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Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

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Adsorption of Crystal Violet from aqueous solution onto eco-friendly

native Carpobrotus edulis plant
Abdelkader Dabagh ⇑, Abdellah Bagui, M’hamed Abali, Rachid Aziam, Mohamed Chiban,
Fouad Sinan, Mohamed Zerbet ⇑
Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The recent interest in the adsorption of pollutants on biomaterials has been gaining widespread atten-
Received 29 June 2020 tion, especially in the utilization of natural materials of vegetable origin-based composite biomaterials.
Received in revised form 14 September In this study, the equilibrium and the kinetics of Crystal Violet adsorption onto native Carpobrotus edulis
Mediterranean plant, which is biodegradable and less expensive, was investigated. Experiments were car-
Accepted 15 October 2020
Available online 19 November 2020
ried out as a function of adsorbent dose (0.08–1 g), contact time initial (5–180 min), ionic strength of salt
NaCl (0.05–0.5 M), and solution pH (2–12). pH and ionic strength do not have a major influence on the
adsorption of Crystal Violet on the biomaterial studied. The adsorption process followed a kinetic model
of the pseudo-second-order. These results suggest that the native Carpobrotus edulis plant could poten-
Carpobrotus edulis tially be used as an environmentally friendly adsorbent for eliminating cationic dyes from aqueous
Crystal Violet solutions.
Kinetics Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific
Biomaterials committee of The International Conference on Water Depollution and Green Energy 2019.

1. Introduction low cost, and available in tonnage quantities [8,9] is of vital

The main source of dye wastewater is textile, leather, pulp, rub- Crystal Violet, also known as genetic violet, is a triaryl-methane
ber, plastics, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and food industries. dye, widely used as a violet dye for cotton and silk dyeing in textile
Because dye wastewater always comes as large quantities, com- industries. It also finds application in paint and printing inks
plex composition, depth of color, and is highly toxic, it causes sev- [10,11,12]. It is used as a biological stain within the medical profes-
ere environmental pollution and hazards to human health if it is sion and is the active ingredient in Gram’s stain. It is used as a bac-
not properly treated before discharging into natural water [1,2,3]. teriostatic agent in animal and veterinary medicine. The dye can
Current techniques for treating dye wastewater includes physical, also be used in humans as a disinfectant for the exterior skin. It
chemical, and biological processes, and so on adsorption [4,5], is used as an additive to poultry feed to inhibit mold, intestinal par-
chemical coagulation, separation of the liquid membrane, electrol- asites, and fungal propagation [13,14]. Crystal Violet is a protein–
ysis, biological procedures, oxidation, and other processes have dye and is thus used as a bloody fingerprint additive. Crystal Violet
been studied in different removal methods [6]. These processes is carcinogenic and has been identified as a recalcitrant molecule
vary in their effectiveness, cost, and environmental impact [7]. because it is poorly metabolized by microbes is non-
However, the adsorption process is much more efficient among biodegradable, and may persist in a variety of environments. The
these processes than other processes because of its ready availabil- dye can cause moderate eye irritation, which brings light to painful
ity, lower cost, and wider application range. The hunt for adsor- sensitization. This can also cause permanent corneal and conjunc-
bents that meet water treatment industry requirements and tive damage because the drug includes a cationic dye. It is extre-
standards and are also environmentally friendly, highly effective, mely poisonous to mammalian cells and can cause skin irritation
and digestive tract irritation if absorbed in harmful amounts
through the skin. It can also cause respiratory and renal failure in
extreme situations [15,16,17,18].
⇑ Corresponding authors.
Natural materials of vegetable origin offer several advantages;
E-mail addresses: (A. Dabagh), zerbetmoha-
they are biodegradable, non-toxic, low-cost, and contain in their (M. Zerbet).
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of The International Conference on Water
Depollution and Green Energy 2019.
A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

structure several functional groups that can create bonds and fix pol- Solutions were vigorously stirred for a period of time to achieve
luting entities. The selection of Carpobrotus edulis plant is based on equilibrium. For every cycle, the stirring rate was kept constant
their relative abundance in different areas of Morocco and their to ensure even mixing. The resulting solutions were centrifuged
adsorbent capacity to various organic and inorganic pollutants. at 5000 rpm for 10 min after different contact times (tc), and the
[19,20]. supernatant was filtered through a membrane filter of 0.45 lm,
The aim of this study was therefore to explore the potential of the and the filtrate was analyzed.
native Carpobrotus edulis plant as a low-cost adsorbent to remove Studies of adsorption equilibrium at the initial dye solution
Crystal Violet from aqueous solutions using the batch equilibration were conducted. The pH was not fixed but was measured before
technique. The effects on Crystal Violet adsorption rates of the adsor- and after each test. The equilibrium data were obtained by adding
bent dose, contact time, ionic strength, and solution pH were inves- 0.08 to 1 g of a native plant to a 100 mL Erlenmeyer series each
tigated. The adsorption kinetics was also evaluated and reported. filled with 40 mL of Crystal Violet solution to 20 and 100 mg/L
and setting the contact time at 6 h (h).
2. Materials and methods The effect of the contact time on the adsorbed amount of
Crystal Violet was analyzed as follows: a series of 100 mL of
2.1. Preparation of biomaterial Erlenmeyer flask each containing a fixed adsorbent mass and
40 mL of a Crystal Violet solution varying concentrations were
The adsorbent used in this study was collected from native Car- shaken with different contact time at room temperature
pobrotus edulis plants that are a Mediterranean plant. In an oven at (23 ± 2 °C) and the natural pH.
35 °C for 72 h, the microparticles of Carpobrotus edulis plants were The adsorption experiments for the pH effect of the initial solu-
dried and ground with an electric grinder to obtain fine powders. tion were performed as follows: A fixed mass of adsorbent was sus-
The obtained microparticles (<250 lm) were used as bioadsorbent pended in 40 mL of 100 mg/L solution of Crystal Violet. The pH of
material without further pretreatment in batch experiments. the solution was adjusted to 2–12 by adding a dilute solution of
2.2. Preparation of dye solutions hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide (0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M
HCl), the stirring time was set to 2 h and the temperature was
Crystal Violet’s synthetic dye solution was the sorbate used in 23 ± 2 °C.
this study, and without further purification, the cationic dye was Finally, the effect of ionic strength on dye uptake was studied
used. Crystal Violet dye properties are shown in Table 1. Sigma- by adding a NaCl concentration ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 M.
Aldrich bought the synthetic dye that was used in this study. A
stock solution of 1000 mg/L in cationic dye was prepared by accu- 2.4. Analysis of Crystal Violet dye
rately dissolving the weighed amount of Crystal Violet dye in dou-
ble distilled water. All the compounds used to prepare reagent The analysis of the Crystal Violet dye concentration at equilib-
solutions were analytical reagent grade and double distilled water rium was performed using a UV–Visible spectrophotometer (Tech
was used in all experiments. Comp UV 2300 spectrophotometer) at a wavelength of 580 nm.
The concentrations retained Cr (mg/L) by the biomaterial at
equilibrium and the adsorption quantities Qads (mg/g) are given
2.3. Study of adsorption in batch systems
by the following relationships:
Crystal Violet adsorption was achieved at room temperature C r ðmg=LÞ ¼ ðC i  C e Þ ð1Þ
using the batch technique. Well-established amounts of native Car-
pobrotus edulis plants were placed in Erlenmeyer 100 mL flasks V
qe ðmg=g Þ ¼ ðC i  C e Þ ð2Þ
containing 40 mL of known concentration and pH dye solution. m

Table 1
Properties of Crystal Violet dye.

Molecular structure H3C CH3


Molecular formula C25H30ClN3
Molar mass 407.979 g/mol
C.I. number 42,555
CAS number 548–62-9
Type Cationic
kmax 580 nm

A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

where m: mass of the biomaterial (g), V : total volume (L), Ci : initial increased by 3 at 17.70 mg/g as the initial concentration increased
concentration (mg/L), Ce : equilibrium concentration (mg/L), qe: from 20 to 100 mg/L. The increased adsorption capacity is possibly
amount adsorbed per 1 g of biomaterial at equilibrium (mg/g). due to higher interaction between the adsorbent and the
The percentage of removable dye was calculated as follows: adsorbent.
ðC i  C e Þ
%Remov al ¼  100 ð3Þ
3.1.3. Effect of pH
3. Results and discussion In this study of the influence of pH on CV adsorption on Carpo-
brotus edulis native, a pH range between 2 and 12 was chosen
3.1. Effect of operating parameters (Fig. 3).
The results shown (Fig. 3) suggest that the initial pH of the solu-
3.1.1. Determination of the ratio tion does not influence the adsorbed amount of Crystal Violet sig-
The ratio R (R = adsorbent mass/volume solution) corresponds nificantly. From these study results, the absorption of Crystal Violet
to the lowest mass of the biomaterial that leads to a maximum remains constant at all pH points studied for Carpobrotus edulis
removal rate of Crystal Violet. This ratio was determined from native.
the change in the percentage of Crystal Violet adsorbed as a func- The measurement of the equilibrium pH of the solutions tested
tion of the R ratio (Fig. 1). This variation was investigated for an ini- (Table 2) indicates that the pH of the equilibrium solution does not
tial low concentration Ci = 20 mg/L and another high concentration vary in the same order as the initial pH. Thus, biomaterial should
Ci = 100 mg/L. have a pH regulating effect and thus the difference in the amount
For the two initial concentrations, it can be seen that 88% of the retained is not important while the initial pH varies considerably.
quantity retained is obtained from a maximum value correspond-
ing to a ratio (m/V) equal to 5 g/L. This result indicate that 0.2 g of
native Carpobrotus edulis plant per 40 mL of the solution can
achieve optimum adsorption for Crystal Violet. 3.1.4. Effect of ionic strength
Various substances that may interfere with the test molecule
3.1.2. Effect of contact time of Crystal Violet are charged in the wild, polluted waters. The ionic strength is a sig-
Table 2 illustrates the effect of contact time by a native Carpo- nificant factor that regulates the adsorption in this situation.
brotus edulis plant on the adsorbed amount of Crystal Violet from Increasing ionic strength can improve or decrease organic com-
solutions with different initial dye concentrations of 20, 100 mg/L pound adsorption. The adsorption can also be insensitive to ionic
at 25 °C. Crystal Violet dye’s adsorption capacity increased rapidly strength variations. For example, NaNO3, CaCl2, NaCl, and their
with the first 30 min contact time and reached equilibrium within concentration. In this study, we add to the system Crystal Violet
60 min. In every batch adsorption experiment, 1 h was selected for solution/biomaterial a NaCl solution with different concentrations
the adsorbent of Carpobrotus edulis native to ensure a complete to examine the impact of ionic strength. The results showed that
adsorption equilibrium. the Crystal Violet adsorption remained unchanged with the
(Fig. 2) also shows that adsorption efficiency increased with an increased concentration of NaCl (Fig. 4). This shows that ionic
increase in initial Crystal Violet dye concentration, and then the strength has no impact on the biomaterial’s adsorption capacity.
initial Crystal Violet dye concentration had no major impact on The adsorption capacity is not modifying due to the absence of
the equilibrium time. It was found that for native Carpobrotus edu- competition for surface adsorption from Cl- anions with Crystal
lis plant, the equilibrium adsorption amount of Crystal Violet dye Violet.

Fig. 1. Effect of the biosorbent ratio on biosorption of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant, T = 23 ± 2 °C ; tc = 6 h. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

Table 2
Values of the initial pH and the pH at equilibrium.

Initial pH 2 4 6 8 10 12
pH at equilibrium 2.08 4.71 5.82 6.18 6.95 9.75

Fig. 2. Effect of contact time on the amount of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant and T = 23 ± 2 °C. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Effect of initial pH on adsorption of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant: Ci = 100 mg/L, T = 23 ± 2 °C and tc = 2 h.

3.2. Adsorption kinetics [23] were used in this study to analyze the kinetic experimental
adsorption data.
The design of adsorption treatment systems requires knowl-
edge of kinetic processes due to the many varied chemical systems, 3.2.1. Pseudo-first order kinetics model
the nature of the various adsorbents, and the various designs of The pseudo-first-order model kinetics equation and its lin-
contacting systems. For this reason, three kinetic models of earized form may be represented as:
liquid-phase adsorption, the pseudo-first-order model [21],
ln ðqe  qt Þ ¼ ln qe  k1 tðlinearformÞ ð4Þ
pseudo-second-order model [22], and intraparticle diffusion model
A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

Fig. 4. Effect of the ionic strength on the adsorption capacity of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant, Ci = 100 mg/L and T = 25 °C.

Fig. 5. Pseudo-first order adsorption kinetics of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant at different dye concentrations. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 3
where, k1 (min1) is the rate constant for the pseudo-first order Parameters of the pseudo-first, pseudo-second order and intraparticle diffusion
kinetic models for Crystal Violet dye adsorption onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant
kinetics model, qe (mg/g), qt (mg/g) are the amounts of Crystal Vio-
at different initial dye concentrations.
let retained on weight unit of adsorbent at equilibrium and at any
time t (min), respectively. Kinetic models Parameters Ci (mg/L)
The plot of ln(qe  qt) versus the native Carpobrotus edulis plant 20 100
contact time t gives a straight line of slope k1 and intercepts ln qe qe, exp (mg/g) 3.562 17.703
(Fig. 5). Table 3 presented the values of the theoretical adsorption First-order kinetic model k1 (1/min) 0.032 0.058
capacity (qe,cal), the rate constant for the pseudo-first-order kinet- qe, Cal (mg/g) 0.558 3.400
ics model (k1), and the correlation coefficient (R2). R2 0.954 0.972
Second-order kinetic model k2 (g/mg.min) 0.184 0.045
From (Fig. 5) and (Table 3) it can be observed that in the case of
qe, Cal (mg/g) 3.594 17.921
the use of pseudo-first order kinetics model, the values of the cor- R2 0.999 0.999
relation coefficients are lower and the value of the adsorption Intraparticle diffusion Kp (mg. g-1min1/2) 0.048 0.219
capacity of equilibrium (qe, cal, mg/g) calculated from this equation c (mg/g) 3.015 15.356
R2 0.804 0.733
is much lower than the experimental value (qe, exp, mg/g).

A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

Fig. 6. Pseudo-second order adsorption kinetics of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant at different dye Concentrations. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The pseudo-first-order model is not suitable under these condi- and the kinetic parameters are given (Table 3). For the pseudo-
tions to describe the kinetics of Crystal Violet adsorption from second-order adsorption model, the value of the correlation coeffi-
aqueous solutions to the native Carpobrotus edulis plant. cients (R2) for both initial concentrations is relatively superior
(>0.99), and the adsorption capacity calculated by the model is also
3.2.2. Pseudo-second-order kinetics model close to those determined by experiments. It was therefore con-
In the case of a kinetic model of pseudo-second order, the rate cluded that the pseudo-second-order adsorption model is more
equation and its linearized form can be formulated as: suitable for describing the adsorption kinetics of Crystal Violet
  dye on the native Carpobrotus edulis plant.
t 1 1
¼ 2
þ tðlinearformÞ ð5Þ
qt k2 qe qe
3.2.3. Intra-particle diffusion kinetics model
where, k2 (g/mg.min) is the rate constant for the pseudo-second The kinetics equation of intra-particle diffusion model is:
order kinetics model, qe (mg/g), qt (mg/g) are the amounts of Crystal
Violet retained on weight unit of adsorbent at equilibrium and at qt ¼ kp t 1=2 þ cðlinearformÞ ð6Þ
any contact time t (min), respectively.
The pseudo-second order plots for the Crystal Violet adsorbent where, kp (mg.g1min1/2) is the intra-particle diffusion rate con-
system are presented in Fig. 6 at different initial concentrations stant, c (mg/g) is the concentration of Crystal Violet from solution

Fig. 7. Intra-particle diffusion kinetics of Crystal Violet onto native Carpobrotus edulis plant at different dye concentrations. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Dabagh, A. Bagui, M’hamed Abali et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 37 (2021) 3980–3986

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