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Combining and Analyzing Complex Data

by University of Maryland, College Park

About this Course

In this course you will learn how to use survey weights to estimate descriptive statistics, like means and totals, and more
complicated quantities like model parameters for linear and logistic regressions. Software capabilities will be covered with
R® receiving particular emphasis. The course will also cover the basics of record linkage and statistical matching—both of
which are becoming more important as ways of combining data from different sources. Combining of datasets raises ethical
issues which the course reviews. Informed consent may have to be obtained from persons to allow their data to be linked.
You will learn about differences in the legal requirements in different countries.

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Taught by:
Richard Valliant, Ph.D., Research
Joint Program in Survey Methodology

Basic Info Course 6 of 7 in the Survey Data Collection and Analytics Specialization

Language English
Volunteer to translate subtitles for this course
How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course.
User Ratings 4.2 stars



Basic Estimation
After completing Modules 1 and 2 of this course you will understand how to estimate descriptive statistics, overall
and for subgroups, when you deal with survey data. We will review software for estimation (R, Stata, SAS) with
examples for how to estimate things like means, proportions, and totals. You will also learn how to estimate /
parameters in linear, logistic, and other models and learn software options with emphasis on R. Module 3 and 4

7 videos, 6 readings expand

Graded: Course 6 Module 1


Module 2 covers how to estimate linear and logistic model parameters using survey data. After completing this
module, you will understand how the methods used differ from the ones for non-survey data. We also cover the
features of survey data sets that need to be accounted for when estimating standard errors of estimated model

8 videos, 8 readings expand

Graded: Course 6 Module 2


Record Linkage
Module starts with the current debate on using more (linked) administrative records in the U.S. Federal Statistical
System, and a general motivation for linking records. Several examples will be given on why it is useful to link
data. Challenges of record linkage will be discussed. A brief overview over key linkage techniques is included as

4 videos, 12 readings expand

Graded: Quiz 3 - Record Linkage


This module will discuss key issues in obtaining consent to record linkage. Failure to consent can lead to bias
estimates. Current research examples will be given as well as practical suggestions on how to obtain linkage

5 videos, 3 readings expand

Graded: Quiz - Linkage Consent

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