advised to be between 10 and 15%)

Bibliografía básica y recursos educativos para el desarrollo de la unidad

• Murphy, R. (2012) Essential Grammar in Use. Spanish Edition. Cambridge University Press.
• Betty Azar. Basic English Grammar.
Class exercises and interactive material can be downloaded at no cost from

Criterios de desempeño

● Master the linguistic contents that will allow him to communicate in a basic way orally or written in the institutional examination.
● Show reflection on your learning process and work 5 hours extra class to achieve the objectives of the same.
● Make use of oral language elements appropriate to their level and context
● Understand short listening comprehension texts on topics reviewed in class.
● Expresses ideas in a short way and without using connectors, but with the correct use of the simple grammatical structure.

Evidencia / Instrumento Herramienta de calificación Ponderación

Institutional Exam 40


HOMEWORK homework.pdf 10

SPEAKING Speaking-PI-FIE.pdf 20

WRITING writing-rubric.pdf 20

Evaluación ordinaria

Criterios de desempeño

● Master the linguistic contents that will allow him to communicate in a basic way orally or written in the institutional examination.
● Show reflection on your learning process and work 5 hours extra class to achieve the objectives of the same.
● Make use of oral language elements appropriate to their level and context
● Understand short listening comprehension texts on topics reviewed in class.
● Expresses ideas in a short way and without using connectors, but with the correct use of the simple grammatical structure.

Evidencia / Instrumento Herramienta de calificación Ponderación

Institutional Exam 40

The student will show the professor 15 activities done at the CEI, which
should be done through the semester, two hours a day tops and three
per week will be allowed. So the student should plan to do this since the 15
first term. These need to be done 8 during the first term and 7 during the
second term


WRITING writing-rubric.pdf 25

Elaborado por: Revisado por:

Dirección General de Educación Superior Gutiérrez Gonzalez Ines Margarita

Fecha de elaboración Fecha de actualización Fecha de aprobación

01/07/2016 28/08/2018 12:01 pm

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