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Directions: Write your answer on the space provided below.

1. List down instances in your life that you were able to engage in philosophy.
A. When arguing with other people
B. When choosing to play games or study
C. When committing mistake and reflect on it
2. How did philosophy help you address your situation?
A. It helps me to enhances my problem-solving capabilities
B. It helps me to think deeply to understand the situation

Directions: Complete the table below. Write your answer on the space provided.


1. Buying a new gadget Before I buy a new gadget, the one I got must be
2. Choosing friends Before I make friends, I first check the habits to see if
we have something in common.
3. Planning a surprise party for your sibling I will buy a gift for him first
4. Deciding where to study in College The course you want to take must be there first
5. Joining an organization in school I will join if I think I can help that organization
6. Helping a stranger First I will ask if he/she really needs help
7. Going out with friends All work must be done first
8. Posting your opinion or feelings in the social Before I post or comment on social media, First I
media think about whether I will be harmed by what I do
9. Going out with the opposite sex Before going out with the opposite sex, one
must know the nature of that person
10. Confronting a person who verbally hurt you I will prepare myself mentally and emotionally

Directions: Write your answer on the space provided.

Have you ever had an experience where reflecting on your actions benefitted you? Share your experience.

Yes! I think self-reflection is the best possible thing I can do to improve. And I learned a lot in Myself like when I
made a wrong decision, of course it happened to me, So next time I won't let it happen to me again, And then I
reflect more, I get to know myself better.

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