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Giuliano Paletta

The Matrix
1) It does make sense, and the reason is the following. Take this example, if you die in the
matrix you die in the rel world, this fact proves that the illusion does have an effect on your
body in the real world. I would think of the pill as a virus that is designed to cause some sort
of reaction in the real-world body to force the person to wake up.

2) I believe that there are endless possibilities for those thought experiments, they would have
similar aspects, but the amount of possibilities is only limited to your imagination. Other
examples of these scenarios are: that we are in a coma in the real world and this is just a
dream, that we are inside a video game and we are controlled by people playing such video
game, that all our life is actually a TV show about yourself and the only one that does not
know it is you, etc. All fall into one category that is an illusory world and a real world that we
do not know.

3) I believe that it really depends on the person, if it was me, I could not go back knowing that
I am being fed liquefied human beings and being used as a battery, so I would say I do not
agree with Cyper.

4) There is a limitation. Humans use the tongue to sense the taste of food, but the tongue has
its limitations, like other sensory organs. For example, our eyes cannot see ultraviolet light, or
X rays, because it is limited, and the tongue is limited as well, It can only sense real things. If
we tried to taste something that does not exist in the real world, we would not be able to taste
it. What I mean by this is that a chicken exists in the real world and the chicken in the matrix is
based on the chicken in the real world, that is why we can taste it Inside the matrix. This
forces the matrix to have the limitations of the reality,

5) There are no limits in the way the matrix could simulated living beings, there could be
dragons or aliens in the matrix, although it would not be very practical for the robots because
the human brain instinctively know that dragons do not exist and that would make them try to
wake up.
There is more freedom with visual images than with tastes, but as I said before it would
not be practical for the robots to have fantasy animals flying around.

6) I think that all that Agent Smith says about the limits of human happiness is absolutely true,
humans need to fell other things other than only happiness, it is in our nature, to get hurt
physically and emotionally, to see other people die, to see other people suffer. This sort of
things would not happen in the perfect human world and eventually that would lead to all of
them going absolutely crazy.

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