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Quiz 1

The nucleus accounts for the mass of an atom and is positive. Which statement explains this property of
the nucleus? It is made up of protons and neutrons.

What is the principal assumption that is made in the build-up of electronic structures of atoms?

The orbitals calculated for hydrogen can be used for all the rest of the atoms.

When high energy ultraviolet light (UV light) falling on a metal surface causes electrons to be ejected, as
the intensity of the light is increased

the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons increases

The emphasis is on the underlying relationships between the synthesis and processing, structure, and
properties of materials. Materials Science

A special group of polymers in which molecular chains are entangled but not interconnected. They can
be easily melted and formed into useful shapes. Thermoplastics

The term ________ means a description of the arrangement of atoms, as seen at different levels of
detail. structure

It is an interdisciplinary field of that studies and manipulates the composition and structure of materials
across length scales to control materials properties through synthesis and processing.

Materials Science and Engineering

Polymers are ___________ in nature. Inorganic and Organic

On the periodic chart, elements in the same vertical column have the same ____.

configuration of electrons in the outermost energy level

The term __________ means the chemical make-up of a material. composition

These materials are typically very hard but extremely brittle (lack ductility), and are highly susceptible to
fracture. These materials are typically insulative to the passage of heat and electricity and are more
resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments. Ceramics

Properties of a material, such as strength, that describe how well a material withstands applied forces,
including tensile or compressive forces, impact forces, cyclical orf fatigue forces, or forces at high
temperatures. Mechanical properties

The number of sublevel is equal to the number of energy level. The available sublevels in the 3rd energy
level are ___. 3s, 3p, 3d

Materials that include the familiar plastic and rubber materials. Many of them are organic compounds
that are chemically based on carbon, hydrogen, and other nonmetallic elements. Polymers

Metals and ceramics may disintegrate and polymers and non-oxide ceramics may oxidize. Materials are
attacked with strong liquids which may lead to permanent failure. What environmental effect is
described. Corrosion
A diagram showing how performance-to-cost ratio of materials depend upon the composition,
microstructure, synthesis and processing. Materials Science and Engineering Tetrahedron

How many 3d orbitals are there? 5

A special group of polymers that decompose rather than melt upon heating. They are normally quite
brittle due to a relatively rigid, three-dimensional network structure. Thermosets

It is described as the region in space with a specific shape where a pair of electrons is most likely to be
found. orbital

An environmental effect which dramatically alters the properties of material. Metals and alloys that
have been strengthened by certain heat treatments or forming techniques may suddenly lose their
strength when heated. Temperature

Characteristics such as color, elasticity, electrical or thermal conductivity, magnetism, and optical
behavior that generally are not significantly influenced by forces acting on a material.

Physical properties

These materials are a group of new and state-of-the-art materials now being developed that will have a
significant influence on many of our technologies Smart materials

These materials have mechanical characteristics that are relatively stiff and strong yet are ductile and
are resistant to fracture, which accounts for their widespread use in structural applications. Metals

It is found out that the maximum number of electrons in each energy level is equal to 2(n) squared.
Therefore, in the 4th energy level there are ___ electrons. 32

A given element has an atomic number of 12. All of the following statements are correct, EXCEPT

it has 2 protons

A material composed of two or more individual materials with a design goal to achieve a combination of
properties that is not displayed by any single material, and also to incorporate the best characteristics of
each of the component materials. Composites

A pair of electrons that is shared between two atoms is a/an ____. covalent bond

Which of the following kinds of bonds are the strongest? covalent

The term _________ refers to how materials are made from naturally occurring or other chemicals.

Quiz 2

The coordinate number of a BCC unit cell is 8

Calculate the density of metallic copper, which has a face-centered cubic unit cell with an edge length of
361.5 pm.  8.96 g/cm^3

It is a shorthand notation to describe crystallographic directions and planes in a material.

Miller indices

The density of gold is 19.31 g/cm3. If the metallic radius of gold  is 407.9 pm, what is the structure of
metallic gold?  face centered cubic

The APF of an FCC crystal structure is ____. 0.74

Rhodium has an FCC crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.1345 nm and an atomic weight of 102.9
g/mol. Calculate the density of rhodium.  12.4 g/cm^3

A group of atoms associated with a lattice point. Basis

The edge length of a BCC crystal structure is two times radius times the square root of 2. 'False'.

Determine the density of BCC iron, which has a lattice parameter of 0.2866 nm. 7.874 g/cm^3

How do crystals and amorphous solids differ? Crystals produce regular shaped fragments when
shattered and amorphous solids do not.

Iron has a body-centered cubic unit cell. How many atoms of the metal are in each unit cell? 2

A particular metal has a simple cubic unit cell. How many atoms of the metal are in each unit cell? 1

Copper has a face-centered cubic unit cell. How many copper atoms are in each unit cell? 4

The HCP crystal structure has 6 atoms in each unit cell. True
Quiz 3

The most widely used technique for processing thermoplastics. extrusion

Calculate the energy for vacancy formation in X [eV/atom], given that the equilibrium number of
vacancies at 1296 °C  is 7.3 x 1025 /m3. The atomic weight and density for X are, respectively, 77.8 g/mol
and 5.98 g/cm3. 0.873 eV/atom

A special group of polymers in which molecular chains are entangled but not interconnected. They can
be easily melted and formed into useful shapes. Thermoplastics

Polymer name with recycle code of 1.  Polyethylene terephthalate

A class of organically based materials that consists of long chain molecules, usually with a carbon
"backbone" and with other elements or structural units attached as side groups. polymers

Polymer name with recycle code of 4 Low-density polyethylene

The following are characteristics of polymers, EXCEPT good electrical conductors

Polymer name with recycle code of 2 High-density polyethylene

Plastic materials that contain a relatively high volume percentage of small pores. foam

Polymers that are easily recycled. thermoplastic

Polymer name with recycle code of 3 Polyvinyl chloride

A special group of polymers that decompose rather than melt upon heating. They are normally quite
brittle due to a relatively rigid, three-dimensional network structure. Thermosets

In general, strongest polymer group is __________ . Thermosets

[vacancy] a point defect characterized by an absence of an atom from its normal location in a
perfect crystal structure

[linear defects] defects characterized by groups of atoms in irregular positions

[self-interstitial] an atom from the crystal that is crowded into an interstitial site
[interstitial site] a small void space that under ordinary circumstances is not occupied.
[twin boundary] a special type of grain boundary across which there is a specific mirror
lattice symmetry
[phase boundaries] it exists in multiphase materials, in which a different phase exists on each
side of the boundary
[solid solution] a homogeneous mixture made up of solid components in equilibrium with
each other
[interstitial impurities] impurities where atoms of the parent or solvent metal are bigger than the
atoms of the alloying or solute metal, the smaller atoms fit into interstices i.e. spaces between the
larger atoms.
[crystalline defect] a lattice irregularity having one or more of its dimensions on the order of
an atomic diameter.
[solvent] the element or compound present in greater amount in an alloy
An additive which is particularly important for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) because it reduces glass
temperature and provide internal lubrication. plasticizer

A polymer structure where adjacent linear chains are joined one to another at various positions by
covalent bonds. cross-linked

An additive that prevent deterioration of the polymer due to environmental effects. stabilizer
Quiz 4

The relation between the true stress-true strain diagram and engineering stress–engineering strain are
identical to the yield point. True

A specimen of magnesium having a rectangular cross section of dimensions 1/8 in. * 3/4 in. is

deformed in tension. Using the load–elongation data shown in the following table.

Load (lbf} Length (mm)

0 63.50
310 63.53
625 63.56
1265 63.62
1670 63.70
1830 63.75
2220 64.14
2890 65.41
3170 66.68
3225 67.95
3110 69.22
2810 70.49
 Fracture  Fracture


a. Compute the modulus of elasticity in kPa Answer

b. What is the ductility, in percent elongation? Answer

A material will bulge when compressed. True

Metals containing elements of high melting point used to mitigate creep failure, refractory metals
The number of cycles to fail at a specified stress level. fatigue life
When a material is subjected to tensile force, it tends to increase laterally. False
Determine the stages of ductile fracture. Drag and drop the number on the image (arrange in
chronological order)
Fracture wherein the crack propagates rapidly even without an increase in applied stress. Brittle
These measure the resistance to penetration of the surface of a material by a hard object hardness test

Failure that happens in steam generators. Creep

It is the ability of a material to absorb energy up to fracture toughness

A fracture characterized by an extensive plastic deformation ahead of crack. Ductile

Quiz 5

p-type extrinsic semiconductors are those characterized by the predominance of charge carriers known
as [holes].

These materials are used in electronics because, depending on their composition, they may be
semiconducting, superconducting, ferroelectric, or an insulator; they are also used as one of the
components in spark plugs, fiber optics, space shuttle tiles,micropositioners, chemical sensors, and skis,
etc. Ceramics, Smart Materials

Polarization that is found only in substances that possess permanent dipole moments resulting from a
rotation of the permanent moments into the direction of the applied field. Orientation Polarization
This type of polarization is found in all dielectric materials and exists only while an electric field is
present, resulting into a displacement of the center of negatively charged electron cloud relative to the
positive nucleus of an atom by the electric field. Electronic Polarization

A type of semiconductor where the electrical properties are inherent in the pure material, and electron
and hole concentrations are equal. Intrinsic

Initially investigated as substitutes for metals, their range of applications quickly expanded covering
several research fields such as electrocatalysis, energy storage, and sensing. Conducting polymers

A type of semiconductor where the properties arising from an applied electrical field are dictated by
impurities depending on whether electrons or holes are the predominant charge carriers. Extrinsic

In electrically [insulating ]materials, interatomic bonding is  ionic or[strongly covalent] . Thus, the
valence electrons are tightly bound to or shared with the individual [atoms]. In other words, these
electrons are [highly localized ]and are not in any sense free to wander throughout the crystal.

The energy corresponding to the highest filled state at 0 K is called the [Fermi energy] .

It is the ease with which a material is capable of transmitting an electric current, and can be expressed
as the reciprocal of electrical resistivity. Electrical conductivity

These material properties include thermoelectricity, dielectric constant, resistivity, among others.

These materials are electrical insulators that may be polarized when an electric field is present.
Dielectric materials

Materials that exhibit spontaneous polarization that is, they polarize in the absence of an electric field.
Ferroelectric materials

The type of  bonding in [semiconductors ]is covalent (or predominantly covalent) and relatively weak,
which means that the [valence electrons] are not as strongly bound to the atoms. Consequently, these
electrons are more easily removed by [thermal excitation] than they are for insulators

An air-filled parallel-plate capacitor has plates of area 2.5 cm2 separated by 2 mm. Find the value
of its capacitance if the capacitor is connected to a {V}-V battery.  

Express answer in 4 significant figures

1.107e-12 F

Polarization that results from some specific materials, where an applied field acts to displace cations in
one direction and anions in the opposite direction, giving rise to a net dipole moment. Ionic Polarization

It is the phenomenon whereby the electrical conductivity of some semiconductors ay be enhanced by

photo-induced electron transitions, whereby additional free electrons and holes are generated.
The distinction between semiconductors and insulators lies in the width of the[band gap] ;  for
semiconductors it is [narrow] , whereas for insulators it is relatively [wide] .

In these materials, in addition to free electrons, holes(missing electrons in the valence bands) may also
participate in the conduction process. Semiconductors

A resistance thermometer, which measures temperature by measuring the change in resistance

of a conductor, is made of platinum and has a resistance of 50.0 ohms at 20.0°C.  When the
device is immersed in a vessel containing melting indium, its resistance increases to 76.8 ohms.
From this information, find the melting point of indium in Kelvin. 430.15 K

[n-type extrinsic semiconductors] are characterized when the predominance charge carriers are

These materials were synthesized to have electrical conductivities that are at par with metallic
conductors and with each type of material consisting of a system of alternating single and double
bonds and/or aromatic units in the chain. Conducting polymers

[holes]are created in semiconductors and insulators when electron transitions occur from filled
states in the [valence] band to empty states in the [conduction]band.

Quiz 6

The ability of a material to transport heat is known as thermal [conductivity]

In ceramics heat transfer mechanism is done through [atomic vibrations].

The ability of a material to be rapidly cooled and not fracture or break is called: Thermal shock

In [metals], corrosion happens when there is actual material loss either by [dissolution]or by the
formation off [nonmetallic]scale or film (oxidation).
For metallic materials, the corrosion process is normally electrochemical , that is, which is
[giving up] of electrons to another  chemical species and otherwise known as [oxidation]

[Activation] polarization refers to the condition wherein the reaction rate is controlled by the one
step in the series that occurs at the [slowest]rate.

A food cold storage room is to be constructed of an inner layer of 19.1 mm of pine wood, a
middle layer of cork board, and an outer layer of 50.8 mm of concrete. The inside wall surface
temperature is -17.8°C and the outside surface temperature is 29.4°C at the outer concrete
surface. The mean conductivities are for pine, 0.151; cork, 0.0433; and concrete, 0.762 W/m · K.
The total inside surface area of the room to use in the calculation is approximately 39
m2 (neglecting corner and end effects). What thickness of cork board is needed (in cm) to keep
the heat loss to 586 W? 12 cm

These [thermal] stresses  develop because of restrained [expansion/contraction] and the presence
of [temperature gradients] that led to differential  dimensional changes brought about by changes
in temperature.

[Concentration] polarization exists when the reaction rate is limited by [diffusion]in the solution.

Corrosion of ceramic materials generally involves simple chemical  dissolution

When normally active metals and alloys undergo this phenomenon which results from the
formation of a highly adherent and very thin oxide film on the metal surface that serves as a
protective barrier to further corrosion, the metal or alloy is then undergoing passivity

In Hydrogen [embrittlement] , some steels, experience a significant reduction in [ductility]and

[tensile]strength when atomic hydrogen (H) penetrates into the material.

[Polymers]have larger coefficient of thermal expansion values because of weak [secondary]


[Overvoltage] is the magnitude of the displacement of each [electrode potential] from its
equilibrium value. This displacement is known as  [polarization].

The dezincification of brass, in which zinc is selectively leached from a copper-zinc brass alloy
is an example of Galvanic corrosion

For [polymers], mechanisms and consequences differ from those for metals and[ceramics] , and
the term [degradation]is most frequently used instead of corrosion.

Corrosion is defined as the destructive and [unintentional]attack on a metal; it is [an

electrochemical] reaction and ordinarily begins at the surface.
From  the [galvanic] series, one can choose the [anodic] material for [cathodic] protection as one
of those techniques to minimize corrosion.

The main forms of [degradation]in polymers are [swelling]and [dissolution].

One technique of slowing down corrosion is through the addition of [inhibitors] to prevent
[oxidation]of metals and through the application of [coatings or paints].

The energy required to produce a unit rise in  [temperature]for one mole of a material is [heat

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