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A new algorithm for management of chordee without hypospadias based on

mobilization of urethra

Article  in  Journal of Pediatric Urology · February 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2007.06.008 · Source: PubMed

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Amilal Bhat Nitin Abrol

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Journal of Pediatric Urology (2008) 4, 43e50

A new algorithm for management of chordee

without hypospadias based on mobilization of
Amilal Bhat*, Gajendra Saxena, Nitin Abrol

Department of Urology, S.P. Medical College, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334003, India

Received 30 January 2007; accepted 26 June 2007

Available online 4 October 2007

KEYWORDS Abstract Objective: To assess the feasibility of chordee correction by mobilization of ure-
Chordee without thra with corpus spongiosum, and define the guidelines for management of chordee without
hypospadias; hypospadias.
Urethral mobilization; Patients and methods: We reviewed 25 cases of chordee without hypospadias, managed in
Urethroplasty; 1992e2005. Age of patients ranged from 3 to 28 years (mean 14.4 years). Chordee correction
Penile curvature; was performed on a case-by-case basis by skin de-gloving, mobilization of divergent corpus
Orthoplasty; spongiosum, mobilization of hypoplastic urethra, mobilization of proximal urethra up to bulbar
Reconstructive surgery urethra, dorsal plication and division/resection of hypoplastic urethra with main emphasis on
mobilization of urethra, and confirmed by Gittes test.
Results: Chordee correction was possible by mobilization of urethra after penile degloving in
76% of cases and dorsal plication after urethral mobilization in 8%. Only 16% required divi-
sion/resection of hypoplastic urethra. None of them had residual chordee in follow-up period
of 6 monthse3 years (mean of 26 months). After fistula repair and internal urethrotomy in one
patient each, a second surgery had 100% success.
Conclusions: We propose an algorithm based on mobilization of urethra that defines the etiol-
ogy and guidelines for the management of chordee without hypospadias.
ª 2007 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Chordee without hypospadias is a comparatively rare

* Corresponding author: Department of Urology, Sardar Patel
condition with incidence ranging from 4% to 10% of
Medical College and Associated, Group of Hospitals, C-15 Sadul
Ganj, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334003, India. Tel.: þ91 151 252 3728/
hypospadias [1,2]. The synonyms for the condition are hy-
222 6327; fax: þ91 151 252 3728. pospadism without hypospadias, congenital penile curva-
E-mail addresses: (A. Bhat), ture, corporeal disproportion and congenital short urethra (G. Saxena), [3]. Most ventral chordees are ‘missed hypospadias’ with
(N. Abrol). a major hypoplasia of the tissues forming the ventral radius

1477-5131/$30 ª 2007 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

44 A. Bhat et al.

of the penis distally to the division of the corpus spongio- and define the guidelines for management of chordee with-
sum. This division of the spongiosum is the key criterion out hypospadias.
to define the severity of this penile anomaly. It ignores
the urethral defect and is the most frequent cause of ven-
tral chordee, i.e. tethering of the hypoplastic glans to the Patients and methods
underlying hypoplastic urethra, tethering of the hypoplas-
tic urethra onto the underlying corpora cavernosa and We reviewed 25 cases of chordee without hypospadias,
a split corpus spongiosum [4]. Devine and Horton [5] classi- which were managed from January 1992 to July 2005. Only
fied chordee without hypospadias into three types. Type I patients with moderate to severe chordee were included in
represents the deficiency of corpus spongiosum, and Bucks the study who were reported at least twice in a four-
and dartos fasciae from the site of chordee to the glans. In visit follow-up protocol (1 month, 3 months, 6 months,
Type II the urethra is surrounded by normal corpus spongio- 12 months). A single surgeon operated on all the patients.
sum but the Bucks and dartos fasciae are deficient. In Type Video recording of nine patients was also available to re-
III corpus spongiosum and Bucks fascia are normal but dar- view the operative procedure. In the same period we man-
tos fascia is deficient (Fig. 1). Kramer et al. [2] added Type aged 325 cases of hypospadias, which showed the ratio of
IV, which results from discrepancy in the dorsal and ventral chordee with no hypospadias to hypospadias as 1:13. Age
aspects of the corpora cavernosa, and Type V is termed of the patients ranged from 3 to 28 years (mean 14.4 years)
congenital short urethra [5]. Conventional methods of chor- and more than 50% of cases were adolescents/adult age.
dee correction are penile degloving, plication procedures, Associated anomalies were torsion of 20e90 degrees in
corporeal rotation, and resection of hypoplastic urethra, four patients, and inguinal hernia and undescended testis
tunica/dermal grafts and penile disassembly [6]. A few of in one patient each. Correction of chordee was done on
these procedures invariably incorporate division of the ure- a case by case basis, after assessment with Gittes test, by
thra with urethral reconstruction to achieve the repair, and penile skin degloving, mobilization of divergent corpus
as a result introduce the risk of specific complications spongiosum, mobilization of hypoplastic urethra, mobiliza-
(stricture, diverticulum, fistula) [4]. There are no definitive tion of proximal urethra up to bulbar urethra and confirmed
guidelines for management of chordee without hypospa- by Gittes test (Figs. 2e5). Dorsal plication was done if chor-
dias, and controversy still continues over whether to dee persisted after mobilization of proximal urethra
shorten the dorsal surface of corpora or lengthen the ven- (Fig. 5). If chordee persisted even after applying Allis for-
tral surface, and to transect/resect or preserve the hypo- ceps for plication and there was tethering of hypoplastic
plastic urethra. This review was conducted to assess the urethra, then the urethra was divided/resected to correct
efficacy of urethral mobilization in correction of chordee the chordee. Each next step of chordee correction was

Figure 1 Chordee without hypospadias Type I, Type II and Type III. Skin Z brown, dartos fascia Z green, tunica dartos Z light
green, Bucks fascia Z blue, Tunica albuginea Z purple.
Author's personal copy

A new algorithm for management of chordee without hypospadias 45

Figure 2 Steps of chordee correction for Type III without hypospadias. A: Type III chordee without hypospadias. B: Moderate
chordee on Gittes test. C: Penile degloving. D: Mild glanular chordee on Gittes test. E: Mobilization of urethra and corpus spongio-
sum. F: Complete chordee correction on Gittes test. G: Raising of glanular flaps. H: Glanuloplasty done with complete correction of

used even if there was 15-degree residual chordee. None of correct the residual chordee. One patient required division
the patients required ventral tunica graft to lengthen the of urethra and interposition of skin tube, and he later had
corpora cavernosa. Torsion in all patients could also be cor- an anastomotic stricture requiring internal urethrotomy.
rected by penile degloving and mobilization of urethra with Type I chordee could be corrected by mobilization of hypo-
corpus spongiosum. Spongioplasty was done by mobilizing plastic urethra and corpus spongiosum in one patient and
the divergent (Y-shaped) corpus spongiosum along with mobilization of urethra with dorsal glanular tugs in another.
the hypoplastic urethra, starting from normal urethra to Three patients required mobilization of proximal urethra up
tip of glans (Figs. 4EeH), and suturing over the hypoplastic to bulbar region and three patients underwent resection of
urethra in midline modifying the Y-shaped corpus spongio- hypoplastic urethra and replacement urethroplasty. Of
sum to I shaped, to reconstruct a near normal urethra. these three cases, two required division of urethra for cor-
Then glanular flaps were sutured to complete the glanulo- rection of chordee and one had trauma during mobilization
plasty, reshaping the glans as conical and bringing the me- of hypoplastic urethra. One of the patients had fistula in
atus to the tip (Fig. 4I). One patient each underwent the replacement urethroplasty group.
orchidopexy and herniorrhaphy. The prepuce was used for Over all chordee correction was possible by mobilization
tube urethroplasty in four cases and the remaining patients of urethra with penile degloving in 76% of cases, by
underwent prepucial reconstruction. mobilization of urethra and dorsal plication in 8%, and by
division of urethra in 16% cases. After fistula repair and
Results internal urethrotomy in one patient each, a second surgery
had a 100% success rate. None of the patient had residual
chordee in a follow-up period of 6 months to 3 years (mean
There were six cases of type III, 11 cases of type II and eight
26 months).
cases of type I (Table 1). Chordee was moderate (30e60 de-
gree) in 14 cases and 11 patients had severe chordee (>60
degree). In four type-III patients chordee correction was Discussion
achieved by penile degloving and two required mobilization
of corpus spongiosum. For type II, chordee correction was There is no general agreement on etiology or surgical
possible by mobilization of hypoplastic urethra with diver- management of this entity. Young proposed that it is due
gent corpus spongiosum in three cases, mobilization of ure- to a congenitally short urethra and should be managed by
thra up to bulbar part in four cases, and dorsal glanular tugs transection and reconstruction of hypoplastic urethra [7].
in one patient along with mobilization of urethra up to bul- Devine and Horton in 1973 proposed that chordee without
bar region. Two patients who had dorsal plication earlier hypospadias is due to abnormal development of the fascial
required mobilization of urethra up to bulbar region to layers of the penis, and the majority of these could be
Author's personal copy

46 A. Bhat et al.

Figure 3 Steps of chordee correction for Type II without hypospadias. A: Moderate chordee on Gittes test. B: Moderate chordee
on Gittes after penile degloving. C: Mobilization of urethra and corpus spongiosum. D: Mild glanular chordee on Gittes test after
mobilization of urethra. E: Mild glanular chordee on Gittes test after mobilization of urethra, lateral view. F: Mobilization of ure-
thra into glans. G: Corpus spongiosum segment longer than corpus cavernosum. H: Complete correction of chordee on Gittes test
after spongioplasty. I: Complete correction of chordee on Gittes test after spongioplasty, lateral view.

treated with resection of fibrous tissue for chordee correc- Regarding the age for correction of chordee, Cendron
tion, transection of urethra being rarely required [5]. Nes- and Melin proposed that it should be after puberty. They
bit was in a dilemma over whether ‘‘to lengthen the short believed that curvature would improve spontaneously with
aspect or to shorten the longer one’’, but he choose the lat- age, and secondly it might disturb the growth of the penis
ter and described his excisional plicating procedures [8]. to alter the tunica of the corpora cavernosa [11]. But others
Hurwitz et al. were of the opinion that when the paper- advocate that if diagnosed in childhood correction should
thin urethra of type I is associated with an abnormal mea- be at that time [12]. We also follow the principle of manag-
tus, the entire dysplastic urethra should be reconstructed. ing the patient whenever he presents.
If the meatus is normal, clinical judgments must dictate Different methods of chordee correction are penile
which type of urethra may be preserved and which must degloving, plication procedures, corporeal rotation, tu-
be reconstructed [9]. The goal of surgical correction of nica/dermal grafts, resection of hypoplastic urethra and
chordee without hypospadias is to provide a straight penis penile disassembly [6]. The disadvantages of the plication
without migration of urethral meatus proximally. It is im- procedures and corporeal rotation are that they are against
portant to define accurately the cause of the underlying de- the anatomical principles of surgery, as the dorsal surface
fect and to plan an appropriate and specific method of of the corpora is developmentally normal and plication
surgical correction [2]. Most of the pediatric urologists con- shortens rather than elongates the embryologically abnor-
sider chordee to be significant if it is more than 20 degrees. mal ventral surface. Excessive infolding or excessive exci-
We aim at complete chordee correction in children, as with sion of tunica may lead to a significant decrease in
the growth of the penis minor chordee may increase and corporal volume and tunica elasticity. Other disadvantages
pose a problem during sexual intercourse later. A dorsal ap- are shortening of the penis, excessive blood loss due to ex-
proach is preferred for mild chordee of 10, 20 or 30 de- tensive dissection and dorsal vein or corporal injury, and
grees; conversely chordee of more than 50 degrees is nerve injury leading to impotence. The limitation of these
managed by ventral approach [10]. We plan to correct chor- procedures is that correction is possible only in mild to
dee of even a minor degree using a ventral approach as the moderate chordee [13,14]. Hendren and Caesar reported
ventral surface is embryologically abnormal. disappointing results and significant recurrence of chordee
Author's personal copy

A new algorithm for management of chordee without hypospadias 47

Figure 4 Steps of chordee correction for type III without hypospadias with torsion. A: Type III chordee without hypospadias with
torsion. B: Severe chordee on Gittes test without hypospadias. C: Skin adherent to hypoplastic urethra. D: Moderate chordee on
Gittes test after penile degloving. E: Mobilization of urethra and corpus spongiosum. F: Minimal glanular chordee after mobilization
of urethra with corpus spongiosum on Gittes test. G: Mobilization of urethra into glans. H: Complete correction of chordee after
mobilization of urethra into glans. I: Glanuloplasty and spongioplasty. J: Complete correction of chordee on Gittes test after gla-
nuloplasty and spongioplasty.

after long-term follow up by Nesbit himself [15], although experience with wide mobilization of urethra and one-stage
Chertin et al. reported that dorsal tunica albuginea plica- repair of chordee without hypospadias [23]. Mobilization of
tion is a simple and effective method with good long-term the urethra can be done up to the penoscrotal junction or
results for correction of chordee without any damage to up to the bulbar region, according to length needed due
neurovascular bundles or detrimental effect on erection to severity of chordee, keeping the ratio of 4:1. Atala
[16]. The success rate reported with dorsal plication of tu- et al. recommended a 5:1 ratio to prevent compromise of
nica for correcting chordee varies from 85% to 100%. But the blood supply to the urethra in hypospadias [24]. In chordee
long-term results of this technique reported by others were without hypospadias it may be mobilized a little longer,
poor, and some authors have even raised concern that dor- since mobilization is with corpus spongiosum and the distal
sal plication in childhood may result in penile shortening end of the urethra remains attached to the glans keeping
and subsequent erectile dysfunction [17e21]. We use dorsal both blood supplies intact. Dipaola et al. managed 26 chor-
plication only in cases where we find minimal chordee after dee patients without hypospadias with dorsal plication in
mobilization of urethra by glanular tug or only one or two type III, extensive mobilization of the urethra in type II
sutures without much folding of the tunica. and vascularized neo-urethra in type I cases [25]. Mobiliza-
Resection of hypoplastic urethra and replacement ure- tion of the urethra along with the corpus spongiosum for
throplasty again is an extensive procedure and carries risks correction of chordee is the best option, eliminating the
of stricture, fistula, diverticulum, torsion, meatal stenosis above-mentioned complications and having the advantage
and retrusive meatus [4]. The disadvantages of the graft of utilizing the hypoplastic urethra with spongioplasty. We
procedures are risk of graft contracture, limitation of being could correct the chordee in 76% of cases by mobilization
used for small ventral defects and the fact that excessive of urethra and only in 8% of cases was plication used. There
grafting may disturb the corporal structures including pe- is less risk of shortening of the penis if dorsal tunica plica-
nile growth [12]. None of our patients required a graft tion is done after mobilization of urethra, as partial correc-
but this option is open for patients of corporeal dispropor- tion of chordee is achieved by mobilization of urethra. Only
tion type IV. Satisfactory release of ventral chordee can 16% required division of hypoplastic urethra, and 4% of
readily be accomplished by either excision of underlying these were due to damage to hypoplastic urethra during
fascial tissue or mobilization of the anterior urethra with mobilization. Mobilization of urethra is difficult in type I
replacement of the urethral meatus at the glans without as it is adherent to both corpora as well as to the skin.
construction of neo-urethra [22]. Gross reported his There is a risk of urethral fistula in the case of injury to
Author's personal copy

48 A. Bhat et al.

Figure 5 Steps of chordee correction for Type II without hypospadias. A: Moderate chordee on Gitte’s test without hypospadias.
B: Midline incision on ventral surface. C: Penile degloving and poorly developed corpus spongiosum. D: Moderate chordee Gittes
test after penile degloving. E, F: Mobilization of hypoplastic and proximal urethra. G: Moderate chordee Gittes test after mobili-
zation of urethra. H: Mobilization of urethra into glans. I: Minimal chordee after mobilization of urethra into glans. J: Mobilization
of neurovascular bundle. K: Site and size of incision for tunica albuginea plication. L: Incision in tunica albuginea. M: Suture ap-
plication in tunica albuginea. N: Complete correction of chordee after tunica plication on Gittes test. O: Complete correction
of chordee after spongioplasty and glanuloplasty. P: Complete correction of chordee and skin closure.

hypoplastic urethra during dissection. Creating a plane of injury to the urethra. Injecting saline or adrenaline solution
dissection around the normal urethra proximally and then helps in dissection of the skin from hypoplastic urethra. We
dissecting distally helps in mobilizing the urethra along routinely do spongioplasty and glanuloplasty in all cases.
with corpus spongiosum, with less risk of bleeding and Spongioplasty adds to the length of the urethra and so helps

Table 1 Types of chordee without hypospadias, and procedures performed

Procedure No. of cases State of corpus spongiosum No. of cases Type
Penile degloving 4 Well developed 4 III
Penile degloving þ mobilization of corpus spongiosum 2 Well developed 2 III
a. Penile degloving þ mobilization of hypoplastic 4 Poorly developed 3 II
urethra and corpus spongiosum Not developed 1 I
b. ‘a’ þ mobilization of proximal urethra 7 Poorly developed 4 II
Not developed 3 I
Penile degloving þ dorsal plication 2 Poorly developed 1 II
Not developed 1 I
Penile degloving þ division/resection of urethra 4 Poorly developed 1 II
Not developed 3 I
Secondary cases 2 Poorly developed 2 II
of penile degloving þ mobilization of urethra
Author's personal copy

A new algorithm for management of chordee without hypospadias 49

in correction of chordee. Mobilization of hypoplastic ure- Conclusions

thra and spongioplasty reconstructs a near-normal urethra,
making repair as per anatomical principles of surgery, cor- Mobilization of hypoplastic urethra and proximal healthy
rects the chordee and also helps in prevention of urethral urethra up to the bulbar part gives an additional length to the
fistulae. Glanuloplasty has a dual advantage of correcting urethra, according to the age of the child, which is sufficient
the glanular part of chordee and giving a conical shape to to correct the chordee in most cases. Mobilization of
the glans. Utilizing the above-mentioned advantages, we divergent corpus spongiosum and spongioplasty with glanu-
propose an algorithm (Fig. 6) to manage chordee without loplasty also helps in correction of chordee, restoring near-
hypospadias, which defines etiology and guidelines for man- normal anatomy of the urethra. A new algorithm is proposed
agement of this congenital anomaly. for the management of chordee without hypospadias.

Figure 6 Flow chart for management of chordee without hypospadias.

Author's personal copy

50 A. Bhat et al.

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