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Microsoft Azure

Operational Security

Published June 2017

NOTE: Certain recommendations contained herein may result in increased data,
network, or compute resource usage, and increase your license or subscription costs.

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We know that security is job one in the cloud and how important it is that you find
accurate and timely information about Azure security. One of the best reasons to
use Azure for your applications and services is to take advantage of the wide array
of security tools and capabilities available. These tools and capabilities help make it
possible to create secure solutions on the secure Azure platform. Windows Azure
must provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data, while also
enabling transparent accountability.
To help customers better understand the array of security controls implemented
within Microsoft Azure from both the customer's and Microsoft operational
perspectives, this white paper, “Azure Operational Security", is written that provides
a comprehensive look at the operational security available with Windows Azure.
Azure Platform
Azure is a public cloud service platform that supports a broad selection of operating
systems, programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases, and devices. It can
run Linux containers with Docker integration; build apps with JavaScript, Python,
.NET, PHP, Java, and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Azure Cloud service supports the same technologies millions of developers and IT
professionals already rely on and trust.
When you build on, or migrate IT assets to, a public cloud service provider you are
relying on that organization’s abilities to protect your applications and data with
the services and the controls they provide to manage the security of your cloud-
based assets.
Azure’s infrastructure is designed from the facility to applications for hosting
millions of customers simultaneously, and it provides a trustworthy foundation
upon which businesses can meet their security requirements. In addition, Azure
provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to
control them so that you can customize security to meet the unique requirements
of your organization’s deployments. This document will helps you understand how
Azure security capabilities can help you fulfill these requirements.
Azure Operational Security refers to the services, controls, and features available to
users for protecting their data, applications, and other assets in Microsoft Azure.
Azure Operational Security is built on a framework that incorporates the knowledge
gained through various capabilities that are unique to Microsoft, including the
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), the Microsoft Security Response
Center program, and deep awareness of the cybersecurity threat landscape.
This white paper outlines Microsoft’s approach to Azure Operational Security within
the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and covers following services:
1. Azure Operations Management Suite
2. Azure Security Center
3. Azure Monitor
4. Azure Network watcher
5. Azure Storage analytics
6. Azure Active directory

Microsoft Operations Management Suite

Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is the IT management solution for
the hybrid cloud. Used alone or to extend your existing System Center deployment,
OMS gives you the maximum flexibility and control for cloudbased management of
your infrastructure.

With OMS, you can manage any instance in any cloud, including on-premises,
Azure, AWS, Windows Server, Linux, VMware, and OpenStack, at a lower cost than
competitive solutions. Built for the cloud-first world, OMS offers a new approach to
managing your enterprise that is the fastest, most cost-effective way to meet new
business challenges and accommodate new workloads, applications and cloud
OMS services
The core functionality of OMS is provided by a set of services that run in Azure. Each
service provides a specific management function, and you can combine services to
achieve different management scenarios.


Log Analytics Monitor and analyze the availability and

performance of different resources including
physical and virtual machines.

Automation Automate manual processes and enforce

configurations for physical and virtual

Backup Back up and restore critical data.

Provide high availability for critical

Site Recovery
Log Analytics
Log Analytics provides monitoring services for OMS by collecting data from
managed resources into a central repository. This data could include events,
performance data, or custom data provided through the API. Once collected, the
data is available for alerting, analysis, and export.
This method allows you to consolidate data from various sources, so you can
combine data from your Azure services with your existing on-premises
environment. It also clearly separates the collection of the data from the action
taken on that data so that all actions are available to all kinds of data.
The Log Analytics service manages your cloud-based data securely by using the
following methods:
security standards certifications
Azure Backup
Azure Backup provides data backup and restore services and is part of the OMS
suite of products and services. It protects your application data and retains it for
years without any capital investment and with minimal operating costs. It can back
up data from physical and virtual Windows servers in addition to application
workloads such as SQL Server and SharePoint. It can also be used by System Center
Data Protection Manager (DPM) to replicate protected data to Azure for
redundancy and long-term storage.
Protected data in Azure Backup is stored in a backup vault located in a particular
geographic region. The data is replicated within the same region and, depending on
the type of vault, may also be replicated to another region for further resiliency.
Management Solutions
Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS) is Microsoft's cloud-based IT
management solution that helps you manage and protect your on-premises and
cloud infrastructure.
Management Solutions are prepackaged sets of logics that implement a particular
management scenario using one or more OMS services. Different solutions are
available from Microsoft and from partners that you can easily add to your Azure
subscription to increase the value of your investment in OMS. As a partner, you can
create your own solutions to support your applications and services and provide
them to users through the Azure Marketplace or Quick Start Templates.
A good example of a solution that uses multiple services to provide additional
functionality is the Update Management solution. This solution uses the Log
Analytics agent for Windows and Linux to collect information about required
updates on each agent. It writes this data to the Log Analytics repository where you
can analyze it with an included dashboard.
When you create a deployment, runbooks in Azure Automation are used to install
required updates. You manage this entire process in the portal and don’t need to
worry about the underlying details.

Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps protect your Azure resources. It provides integrated
security monitoring and policy management across your Azure subscriptions.
Within the service,you are able to define polices not only against your Azure
subscriptions, but also against Resource Groups, so you can be more granular.
Security policies and recommendations
A security policy defines the set of controls, which are recommended for resources
within the specified subscription or resource group.
In Security Center, you define policies according to your company's security
requirements and the type of applications or sensitivity of the data.
Policies that are enabled in the subscription level automatically propagate to all
resources groups within the subscription as shown in the diagram at the right side:
Data collection
Security Center collects data from your virtual machines (VMs) to assess their security
state, provide security recommendations, and alert you to threats. When your first
access Security Center, data collection is enabled on all
VMs in your subscription. Data collection is recommended, but you can opt out by
turning off data collection in the Security Center policy.
Data sources
Azure Security Center analyzes data from the following sources to provide visibility
into your security state, identify vulnerabilities and recommend mitigations, and
detect active threats:
Azure Services: Uses information about the configuration of Azure services you
have deployed by communicating with that service’s resource provider.
Network Traffic: Uses sampled network traffic metadata from Microsoft’s
infrastructure, such as source/destination IP/port, packet size, and network
Partner Solutions: Uses security alerts from integrated partner solutions, such as
firewalls and antimalware solutions.
Your Virtual Machines: Uses configuration information and information about
security events, such as Windows event and audit logs, IIS logs, syslog messages,
and crash dump files from your virtual machines.
Data protection
To help customers prevent, detect, and respond to threats, Azure Security Center
collects and processes securityrelated data, including configuration information,
metadata, event logs, crash dump files, and more. Microsoft adheres to strict
compliance and security guidelines—from coding to operating a service.
Data segregation: Data is kept logically separate on each component
throughout the service. All data is tagged per organization. This tagging
persists throughout the data lifecycle, and it is enforced at each layer of the
Data access: To provide security recommendations and investigate potential
security threats, Microsoft personnel may access information collected or
analyzed by Azure services, including crash dump files, process creation events,
VM disk snapshots and artifacts, which may unintentionally include Customer
Data or personal data from your virtual machines. We adhere to the Microsoft
Online Services Terms and Privacy Statement, which state that Microsoft is not
uses Customer Data or derive information from it for any advertising or similar
commercial purposes.
Data use: Microsoft uses patterns and threat intelligence seen across multiple
tenants to enhance our prevention and detection capabilities; we do so in
accordance with the privacy commitments described in our Privacy
Data location
Azure Security Center collects ephemeral copies of your crash dump files and
analyzes them for evidence of exploit attempts and successful compromises. Azure
Security Center performs this analysis within the same Geo as the workspace, and
deletes the ephemeral copies when analysis is complete. Machine artifacts are stored
centrally in the same region as the VM.
Your Storage Accounts: A storage account is specified for each region where
virtual machines are running. This enables you to store data in the same region as
the virtual machine from which the data is collected.
Azure Security Center Storage: Information about security alerts, including
partner alerts, recommendations, and security health status is stored centrally,
currently in the United States. This information may include related
configuration information and security events collected from your virtual
machines as needed to provide you with the security alert, recommendation, or
security health status.

Azure Monitor
The OMS Security and Audit solution enables IT to actively monitor all resources,
which can help minimize the impact of security incidents. OMS Security and Audit
have security domains that can be used for monitoring resources. The security
domain provides quick access to options, for security monitoring the following
domains are covered in more details:
Malware assessment
Update assessment
Identity and Access.
Azure Monitor provides pointers to information on specific types of resources. It
offers visualization, query, routing, alerting, auto scale, and automation on data both
from the Azure infrastructure (Activity Log) and each individual Azure resource
(Diagnostic Logs).
Cloud applications are complex with many moving parts. Monitoring provides data
to ensure that your application stays up and running in a healthy state. It also helps
you to stave off potential problems or troubleshoot past ones.
In addition, you can use monitoring data to gain deep insights about your
application. That knowledge can help you to improve application performance or
maintainability, or automate actions that would otherwise require manual
Azure Activity Log
It is a log that provides insight into the operations that were performed on
resources in your subscription. The Activity Log was previously known as “Audit
Logs” or “Operational Logs,” since it reports control-plane events for your
Using the Activity Log, you can determine the ‘what, who, and when’ for any write
operations (PUT, POST, DELETE) taken on the resources in your subscription. You can
also understand the status of the operation and other relevant properties. The
Activity Log does not include read (GET) operations or operations for resources that
use the Classic model.
Azure Diagnostic Logs
These logs are emitted by a resource and provide rich, frequent data about the
operation of that resource. The content of these logs varies by resource type.
For example, Windows event system logs are one category of Diagnostic Log for
VMs and blob, table, and queue logs are categories of Diagnostic Logs for storage
Diagnostics Logs differ from the Activity Log (formerly known as Audit Log or
Operational Log). The Activity log provides insight into the operations that were
performed on resources in your subscription. Diagnostics logs provide insight into
operations that your resource performed itself.
Azure Monitor enables you to consume telemetry to gain visibility into the
performance and health of your workloads on Azure. The most important type of
Azure telemetry data is the metrics (also called performance counters) emitted by
most Azure resources. Azure Monitor provides several ways to configure and
consume these metrics for monitoring and troubleshooting. Metrics are a valuable
source of telemetry and enable you to do the following tasks:
Track the performance of your resource (such as a VM, website, or logic app) by
plotting its metrics on a portal chart and pinning that chart to a dashboard.
Get notified of an issue that impacts the performance of your resource when a
metric crosses a certain threshold.
Configure automated actions, such as auto scaling a resource or firing a runbook
when a metric crosses a certain threshold.
Perform advanced analytics or reporting on performance or usage trends of
your resource.
Archive the performance or health history of your resource for compliance or
auditing purposes.
Azure Diagnostics
It is the capability within Azure that enables the collection of diagnostic data on a
deployed application. You can use the diagnostics extension from various different
sources. Currently supported are Azure Cloud Service Web and Worker Roles,
Azure Virtual Machines running Microsoft Windows,and Service Fabric. Other Azure
services have their own separate diagnostics.

Azure Network Watcher

Auditing your network security is vital for detecting network vulnerabilities and
ensuring compliance with your IT security and regulatory governance model. With
Security Group view, you can retrieve the configured Network Security Group and
security rules,and the effective security rules. With the list of rules applied, you can
determine the ports that are open and assess network vulnerability.
Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose
conditions at a network level in, to, and from Azure. Network diagnostic and
visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you understand, diagnose,
and gain insights to your network in Azure. This service includes packet capture,
next hop, IP flow verify, security group view, NSG flow logs. Scenario level
monitoring provides an end to end view of network resources in contrast to
individual network resource monitoring.
Network Watcher currently has the following capabilities:
Audit Logs- Operations performed as part of the configuration of networks are
logged. These logs can be viewed in the Azure portal or retrieved using Microsoft
tools such as Power BI or third-party tools. Audit logs are available through the
portal, PowerShell, CLI, and Rest API. For more information on Audit logs, see
Audit operations with Resource Manager. Audit logs are available for operations
done on all network resources.
IP flow verifies - Checks if a packet is allowed or denied based on flow
information 5-tuple packet parameters (Destination IP, Source IP, Destination
Port, Source Port, and Protocol). If the packet is denied by a Network Security
Group, the rule and Network Security Group that denied the packet is returned.
Next hop - Determines the next hop for packets being routed in the Azure Network
Fabric, enabling you to diagnose any misconfigured user-defined routes.
Security group view - Gets the effective and applied security rules that are
applied on a VM.
NSG Flow logging - Flow logs for Network Security Groups enable you to
capture logs related to traffic that are allowed or denied by the security rules
in the group. The flow is defined by a 5-tuple information – Source IP,
Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port,and Protocol.

Azure Storage Analytics

Storage Analytics can store metrics that include aggregated transaction statistics
and capacity data about Requests to a storage service. Transactions are reported at
both the API operation level and at the storage service level, and capacity is
reported at the storage service level. Metrics data can be used to analyze storage
service usage, diagnose issues with requests made against the storage service, and
to improve the performance of applications that use a service.
Azure Storage Analytics performs logging and provides metrics data for a storage
account. You can use this data to trace requests, analyze usage trends, and
diagnose issues with your storage account. Storage Analytics logging is available
for the Blob, Queue, and Table services. Storage Analytics logs detailed information
about successful and failed requests to a storage service.
This information can be used to monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues
with a storage service. Requests are logged on a best-effort basis. Log entries are
created only if there are requests made against the service endpoint. For example if
a storage account has activity in its Blob endpoint but not in its Table or Queue
endpoints, only logs pertaining to the Blob service is created.
To use Storage Analytics, you must enable it individually for each service you want
to monitor. You can enable it in the Azure portal; for details, see Monitor a storage
account in the Azure portal. You can also enable Storage Analytics programmatically
via the REST API or the client library. Use the Set Service Properties operation to
enable Storage Analytics individually for each service.
The aggregated data is stored in a well-known blob (for logging) and in well-known
tables (for metrics), which may be accessed using the Blob service and Table service
Storage Analytics has a 20-TB limit on the amount of stored data that is
independent of the total limit for your storage account. All logs are stored in block
blobs in a container named $logs, which are automatically created when Storage
Analytics is enabled for a storage account.
The following actions performed by Storage Analytics are billable:
Requests to create blobs for logging
Requests to create table entities for metrics.

For more information on billing and data retention policies, see Storage Analytics and
Billing. For optimal performance, you want to limit the number of highly utilized disks
attached to the virtual machine to avoid possible throttling. If all disks are not being
highly utilized at the same time, the storage account can support a larger number disk.
For more information on storage account limits, see Azure Storage Scalability and
Performance Targets.

The following types of authenticated and anonymous requests are logged.


Successful requests Successful requests

Requests using a Shared Access Signature

Failed requests, including timeout, throttling,
(SAS), including failed and successful
network, authorization, and other errors
Requests using a Shared Access Signature Time out errors for both client and server
(SAS), including failed and successful

Failed GET requests with error code 304 (Not

Requests to analytics data
Requests made by Storage Analytics itself,
All other failed anonymous requests are not
such as log creation or deletion, are not
logged. A full list of the logged data is
logged. A full list of the logged data is
documented in the Storage Analytics Logged
documented in the Storage Analytics Logged
Operations and Status Messages and
Operations and Status Messages and Storage
Storage Analytics Log Format.
Analytics Log Format topics.

Azure Active Directory

Azure AD also includes a full suite of identity management capabilities including
multi-factor authentication, device registration, self-service password management,
self-service group management, privileged account management, role-based access
control, application usage monitoring, rich auditing,and security monitoring and
alerting. Improve application security with Azure AD multifactor authentication
and conditional access.
Monitor application usage and protect your business from advanced threats with
security reporting and monitoring.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) includes security, activity, and audit reports for
your directory. The Azure Active Directory Audit Report helps customers to identify
privileged actions that occurred in their Azure Active Directory. Privileged actions
include elevation changes (for example, role creation or password resets), changing
policy configurations (for example password policies), or changes to directory
configuration (for example, changes to domain federation settings).
The reports provide the audit record for the event name, the actor who performed
the action, the target resource affected by the change, and the date and time (in
UTC). Customers are able to retrieve the list of audit events for their Azure Active
Directory via the Azure portal, as described in View your Audit Logs. Here's a list of
the reports included:


s from unknown

Application usage: summary Directory audit report

s after multiple

Application usage: detailed

s from multiple

Application dashboard

s from IP addresses Account provisioning errors

with suspicious activity

Irregular sign-in activity Individual user devices

s from possibly

Individual user Activity
infected devices

Users with anomalous sign-in

Groups activity report

Password Reset Registration

Activity Report

Password reset activity

The data of these reports can be useful to your applications, such as SIEM systems,
audit, and business intelligence tools. The Azure AD reporting APIs provide
programmatic access to the data through a set of REST-based APIs. You can call
these APIs from various programming languages and tools.
Events in the Azure AD Audit report are retained for 180 days.
For more information about retention on reports, see Azure Active Directory Report
Retention Policies.

For customers interested in storing their audit events for longer retention periods,
the Reporting API can be used to regularly pull audit events into a separate data

This article summaries protecting your privacy and securing your data, while
delivering software and services that help you manage the IT infrastructure of your
organization. Microsoft recognizes that when they entrust their data to others, that
trust requires rigorous security. Microsoft adheres to strict compliance and security
guidelines— from coding to operating a service. Securing and protecting data is a
top priority at Microsoft.
This article explains
How data is collected, processed, and secured in the Operations Management
Suite (OMS).
Quickly analyze events across multiple data sources. Identify security risks and
understand the scope and impact of threats and attacks to mitigate the damage
of a security breach.
Identify attack patterns by visualizing outbound malicious IP traffic and malicious
threat types. Understand the security posture of your entire environment
regardless of platform.
Capture all the log and event data required for a security or compliance audit. Slash
the time and resources needed to supply a security audit with a complete,
searchable, and exportable log and event data set.
Collect security-related events, audit, and breach analysis to keep a close eye your
Security posture
Notable issue
Next Steps
Design and operational security
Microsoft designs its services and software with security in mind to help ensure that
its cloud infrastructure is resilient and defended from attacks.
Operations Management Suite | Security & Compliance
Use Microsoft security data and analysis to perform more intelligent and effective
threat detection.
Azure Security Center planning and operations A set of steps and tasks that you
can follow to optimize your use of Security Center based on your organization’s
security requirements and cloud management model.

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