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Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) Basics and Beyond

= (/1+)

Dr. Lin Li Thermal Analysis PerkinElmer Inc. April 2000

The DMA lets you relate:

product properties molecular structure
Mater l ia Behavior

processing conditions

DMA Structure in general

How the DMA works:
Constant inputs and outputs function as in the TMA A sine wave current is added to the force coil The resultant sine wave voltage of the LVDT is compared to the sine wave force The amplitude of the LVDT is related to the storage modulus, E' via the spring constant, k. The phase lag, , is related to the E" via the damping constant, D.
Force Motor Coil Magnet

Temperature Enclosure LVDT

Core Rod Interchangeable Measuring System Furnace Heat Sink/Cooling System

Outstanding Flexibility 1: Multiple Geometries

Para le P te l l la Cup & P te la Tray & P te la Sin tered P t la es 3 p . Bend t ing 4 p . Bend t ing AST M F lexure Dual Cantlever i Sing Cantl le iever Extens ion Shear Sandwich Coaxial Cylinder Paper Fold


Extension Cup & Plate Flexure

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 20 mm

Log E

1 mm 5 mm

20 mm

Stress Causes Strain...

Cauchy or Engineering Strain Henchy or True Strain Kinetic Theory of Rubber Strain Kirchhoff Strain Murnaghan Strain

= L/Lo = ln (L/Lo) = 1/3{L/Lo-(Lo/L)2} = 1/2{ (L/Lo)2-1} = 1/2{1-(Lo/L)2}


L-Lo = L

The different definitions of tensile strain become equivalent at very small deformations.

The Elastic Limit: Hookes Law


slope = k

Strain increases with increasing Stress

Real vs... Hookean StressStrain Curves

Curve 1: DMA Creep Recovery Parallel Plate in File info: Drssr90R.2 Thu Apr 14 15:16:52 1994 Sample Height: 3.359 mmCreep Stress: 2600.0mN Dresser 90 Durameter Recovery Stress: 1.0mN 1.4 1.2

Limiting Modulus


Hookean Behavior


Stress (Pa x 10

0.6 Slope 1642965.02 Pa/% 0.4

Slope 359171.32 Pa/%



Real behavior
8.0 Strain (%) 12.0 16.0 KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series ThermalAnalysis System Thu Apr 14 16:34:38 1994

TEMP1: 20.0 C TIME1: 5.3 min

The Viscous Limit: Newtonian Behavior

s lope =

The speed at wh the f id f ich lu lows th rough the ho ( s ra ra ) les the t in te i reases wi nc th ! s ress!! t

Viscosity Effects
Newtonian behavior is linear and the viscosity is independent of rate. Pseudoplastic fluids get thinner as shear increases. Dilatant Fluids increase their viscosity as shear rates increase. Plastic Fluids have a yield point with pseudoplastic behavior. Thixotrophic and rheopectic fluids show viscosity-time nonlinear behavior. For example, the former shear thin and then reform its gel structure.

Polymers are Non-Newtonian Fluids!!!

At low shear rates, the viscosity is controlled by MW. The material shows Newtonian behavior Linear Dependence Viscosity shows a linear on Rate dependence on rate above the o region. At high rates, the material can no longer shear thin and Infinite Shear Plateau ~ a second plateau is reached. Zero Shear Plateau ~ o Log


Analyzing a Stress-Strain Curve failure ( , )

linear region

nonlinear region

yield point (y, y) The area under the curve to this line is the energy needed to break the material

Youngs modulus (E)

E =

d = d


Under Continuos Loads: Creep Recovery

Applying a constant load for long times and removing it from a sample. Allows one to see the distortion under constant load and also how well it recovers.

Creep is a fundamental engineering test.

Creep is used as a basic test for design. By looking at both the creep and recovery parts of the curve, we can begin to examine how polymers relax.
Curve 1: DMA Creep Recovery 3 Point Bending in File info: cr_ptfe-5 Wed Jun 29 15:31:18 1988 Sample Height: 3.300 mmCreep Stress: 1.50e+06Pa PTFE - CREEP/RELAXATION Recovery Stress: 6.25e+02Pa # 1 PTFE - CREEP/RELAXATION AT -5C:cr_ptfe-5 Strain (%)
# 2 Force (mN)

2500.0 0.0025 2250.0 2000.0 0.0020 1750.0 1500.0 0.0015 1250.0 1000.0 0.0010 750.0 500.0 0.0005 250.0 0.0 0.0000 0.0
TEMP1: -15.0 C TIME1:

Strain (%)

-250.0 1.0
7.0 min







Time (minutes)

DMA7 APPLICATIONS LAB PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Thu Apr 28 20:32:20 1994

Force (mN)

Dynamic Stress
Force (dynamic)

F (static)

Stress =FA

material response

Phase angle =


Amplitude = k Strain =yo/y

Why? Lets bounce a ball.

E ~ energy loss in internal motion

E ~ elastic response

All this is calculated from and k:

From k, we calculate E (storage modulus) From , we calculate E (loss modulus) then: Tan = E/E E* = E + iE = SQRT(E2 + E2) G* = E*/2(1+) = 3G*/

To apply this to materials...

Dyna mic St ress Scan Since each part of the ramp has a sine wave stress associated with it, we get: tan E*, E, E for each data point!!

For example, DSS Curves

Curve 1: DMA Stress Scanin Parallel Plate AC File info: Drssr70Dss hu Apr 14 16:44:41 1994 T Frequency: 1.00 Hz Stress Rate: 250.0mN/min Dresser 70 Durameter Tension: 110.000% 5.5 5.0 4.5 5.5 5.0 4.5 Curve 1: DMA Stress Scan Parallel Plate AC in File info: Drssr70Dss hu Apr 14 16:44:41 1994 T Frequency: 1.00 Hz Stress Rate: 250.0mN/min Dresser 70 Durameter Tension: 110.000% # 1 Dresser 70 Durameter:Drssr70Dss 7 Complex Viscosity (Pa x 10 ) s
# 2 Dresser 90 Durameter:Drssr90dss Complex Viscosity (Pa s x 10 7 )


7) s x 10 Viscosity (Pa
Slope 6297938.16 Pa/%

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 Slope 1274361.04 Pa/% 0.0 0.2 0.4 Strain (%) 0.6 0.8 1.0

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0

Dynamic Stress (Pa x 10

TEMP1: 10.5 C TIME1: -1.2 min

0.4 Strain (%)




TEMP1: 10.5 C

TIME1: -1.2 min

KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series ThermalAnalysis System Thu Apr 14 16:59:58 1994

KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal nalysis System A Thu Apr 28 20:28:00 1994

Now, lets induce temperature as a variable.

We can heat the material under minimal load at a calibrated rate. This allows the material to change with temperature. These changes can be described in terms of free volume or relaxation times.
Free Volume

Thermomechanical Analysis as a starting Point.

Curve 1: TMAin Penetration File info: Tgflex Tue Oct 10 16:21:08 1995 Sample Height:4.180 mmDC Force: 100.0 mN Tg by flex 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 Onset 106.92 C # 1 Tg by flex:Tgflex Penetration (mm)

Penetration (mm)

4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 50.0 75.0
RATE1: 10.0 C/min

100.0 Temperature (C)




TEMP1: 30.0 C TEMP2: 150.0 C


0.0 min

PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 20:10:47 1995

TMA - Its all free volume.

Curve 1: TMA in Expansion File info: cte Tue Oct 10 16:46:51 1995 Sample Height: 1.742 mm DC Force: 10.0 mN cte # 1 cte :cte Expansion (mm) 2.10 2.05


Free Volume
Cx 2.195 x 10 -2 /C

Expansion (mm)

1.95 1.90


1.80 1.75 Cx 2.948 x 10 70.0

TEMP1: 30.0 C TEMP2: 150.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min RATE1: 10.0 C/min



/C 90.0 Temperature ( C)

Onset 105.53


Occupied Volume



PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 20:08:09 1995

And its not just Tg.

Curve 1: TMA in Extension File info: menard005 Tue Feb 21 12:28:20 1995 Sample Height: 12.017 mm DC Force: 0.0 mN FIBER E 12.20 12.18 12.16 12.14 12.12 # 1 FIBER E:menard005 Extension (mm)

Extension (mm)

12.10 12.08 12.06 12.04 12.02 12.00 11.98 0.0 50.0

TIME1: 0.0 min RATE1: 5.0 C/min

100.0 Temperature (

150.0 C)

200.0 Tech.Support Lab/K.Menard PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Tue Feb 21 12:29:39 1995


TEMP1: 30.0 C TEMP2: 250.0 C

(the traditional way to do heat set)

Time Temperature Scans at a Fixed Frequency

hold frequency constant and vary temperature or time at temperature allows detection of transitions in material allows one to study cures most sensitive method for finding Tg can also get changes in dimension (TMA) while collecting DMA data Best probe of polymer relaxations as function of temperature

Idealized Multi-Event DMA Scan

(6) (5) (4) Tg - glass transition (3)

Rubbery Plateau (2) Tm - melting (1)

(6) (5) local bend motions and stretch

Temperature (4) (3) side gradual groups main chain

(2) large scale chain

(1) chain slippage

In more detail...
Log Modulus (Pa)
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Crystalline Polymer Crystal-crystal slip



Secondary Dispersion Localized Motion


Deformation Molecular Motion Unstrained State Strained State

Hookean Behavior

Second Transition

Primary Transition

Highly Visco Elastic



Bend & Stretch Bonds

Side Groups

Main Chain Gradual

Main Chain Large Scale Mobility

Chain Slipping

R. Seymour, 1971

Common changes show as:

MW MWD Crosslink Density Crystallinity

E tan

Tg are easily seen, as in PET Film

Curve 1: DMA File info: Frequency: 1.00 Hz pet film Temp/Time Scan demofilm in Extension Wed Oct 11 17:06:48 1995 Amplitude: 21.949u Tension: 110.000% #1 #2 pet film:demofilm tan Storage Modulus (Pa x 10 9 )

1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0




0.8 0.6

Onset 83.29


1.5 0.4 0.2 0.0 Onset 79.35 -100.0

TEMP1: -100.0 C TEMP2: 250.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min

Onset 107.82


0.5 C 0.0 0.0

RATE1: 10.0 C/min

100.0 Temperature ( C)

200.0 PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Sun Nov 26 21:02:11 1995


Analysis System

Modulus (Pa x 10


or in PP fishing line.
Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in Extension File info: 1116942 Wed Nov 16 13:20:39 1994 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 200.0mN fishing line Static Stress: 300.0mN # 1 fishing line:1116942 -1 tan (x 10 ) # 2 Storage Modulus (Pa x 10 2.5 9 ) 8.0 7.0 2.0 6.0 5.0 4.0


(x 10



3.0 2.0 1.0


0.0 0.0 -100.0

TEMP1: -130.0 C TEMP2: 270.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min

RATE1: 10.0 C/min


50.0 Temperature ( C)




PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 21:24:35 1995

Sample prep can be minimal if only temperatures are needed.

Modulus (Pa x 10


Transitions are clearly seen in highly crosslinked samples

Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in 3 Point Bending File info: afriedli.1 Thu Feb 17 12:14:11 1994 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 800.0mN epoxyresin Static Stress: 1000.0mN #1

epoxyresin:afriedli.1 Storage Modulus (Pa x 10


) 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 heavy xlink
TEMP1: 30.0 C TEMP2: 250.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min RATE1: 10.0 C/min

Modulus (Pa x 10


100.0 Temperature (

150.0 C)

200.0 km PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Thu Jun 23 13:45:10 1994


Analysis System

This Tg is undetectable in the DSC !!!!!!


as well as in blends.
Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in 3 Point Bending File info: sbr14 Thu Feb 15 10:45:19 1990 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 2.00e+05Pa STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBE Tension: 110.000% #1

STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBER:sbr14 Storage Modulus (Pa) L


1.0 0.9

10 9

0.8 0.7

Modulus (Pa)

10 8 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 10 6 -150.0 K66:22T914 0.0 -100.0

TIME1: 0.0 min RATE1:

10 7

5.0 C/min

0.0 Temperature (

50.0 C)




TEMP1: -180.0 C TEMP2: 250.0 C

APPLICATION LABORATORY PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 20:54:43 1995



Its not always so simple:

For example, crystal-crystals slips can cause transitions
Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in 3 Point Bending File info: AMPfrPP.1 Wed Oct 27 13:49:06 1993 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 950.0mN LeBrun samples Static Stress: 1000.0mN #1

LeBrun samples:AMPfrPP.1 Storage Modulus (Pa x 10

tan (x 10 -1 )

) 3.0




Modulus (Pa x 10

1.5 1.5


Tg or Alpha



0.0 Temperature ( C) 50.0 KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Sun Nov 26 20:58:36 1995 100.0



-150.0 AMP Flame Retardant Polypropylene

TEMP1: -160.0 C TEMP2: 300.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min

RATE1: 5.0 C/min


Analysis System


(x 10



Higher Order Transitions affect toughness

Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in 3 Point Bending File info: AMP66gp.1 Tue Oct 26 16:05:29 1993 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 190.0mN LeBrun samples Static Stress: 200.0mN LeBrun samples 4.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -150.0
TEMP1: -160.0 C TEMP2: 300.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min


Good Impact Strength Transitions Poor Tg


Modulus (Pa x 10




0.0 -100.0
RATE1: 5.0 C/min


0.0 Temperature (

50.0 C)

100.0 KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Sat Oct 15 14:32:54 1994


AMP good part 20% glass filled Nylon 6/6

Analysis System

Impact was good if Tg/T was 3 or less.



(x 10



...and also define operating range.

Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in 3 Point Bending File info: gamma_1 Thu Jun 30 02:17:24 1988 Frequency: 7.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 1.86e+06Pa EPOXY PC BOARD AT 7 Hz Static Stress: 1.86e+06Pa 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 # 1 EPOXY PC BOARD AT 7 Hz:gamma_1 10 Storage Modulus (Pa x 10 )
-> # 2 tan (x 10 -1 )

Beta Tg Operating range

5.0 4.5 4.0

-1 tan (x 10


3.5 0.7 3.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -100.0 0.0 Temperature ( C) 100.0 200.0 PE DMA7 R&D LAB PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 20:13:53 1995 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

TEMP1: -180.0 C TEMP2: 300.0 C

Modulus (Pa x 10


0.0 min

RATE1: 10.0 C/min

It can get complex...

Curve 1: DMA Temp/Time Scan in Extension File info: T2n4ptg Fri Jan 18 18:14:51 1991 Frequency: 1.00 Hz Dynamic Stress: 1.00e+07Pa NYLON MONOFILAMENT Static Stress: 1.05e+07Pa 2 #1

NYLON MONOFILAMENT:T2n4ptg Storage Modulus (Pa) L

tan (x 10 -1 )


3.5 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2.0

-1 )

Modulus (Pa)

(x 10


10 9 9 8 7 6 5 -200.0 iNITIAL RUN

TEMP1: -180.0 C TEMP2: 0.0 C TEMP3: 150.0 C TIME1: 0.0 min TIME2: 0.0 min

Tg or T T T
Stress Relief
-50.0 0.0 Temperature (
RATE1: 4.0 C/min RATE2: 2.0 C/min



0.0 50.0 C) 100.0 B.Cassel PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Sun Nov 26 20:59:14 1995 150.0 200.0



Analysis System


Curing of Thermosets
can be studied at constant temperature or by a temperature ramp can get minimum viscosity, gelation point (time), vitrification point, and activation energies from DMA curve can adapt instrument to do simultaneous DEADMA to follow cure to completion cure studies are not limited to polymeric systems but include food products like cakes and cookies

Analysis of a Cure by DMA

10 8 10 7 10 6

E-E Crossover ~ gelation point 106 Pa ~ Solidity


10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 50.0


vitrification point
Curing Minimum Viscosity (time, length, temperature )
90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0



QC can often be done by simply fingerprinting the resin.

3.5 3.0 2.5

2.0 1.5

note the different slopes and the different curve shapes


1.0 0.5 0.0 25.0 50.0 75.0 100.0

125.0 150.0

Postcure studies allow process optimization:

1.0 1 hour 0 hours 2 hours 3 - 8 hours 0.5 tan Postcure time vs... Tg and E
200 180 160 140 120 Property 100 80 60 40 20 E'@50 ( E 9 P A ) E' ONSET T A N D PE A K T A N D ONSET 0 2 4 TIME IN HOURS 6 8

0.0 150 200 175 Temperature

Frequency Scans
hold temperature constant and vary frequency allows one to look at trends in material can estimate changes in MW and MWD looks at both tack-like and peel-like behavior can use data for Time Temperature Superposition to extend frequency range or predict age life.

Frequency determines the type of response

10 7 10 7

10 6

More Liquid like

More solid like

10 6

Modulus (Pa)

10 5

10 5

10 4

10 4

Flow dominates
10 3 10 -2 10 -1 Frequency (Hz) 10 0

Elastic dominates
10 3 10 1

Viscosity (Pa

For example, two hot melt adhesives...

show affect of rate (peel vs.... tack)
10 8 10 8

10 7


10 7

10 6

10 6

10 5

10 5

10 4

10 4

10 3 10 3 10 2 10 2

10 -4

10 -3

10 -2

10 -1

10 0

10 1

Creep can look at distortion under load,

Curve 1: DMA Creep Recovery in 3 Point Bending File info: cr_ptfe-5 Wed Jun 29 15:31:18 1988 Sample Height: 3.300 mm Creep Stress: 1.50e+06Pa PTFE - CREEP/RELAXATION Recovery Stress: 6.25e+02Pa #1

PTFE - CREEP/RELAXATION AT -5C:cr_ptfe-5 Strain (%)

Force (mN)

2500.0 0.0025 2250.0 2000.0 0.0020 1750.0 1500.0 0.0015 1250.0 1000.0 0.0010 750.0 500.0 0.0005 250.0 0.0 0.0000 0.0
TEMP1: -15.0 C TIME1: 7.0 min

Strain (%)

-250.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Time (minutes) 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

DMA7 APPLICATIONS LAB PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Thu Apr 28 20:32:20 1994

Force (mN)

cyclic application of loads,

Differences can be seen in good and bad samples and get more apparent with several cycles. Here the bad material is not flowing enough to fill the pores and form a mechanical bond.
55.0 50.0 45.0


% Strain

40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0


Time in minutes

and with varying temperatures.

Curve 1: DMA Creep Recovery in Parallel Plate File info: DR90D2.1 Fri Jul 23 12:23:50 1993 Sample Height: 2.836 mm Creep Stress: 2600.0mN Dresser 90 D Recovery Stress: 1.0mN # 1 Dresser 90 D:DR90D2.1 Strain (%)
#2 #3 Force (mN) T ( C) P

24.0 22.0 20.0 18.0 16.0

2750.0 2500.0 2250.0 2000.0

Force (mN)

1750.0 1500.0 1250.0 1000.0 750.0 500.0 250.0 0.0 -250.0 0.0 25.0
TIME1: TIME2: TIME3: TIME4: 11.0 15.0 15.0 75.0 min min min min RATE1: 10.0 C/min RATE2: 10.0 C/min RATE3: 10.0 C/min

Strain (%)

14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 50.0 Time (minutes) 75.0 100.0 125.0 KPM PERKIN-ELMER 7 Series Thermal Analysis System Sun Nov 26 20:41:31 1995

TEMP1: -50.0 C TEMP2: 0.0 C TEMP3: 50.0 C TEMP4: 100.0 C

And you can tabulate this stuff graphically...

The time to 1/e percent recovery is the relaxation. This is a measure of how quickly a material recovers. (There is a lot more to this subject.)


Stress Relaxation
By exploiting the special controls of the DMA-7e, we can run stress relaxation experiments. These look at how the force change for a sample kept at a set distortion as a function of time or temperature.
Experiment Starts


Sample would be distorted to y length and held.


Dont forget the DMA-7e also does

Stress Scans
can do either static or dynamic ramps static scans calculate Youngs modulus and stress-strain curves dynamic scans give material response to increasing oscillatory forces:
get complex viscosity and modulus for each data point can look at changes in elasticity (E) and lag (phase angle) with increasing stress

Both methods are fast tests for QC applications after the material has been fully characterized by other DMA modes.

Specialized Testing is Possible...

The design of the DMA-7e makes it possible to do: Time-Temperature Superposition (TTS) DEA/DMA Tests in Solution Microscopic DMA Photo DMA DMA-?

PP fibers in solvent
200.0 175.0 150.0

Force in mN

air xylene water iso-octane

20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0

125.0 100.0 75.0 50.0 25.0 0.0

Temperature in C

To Review, DMA ties together...

m olecular s ructure t
Molecular weight MW Distribution Chain Branching Cross linking Entanglements Phases Crystallinity Free Volume Localized motion Relaxation Mechanisms

product propert ies

Dimensional Stability Impact properties Long term behavior Environmental resistance Temperature performance Adhesion Tack Peel

Mater l ia

processing condi ions t

Stress Strain Temperature Heat History Frequency Pressure Heat set

DMA allows you to preform a wide range of tests from sensitive probes of molecular structure to model studies. the DMA-7e allows operation as six different instruments to maximize flexibility. Data can be overlayed with DSC, TGA, TMA, and DTA for easier analysis.

References: Books
Menard, DMA: Introduction to the Technique, Its Applications and Theory, CRC Press, 1999. Brostow et a., Failure of Plastics, Hanser, 1986. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, Wiley, 1980. Gordon et al., Computer Programs for Rheologists, Hanser, 1995. Gol'dman, Prediction of Deformation Properties of Polymeric and Composite Materials,, ACS, 1994. Mascosko, Rheology, VCH, 1993. Matsouka, Relaxation Phenomena in Polymers, Hanser, 1993. McCrum et al, Anelastic and Dielectric Properties of Polymeric Solids, Dover, 1992 (reprint of 1967 edition). Nielsen et al., Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites, Dekker, 1994. Sperling, Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, Academic Press, 1994. Ward et al., Introduction to Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers, Wiley, 1993.

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