Make Peace Unit

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Unit One : Peace and Conflict Resolution Sequence : Discovering Language

1. Before Reading:
a. What does the logo represent?
b. When was it established?
c. What is the chief duty of this
d. Who are the men in the picture?

2. While Reading:
 Read the text and check your answers to the questions above.

After the end of World War II, the United Nations organization was formed to replace the League of Nations in 1945,
whichbwas able to resolve some conflicts around the world But it could not stop totalitarianism in Germany, Italy and Japan. It was
established by most of the independent nations like USA, UK, China,…etcwith one central mission:the maintenance of international
peace and security. It was able to do this by working to prevent conflict; helping parties make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the
conditions to allow peace to hold and flourish.

The UN Security Council is the body of the UN which takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace.
In some cases,the Security Council can resort to imposing sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore
international peace and security.. Peacekeepers ,or blue helmet, must remain neutral. They can use force only for temporary self-
defence purposes. They can maintain peace, but they cannot prevent war.

The UN includes many agencies with different missions: FAO, WHO, UNICEF, and others. These UN agencies co-operate in
fighting disease and reducing poverty in the world. So far they have been able to stop killer diseases such as tuberculosis and
smallpox. They will hopefully be able to eradicate other diseases and famine soon.

a. What do the underlined words refer to in the text?

IT (1§) …………… Which (2§) …………… They (3§)……………………………
b. Which body of the UN can maintain international peace?
c. What were the other agencies capable of doing? How?
d. Can blue helmets use force at any time? Justify
e. What will UN agencies be able to do soon?
f. Put the underlined sentences of the text in the chart below.
Past simple Present perfect Present simple Future simple

g. What do the sentences in the table express? They express………………………………….

h. Do you know any other functions of the modal verb « can »?
3. After you read: Fill in the gaps with the following words

replace - aims - cooperation - platform - founded - achievement - international - organizations

The United Nations is an ……………………………………… organization whose stated ……………………………………… are facilitating
……………………………………… in international law, security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and
……………………………………… of world peace. It was ……………………………………… in 1945 after World War II to ………………………………………
the League of Nations, to stop conflicts and wars between countries, and to provide a............................................for dialogue. It
contains multiple carry out its missions.
Unit One : Peace and Conflict Resolution Sequence : Discovering Language

Rubric: Expressing Ability

1- The UN can maintain international peace and security
2- Peacekeepers cannot prevent war
3- the league of the Nations was able to resolve some conflicts.
4- The League of Nations could not stop dictatorial political systems
5- the un agencies will be able to eradicate other diseases.

Can/ could and was/were able to express ability.

The two past forms of can are: could and was/were able to (it can be replaced by managed to)
can Be able to
Present simple Can Am,is, are able to
Past simple Could Was/were able to
Present perfect Has/have been able to
Future simple Will be able to
Present perfect (so far, yet, just ,never, since and for)
CAN can express othe functions such as : Ability / Warning/ Suggestion/ Permission /Possibility/ Remote
possibility /Offer.
1. Ability: I can type without looking to the keyboard.
2. Inability: she can't sleep because she had a headache.
3. Possibility: how many people can a bus hold?
4. Warning: don't play with a knife. you can injure yourself.
5. Permission: can i use your pen?
6. Suggestion: we can start with the second task. what do you think?
7. Request: can you help me?
8. Offer: can I help you?
Task One: Fill the gaps using can’t – can – could – was/ will be able to – has/have been able to.
a. I give you a lift home?
b. My parents...................understand why I like playing very loud music.
c. Some people think that in the year 2050 computers....................have conversations with us.
d. I ………..never.................draw well, but my brother is brilliant.
e. you climb that tree?
f. when I was 13 months old.

g. the UNO............(not) create a permant military force yet.

Task Two: Write 5 sentences using the different functions of “can”

Task Three: Match each sentence with its function

Sentences Functions Solution

1- You can leave now 1 c

2- I can pass my exams a – polite request 2 b
3- Earthquake could happen any time b- possibility 3 e
4- I can give you extra –mark if you do your c- permission 4 d
homework d- offer 5 g
5- A:I am very late ,I can not arrive on time e- remote possibility 6 a
B: You can take taxi f – ability 7 f
6- Can you lend me your pen ,please? g- suggestion
7- The activity is very easy .I can do it in 5
Unit One : Peace and Conflict Resolution Sequence : Discovering Language
Sequence 02: Listening and Speaking
I. Pre – listening
- Teacher asks pupils to watch a set of pictures , then asks them some questions :
- What are the pictures about ? -
- Where is he ?
- What does he wear over his head ?
- Why ?
- How does he look ? – sad - why ?
II. While – listening
Task 1 : Listen to dialogue and answer the following
1. Who are the speakers ? – Auggie and Jack
2. Is there a problem between them ? if yes , what is it ? – yes , the problem is that Auggie is
sad because his friends made fun of him ( they bullied him )
3. Did Jack recognize his mistake ? yes
4. How did Jack solved the problem ? – by apologizing to Auggie.
5. Which expression he used to aplogize ? sorry , I shouldn’t have said that to you.
6. Which expression he used to criticize his friends’ bad behaviour ? – my friends should have been kind with you.

Expressing Opinion:What do you think of the behaviour ( attitude) of Jack?

Use the following expressions to give your opinion:
I think that…………………………………………………………………………………..
In my opinion……………………………………………………………………………….
I believe that………………………………………………………………………………………..
According to me …………………………………………………………………………………….
With respect, I have to say that…………………………………………………………………….

III. Post – listening

Task : Summarize the dialogue in your own words. Then , express your opinion about bullying at school.
- A sample summary :
Auggie is a little boy who is sick and looks different . At school , he was bullied by his classmates as they laughed at
him after his friend sais that Auggie is ugly. Auggie was sad and upset , Jack realized his wrong action and apologized to
him .Thus , the problem was solved.

The dialogue
Jack : hello Auggie , how are you doing ?
Auggie : not too bad .
Jack : what’s wrong with you Auggie , you look upset and sad.
Auggie : do you really want to know ?
Jack : yes , sure
Auggie : Iam angry with you as well as all my classmates.
Jack : oh really ! what did I do ?
Auggie : you have made fun of me , you said « you are ugly » in front of all my classmates and they laughed at me.
Jack : oh , I am so sorry Auggie, I shouldn’t have said that to you. , I didn’t mean to make you sad .
Auggie : actually , you all made me upset.
Jack : I am sorry again , even my friends should have been kind with you..
Auggie : Ok , I accept you apology.
Apologizing and criticizing wrong actions
 Study the following examples and say what does each sentence express.
Examples :
1. I shouldn’t have said that to you……Apology
2. My friends should have been kind with you….. criticizing.
3. I shouldn't have said that. regret
4. you shouldn't have touched my phone.
5. I shouldn't have read your letter.
6. you should have taken an aspirin.
The rule:
We use should have + p.p / should not have+ p.p to express: advice, regret, apologize and criticize.
Task : respond to the following situations by using « should have / shouldn’t have »
1. A : yesterday , I had an accident because I was driving fast.
B : you………………………………………………………………….
2. A : you shouted at me without for no obvious reason.
B : sorry, I………………………………………………………………
3. A : I failed my exam because I didn’t study well.
B : you…………………………………………………………………..
4. A : I ate too much and now I'm sick.
B : you……………………………………………………………..
5. A : We didn't learn any Italian before we went to Italy. Sometimes we had trouble communicating with Italians.
B : you………………………………………………………………
6. A : They didn't ask for directions, and they got lost
B : They ……………………………………………………………….
7. A : You took my umbrella without my permission and you broke it..
B : I……………………………………………………………….
Key :
1. You shouldn’t have driven fast.
2. Sorry , I shouldn’t have shouted at you.
3. You should have studied well.
4. You shouldn’t eaten too much.
5. You should have learnt Italian before you went to Italy.
6. They should have asked for directions.
7. I shouldn’t have taken your umbrella without your permission.
Task Two: write sentences using should have / shouldn’t have + p.p
Complete the following sentences.
1. You stayed up so late on Facebook last night, you woke up tiredthis morning, you couldn’t concentrate on the
You regret saying:
I should -
I shouldn’t -
2. Your friend didn’t listen to your advice. She is in trouble now.
You criticize her:
You should
You shouldn't
3. You saved the wrong number of your friend on your phone yesterday. You called another person today.
Your friend criticizes you:
You should
You shouldn't -
4. You made some bad remarks about your friend’s work. He got upset (= sad).
You later apologize:
I should
I shouldn’t
5. Your friend looked at your phone photos without permission.
You criticize him/her:
You should
You shouldn't
Unit One : Peace and Conflict Resolution Sequence : Discovering Language
sequence: Listening and speaking.

Consider the following examples:

1. It must be a war there.
2. He must be hungry.
3. students must wear school uniform.
4. students mustn't disrespect their teachers.
5. I don't have to wake up early on weekends.

Obligation Prohibition Absence of obligation Deduction

Must/ have to Mustn't Don't have to Must
Task 1: match the following sentences to write a list of children rights
The UNICEF must release information that children can understand.
The children must protect children from child labor

Governments should abuse their children.

Disabled children should bully classmates
Governments have to… Work for a charity.
Mass media have to good quality health care, education, clean water and
Parents mustn't always agree with other's point of view
Children mustn't receive special care.
Schools do not need to impose school uniform.
The children do not have to provide aid for children in conflict areas.
Task 2: What do these sentences express? Deduction, absence of obligation or obligation.
1. This restaurant must be good; it's always full of people.
2. This letter must be mailed by tomorrow.
3. This medicine must be taken with food.
4. You've travelled all day, you must be tired.
5. I'll tell you something but you must keep this a secret.
6. You don't have to tell him, but you can if you want to.

Task 2: Classify the following classroom rules in the table (school rules)
be on time, practice sport when it rains, eat in the classroom, make noise, write the lessons, fight with
classmates, respect teachers and classmates, do the homework, bully classmates, wear pinafores, go to school
at weekend, mobile phones, cheat at exams, be violent, chewing gum in class.
Obligation Prohibition Absence of Obligation

Task 3: Use information from the previous tasks to write sentences (school regulations) using ``must``,
``mustn’t``, don’t have to`, don’t need to.

Task 4: Distinguish between the duties and rights in the box.

health care. work hard. respect the opinion of others. tolerate differences. promote the culture of peace. Co-
operate to solve problems. Respect the rights of others. express opinions. information. Meet together to
express views. good working conditions. free education.

Rights Duties
Unit one : Peace and Conflict Resolution Rubric : Working with words
Task one : have a look to the pictures and definitions then find the words and the secret message

1. protective covering
for the head.

2. Unfair
treatment of
other races.

3.Opposite of

4.Person who is legally owned by and

forced to work by another.

6.Find a satisfactory solution to a


5.Disagreement or argument

The secret message is:

7.Armed fighting between countries.

8.Serious disagreement
;fight,struggle 9.Put people of a different race ,etc apart from the res
Task2: Fill in the gaps with the words in brackets
(ideas-struggle- dispute-weapons- physical- values-thoughts- fights-needs--wars-)
A conflict is a……………. between people which may be ………….or between conflicting…........Conflicts can either
be within one person, or they can involve several people or groups. Conflicts arise because there are….......,
…………..or………….. that are seen to be different, and there is no means to reconcile the…...........Very often,
conflicts lead to………….., or even……….. (in the case where conflicts are solved with..................).
Unit two: Peace, ConflictResolution Sequence: Reading and Writing
I. Pre- reading:
 Watch the videothenchoose the best answer :
1. Malala is from:
a) England. b) Pakistan. c) America.
2. She is............years old.
a) 23 b) 15 c) 11
3. Malala defended:
a) Female education. b) Female health care. c) Female right to work.
4. She was shot by a……………….
a) Taliban gunman. b) Police.
5. She won the noble peace prize..............years ago.
A) 7 b) 2
II. During reading:
Read the text carefully then do the following activities:
Malala Yousafzai “Nobel Peace Prize” Speech: 10th October 2014.
Dear sisters and brothers, I am humbled that the Nobel Committee has selected me for this precious award. Thank you for
your support and love. I am proud, I am very proud to be the first Pakistani and the youngest person to receive this award. I am also
honored to receive this award for children's rights. This award is for those forgotten children who want education. It is for those
voiceless children who want change.
Education is one of the blessings of life—and one of its necessities. We had a thirst for education, we had a thirst for
education because our future was right there in that classroom. Swat suddenly changed into a place of terrorism more than 400
schools were destroyed. Women were flogged. People were killed. And our beautiful dreams turned into nightmares. Education
went from being a right to being a crime. Girls were stopped from going to school.
Dear sisters and brothers, today, in the world we see rapid progress and development. However, there are many countries
where millions still suffer from the very old problems of war, poverty, and injustice. innocent people lose their lives and children
become orphans. Many children do not have access to education because of poverty and social taboo.
My wish is to build a secondary school in my village, Swa, so that my friends and my sisters can go there and get quality education
and to get this opportunity to fulfill their dreams. I will continue this fight until I see every child, every child in school.
Dear sisters and brothers, Let us become the first generation to decide to be the last, let us become the first generation
that decides to be the last that sees empty classrooms, lost childhoods.
Let this be the last time that a girl or a boy spends their childhood in a factory or forced into early child marriage. Let this be the last
time that a child loses life in war.
Let this be the last time that we see a child out of school.
Let this end with us.
Let's begin this ending....together
Thank you so much. (Adopted from the internet)
Task one:Choose the letter that corresponds to the right answer.
A) The text is: a- A letter b- A speech c - A newspaper article.
B) The general idea of the text is:
a-Malala Yousafzai. b- Malala an activist female for education. c -Children’s right to education.

Task two: Say whether the following statements are true or false:
a) Malala is the eldest Noble Peace Prize winner.
b) Education is not crucial in life.
c) Children are suffering from war and poverty

Task three: Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) Why has the Nobel Committee chosen Malala for the Nobel Peace Prize?
b) What did Malala wish to do?
c) Are there children who are forced to work and get married?
Task four: Find in the text synonyms to the following:
a-Modest(§1)=------------------------ b-Advancement (§3)= ------------------------

III. Post- Reading :

Your school has chosen you to deliver a speech about the rights of the Palestinian children. Using the notes on the board,
and try to imitate MALALA to address the audience. Use as much of the auxiliaries that you have learnt in this unit as possible.
- To enjoy their childhood - To live in peace
- To get education and health care - To be free

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