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.Department of Education g Ye Region X-Northern Mindanao $ & DIVISION OF BUKIDNON = ~ Sumpong, Malaybalay City December 13, 2019 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. Set s., 2019 CORRIGENDUM TO DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 577, S. 2019 RE: DIVISION UNIFIED TEST CONSTRUCTION FOR GRADES 6 & 10 TO: Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Districts In-Charge Public Elementary School Heads Public Secondary School Heads as ‘This Office is informing the field on the venue and change of some provisions of Division Memorandum No. 577, s. 2019 relative to the conduct of a Two-Day Writeshop on Division Unified Tests in Araling Panlipunan, English, Filipino, Mathematics and Science for Grades Six and Ten learners on December 16-17, 2019. 2. ‘The training is live out and the venue of the said writeshop will be at the Division Training Center due to the failure of procurement process. 3: Each participant is advised to bring a printer. 4. Meals (breakfast and lunch and snacks) shall be charged to the Division Funds. Travel, accommodation and_ incidental expenses is chargeable to the school local funds/MOOE/PTA subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 5, Other provisions of the previous memorandum shal! remain in effect. 6. Wide dissemination of and compliance with this Memorandum is desired. RBT/BRP/ral/ 12/18/2019 OL usHsug OT 2PeID 1 BexereL SHN Sel] Tt LN eurgin “w Aowkgod OT usidug | Or =peIp puozaNd | oesdy-SHN wozend TIN | Sosowaro1d “a CHM OT apeID ‘ uozand SHN Uozond 7 LW BIUIOTOD “IN BUCY OL usHBua | OT speip | 1S9q UeonyuMSUeG | SHIN uouRsTORR T LW OTyNbay Vv Oster 9 usisua 9 epeiID queonuesied | Sao Sepuereg TUN | eaeuey “P eurresow, 9 UsHisaa T pep, T seureren Sag Beurerew TIN weqy “d eUTtED 9 usTsug 9 opeID TaN Sag ueoounT |Z UN SIeUAD “DOF 9 ysiaug 9 epeID TAN SaO oeIv, ZN oujdoD “d BHOpoUN OL 8 9 ystsug oquejsiueg “g Suen Or 99 ustsug ‘owouBN IW UBIeS OT weundyaeg SureIV BopeTD 7% euOgT SHN emeuny eal unnseH (eT O1 Weundyueg Surery 6 ePID ueseosued | SHN weseosued tL ogy [24ST SHN TIN OT weundyueg Surrey Lepeip T yonsoy ojoueW Yyoroy ojouryW, 22] "y BUaMOY BBW. SHN TH OI weundyueg Suery | OT epeID | 1 YNIoy o}ouRW | _Yonsod ojouRN ooaused “V S®PITISeEL 9 weundyueg Surely ‘9 apeI ¢aeuereN ‘Sa SBxXON VT Tin onbonbeg “q essoue,, 9 weundyueg Suey 9 apBID ] Suo-Snsedui | Gao Suo-snseduyy TL ZawOD “A POE 9 ueundijueg Surrery ‘9 apeID 7 opueuiey ues Sa pessnjsy T LW | ueuey Xuoqjuy 4eW 9 weundyueg Surery 9 apap, € wozNO ‘Sa OBNGH TIN OEM “A EPIV OT @ 9 Weundyueg Suey BaD “O UIMDT O1 % 9 Weundywed Supery ci UBST-URBIED “O PPUSM peusissy [o4o7T qasney, perp eory BurusesT | [eas] epeID 2°ERSTA Tooqos, Tortsod oureN SHOLOMMISNOO 1SHL GHLAINN NOISIAIA 40 L817 OT SHN OL soneuayeN | eg epery| TYoMOy ojoueW| YAO ojoueW | 1 LW| _ seuasy “y YefesnuneN O1 SonBUIDyTEN | __OT OpeiD 7 SOUT, SHN wosojod | 1 LN wOOOWFT “A oTFUeCT OT SonemayeW O1 apery | YON Ueonjuedue | SHN UeonqUETuEg €L Wenieqeo ueyeuor Or ssneuDyeN | Oreperp| 1 opueurgues| SHN uendereH | TL SOUS “El OSTA QsonemaueN | iT epero eseuerey | sa ueequmsed| _1-LN BereyeD “ay euvop 9 SOnBUIDUIEW ‘A apein T wozan®: ‘SI a80P ues T-LA DIDTIGSold ‘d sISSOL, 9 soneuTauTeW TA ®PeID @ SoqTeW. sasmTues| 1-IN opreled "S PUTA QsoneuUTeW | IA eperp | WInog WeomjUETueE ‘Sa oxorea | T-LN OLS KON Ol % 9 SoneuayTEW DoWO UOISTATT Sda| ip ‘Bunsy d OseuIg OT ® 9 SOMBUIDYEN ~~ |_ S0nFO BOISsTAIT sda wequie "V pour Or oundina OT eperp | SoUBIeNN | THSNa | T LN aonig “S Asreq O1eperp| seg ueduEpeM | SHN wesuerreN |e ISS BHyEGES “D UPI OL open T opueuroy ues SHN veydeen TIN ‘esekoH “T POs O1 apeID jseg uedejueT| SHNuedequeT | T LW wqna a wapAT 9 epeID T soe wo Sa DBNTESUIN |e LN | __ ODUSUETO “a [OSeIIN 9 apein WON Sojnureq ‘Sa Jesedures TIN ‘wsoqieg ‘A uel] Sao 9 apeID yorioy ojouz | _yoHJod ojoueW. i. fesueq ‘A wepa 9 epeID 7 euOarT sa Busso1g |Z IN OITA “O BOPV. ces Sasa [__ ama Arey ouuAlay = Sd BOHOL, 71 Bata Pougssy [oa07 aaaney, eperp 9 very Zuyureey | [eae] eperp INSTA Tooyos worsod omen OT s0usI9S | OL SPBID T seurereN THSNA | 1 LN WooOUTT BZTeUy | OT aouats OL apeIp Lovee | SHN Oe}0eIny TIW ossuery “Cd ead OT apeID | _ 1 WoRog ojo SHNGN | TLW UWyeUIND'S BION OT ape T uozond ‘SHN ¥ozon TIW uequey y Med BW 9 pBID ueseosued | Sao ueseosueq| 1 LW ‘ouueD “WY oUDTeC oaperD Z uepsurpey | Sao ueBuEIpeqeo ZL SOUL PAL gape] 1 Yontog ojouew Saou | TL Sopsuy OUIPIeIED 9 apeIp, T OBB, Sa one | TT LN SPIEL OPH DOHIO UOIS! Sda_| sitapreg “OD uvar Ae soy Hos [ Sd opanzy “v Worla pouatssy [497 3qaneL epein @ very Buyuzee7 | Jeaey oper EIST yooyos |_sonseg oureN

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