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NAME__________________________________________________________________COURSR 6


Choose the correct
If someone moves in next door, introduce yourself. If they´re new to
the area, they´ll probably have a little / a lot of questions, how much /
many times per week the rubbish is collected. Get to know them and
give them a bit /plenty of information about yourself. If you do all of/ a
lot of gardening or if your kids sometimes make too much / many
noise, let them know. Some families have several /plenty pets. Dogs
can be noisy, and cats sometimes wander into neighbours´gardens or
homes. If it happens only a few/ little times, that´s OK, but if it happens
a lot /much, it´s a problem. People who say they never have
much/many troubles with their neighbors are usually good
communicators. It´s easy; tell them about community news and events.
Tell them beforehand about your parties, Or, better still, invite them! If
they´re partying with you, will they complain about the noise?
Rubbish, gardening, wander, beforehand, complain.
1. _____Cats always wander into neighbours´gardens or home
2. _____You don´t give them plenty of information about yourself.
3. _____Dogs can be noisy.
4. _____They always have many troubles.
5.______If someone moves in the next door, don´t introduce
1. Defining relative clauses tell us exactly which thing, person
or place we are talking about.
WHERE is used to talk about place.
WHO is used to talk about people.
WHICH is used to talk about things
THAT can be used to talk about places, people, or things .
The rise and rise of You Tube
Underline the relative clauses
In 2005, three friends Chad Hutley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim,
who were colleagues, were having problems trying to email a
video clip. Within two hours they came up with an idea which
would solve the problem and change internet history. They
created You Tube. It´s familiar story for anyone who follows the
development of the internet technology minded entrepreneurs
under thirty, a garage or bedroom where dreams become reality,
little money, and a big need. The site was an instant success. The
key was a number of feature: links to videos, which made them
easy to email; tell a friend functions; a feature that allowed You
Tube videos to be played or social media networking sites; and
another feature that let users comment. This helped to develop a
community; You Tube was a place where you posted videos but
also chatted about them, Two years after the launch, Google Inc
bought You Tube for $1.65 billion.

Colleagues, within, came up, minded, entrepreneurs, feature,
allowed, networking sites, comment, posted, launch.


1. ______In You Tube can post videos and chat
2. _____Colleagues weren´t having problems trying to email a video
3. _____They didn´t create You Tube.
4. _____The dreams become reality.
5. _____You Tube let users comment.
Choose the correct
For people who liked to send and receive very short messages, was a dream come true. This social networking site, that/
which was/who was the fasted growing site in 2009, became amazingly
popular in a short space of time. So how does it work? You write your
message, of which must be/what must be/which must be no longer
than 140 characters, onto your profile via a web, SMS or phone
application. Then the message, what is called/this is called/which is
called a Tweet, it sent automatica to yoursbscribers or followers, The
people use that use/are who use Twitter say it´s fantastic,. Jerry Jones
who works for/who works / where/which works for an Internet
company, describes it as a mini-revolutions. He says that when Twitter
arrived, it was the moment which online/for online/when online
communication changed
Growing, amazingly, onto, profile
1. __________The people don´t use Twitter
2..__________ was a dream come true
3-_______ You write your message, which must be no longer
than 140 characters,
4.__________The messages which is called a Tweet.
5__________Twitter didn´t change the communication

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