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SUT ame tke) a WHAT ROUGH BEAST{ Pere mels eee} Cae ues MYSTERY POWERS e jj COVERT -ACTION BOUNCE BACK INTO HIGH , ENERGY EXCITEMENT WITH CHAMPIONS! BUILD & PLAY YOUR FAVORITE COMICBOOK CHARACTER OR HERO OF YOUR OWN - DESIGN! THE ACTION NEVER STOPS FROM 'HERO GAMES! F Nese a ‘X KA il) 7 « HEROO1 CHAMPIONS $14.95 7 = HEROO2 ENEMIES — $5.95 HERO12 ORGANIZATIONS BOOK $5.95 HEROO4 STRONGHOLD $5.95 HEROOG ENEMIES II 5.95 AC#1 ADVENTURERS CLUB HEROO7 ESPIONAGE $12.95 Ace2 QUARTERLY $2.50 ~: HEROO8 CHAMPIONS II $9.95 COMING SOON HEROO9 DEATHSTROKE $5.95 js HERO10 BORDERCROSSING $5.95 CHAMPIONS Ill. THE GAME CONTINUES a FLEXTHES, DVENTURERS THE HERO GAMES QUARTERLY CLUB Winter 1983 vor.1, No.2 "NUFF SAID/Steve Peterson Editorial FOXBAT & FANDOM Letters SUPERHYPE/R. A. Greer dust what it says BETWEEN THE LINES/Bruce Harlick Hero System questions and answers COVERT ACTION/L. Douglas Garrett Some new ESPIONAGE tules CROOKS & CRUSADERS/Bruce Harlick Introducing Boa Constrictor MYSTERY POWERS AND DISADVANTAGES IN CHAMPIONS/Aaron Allston A new GM technique WHAT ROUGH BEAST!/John Sullivan A CHAMPIONS scenario CHAMPIONS PLUS/George Mac Donald New Power Advantages and Limitations THE GOOD, THE BAD, & THE UGLY Product Reviews ART IN THIS ISSUE Cover: Mike Witherby ny onan 16 18 21 35 44 Publisher: Hero Games Editor: | Steve Peterson Assistant Editors: Bruce Harlick Mary M. Feldman Art Director: Steve Peterson Advertising Manager: Ray Greer Contributing Editors: Aaron Allston L. Douglas Garrett Business Manager: George Mac Donald Circulation Manager: Ray Greer Design: Shannon Hudson Steve Peterson Production Manager: Steve Peterson Production: Mark Williams Interior Art: Denis Loubet: 3, 8, 12, 14, 18, 19. Mike Gray: 24-25. John Sullivan: 21 Mark Williams: 6, 7, 10, 17, 33, 44. Mike Witherby: 30, 36, 39, 40. ei ADVENTURERS CLUB is published quarterly by Hero Games, 92A 21st Ave., San mateo, CA 94402, All material is copyright 1983 by Hero Games. Alll rights reserved. Printed in USA by California Offset Printers. INUPFE SAID by Steve Peterson Once again the steady progress of Time has forced me into action: it’s time to write another editorial. The tough part is choosing which topics to write about; there are so many things going on. At any rate, I'll cover some of the more impor- tant items, Even if you don't have Enhanced Senses, you've probably noticed the dif- ference between AC #2 and AC #1 Through the wonders of modern technology, we are now able to phototypeset all of our products, in- cluding this magazine. For those of you with a technical bent, we found a firm that takes our word processing files from our CBM 8032 computers and transfers it into their phototypesetter, thus allowing us many different typestyles. Those of you who don't know what I just said can just enjoy the clean, sharp look of the magazine and, not incidentally, all of our products from now on. In addition, I'd like to thank Shannon Hudson for doing a superb job designing the graphics for our products and for the AC. We've always tried to bring you the best we could in our products; now we can bring the quality of the graphics and artwork up to the level of the content. Yes, it does cost us more money, but those extra dollars make a big difference. As in the past, our goal is to make each new product better than the last. We're committed to bringing you the best games and supplements. Our efforts to co-operate with other companies in the industry are part of that commitment. We feel that making our ESPIONAGE! supplements compatible with Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes from Blade (and vice-versa) has helped those players who like to combine systems from different games, and has made available twice as many supple: ments for either game. AUTODUEL CHAMPIONS, from Steve Jackson Games, combines the popular Car Wars system with all Hero System games (CHAMPIONS, ESPIONAGE!, and JUSTICE, INC). We're also planning on doing crossovers with some of the other superhero games on the market. We believe that this sort of co- operation is best for everyone; that it stimulates role-playing interest, creativity among the players, and greater sales for the manufacturers. But what do you think? Is this a good idea in your opinion? Please, let me know — and more impor. tantly, let some of the other companies know. Yes, Blade and SJ Games are already aware of the value of co operation, but a pat on the back never hurts. Then there’s all those companies ‘out there who may not be convinced of the value of co-operation, because their customers haven't mentioned it. So go ahead, let the folks at Avalon Hill, Chaosium, FGU, GDW, ICE, TSR, etc. know what you think about co-operation ‘Of course, your opinions have an effect only if they are heard. So don't be afraid to write and tell us how you feel. After all, we can't bring you the kind of products you want unless you tell us what you're looking for. We want to make the best products we can, so write to us and tell us what you like and don't like about our products. Be blunt. Especially important is creative criticism; give us a suggestion on how to make it better. Be specific; refer to specific products and specific problems. Rest assured, your opinions are read and noticed; it may be a while before we can write back to you, but we always pay at- tention to what you're saying. While you're at it, how about some more comments on the magazine? We've discussed the idea of going to an 8v/2 by ADVENTURERS CLUB 11 format; what do you think? Before everybody tells me that the AC should come out more often, let me tell you, it's tough enough getting it out every three months. We're thinking about starting a feedback section in the magazine, perhaps with a tear-out response card, to make it easier for you to make your opi- nions known. Oh, and I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our new contributing editors, Aaron Allston and Doug Garrett. Many happy deadlines to you both. And a round of applause goes to Mike Witherby for a piece of cover art that really reaches out and grabs you. Oops. Bruce has just informed me that I've gone over my Pun Quota for the day, and if I make one more pun, I'll be forced to write a Smurf role playing game. I'd better quit while I'm ahead; see you next issue. ADVENTURERS CLUB and Fandom Dear Foxbat, It's nice to see HERO GAMES finally has its own magazine, and it’s nice to see you finally have a regular column of your own, too. However, | have two things I would like to say about AC: (1) How about some pages of reviews of the new games, supplements, and adventures from HERO GAMES? Like JUSTICE, INC, Autoduel Champions, BORDER CROSSING, etc. We would like to know more about these products before our money leaves the wallet. (2) Go monthly! I know it’s probably hard for the editor to do so, but lots of us will be very glad to receive AC every month instead of three. Tell you what, if you can convince (perhaps with a little bit of Energy Blast) the editorial staff to do the things | men- tioned above, I'll give you a brand new Spidermobile and a Gophermobile to go with your Centipedemotile. I'll also make sure that you'll never get clobbered by the supercapes in my campaign again! Happy criming, Terry “Wicked Merchant” Lee Dear Tery, Glad you like the AC. Of course they gave me my own column. Any project of this magnitude that didn’t have my hand in it would probably fall flat on it's face (as it would deserve to!) We are planning to do reviews; in fact we have reviews of two products in this issue. But we probably will 4 not be reviewing our own products unless one of you readers would like to write the reviews, I mean, would you believe us if we told you our products were great? (Of course you would, ‘cause they are!) But we feel that you would take it better if it did not come from a staff member, or the author of the work. By the way, we do not put out Autoduel Champions. _ That fine supplement for both CHAMPIONS and Car Wars is put out by none other than Steve Jackson Games. As for your second point, all that I can say is only time will tell. And watch it, buster! Make fun of my creative genuis one more time, and I'll show you who gets clobbered. —Foxbat Foxbat, I too would like to fight crime and look spiffy. Since | already have a copy of CHAMPIONS and a flashy costume, I have enclosed $20.00 for a membership in the ADVENTURERS CLUB. Sincerely, Bob Quinlan P.S. Anyone knowing the current whereabouts of Black Paladin is urgently requested to contact me. Bob, While | cannot approve of your insane urge to fight crime (and they call me crazy!), I'can approve of you joining the club. Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy it, As for Black Paladin, he was last seen ADVENTURERS CLUB in the Washington, DC area, but my infor- mation is old. Has anyone out there seen him recently? —Foxbat Mr. Peterson, Mac Donald, and the other fine geniuses, I just received my membership to Adventurers Club, and | must applaud you! It is very good, although I think that Champions Plus should have more powers with shorter descriptions — but well written ones. The Mechanon Gambit was excellent. You should try to increase the size of the pages, although I loved all the articles, it is sort of short. It’s not that | think it’s a rip-off, but when I was finished, | wanted more. Best wishes, Josh Martinsons dosh, I'm very glad you like the AC, but get the name right. It's Foxbat, not Mr. Peterson, etc. But just ‘cause | like you, we're going to increase the size of Cham pions Plus, and increase the magazine to 48 pages in length. If that doesn’t satisfy you, I'm gonna have the Moron (Freedom) League come and abuse you. Thanks for your support. —Foxbat Wombat, Your bluster and petty insults almost hid your fear and envy, but in your grimy, little, heart, you know that you can never dim the shining aura that surrounds a protector of the weak, a defender of the oppressed, a Champion of Justice, a superhero. Face it, Wombat. You are afraid to con. front the fearsome power of the Freedom League. In your first letter, you were will- ing to fight us “any day of the week”, no strings attached. Then, you did not realize that you would face one of the most effec- tive fighting team in the universe. Now, you tremble like a leaf and will only face us if we burst into your belfrey unan- nounced. If we were announced, you would beg for mercy, like the sniveling, flea-bitten mammal, you are. ADVENTURERS CLUB ..Give us the location of the second. rate scientist who is your master, we tire of dealing with his most lowly pseudopod! See you in Stronghold Dragon Man Wanrior Starflare and the rest of the Freedom League Dear Morons, If there is a “shining aura” that sur- rounds you, it is only the glare from vour Force Field, because you re too afraid to face the world without one. What, are you running for office, Lizard Man? It was a pretty speech, but that’s about all you are good for. Mohammed won't go to the morons, so I guess the morons will have to come to me. You speak of being “defenders of the oppressed’, but its you who are the op- pressors. I'm glad you think you are the most effective fighting team in the un- iverse, ‘cause you certainly are not the most effective writers in the universe. Look at your first paragraph. Ha! As for being the most effective fighting team in the universe, you maybe have never heard of The Guardians? You better watch what you say, or they might get mad with you. I won't even bother to respond to the rest of your letter, for it is beneath my dignity and ability. Why don’t you join the boy scouts, or retire to Florida. At least you'd be able to do more than threaten me. — Foxbat $a Ko by R. A. Greer How time flies when you're having fun. I can hardly believe it’s time for me to sit down and tell all of you out there what's happening at HERO GAMES. Maybe it's the basic human need to communicate with other people that motivates me to write; maybe it’s my personal concern for our adoring public. Then again, my editor across the room with the autoblaster may have influenced me in some small way. But for whatever reason | have lots of neus for you, so let's get to it. Even as you read this the first copies of Organization Book [will be appearing on the stands. Amazing Aaron Allston has done it again with an indepth look at the Metropolitan Extra-Terrestrial Enclave and the mysterious Circle. These two organizations are presented in their en- tirety, with base layouts, important NPCs and several adventures. This is a milestone in the HERO line of CHAM- PIONS supplements. Thank you, Aaron, for providing a product that can be easily plugged into any CHAMPIONS cam. paign, and for proving that you really are a CHAMPIONS Guru. Things are a little behind with other projects. Perhaps it had something to do with the flash flood through the office. The melancholy sound of rain dripping on my desk has a demoralizing effect on me, and also failed to amuse my com- puter. But true to form, the staff presses on to bring you the finest in gaming products. Justice Inc’s release date has been rolled back to January. With it will also come Horror In The Sky and pos- sibly another 30's adventure to be named later. (Thank you to all the people who have submitted plot outlines; we need more people like you). From the level of excitement the name alone has generated! think we may have another hit game. And yes, like ESPIONAGE! the new game will use the Hero System and be compatible with CHAMPIONS The Great Super-Villain Contest, with all apologies to Daring Dennis Mallonee, has been held back to make room for our new Christmas product, Champions III. This companion to CHAMPIONS answers some of the secret mysteries of the Hero System. The method for the generating Instant Enemies will be in- cluded. There will be a section on Deathtraps and Danger Rooms. It's got new powers! It's got new skills! It boldly goes where no supplement has gone before! It’s Champions III! Ask for this one by name at your local hobby store. It’s our way of saying Merry Christmas. Watch for Stormhaven this winter from Blade. It will be compatible with ESPIONAGE! and written by none other than Magnificent Mike Stackpole, author of Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes. Keep up the good work, Mike. Rumor has it that Steve Jackson Games vill be putting out a new set of CHAMPIONS licensed Cardboard Heroes called The Best of Enemies I & II. Evil Stevie wouldn't say just when this would be, but a little encouraging fan mail couldn't hurt. Keep those cards and let- ters coming in or it might take forever to get Foxbat immortalized in cardboard. SJ Games did such a nice job with Autoduel Champions we all have to tell them that we want more! Border Crossing is now out on the market. This proves two things: first, that we are more than willing to publish ESPIONAGE! adventures if we can get people to write them (remember people, it’s your fault!) Second, we pay reasonably well. The author, Dauntless Doug Garrett, is using his royalty check to help pay for his new apartment. So buy those adventures and try your hand at submitting your*work. At HERO H.Q. there’s been a lot going on. Bruce “SuperEditor” Harlick had a birthday (thanks for the party, Bruce). George and Mark had a great time shar- ing a table with SJ Games at the GATEWAY Convention in Los Angeles. Some of them had more fun than others; love ya, Mark. The quote of the con: “They hang people for that in Texas!” My heartfelt thanks to the people from Iron Crown Enterprises for all the help you guys gave me at GENCON. And to Keith and his rag tag bunch of CHAMPIONS fans; I couldn't have done without you guys at GENCON. It has been proven that at least some of the HERO staff can dance (waltzing is fun; thank you, Steve Perrin). The Strategists Club gave CHAMPIONS II the award for the Best Roleplaying Supple- ment of 1982. And our thanks to the fans who answered our emergency call during the storm season to help us rearrange the H.Q and get through the all night shipp- ing fest. (Even with broken fingers, Kevin? What a stud!) It just goes to prove that heroes aren't hard to find when you really need them. Thanks, troops. I've saved the best news for last. Hang on to your hats. It’s too good to be true! HOLIDAYS Grenadier Miniatures has the new license to do CHAMPIONS 25mm _ lead miniatures! Yes, CHAMPIONS figures will soon be here. Two boxed sets of 10 figures will be released in March. One set will be of Heroes (including the Guar- dians) and one set of Villains (the best of Enemies I). The quality of the carving is incredible; done by Artful Andy Chernak himself. There will be more sets to follow later next year. Drop Grenadier a quick RAY GREER? note to tell them what figures you want to see in the upcoming sets. Show them how much you like CHAMPIONS by buy- ing those figures! mWell, it’s that time again. | have to go down to see how the shipping is going along I can go now, boss, right? Where would I be without my editor’s watchful guidance? Sometimes | like to wonder. Hope to be here to talk to you all next time around. At Your Service, R. A. Greer Snoop in Chief ADVENTURERS CLUB What's the END Cost on Teleport? Teleport costs 1 END for every 5” of Teleport you use. There is no extra END cost for using the Combat Teleport, Extra Mass and Extra Distance modifiers. Is Reflection a half-phase action and does it cost END? Yes, Reflection is considered a half. phase combat action, and it does cost END to use. Can you spread a Mind Control at- tack? No, you normally cannot. You may do so, however, if you have a good justifica tion, and your GM allows it Once a target is under Mind Control, is the power effect still visible? No. Usually, once a character is Mind Controlled, no one notices unless the vic- tim starts acting peculiar. This allows the GM to set up some very interesting situa tions by having villains secretly Mind Control heroes. How long does it take to change from Secret ID to superhero ID without Instant Change? Anywhere from 1 phase to 1 tum. The time it takes is up to the GM, but should not keep the character who is changing out of the battle for too long. Is it necessary to use an Ultra slot of a Multipower at full power? No, it is not. You still must allocate the full amount of points from the reserve to the slot, however. Do Superleap and Clinging cost END (apart from the STR used)? Yes, both Superleap and Clinging cost END to use. Are um costs calculated before or after Advantages or Limitations? Minimum costs are calculated before applying either Power Advantages or Limitations. Is it legal to give Levels the same Limitation as the power they go with? (Example: +1 w/Lightning Blast, OAF — Lightning Blast Gun.) In some cases, yes, it is legal to put Limitations on Levels, but you must get your GM's permission first. In the case of guns, it would be pretty unusual to have more than two levels in the gun. Also remember that levels built into the gun are usable by anyone who picks up the gun. Oo ADVENTURERS CLUB COVERT ACTION ...... Editor's Note: L. Douglas Garrett is our new author for the Covert Action department. He br: ings a wealth of experience to this topic, being the author of BORDER CROSS. ING (the first ESPIONAGE supplement) and then there's his many intelligence missions for...What? | can't tell them This issue, I'll pass on a few of the ideas and hints that my players (the “Thugs") and I have found in our year and half long campaign. Below are five sections covering this issue's intellectual breakthroughs. Don't let the titles scare you off; these are for both players and GMs to read. The titles are there to re mind you who needs to use that par- ticular section. PLAYER’S NOTES “Characters and the Mission Group” Any time that more than one player goes out on a mission, it is important for them to consider what skills are needed. Furthermore, it is important to be sure that the skills of each character are ap- propriate for his part of the mission and that they complement the skills of his team-mates. Such task-oriented characters will be more effective on a mis- sion, and their players will have more fun. Starting with the character creation process makes it easier to create task- oriented characters. Not just one task, but perhaps two or three specialties; call them Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Specialties. With such characters handy, it becomes easy to organize your mission 10 about that?....Well, what about the time in Rangoon with the steamer trunk?....No? Perhaps | could mention the incident in Kabul involving the goat?...Oh, all right You'll just have to take my word for it. | can't even tell you what the L. stands for. Blasted security regulations. group to do the job your malevolent pal, the GM, has assigned. The list of Specialties that follows should cover all of the types of characters you'll need in your campaign. Pavement Artist/Detective: Your basic go-out-and-ask information gatherer, this specialty is built around four Skills: Shadowing, Streetwise, Conversation, and Persuasion. This allows the character to find people and places to ask the right questions and to have a chance of getting an answer when he asks. Of course, Language, Culture Knowledge, and City Knowledge are important, if not essential to the good pavement artist. In addition, by buying Criminology and Forensic Medicine (even if you don’t have Paramedic), as well as Knowledge Skills, your Pavement Artist has just become a Detective, capable of discovering a whole new sort of data by examination. Transport: This is the drive-anything specialty. Real simple; all Transportation Skills and Combat Vehicle Operation. To improve on this, add Mechanic, Shadow- ing, and a good DEX. A lot of Area Knowledges doesn't hurt either. Remember, everybody can drive, but it takes a Transport Specialist to fly the purloined plane out of enemy lands through the teeth of their air-defense network (but even he might not make it) Breaking & Entering/Plumbers: Second-story men can often be the only way to get the objective out of enemy hands. Papers in locked safes, prisoners in upstairs rooms, defeating the perimeter of the RAVEN secret base, all this is the purview of the B & E specialist. To do this right, buy: Climbing, Lockpicking, Security Systems, and Breakfall. Conceal- ment, Stealth, and some Knowledge Skills wouldn't hurt either. Plumbers are responsible for planting the listening and monitoring devices. Finding such devices is the specialty of Ferrets (who, amazingly enough, have exactly the same skills). In addition to your basic B & E Skills; Plumbers really need the following Concealment; Bugging, and Knowledge: Telephone Systems. Electronics can help, as can Computer Programming, depending on the type of spying you're doing. ADVENTURERS CLUB Technical: Science is not usually a field mission specialty, but occasionally, this sort of ability is what makes or breaks a mission. This is especially true in the Mis- sion:Impossible! type of operation. The skill base is pretty flexible, but should have Mechanic, Electronics and Inventor, as well as Sciences and Professional Skills appropriate to your training. An example would be: Science: Chemistry 11- Science: Structural Engineering 11- Science: Mathematics 8: ProSkill: Chemical Engineering Knowledge: Organic Chemistry 11- Knowledge: Bio Laboratory Procedures 8- This reflects the technical expertise of the agent in the field of Industrial Bio- Chemistry, and defines his training in broad enough terms to allow him to do basic Chemistry in the field, or to assist an explosives team in judging the quantity of explosives required to bring down the bridge. Note: Forgery Specialists are a sub-category of tech specialists. Killing Machines. DEX, SPD, Levels, Familiarity with all weapons; this is the combat specialty. Most agents can hold their own in a scuffle, but Killing Machines can wipe out three times their weight in baddies. DEX 20, SPD 4, is the only real requirement, but the well rounded Killer has a good STR, CON, BODY, PD, and REC to back it up. Familiarity with all firearms is nice, but Familiarity with melee weapons may be better. Martial Arts also helps. Demolitions, Stealth, and Am- bidexterity round out the true Killer. One note: on most missions, if you have to use your Killing skills, you’ve probably done something wrong. Area Specialist/Knowedge Specialist: This is sort of a catch-all specialty cover- ing the idea of someone who knows all about somewhere or something. The Area Specialty is tied to Area Knowledge, Culture Knowledge, Language, City Knowledges, and Specific Knowledges about Politics, Military, Economic, and Philosophical details of the country or region. The Knowledge Specialty is poy similar, but more restricted to a type than 1 place. An example would be an expert on Foreign Intelligence Agencies, or All The World's Military Organizations. This guy knows so much about these groups he can practically think like them Infiltration: Infiltration is the specialty of being from somewhere or being a member of an organization even if you aren't. Disguise, Language, and Culture Knowledge are essential to moving freely in a Foreign Society, unnoticed by the enemy. With a deeper understanding (Knowledges, Professional Skills, etc.) one could infiltrate a group or organiza tion. With that, Mimicry, and lots of work .. 12 on the Disguise, impersonation is even possible, Acting as a Professional Skill is almost required With these specialties, several com: binations work out very nicely. Team up a ransportKilling Machine with a Pave ment Artist’Knowledge Specialist as your streetwise team in the tough part of town Send the B & E/Tech in with the Plumber information discovered by the InfiltratorDetective while scouting for where the TransportArea Specialist will land the helicopter to drop the Killing Machine(s) as a diversion. See, it's easy. Pick your team for the mission. You would no more send three Killers and a to act on ADVENTURERS CLUB Transport Specialist to Italy (none speak: ing Italian) to find an enemy economic in- filtration than you would send a black agent to Finland. Think about the mission and try to balance the team with the target. Remember, they're your characters going out there, and if you don't think ahead, you may be up to your ears in negative Brownie Points by the end of the night. Put responsible players in charge of the party. Plan ahead! Use a little tactical skill and deductive ability. This means you, not your character. If you play a great Detec- tive, but can’t lead, then for your own sake, stick to following orders from a leader and advise him on what you have deduced. It's things like this that make the run more enjoyable for everyone. REFEREE’S NOTES “Buy the Area Knowledge Before You Run” One of the most important things you can do as a GM to make a run “feel” right is to set your run in real places with ac- curate descriptions of the scenary. To do this without having to take weekly trips to Foreign Countries is to use the resources available in any library. First, study maps of the country. Use a full size atlas, as most small maps don't give enough detail. Supplement this with a World Almanac article on your country. This should bring some ideas to mind, as well as remind you what language and culture is appropriate. If you can, find a gazetteer (a list of towns), usually in the back of atlases or in encyclopedias. The basic course ends with National Geographic magazine. Sometime in the last 10 years, this magazine did a pictorial article on vir- tually every place in the known world. Smithsonian and other such magazines can also be helpful, but National Geographic is the best. The articles give cultural details essential to playing ac- curate NPCs and make you (the GM) more at home with your new country. If you are really.gung-ho about this, you probably want to buy accurate maps of the operations area. Michelin road maps are available of Europe, Africa and some points east (and west), These are excellent, showing not only roads but small towns, rail nets (and stops) and ter- rain features, often in great detail. To know more about the terrain you have just discovered, buy a Fodor's guide to the country. Available for most countries, this book details points of interest and prices in local currency, as well as describ- ing the various routes of travel and often the limits of local law on travellers. Finally, if you can’t find out about a place (or it is your own creation for the run) then and only then ad-lib on the details to fill out the country. Inform the characters where they are and how it dif- fers from home-town, U.S.A., (or U.K. or N.Z,, or wherever you live). All and all, this will improve your knowledge of the world we live on and make for a more realistic, more fun, game. NEW SKILL I've come up with a new skill in my campaign to deal with a particularly nasty little difficulty in stake-out situations. Surveillance Skill is basically the ability to look inconspicuous for long periods of time. This is more reasonable than using Concealment Skill, which is purely a search-and-hide type ability. Of course, this does cost 3 points. Some GMs may want to define this as a 2 point Knowledge Skill (i.e. Stake-out Knowledge) or expand the skill to cover all situations where looking incon spicuous is useful (ie. roll to disappear into a crowd, used like Stealth). This is your prerogative as a GM. In any case, here it is. Surveillance Skill This is the stake-out skill that the CIA (and other agencies) is famous for. In a situation where a long term (i.e., hours) * Editor's Note:You may think he’s joking, but both of those incidents have ADVENTURERS CLUB occurred in our ESPIONAGE! cam- paigns. 13 observation of a location is to be made, especially with equipment (shotgun mikes, cameras, etc.), this skill is used like Concealment is used to hide a person or object. If a successful roll is made and materials are available, anything from a duck-blind to a panel van loaded with ELINT (Electronic INTelligence, for those of you not in the CIA) gear is made inconspicuous {assuming the right en- vironment). Characters without Surveil. lance Skill 10 chance to spot surveil- lance if a successful roll was made by the observer. If the observer fails his Surveil- lance Skill Roll, the target of the surveil lance may attempt a Perception Roll to 14 notice the surveillance (with appropriate Perception modifiers based on distance, etc.). If the target has Surveillance Skill, he may attempt to make a Skill vs. Skill roll; his Surveillance Skill roll minus the amount the observer made his Surveil lance Skill. One important modifier: -1 to 3 if the target is suspicious and looking for observers. Roll: 9 + INT/5 or less. Cost: 3 points: ‘1 per 2 points. Examples City: Van, room across street, hot dog cart. Wilderness: Camoutlage Rural blind, cart; ramshackle hut. ADVENTURERS CLUB NEW PACKAGE DEAL Many agents come straight out of col- lege and into the civil service, if not straight into the Agency at age 22. However, many agents in this country and in other countries have served in the Armed Forces. Additionally, on some operations, the characters may be as- sisted or confronted by active-duty forces (Military Police, for example). This Package Deal is designed to give the generic military background. It’s a nice way to buy an Area Assignment without the Monitored Disadvantage, and you get to fire some pretty nasty weapons. For most characters, however, it's just 8 points. Player-characters who buy Active Duty cannot function outside the military, unless the GM is running a_ special military operations campaign. Military Package Deal Skills Cost Familiarity National Weapons 2 Knowledge: “Threat” Army 11- 2 Area Study: (Station) Area 11- 2 Culture Familiarity: (Station) Culture 8 1 Professional Skill: (MOS) 11- 2 Familiarity National Infantry Heavy Weapons Active Duty Disadvantages Stat Minimum: STR 10, CON 10, EGO 10 Subject to orders and MilitaryLaw 6 Total Cost = 4 pts. Reserve/Retired Disadvantages Subject to Recall “ +1 to all Monitoreds A Total Cost = 8 pts Definitions “Threat” Army: The prime Adversary of your nation (ie, US, Nato: USSR; Israel: Arabs; etc.) (Station): A place where you were based (ie, U.S.: Nato Europe; Korea, Philipines; Viet Nam. Must be| compatible with character age. MOS:A military Skill; Diesel Engine} Mechanic, Radio Operator, Tank| Driver (1 point Military Vehicles, 1 point Mechanics Familiarity) TEAMED UP FOR ADVENTURE! Hero Games and Blade are working together to bring out more adventures for their games Espionage!" and Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes.™ Any adventure produced for these games can be used for both Espionage! and MSPE, and comes complete with mechanics for each game. Cooperation means twice as many adventures for you! MODERN ADVENTURES DON'T DEPEND ON JUST ONE GAME ANY MORE! BORDER CROSSING Covert action behind the Iron Curtain! ‘Available from better game and hobby stores or direct from the publisher just $5.95 plus $1 shipping/handling HERO GAMES 92A-D 21st Avenue San Mateo, CA 94402 THE ADVENTURE OF THE JADE JAGUAR Solitaire adventure in the South American jungle! Available from better game and hobby stores ‘or direct from the publisher: just $4.95 plus $1 shippingihandling BLADE (division of Flying Buffalo Inc.) PO Box 1210 * Dept. D15 Scottsdale, AZ 85252-1210 Please do not order The Adventure of the Jade Jaguar from Hero Games, or Border Crossing from Blade! ADVENTURERS CLUB 15 CROOKS AND New Characters for CHAMPIONS BOA CONSTRICTOR [VAL CHA Cost Cost Powers END 100 Disadvantages Damage Resistance 2x STUN from Cold 10 pts. Power Defense 1 Yex BODY from Lack of Weakness -5 Cold Attacks Clinging—STR30_ 3 1 Yex STUN from IR Vision Fire Attacks Stealth 13 or less Hatred of the Mob Climbing 21 or less Hunted by SPIRIT Regeneration — Llorless 2BODY Hunted by HERO +3” Running Group 1] orless 14 END—STR : Hunted by BLACK (Only when Grabbing MAMBA 14 or less or squeezing) Public Identity 3 Levels wGrab Unusual Looks Villain Bonus 178 (CHA Cost) + 125 (Power Cost) = (Total Cost) 303 + Disadvantage Total Jack Dunnet was a wrestler. He was not just a good one, he was a great one, and all he needed was one break to prove it. Jack got his break: a big match, and Jack saw all sorts of great things happening if he won. But the mob had other ideas, and told Jack to lose, or else. Jack won the match anyway, and the mob sent some boys to see him. They left him in a hospital, paralyzed from the waist down. When Dr. Timothy Blank asked John to volunteer for a new kind of treatment that might restore the use of his legs, he said yes. But Cobra (Dr. Blank) had other plans for John, and injected him with the in- credible C Serum, John’s legs worked once again, but he was changed into the loathsome Boa Constrictor. Now Boa Constrictor lives for only two things: to serve Cobra, and take his revenge on the mob. 16 ADVENTURERS CLUB Boa Constrictor is not subtle in combat. His basic tactic is to run up to an opponent, grab him (or her), and squeeze. He will keep squeezing until his opponent is uncon scious. If Boa Constrictor cannot grab his victim, he will do something clever like pick up a large object and throwit at his target. Boa Constrictor normally does not kill, but he has done so upon occasion. Like his namesake he is big and slow, but once he grabs you, it is usually all over. When on patrol alone, he normally has a squad of 20 COBRA Striker agents to back him up. These agents are trained to overcome Boa Constrictor's weaknesses: his lack of thinking and planning, Boa Constrictor will always try and foul up the mob’s operations, if he can. Cobra lets him do this, for it weakens one of his enemies. ADVENTURERS CLUB 17 MYSTERY POWERS AND DISADVANTAGES IN CHAMPIONS by Aaron Allston Editor's Note: This issue marks the debut of Aaron Allston as Contributing Editor to the AC. This means that | get to twist his arm a lot, and get an article every issue. Heh, heh. Aaron is a busy fellow: he runs the infamous Austin CHAMPIONS campaign, and the Jl campaign, with some occasional ESPIONAGE and Autoduel Champions thrown in. In his spare time, Aaron has authored Autoduel Champions (from SJ GAMES), Organiza: tion Book k The CIRCLE and M.E.T.E., and co-authored Justice, Inc. This is while he’s not busy being the editor of Stardate, FASA’s new Star Trek magazine, Rumor has it that he’s a graduate of the Isaac Asimov school of speed-writing. Me, I just think he’s SPD 6, with 5 Skill Levels in Typewriter. Pre te One problem with CHAMPIONS — a problem shared, to some extent, by every role- playing game — is that the players have an absolute understanding of what their characters can do. If you have 30 points in Teleport, well, you can teleport 15”, 20” if you push it. There’s no “I'm not sure I can make it...” — unless the GM forbids you from counting inches, (Not a bad idea, that, but it would tend to cause hostility). Ten dice of Energy Blast generally means an average of 10 BODY and 35 STUN. In short, CHAM. PIONS characters won't go too far astray relying on their character's capabilities. Conversely, they're never surprised by a power doing something it's not supposed to. That's where the game differs from the source material. In the comics, our favorite webslinger isn’t always sure just how stuck he is to the wall; our favorite Amazon may be eonlident in her ability to deflect bullets, but it’s not because she knows she has an 18 or less roll. Personally, I prefer a little more mystery in my campaign. Player-characters tend to get too cocksure when they know everything about their powers, their backgrounds, their disadvantages, and so forth. About the time I was realizing this, a new player — who was creating an under-aged seductress with pheromone boosted powers of Mind Control — said, “Why don’t you hold back some of my experience for a while? I want her to have a power she doesn't know about; J don’t want to know too much about it. It's a power where, if she saw someone she loved about to be killed, she'd fry the brains of whoever was doing it, and probably pass out, and wake up not knowing what happened...” 18 ADVENTURERS CLUB Well, that was’simple enough. After two years of playing, the character Lorelei still doesn’t know she has the power, and she never realized the damage she'd done to the creatures which killed her friend Napalm. That's comic-book material — leaving the character puzzled but the reader pleased: He knows something the character doesn't. That's when | started telling players that, every so often, | was going to hold back a few Experience Points for some of them, points that would go into new powers they wouldn't initially know about. For instance, Phosphene the teleporter didn't realize how lethal his power could be until he learned, by experimentation, that he could teleport and end up with his hand inside something — initially a hamster and a loaf of bread — doing great damage to the victim and none to himself. It was only a Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack, dependent on his Teleportation and loaded with a couple of other Limitations — but it sure saved his hide when he teleported into a sheetrock wall and destroyed it, not himself Further, if you hold back some experience and don't yet purchase a power with it, the character may himself come up with the new power. There have been many cases in the comics where characters “discovered” new applications of their powers, such as using force fields to fly. That's half the battle won; with this happening, the characters aren't exactly sure of what they can do. This leads us into our next act of confusion: Disadvantages. It's now commonplace, in our Austin campaign, for a player to say, “! want another Hunted, but can't think of a good one. Why don't you come up with one and just in- troduce it into the campaign? y, | want a 25-pointer” Which is fine with the GMs. Nowadays, when Our (begin- ning) Hero receives the mummified spleen and threatening note in the mail, he may have absolutely no idea who it is, instead of assuming it’s his old enemy Dr. Vivisector. Often as not, the revelation of the uillain’s identity may tell the character more about his background, as Hunteds are so often linked with a character's origin. Imagine the confusion of the orphaned hero who always thought himself a mutant, a freak, who finds himself hunted by a villain with similar powers — undisputedly a relative. Once you're settled into this sort of creative confusion, you can, when neces- sary, tamper with already existing Hunteds which need improvement. (Remember that a dull Hunted, like a dull Dependent NPC, adds nothing to a cam paign.) For instance, the hero Shadow- Walker had been hunted by the numerous thugs of an old adversary. That adversary eventually brainwashed a number of very capable agents into think ing they were ShadowWalkers and had to kill the original to regain their soul. The real ShadowWalker found and defeated his oldest foe, but it was too late — the simulacrums were out there, free and hunting. As Our Hero began whittling down their numbers, the remaining 19 hunters increased in experience, rising from 50 point agents to 100 point supertypes. Thus, the disadvantage mutated from Large Group, Full Time (20 points) to Small Group, Agents, Full Time (20 pts.) to Small Group, Superheroes (20 points) — it was a logical transition of the disadvantage, which kept the hero on his toes but did not change the point totals. And the hero’s friends also had to stay on their toes; two were nearly slain by bogus ShadowWalkers That particular plotline, in fact, opened up other cans of worms. The real Shadow- Walker — lethal, trained in ninjutsu, essentially an assassin against crime — couldn't just truck out and murder his doppelgangers; they thought they were ShadowWalker, and, in between murder attempts against their role model, they fought crime with a ferocity which terrorized the criminal underworld of Manhattan. Our Hero had to uncover a mystery he didn't comprehend and fight opponents he didn’t really want to eliminate, and the campaign was better for it. Such mysteries make CHAMPIONS much more exciting. So keep the occasional power and disadvantage murky, and your players will thank you — while they're tearing your hair out. 1G GINS. = DADVENTURE S GAN NAT ONAL July 5th - 8th, 1984 North Texas State University Denton, Texas (Minutes north of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex) ORIGINS 84 will feature events and tournaments in the areas of BOARDGAMING MINIATURES ROLE-PLAYING as well as a huge dealer’s area, demonstrations, and many famous speakers and guests. Don’t miss ORIGINS 84. For more information, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: ORIGINS 84 P.O. Box 59899 Dallas, Texas 75229 20 ADVENTURERS ‘CLUB WHAT ROUGH BEAST! A Scenario For CHAMPIONS by John Sullivan INTRODUCTION Deep in the woods of Norther California (or any large, secluded, wooded area) is a run-down old shack. Beneath this shack (which serves as the security housing of an elevator) is a secret Genocide base known as The Omega Compound. The Omega Compound, run by Dr. Magnus MacBeth, is, or was, as we shall see, primarily a research center, devoting its facilities to the study of radiation as it contributes to mutations. Dr. MacBeth felt that once the exact relationship of radiation to biological mutation was understood, he would be only a small step from his long-awaited goal: the final and utter eradication of the Mutant Threat! Therefore, the efforts of his entire staff of scien tists, technicians and security were concentrated on studying radiation-induced muta- tions. No small level of success in this endeavor was achieved through experimentation on live animals. Complete success was within their grasp...when something went horribly wrong. A hideously crossbred, mutated beast accidently received an enormous dose of radia tion, and in a frenzy of pain and fury, slaughtered every living thing in the base. The automated computers sealed The Omega Compound off, trapping the creature within. waiting A small UNTIL Task Force located the base, guided by intercepted transmissions. After a standard surveillance interval (during which time nothing moved or happened — nothing, nothing, nothing), they moved in, entering the base through its standard medium-security disguised entrance. The Beast found them. Only a short transmission got out “It's hideous— gigantic— glowing poison— it’s...” The Heroes are contacted by UNTIL and asked to investigate the base. But be careful, something is inside the Omega Compound, and that something—kills! GETTING THE HEROES INVOLVED As with any adventure, there are many ways various heroes (and various ways many heroes) could get involved — either as a group, or gathered together individually. Some suggestions ADVENTURERS CLUB 21 1) The heroes would most likely be called in by UNTIL, especially if they are a known, reliable group. UNTIL might also contact just a few well known, single heroes individual- ly. 2) The heroes could already be engaged in tracking down various Genocide bases and contacts, and they could come across the Compound by following a lead. The UN- TIL Task Force led by Melanie Nelson could still be there (but does not have to be). 3) Simple patrolling, a clue from a stoolie, or even a much needed vacation for the heroes may require a lot of contrivance and may not go exactly as desired. However, it's up to you. 4) Coincidence is always a possibility. Anything from a Luck roll (or even an Unluck roll) to blind coincidence could get the heroes involved. THE MISSION UNTIL wants to know what is going on inside the Genocide Complex The Heroes’ mission, should they decide to accept it, is to investigate the base, pinpoint the threat (whatever it might prove to be), and counter it. Ideally, UNTIL would like the Compound fully secured, as it probably contains a lot of vital data and information on how Genocide works, their staff, ete. The heroes are instructed not to let what is inside get out of the Compound under any circumstances. If this occurs, all heroes should be docked 1 Experience Point from their mission total, for failing in that regard. Should the Beast escape and get lost in the woods, it will eventually return to the Compound, as it is the only home it knows. In addition, the Game Master should keep in mind that although radiation emotionally agitates it, radiation also physically soothes it; and though the Beast may randomly roam the confines of the Compound, it will ul timately return to room 19. It would take something special to drive it out of the Compound in the first place (such as setting the complex on fire). UNTIL BRIEFING When the heroes approach the scene, they will encounter an UNTIL Task Force which has established a perimeter around the shack, twenty meters (10) out. They will be approached by an UNTIL Agent in Investigator’s gear, who will introduce herself as Commander Melanie Nelson. She has dark blonde hair, blue eyes and appears to be in her mid-twenties. She seems both friendly and capable. Commander Nelson feels that whatever is within the Genocide Compound is more than even she and her Task Force of 1OUNTIL Defender Agents are capable of handling, and is grateful for any help. She will brief the heroes as follows, in her soft, calm voice: “Thank you for responding so quickly.” (She will call them by their group name if it is known, by separate hero identities if they are not a group, but known.) “For some time now, UNTIL has been involved in a clandestine operation to ferret out and capture Genocide Operations. An UNTIL Task Force of 4 Defender Agents penetrated the Genocide base known as The Omega Compound. They had heard that something big was in the making; after a week of surveillance and no movement from within the Compound, they went in...but they did NOT come out. Only this one garbled transmission got out—” 22 ADVENTURERS CLUB She will produce a small, hand held portable cassette player and push the play button. After a few seconds of static, a male voice on the edge of hysteria will be heard: “It's hideous— gigantic— glowing poison— it's...” Solemnly, Commander Nelson will turn to the heroes. “Now, it's up to you.” The heroes will be directed toward the shack. Commander Nelson does not know how the ill-fated 4-man Task Force gained entrance, so the heroes must find their own way in. It should be, however, a way such that whatever is within cannot use it as an exit. THE OMEGA COMPOUND The Omega Compound is a 19 room base dedicated to studying Mutations. Below is the key to the various sections. 1. Elevator Guard Post(s) Head Technician’s Office Dr. MacBeth’s Office Security Chief's Office Security Personnel Technician’s Quarters Storage Guard Post/Armory 10. Minuteman Storage 11. Head Techrician’s Quarters 12. Dr. MacBeth’s Quarters 13. Storage 14. Machine Shop 15. Machine Shop 16. Storage 17. Laboratories 18, Radiation PileReactor 19. Lair of The Beast CONATAA WIS The Omega Compound is 16 meters (8) below ground. The outside‘exterior walls are composed of stone, lined with Plas-steel, giving the exterior walls a DEF of 10 anda BODY of 15; all interior walls are DEF 5 and BODY 5. All interior doors are of hard wood, (DEF4, BODY 3), except for the main SecurityBlast door in the entry corridor, which is of Questonite. THE SHACK The shack above ground looks perfectly normal. The walls and roof are DEF 4, BODY 4. The shack floor is actually the top of the elevator (DEF 10, BODY 10), and a blast of 5 BODY or more will blow away the topsoil camouflage, revealing the black, Plas-steel elevator top. Gaining access to the Compound from the surface will take a Perception Roll at -3 (to find the hidden elevator controls) and a Security Systems Roll at -2, to bring the elevator up and open the doors. A Desolidified character could, of course, enter through the walls, but must make a Security Systems Roll at -1 to raise the elevator the first time. ADVENTURERS CLUB 23 GENOCIDE BASE MAP 1. Elevator 2. Guard Post(s) 3. Head Technician's Office Dr. MacBeth’s Office Security Chief's Office Security Personnel Technician's Quarters Storage 9, Guard PostArmory 10. Minuteman Storage, OUTDO PwW 24 ADVENTURERS CLUB 11. Head Technician's Quarters 12. Dr. MacBeth's Quarters 13. Storage 14. Machine Shop 15. Machine Shop 16. Storage 17. Laboratories 18. Radiation Pile/Reactor Lair of The Beast ADVENTURERS CLUB 2 1. ELEVATOR The elevator is a blue, spartan enclosure with a down button and an up button. Anyone inside the elevator (such as a Desolidified character) can raise or lower it without the need of a Security Systems Roll, using these buttons. It takes six seconds (1/2tum) to go all the way up or down. The ceilings in the Omega Compound are 4 meters (2”) tall, except for rooms 10, 18 and 19, where they are 10 meters (5”) tall. 2. GUARD POST(S) The elevator opens into a corridor with two Guard Posts, one on either side. Usually a group of four standard Genocide Agents are on duty here. But due to the Beast, no agents remain. However, just outside the elevator doors is a set of armor — UNTIL Defender Agent armor — with ashes strewn about. Throughout the entire compound, various piles of ashes will be found lying about; they are all that remain of the personnel of the Omega Compound. The interior lighting is running off the emergency generators, and is dim with a red tinge. (The glow is coming from the lair of the Beast and increases as one approaches it.) THE QUESTONITE BLAST/SECURITY DOOR A clear Questonite door (DEF 20, BODY 12) is at the first corridor junction. There is a chance (1-3 on a D6) that the door is closed. It will take a Security Systems Roll at -3 to bypass the automatic door controls and open (or shut) it. A list of the proper door codes is in the desk in room 5 (HEAD SECURITY OFFICE). Characters must make a Percep- tion Roll to find the list in the office. 3. HEAD TECHNICIAN’S OFFICE Dr. Rosalind F. Ward was the Head Technician of the Omega Compound. Her office is in its natural state of disarray. Papers, manuals, tools and parts to who-knows-what are scattered everywhere. If a search is instigated, and an INT Roll is made (or a Luck roll), the following will be found: 1) Amemo from Dr. MacBeth, asking Dr. Ward to look into the Bypass System in the Reactor Pile, as it could accidentally withdraw the rods (which is exactly what happened). 2) Schematics to a MINUTEMAN MK 5. Anyone who has seen the interior of a MK 5 will recognize the subject of the schematic if he makes an INT Roll. A Science Roll (Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics), will reveal that this is a new type of MINUTEMAN, possibly not as vulnerable to electrical attacks as a standard MK 5. (This schematic is Dr. Ward’s design of the MINUTEMAN in room 10). 3) A torn page, apparently from a journal: “I have deep reservations about Project Omega. The DNA seems to mutate even more when agitated with high energy fields. This is due to—” 4. DR. MACBETH’S OFFICE Dr. MacBeth’s Office is a model of neatness and efficiency. Paintings of MINUTEMEN adom the walls. A computer terminal covers most of the desk’s surface. This unit is voice- activated, but could be bypassed by a Computer Roll at -4, or a Security Systems Roll at half normal chance. If a second Computer Roll at -2 is made, a brief rundown of Project Omega will ap- pear. If more detailed information is attempted, a Virus CleanWipe code will be ac- tivated. An INT Roll will reveal that it will take a long period of computer time to tap into the rest of the memory without wiping out the memory itself. GAME MASTER OPTION UNTIL’s computers could pull out additional Genocide Base locations, do a run down on Genocide supervillains, and even reveal the weaknesses of the MINUTEMAN MK 5 robots, providing the basis for an extended Genocide Campaign. Retrieving all that 26 ADVENTURERS CLUB information from the Computer, of course, will take time. 5. HEAD SECURITY OFFICE The Head of Security is (was) Howard LeDuc. On the wall is a plan of the base (or if the Game Master does not want to give out a full map, it could only mark areas 2, 9 and the main corridors, with the Guard Posts indicated). If the office is searched, a breakdown of the Omega Compound’s Personnel Depart- ment will be found, detailing the duties of the two department heads, 20 technicians, 20 security agents and Dr. MacBeth. Mounted behind the desk is a Blaster Rifle (6D6, -1 per 5”, 30 shots, selective fire). 6. SECURITY PERSONNEL’S QUARTERS Twenty bunks with twenty footlockers line this room, along with lavatory facilties. Anti- mutant propaganda signs are painted on the walls, which also abound with photos of any known mutants, all with darts or dart holes in them. The room is slightly messy, as the Security Personnel last answered a scramble alert. 7. TECHNICIANS’ QUARTERS This room also quartered 20 people, and it also has lavatory facilities. This room is relatively clean, with framed MINUTEMAN schematics decorating the walls, indirect lighting, and various bookracks along with walls, containing scientific journals alongside with mechanical and electrical engineering manuals. The MINUTEMAN schematics are the standard type MK 5. Any character who has seen the revised schematics of the MINUTEMAN MK 5 in the Head Technician’s Office (room 3) can try to make an INT roll at -1, to detect that the plans are different. 8. STORAGE This room contains parts of all kinds, both electrical and mechanical, as well as various alloy plates, etc. Everything is carefully labeled. GAME MASTER NOTE. This storage room could provide any characters with Gadgeteering Skill with a chance to utilize this skill No hard and fast rules could apply to the specific parts contained within — just apply a difficulty factor of -4, and decide in advance the number of Active points obtainable: somewhere between 40 and 50...60 if the character is trying to be par. ticularly heroic (saving the day, so to speak). 9. GUARD POST’ ARMORY Usually two Genocide Agents man this post, one by the door to give out weaponry, and one at the desk by the window (the dotted line) who was reponsible for clearing anyone headed for the Reactor Room The window slides open, but automatically closes and locks during an emergency (such as this one). The glass is hardened, DEF 6, BODY 4 and has been treated to be Radiation Resistant. Any character who retreats into this room and closes the door, will take only half of the normal radiation damage from the Beast. The Armory Section contains 15 Genocide Blasters (5D6, 20 shots, selective fire), 10 helmets with Radio Hearing (the Radiation field inhibits the radio band with static, so a Hearing Perception roll should be made to understand clearly what is said). GAME MASTER OPTION A total of four UNTIL Defender Agents penetrated the Compound, and all were kil led. Your options: one of them could have taken refuge in this room, possibly having sur vived the radiation. Or, an Agent of Genocide could be hidden inside, or even Dr. MacBeth, in a radiation-proof suit. These options could be used if the heroes are totally stumped or confused about the Beast. ADVENTURERS CLUB 27 10. MINUTEMAN STORAGE From the outside, this room does not appear to be a room, for there are no doors — the entire south wall slides up. At present the wall is down, and within its confines is a revised MINUTEMAN MK 5. The general weakness of the MINUTEMAN MK 5 against Energy and Electrical at tacks has long frustrated Genocide. Following Dr. MacBeth’s instructions, Dr. Ward redesigned an MK 5 to be more resistant to energy. This was done by adding the Limita- tion: Does Not Work In a High Radiation Field (+ 1/4), by sacrificing the unit's resistance, thereby rendering it vulnerable to cold as well as radiation. The revised MK 5 now shuts down totally in a high radiation field (such as the Beast produces) and takes 2x STUN from Cold (worth 10), 2x BODY Cold (worth 10) and 2x STUN from Radiation (third Vulnerability, worth 5). GAME MASTER OPTION Once the radiation field is down (and provided no characters exert a radiation field of their own), the MINUTEMAN will become activated, and will attempt to secure the Com. pound (probably by attempting to trash the heroes). 11. HEAD TECHNICIAN’S QUARTERS, Dr. Ward's room is only slightly less cluttered than her office. Journals, books, and manuals lie scattered about; the bed was hastily made. Outside of a few notes on Project Omega having a savage temper, there is no real information. 12. DR. MACBETH’S QUARTERS The walls of this room are richly paneled and plush wall-to-wall shag covers the floor, Expensive mahogany furniture fills the spotless room, and there is an aquarium full of tropical fish in one comer. The only thing of interest is found in a nightstand drawer, a journal kept by Dr. MacBeth. In it, MacBeth rants and raves about the ‘Mutant Menace’ and his glorious plan to br ing about the end of mutant-kind with Project Omega. 13. STORAGE This room is similar to room 8, but contains even more parts. The Gadgeteering Dif- ficulty Factor is still -4, but up to 75 active points can be utilized. However, on a roll of 18 (GM rolls for each item) the device explodes, due to the massive amount of power being utilized. Treat it as a 10D6 explosion. 14. MACHINE SHOP The heaviest fighting centered in the Machine Shops, thus rubble is strewn about both shops (14 & 15), as well as in the hallway. If anyone attempts to salvage a piece from this room, the Gadget modifier for difficulity is -5. The other suits of UNTIL armor are in room 14, along with a lot of ash and the three UNTIL Autobiasters. 15. OTHER MACHINE SHOP Another rubble strewn shop, just like 14, except without the gear of the UNTIL Agents. They never got this far... 16. STORAGE One more room just like 13. GAME MASTER OPTION Under a pile of parts could be 1-3 Radiation Suits. These suits will cut radiation damage in half, and will slow the wearer by 1 SPD, and lower his or her DEX by 5 (due to the bulkiness of the suit]. It takes 4 phases to put on one of these suits on completely (to cut the radiation in half) or to take one off (to regain the lost SPD and DEX). 28 ADVENTURERS CLUB If any live UNTIL or Genocide Agents are safe in room 9, each will be wearing one of these suits, and can probably direct the characters to the others in room 16. A character ina suit and in room 9 will take no damage from the radiation field, provided the Beastis not in the room with them, or standing in the open doorway. 17. LABORATORIES This long room actually contains three specialized labs. The first is a Mutations Lab, designed and equipped for the testing of mutant strains — all types from DNA to actual embryo and animal mutations, A Biology Science Roll, (or a INT roll -4, or a similarly ap- propriate Science Roll), will give a character the knowledge of what general use these labs were put to. If the roll is made by half or less, or if a character has the Science Muta- tions, the character(s) will realize that mutated animals were bred here. A Detective roll will find a torn-out notebook page, stating that Project Omega is mutating continually, and must be kept away from Radiation. The second specialized lab was intended for animal storage and experimentation; all the cages are filled with ash now. A Zoology Science of INT Roll at -4, will allow the character to comprehend that this lab was used to study, record and dissect the mutated animals. Some of the remaining records have photos that are quite grisly. ALuck or Detective Roll will find the early file on Project Omega; it shows what might have been a bear cub or baby boar...with three extra paws. Not a pretty sight. The last lab is a Radiology Lab, where mutations were exposed to various energies. This lab is spotlessly clean, with four radiation chambers. A Luck or Detective Roll will discover a memo pad, with a note- “Do NOT- under ANY circumstances- expose Project Omega to Radiation!” GAME MASTER NOTE The labs can best be used to give the heroes clues about what they are facing, before they first meet the Beast. The horror of what Genocide has been doing with mutations should be played up (any known mutant heroes will probably be furious), and an under- caren of unease should develop as the heroes begin to wonder what are they about to face. GAME MASTER OPTION All of the events dependent upon Science, Detective and Luck Rolls can just occur; no matter how contrived the situation, it may be preferable to having the clues not tum up merely because the particular heroes in the run do not have the appropriate skills. As Game Master, you may elect to have any or none at all of the clues turn up, or have the horror of what Genocide has been doing slowly, clue by clue, materialize before the characters. 18. RADIATION PILE/REACTOR This is a small Nuclear Reactor which provides power for the Omega Compound. One of the Manual Control Rods was accidently released, and both rooms 18 and 19 were flooded with low level radiation In order to stop the radiation flow, the rods must be properly replaced, by using the controls in room 19. This room houses the reactor itself, which can be seen through the Plas-steel transparent wall (the dotted line; DEF 8, BODY 8, hardened). 19. LAIR OF THE BEAST This room was actually a testing facility for mutated creature. The memo about never exposing Project Omega to Radiation was lost in the paper shuffle, and during a testing, the rod was accidently released. Suffice it to say, this room has a lot of ash strewn about. The controls of the rod mechanism are on the eastern Plas-steel wall, and it takes two of the character’s phases to shut it down. Unless the character has Radiation Pile Knowledge or Science, he or she should make an INT Roll to re-insert the rods correctly. ADVENTURERS CLUB 29 When the replacement of the rods is being attempted, roll 3 dice. On a 17 or 18, the unit shorts out ( needed work before it broke down), and the rods are stuck open, until a Gadgeteering Roll at -5 can be made. Ahero using a 40 STR or greater could close the rods manually, if he or she can make a DEX Roll. This takes 2 phases, and the hero takes 6 dice NND per segment until the rods are replaced (the defense is 25 points Life Support, or an ED Force Field of at least 15 points). In any event, after being inside the Compound for an hour, each character must make a CON roll (CON +9) or get radiation poisoning, which will cut the character's CON and STR in half for 50 minus the character's CON in days. Bed rest and radiation treat ments for the poisoning will cut this time in half: the power Regeneration will return 1 STR and 1 CON per hour, until the character is up to full STR and CON 30 ADVENTURERS CLUB THE BEAST ‘The Beast is a mutated animal. Dr. MacBeth believed that once Genocide could suc cessfully mutate an animal, it was only a short step to un-mutating it, thus the cure for the ‘Mutant Menace’, It was not that easy. The animal that was mutated proved to have a savage temper and had to be carefully watched; unfortunately for Genocide, they did not watch closely enough When the Radiation Pile Rod was accidently opened, the Beast’s mutated genes mutates further, and now the Beast is in great emotional agony and in a beserk rage, un- til the Reactor Pile is shut down (hopelully by replacing the rods). The Beast naturally creates a Radiation Field about itself (NND, Always on, Area Ef- fect) which poisons those nearby. The effect is Radiation Poisoning (NND) the Defense is 25 points of Life Support or Force Field with an ED of at least 15 points. This Radiation Field does not act exactly like an Energy Blast, NND, no range, etc. It has various effects that better represent radiation. Any Desolidified character will still take half the listed damage. The damage is rolled for at the beginning of every segment. The damage a character takes is determined by how close the character is to the Beast: ime hex or one awai Two to four hexes away Five to ten hexes awa @ dice per segment dice per segment 1 die per segment Characters will continue to take STUN after unconsciousness occurs, until they take their full STUN again in points, at which point they will additionally take 1 BODY per turn, until they are either out of range (11 hexes) or dead. For example: Moonshadow has 33 STUN and 10 BODY. Upon reaching 0 STUN points, she continues to take damage from the Radiation. Upon reaching -33 STUN, she takes 1 BODY per tum, in addition to the STUN per segment, until she is in negative BODY, at which point she is dying. A character can recover STUN lost through radiation damage at any segment he or she can recover on (including Post Recovery 12), but any BODY lost through radiation damage must be regained normally (bed rest, healing, Regeneration). The Beast will attack any character it perceives, as it is berserk, but it will not Dodge, Block or take any recoveries except Post Recovery, unless it runs out of Endurance. Furthermore, due to the haze of pain and the still present Radiation, any Mind Control or Illusions should be shifted two on the chart (4x becomes only 2x effective). Obviously, defeating the Beast will take more than mere brute force. A group that powers its way in will probably lose. Shutting down the Reactor Pile is the best way (and worth a non-combat experience point). The Game Master should take special care to create a horrifying mental description of the Beast. After all, it’s over twelve feet tall, with seven arms/paws, and its coat is bare in places, where the skin has bubbled up. It casts a disturbing red glow as it moves animal. like about the room, alternately howling and whining. Play it up! FIGHTING THE BEAST As with any CHAMPIONS combat with various characters, some methods of attack will prove more useful than others. A few that will prove especially effective are Telekinesis and Force Wall (or Force Field, Usable on Others). The Beast may be moved by Telekinesis or by other means. After it is out in the hal Iway, and at the corridor junction, it is far enough away from the Reactor, that its powers (which are fully active in a radiation field) are only at half power. This makes it con siderably easier to overpower (but still no piece of cake). If a Force Wall of at least 15 ED points is used to separate the Beast from the Reactor, its powers needing a Radiation Field will shut down. ADVENTURERS CLUB 31 THE BEAST [ VAL CHA Cost Cost Powers END 100+ Disadvantages STR 4D6NNDin2”rArea [09/30 [Berserk 14 or DEX at 0 END Cost (No less when in CON Range, Always On, Radiation Fields BODY see BEAST's write-up) or hit by Radiation INT 3D6 HKA, 6D6 wSTR attacks, EGO Ve Damage Resistance Recover 8 or less PRE 22 pts. Ego Defense Berserk 11 or less COM + 10 pts. Flash Defense when hurt orin pain PD +20 PD, +20 ED Force} 0) Recover 11 or less ED Field ' 3D6 STUN from Power SPD 3 30 pts. Life Support DrainsTransfers REC Force Field is 2D6 BODY from Power END Hardened DrainsTransfers STUN Regeneration — 3 Body Color Blind 3 Extra Limbs (Arms) Mute +3 Enhanced Vision Hatred of Humanity Ultraviolet Vision Fear of Fire Growth — -2 DCV, +2 Hunted by Genocide OCVin HTH, -2 11 or less Knockback, 4x Mass, Hunted by UNTIL +6m Height at 0 11 or less END Cost, Always On Unusual Looks 2 Density Increase — Villain Bonus 2 Knockback, 4x Mass at O END Cost, Always on OEND Cost — NND V4 END Cost — HKA. v4 END Cost — STR OEND Cost — Force Field 3 Levels wHTH Only works in Intense Radiation Fields Characteristics for Density Increase & Growth already added in 180 (CHA Cost) + 342 (Power Cost) = (Total Cost) 552 = Disadvantage Total CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE One way or another, the Beast will have to be subdued, If the heroes prove unable to defeat it, and do not think to shut the pile down, UNTIL could think of it and get a radio link-up to a Scientist who could describe how to shut down the pile safely. Once the pile is shut down, the Beast’s Force Field, NND Attack, Ego Defense and 32 ADVENTURERS CLUB ADVENTURERS. CLUB 38 Life Support shut down as well; at that point, the heroes should have no trouble defeating it. If they are still unable to defeat the Beast, (for one reason or another), the Beast could simply collapse from exhaustion (remember, incredible coincidences are a mainstay of Superhercics). ONCE THE BEAST IS DOWN UNTIL will want to study the Beast, so they will probably transport it away (perhaps to have it reappear later). However, other possible endings could include: 1) The Beast succumbs to the strain and dies. A statement of what man is willing to do to nature in the name of Science—showing once again, that there are some things man was not meant to tamper with. Or... 2) Genocide gets wind of the fall of The Omega Compound, and arrives with a force of its own, intending to reclaim the base and the Beast. Use standard Genocide Agents (about five for every hero in the run), Supervillains (ratio depends on which villains), or even MINUTEMEN. The number of bad guys is up to the Game Master, and depends on how badly Genocide wants the base back...remember, its Computer has some valuable information. (This ending is for the Game Master who likes life complicated.) 3) Don't forget the MINUTEMAN MK 5 (augmented) in room 10. 4) Give the Beast a human Intelligence and the ability to communicate— “I am NOT a monster— I think— I have a soul— I'm hungry...” etc. MORE GAME MASTER OPTIONS * Although this adventure is set up for a group of 4 or more heroes, built on around 225-250 points, the Beast could be toned down, and as few as one or two heroes could be in the run. These should be thinkers, because it will take brains to figure out what is happening, and to pinpoint the Beast’s weak spot. ‘A Supervillain working for Genocide could arrive, perhaps to investigate the lack of response from The Omega Compound... and fight (or aid) the heroes. © The UNTIL Task Force of four Defender Agents radioed the heroes and dictnot yet go inside. They could be backup for the heroes (as well as additional targets for the Beast). * The Beast stays in the Reactor room (room 19) because the Radiation soothes it However, the Beast could be encountered outside that room. If so, its NND Radiation At- tack is only half as powerful, and the Beast’s major defenses are lower as well FINAL NOTE If the heroes’ ideas of adventure consist mostly of running in, pounding the bad guys to pulp and smiling for the press, they could easily charge in and get killed (remember, with its Strength, the Beast does an 6 dice HTH Killing Attack). A word of waming may not be totally inappropriate. But by the same token, if you happen to have some heroes who need to be taken down a peg, the Beast just loves company. As in any case where an opponent has a killing attack, the GM should make it very clear that the Beast's attack is a killing attack, and a big one. Have the Beast slice through. a wall with ease to show the characters what they're facing. Give the characters every chance to avoid the attack if possible; remind them that they can abort their action to a Dodge maneuver, or perhaps attempt to Block. 34 ADVENTURERS CLUB NUTS PLUS by George Mac Donald POWER ADVANTAGES Our topic for today is Power Advan- tages; specifically Power Advantages for Energy Blast and Ranged Killing Attack. ll talk about some of the original advan- tages, and list several new ones. There are 8 original Power Advantages for offensive powers. These are Autofire, Selective Fire, Armor Piercing, Explosion, Area Effect Hexes, Area Effect Radius, Based on Ego CV, and No Normal Defense Attacks. There are occasional misconceptions about each. Autofire and Selective Fire These are the least expensive advan- tages, and the advantages with the greatest inherent limitations. The massive increase in END cost or Charges that Autofire Attacks demand make it general- ly prohibitive for characters to use them without lots of END Reduction or Limited Uses. A simple modification can help change this. ESPIONAGE defines a Combat Maneuver called Burst Fire. This maneuver is +2 OCV, x1/2 Range Mod and only takes 5 shots. Burst Fire does multiple hits like Autofire, but can only be used against a single target. You can al- low characters to Burst Fire any power or ADVENTURERS CLUB weapon that can Autofire and only mul- tiply the END or Charge use by 5 instead of 10. Of course, the target can only get hit with the attack a maximum of 5 times. This makes Autofire Attacks a little easier to use. Using Burst Fire makes Autofire more effective, but Autofire should have limita- tions other than just those listed in the rules. Generally, NND, Based on Ego CV, and Ego Attacks should not be used with Autofire. Autofire NND attacks are es: pecially unbalanced; against a target without the proper defense they are much too powerful for their cost. Autofire Explosions and Area Effect at- tacks can be done, but are difficult to use You have to find the impact hex of each attack (10 attacks for autofire, 5 for burst fire). To find all of the impact hexes, roll the Attack Roll for an Area Effect attack with all of the Autofire modifiers. Find out how many attacks hit the target hex. Each attack that doesn’t hit will scatter; and each 2” farther than the last. Example: An OCV 12 character burst fires at a hex 12” away with a 6D6 Autofire Explosion. The character's Range Mod is -1/1" (x1 /2 for Area Effect or Explosion, x1/2 for Burst Fire). His OCVis 12+2-11=3. The Hex’s DCVis3. The Attack Roll is 11 or less. The character gets lucky and rolls a 9; he hits 35 with 2 explosions on his target hex. The 3rd explosion hits 2” away from the target, the 4th hits 4” away, and the 5th explosion hits 6” from the target. Fach ex- plosion that misses should have its scatter direction rolled separately. Thus our hero has scattered explosions all over the land- scape, Remember that a character's levels are applied to an attack’s base Range Mod, before being halved by Autofire or Area Effect fire. Thus, a character would have to put at least 2 levels into Range Mod to get an Autofire Area Effect attack to -1/ 2” (18" x12 = -V3" x12 -1/2”). Bringing the Range Mod to -1/3” would take 6 levels (-1/9" x 1/2 = -1/5"x12 = 1/3”). Increasing the Range Mod is es pecially important when fining a full Autofire attack. Ten attacks can scatter 20” or more on a long range shot. Armor Piercing An Armor Piercing attack is a good way for a lower powered character to affect targets with high defenses, However a character can normally only take Armor Piercing once on an attack. A character's, defenses can be halved by Armor Pierc- ing, but to halve the defenses again takes Find Weakness. Explosions Most of the information about Autofire Area Effect Attacks also relate to Autofire Explosions. Remember that if a character is affected by several Explosions or Area Effect Attacks that he gets his defenses against each attack separately. Area Effect Due to mistakes in some characters in Enemies and Enemies II, there seems to be confusion about the size of Area Effect Attacks. An Area Effect (Radius) Attack has a radius equal to the base points in the attack divided by 10. Thus, an 8D6 Area effect would have a radius of 4”. The center hex counts as the first 1” of the radius. Therefore, the radius 4 circle is | | | | | NAN ZN AN AN ANS O11 213/14 FOS GOS GO OS FOO FOS BO LOS FOO BO GOSS | lsp6| —s| ANA N ANION | Area Effect Radius actually only 7 hexes across. An Area Ef- fect (Hexes) Attack covers a number of hexes equal to the base points divided by 5. Thus, an 8D6 Area Effect would cover 8 hexes. The Area Effect (hexes) is a much smaller area, but is much more flex: ible when used in a crowded battlefield. Just as a character may voluntarily reduce the amount of dice in an attack, he may also reduce the area. Therefore, a character with an 8D6, 4” Radius, attack could throw the 8D6 into 1 hex, or 1D6 into a 4” radius circle. But, no matter what the size the area would always have to be circular. One more note: when using Area Ef- fect Ego Powers, an Attack Roll is still necessary against every target in the area. The character simply defines the area at: tacked (no Attack Roll is necessary for this), and then rolls an Attack Roll based on ECV vs. each target in the area. This also works for Ego Power Explosions. Based on Ego Combat Value Any attack can be based on Ego Com bat Value. This includes Flash Attacks, Entangles, Power Drains and Transfers, ADVENTURERS CLUB etc. These attacks can be used to simulate an attacker making another character believe he is entangled, or a character with a weapon that homes in on a target's brain waves. Note that a character still uses his STR to break an entangle, even one based on Ego CV. This is a little used advantage that invites creativity. 3D6 Explosion 37 8D6 Area Effect Hexes No Normal Defense This power advantage creates more problems than any other. People always have trouble defining “a reasonably com: mon defense or set of defenses”. Like the judge, I can’t give a definition, but | know a common set of defenses when I see them. In general, if you feel the defenses for an attack are too obscure find more defenses. Several obscure defenses can be put together for an NND. Try to be creative with an NND’s defenses. A particular character action can count as a defense. This could in clude a target closing its eyes to a dazzling light attack, using a “dive for cover maneuver” to get away from a slow mov- ing blob of plasma energy, or diving in a pool of water to put out fire attack. By defining several reasonable defenses for an NND you will get away from the stan dard defenses such as Armor, Resistant Defenses, or Life Support. NEW POWER ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS The following are several new Power Advantages and Power Limitations that relate to offensive powers. Also included is a discussion of using levels specifically for Range Mod and OCV along with some notes on Fodi. First I'll list the new Advantages, then the new Limitations, and then I'll discuss levels and Fod. New Advantages Area Effect (Cone): This advantage al- lows powers that normally affect one target to affect all targets in a cone. The cone is defined as a triangle with each side equal to 1 + pts/10 inches in length. 38 The character declares a target hex where the cone will form from and rolls an At tack Roll. The power is otherwise like the other Area Effect Powers. Multiple = +1 Area Effect ‘Gone NANANANGZ 1/2/13/415 Area Effect (One Hex): This advantage allows powers that normally affect one target to affect all targets in a single hex. Like all Area Effect Attacks, the target hex is DCV 3 and the characier’s Range Mod is x¥2. A character in the target hex may “Dive for cover” out of a 1 hex Area Ef- fect. Multiple = +12 eo ~ One Hex Area Effect ADVENTURERS CLUB Attack Vs. Limited Defenses: This ad- vantage, applied to Energy Blast, allows a Stun only attack that is only effected by limited or unusual Defenses. Such an at- tack may be directed against Ego Defense, Flash Defense, or Power Defense. Thus a character could buy a 6D6 attack vs. Power Defense. Any Power Defense the target had would be subtracted from the Stun of the attack and the rest would subtract from the character's Stun total. The Defense that works against the attack should be defined when the power is purchased. Multiple = +1 Attack With Increased Knockback: This advantage allows an attack to do more Knockback. For each level of Increased Knockback an attack has, [yr wer Dinersy,, ADVENTURERS CLUB the 8 2 character rolls one less D6 when calculating Knockback. Thus, a normal at- tack with increased Knockback against a standing target only subtracts 1D6 from the amount of Body Rolled to calculate Knockback. If the attack had 2 levels of Increased Knockback no dice would be rolled, and the target would be knocked back a number of inches equal to the Body of the attack. No matter how many levels of Increased Knockback an attack has, or what the circumstances are, the base Knockback of an attack cannot ex- ceed the amount of Body rolled in the at- tack. Target mass can still increase or 39 decrease the effective amount of Body used for calculating Knockback. Multiple = +1/4 Attack With No Range Modifier. This advantage allows an attack to take no Range modifiers on its Attack Rolls. Thus 40 an Attack With No Range Modifier has an equal chance to hit at point blank range as it has at its maximum range. Remember to check the maximum range for the base power, There are two different cost multiples for Attack with No Range Mod. The first ADVENTURERS CLUB multiple is +1 /2 for any powers that take normal range modifiers. The second mul- tiple is +3 4 for powers like Autofire, Area Effect, and Explosion that have reduced Range Modifiers. The higher multiple is used no matter how often the Range Mod is reduced. Thus, an Energy Blast with no Range Modifier is +1 2, but an Energy Explosion With No Range Modifier is +11/4, The higher multiple represents the elimination of the half range limitation inherent in these power advantages. Multiple = +1/2 for all powers with nor mal Range Modifiers. Multiple = +3/4 for all powers with halved Range Modifiers. Explosion (Cone): This advantage allows powers that normally affect one target to act as an explosion in a cone shaped area. The attack is targeted normally at a hex. Full damage is done in that first hex, 1D6 less in two adjacent hexes, 2D6 less n the 3 hexes adjacent to that, and so on. As in a normal explosion the largest D6 is always removed first. Multiple = +1 2 Explosion (With a Hole in the Center): This advantage allows powers that nor- mally affect one target to act as an explo: sion starting 1 hex from the target hex. Thus, there is a “ground zero” area in the center where targets take no damage. This advantage is often used with the No Range Limitation to create explosions around a character but leave the character unscathed. Multiple = +34 3D6 Explosion Cone 3D6 Explosion With A Hole ADVENTURERS CLUB 41 Extended Area: This advantage allows powers with an Area Effect, Explosion, or Radius to affect a larger area. For each level of Extended Area the size of the are is doubled. Thus, the radius, number of hexes, or length of the side of an Area Ef- fect is doubled for every level of Extended Area. An explosion will lose 1D6 for every 2 hexes with one level of Extended Area. Extended Area cannot be applied to powers that list a specific cost for increas ing the radius. Multiple = +1/4 3D6 Extended Area Explosion Cone Extended Range: This advantage allows powers to work at double their listed range. Extended Range has no effect on the Range Mod of the power. This advan. tage does not increase the END cost of the base Power. Multiple = +14 +1 Stun Multiple on Killing Attacks: This advantage adds 1 to the 1D6-1 Stun Multiple of a Killing Attack. This advan- tage may be taken several times so that the Stun Multiple is 1D6, 1D6+1, 1D6+2, etc. Multiple = +12 42 New Limitations Attack With No Knockback: This limita. tion causes an attack to do no Knockback when it hits a target. Limitation = +14 -1 Stun Multiple on Killing Attacks: This limitation makes the Stun Multiple of a Killing Attack 1D6-2. The minimum Stun Multiple is still 1. This limitation can only be taken once. Limitation = +1/2 Stun Multiple of 1 on Killing Attacks: This limitation makes the Stun Multiple of a Killing Attack automatically 1. Thus, any killing attack will automatically do exactly as many Stun as it did Body in any attack. Limitation = +1 ADVENTURERS CLUB Notes on Levels and Foci Different weapons often have modifiers on their OCV and Range Modifiers. In ESPIONAGE! an M-1 Garand rifle is has a +1 OCV and a Range Mod of -1/5”. To build such a weapon in CHAMPIONS, simply buy 3 pt. levels with the focus bonus for the gun. Thus the M-1 rifle would have 1 level with OCV and 2 levels with Range Mod. Anyone using the gun would get these advantages. After a character builds a weapon, the question of exactly who can use the weapon comes up. Any focus can be defined as either Personal or Universal. A Personal focus is only usable by the builder; a bad guy can take it away from you, but he can't use it against you. Many suits of powered armor are Personal Foci. Anyone can use a Universal Focus. Thus, you could loan your Flash Defense gog: gles to a fellow hero, or have two agents trade their weapons. Most normal Foci are Universal. Each Focus a character has should be defined as either Personal or Universal when purchased. The one time when another character can use another's Personal Focus is through the use of the Skill Gadgeteering. A Breakable Focus may be modified for another character with a proper Gadgeteering Roll. Don't forget the -1 per 5 active pts. modifier to the roll. The Gadgeteenng will allow the Focus to be jury-rigged to fit another character. The jury-rigged Focus is now Personal to the second character. This brings up another point: stealing other character's foci and using them. Often a character can get his hands on a villain's Focus after the villain is defeated. If the character knows how to use the Focus, the GM can (but does not have to) allow the character to use the villain’s equipment for the rest of the run. But, if the stolen Focus is to become part of thé character’s standard equipment, the character will have to pay the points for it. A Gadget Pool is one solution for the character who collects a number of Foci. Then the character can carry as many points in stolen Foci as he has points in his Gadget Pool. If he has stolen Foci worth more than his Gadget Pool, they are foci he has not leamed how to use yet. As the character's pool expands, and his collection grows, the variety of Foci he can carry will also grow. In this way a character with little scientific or engineer. ing skill could put together a large list of different gadgets for different occasions. $$$ JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO CONQUER THE WORLD: CHAMPIONS II THE SUPER SUPPLEMENT % More Powers HE tie Vent % New Disadventag ¥ se SOMETIMES THE GOOD GUYS WINI ADVENTURERS CLUB 43 THE GOOD, THE BAD, & THE UGLY Product Review: CARDBOARD HEROES by R. A. Greer The Steve Jackson Game Company has made available an inexpensive alter native to lead miniatures. Cardboard Heroes are full color character drawings which can be folded and stood upright to act as individualized plaving figures. In production since 1980, SJ Games has not only covered the superhero market with two sets of CHAMPIONS figures but also has produced 12 sets of fantasy characters and 3 sets of 15mm licensed Traveller figures. There are several advantages to the cardboard figures over lead figures or dice used as game tokens. First is the cost; $3.50 will purchase at least 36 different characters which can be ready for use in seconds. The quality of the artwork is delightful, and the Cardboard Heroes are designed in scale to fit with lead or plastic miniatures. The figures can also be un folded, stuffed into the handy ziplock envelope provided, and carried with no effort unlike lead figures. Of special in terest to CHAMPIONS fans are the Super Character set, with art by deff Dee and the Crooks, Cops, and Civilians set painted by Denis Loubet. Several of the fantasy sets have useful characters for superhero games. The Animal pack is a good selection of mascots and wild beasts. Over half the set of Monsters I look like escapees from some superscien tific lab, and the Undead set has a fine selection for villains in a supernatural vein There are a few problems with Card: board Heroes that are inherent in the way they are made. The card stock is light, so the bases of the figures must be weighted to keep them upright when the playing surface is bumped or a player sneezes. A set of plastic bases can be purchased from SJ Games for $3.50 which fixes this problem. The cardstock is durable but not spillproof like your favorite leads. They ADVENTURERS CLUB cannot stand certain types of abuse some gamers take for granted. Most important: ly, it is very difficult to truly customize the characters to fit your own description. With leads, a quick cut here and there and a new dash of paint gives the figure that personal touch. With Cardboard Heroes, the art is so good that retouching cannot be done without a large chance of ruining the figure. Cardboard Heroes are the cheapest way to get started using miniatures in your CHAMPIONS games. Even with their limitations, they do their job very well. The line is always expanding, and SJ Games takes suggestions on future sets to publish. So, if you can’t find just the right figure out of the 500 available, give them time and a little prodding. | recommend not only the CHAMPIONS licensed sets but also a close look at the rest of the line. The product is a good quality alternative to lead figures at an affordable price. Available from: Steve Jackson Games, P.O. Box 18957, Austin, Tx 78760-8957, or at selected hobby stores across the country. Product Review: BATTLEMATS by R. A. Greer The Berkeley Game Company has available a set of very unique playing boards that have proven quite useful. Made of a washable heavy vinyl, Bat tlemats (23 1/2” x 26”) and their larger cousins Megamats (32” x 48”) live up to most of the claims of the manufacturer. The Battlemats are available with several different grids printed on them: squares. offset squares and hexes in 21mm and 25mm. The great advantages of the Batilemats are their flexibility (they easily roll into a

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