Ethics in Business Handouts

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Ethics in Business

Link the following pictures with their definition below then say which picture is the odd one? Say why ?

Bribery Child Labour Embezzelment Money Laundery

1. made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud.
2. Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business.
3. a deception for profit to yourself
4. concealing the source of illegally gotten money
5. to promise, offer, or give something, usually money, to (a person) to procure services or gain influence, esp
6. move (goods) illegally into or out of a country.
7. refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood.
8. the principle of fairness that like cases should be treated alike.

Nepotism Counterfeit Smuggling Justice

Unit One: Ethics in Business Sequence: Reading and writing I
What should we do to fight corruption? Suggest some solutions.
To know more about how to get rid of corruption read the following passage and do the activities.
Last year, I read the international transparency annual report about thelevelof corruption in countriesofthe
world. I foundout thattheleastcorruptcountries are those which have anti-corruption associations ;as aresult , I
said it'shightimewecreatedouranti-corruption organization. Its main role is to make people aware of their right-
to- know how public funds are spent.

Lately, Ihave beenthinkingthat there willbe a chance to winthe fight against corruption if we collaborate . We
will eradicate corruption provided that we act now. Citizens should be involved in this fight, too because it's time
we join efforts and we had better not say that the fight against this evil is the government's own business.

Finally, I wish thatour fellow citizens had heard our call for anti-corruption earlier than now. I wish the
present anti-corruptionlaws were tougher.Iwishourgovernment wouldpass tougher anti-corruption laws and I wish
we all would join hands to eradicate such immoral phenomenon.

1. Readthetextthenanswerthe following questions:

a. What will happen if we collaborate?
b. What is the condition of eradicating corruption?
c. what does Mr Bishi wish?
→ Practice
Task One Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense.
Providingthatthegovernment(toenact). Strict/severe Laws,we (to put) an end to corruption.
As long as employees (to stick) to ethics, thecompany (to lose/not) its credibility.
The factory (toprosper) providedthattheemployer (to hire) qualified workers.
Providedthat all countries (to fight) corruption, theworld(to become) a better place.
As long as the company (to act) responsibility,It (to gain) the confidence trust of its stakeholders.
Task Two Join each pair of sentences using the connectors given between parentheses. Make changes where
1) The government encourages companies. They trade ethically. (As long as)
2) People are reminded of moral standards. They cheat. (but only if)
3) Workers receive rewards and promotions. Workers respect ethical principles in the workplace. (Providing that)
4) Firms may be closed. Firms break business standards. (provided that)
5) Workers will be released. The company is bankrupt. (Except if) Reminder: to express
condition, we use the
following link words :
But only if, as long as ,
Task Three: Complete the second part of the sentences. if and only if,
providing (that) ,
1) As long as the government bans illegal deals, ………………………
2) Provided that the authorities punish counterfeiters, …………………
3) Corruption will be fought as long as……………………………………………………….
4) Fraud will be vanishedprovided that……………………………………………..........
5) I will lend you the money providing that………………………………………………
6) You will use my car as long as ………………………………………………………………….

Task Four rewrite the sentences using "unless"

1) If he does not study harder, he will not get a good job.
2) If the consumers don’t stop buying imitations , Counterfeiting will not be eradicated
3) If the student didn’t make his hardest , he couldn’t obtain the good average.
4) If you had not read much, you would not have developed your capacities in writing.
5) unless he gives up games video, he will not ameliorate his schooling.

I/ wish
1- I wish I were younger.
2-I wish workers had whistleblown the imitation of medicines
3- I wish I would be a member in an anti-corruption organization
Task One: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1- I wish all countries (contribute) in the fight against corruption soon.
2- I wish my uncle (not embezzle) his company last year.
3- The criminals wish the judge(give) them second chance.
4- It's about time the local authorities( face) smuggling.
5- The activists wish they (live) in a free corruption society someday.
6- I wish I(be) out of jail now.
Task Two: Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as(a):
1-a-Parents feel that government should ban cigarettes exportation. b-It's high time……………………….
2-a-Ahmed wishes he did not steal the bank. b –Ahmed wishes he………………………………………….
3-a-She wishes the society combats corruption. b –She wishes the society……………………………...... ..
4-a-He wishes his son will be good citizen. b –He wishes his son……………………………………………
5-a-Schools should teach children moral values. b –It's about time schools………………………………….
Task Three: Use the following notes to write full sentences starting with the verb WISH
1-fight/practices/unethical ………………………………………………………………………..
2-Child/prevent/exploitation ………………………………………………………………………
3-Corruption/control ……………………………………………………………………………..
4-Cheaters/ punish ……………………………………………………………………………..
II/ It's high/ about time
Task One: Rewrite sentence "b" so as it means the same as sentence "a"
1. a. Citizens should give up shopping for counterfeit goods.
b. It's high time
1. Regret about the past : S+ wish+ S+ V(Past perfect)+O
2. a. UK must put an end to the production of fake coin.
b. It's time 2. Wish about the present : S+ wish+ S+ V(Past simple)+O
3. a. The authorities should fight all sorts of mal practices. 3. Desire: S+ wish+ S+ would +V (stem)+O
b. It's about time Complaint : It's high(about) time+ S+ V (past simple)+O
4. a. Government should take measures to stop child
III/ had better
Consider sentences (a-c) below and answer questions 1-2 that follow.
A- If I were you, I’d let him decide for himself.
B- I think he ought to take up something more secure.
C- I don’t think you should stand in his way.
D- I must admit my wife and I would have felt much happier if he ‘d chosen something else.
A) What do the words and phrases in bold type in the sentences express ?
 If I were you expresses : …………../ ought to expresses : …………/ should expresses……………
B) Which modal is synonymous with have to ? Are the two modals similar or different in meaning when they are in
the negative ? *have to = …………….. * The two modals are ……………… Mustn’t expresses................Whereas don’t
have to expresses ……………………
Task : Fill in the blanks in the text below with must, have to, should, ought to, or their negatives.
In the United States most students who win a scholarship to the university................A certain grade level so as
not to lose it. High school students …………..(not) study all the subjects in the curriculum.......They decide for
themselves which subjects to take . They................(not) break the codes of honour and conduct of their school.
They ………… very good at sports because this may earn them a place in a prestigious university.
Task One: Rewrite the following sentences expressing advice
1- Idvise you to take special measures to fight unlawful practices.
2- Myadvicetopeopleistokeepawayfromdoubtfulofficeholders.
3- If I were you, I would not get involved in any suspicious political act.

4- The Prime Minister bad better take strict measures againstfraud

Activity01: Decide whether these statements express a wish or regret.
1- I wish I could fly. ………………..
2- I wish he had seen the doctor earlier ………………..
3- I wish I traveled to New York …………………
4- I wish I were a doctor ……………….
Activity02: Choose the appropriate verb.
1- Alice didn't get a good mark. She wishes she..........hard.
Worked had worked
2- Tom likes football very much. He wishes he..............a famous football player.
Became had became
3- I am sorry; I don't know how to use the computer. I wish to use it.
Knew had known
4- I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish work late.
I didn't stay had not stayed
Activity 03: Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.
1- She failed most of her exams, and now she wishes she…...........harder.
Worked had worked would work
2- I have to get the bus to work every day. I wish I..................a car.
had would have had had
3- The weather is terrible today. I wish it..........a bit warmer.
Was would be had been
4- It really annoys me that you never do anything around the house. I wish you....................from time to time.
Washed up would wash up had washed up
5- My sister will have to cancel her party next week. She wishes she………………. …… cancel it, but she is
broken her leg.
Won't have to didn't have to hadn't have to
Activity 04: Make regrets or wishes for these statements.
 Someone regretting having stolen public funds.
 Someone wishing himself home and not in prison.
 Someone wishing himself out of the affair.
 Someone expressing the wish to live in a corruption- free society someday.
Activity05: Complete the sentences using the correct from of verb after wish.
1- I can't do this exam
I wish………………………………………………………
2- I didn't bring enough money.
I wish……………………………………………………….
3- I regret that I bought that car.
I wish………………………………………………………
4- She regrets marrying him.
She wishes …………………………………………………
5- Unfortunately, I have to work late tonight.
I wish…………………………………………………

Unit One: Ethics in Business Think, pair, share p 52

Think, pair share.

One Of the most widespread unethical practices in ourcountry is bribery. Writeashortcomposition about
this plague, its causes and consequences, and suggest some solution to get rid of it.
The following activity may help you in your writing.
A- Choose the rlght option esch time:
What is bribery ?

3-Giving or receiving something of value to in0ue

2-Receivingmoneytoprivilege somebody.

2- Who’s guilty of bribery ?

l-The person who gives. 2-The person who receives.

3-Both the person who
gives and the one who

Why is it illegal ?

1-A bribed official makes unfair decisions 3-A bribedofficial uses his office for person
to offer to officials.

what can we do to fight briber?

1.-Shrug our shoulders and say it’s not our 4-FiooofEcials whotake

2-Denounce any corrupt action involving bribery.corrupt officials and send them to jail.

B- Now use the information In the activity above to write a composition about bribery.
Bribery is an unethical practice. lt is the crime...............................................................................

l- Examine the following speech and do the following tasks.

a-What is the orator’s aim? b-Fill

in the table:
Anti-corruption programme
1-Tax evasion 2- 3- 4-

-Pass tougher laws.

Dear fellow citizens,

Letme talk about a veryimportant subject in our life; corruption. If you elected me as president, I promise 1 would definitely
change your life for the better.
l have aprogram tofollow. First, Iwould stop tax evasion by passing tougher laws and appointing honest people to inspect whether
businessmen arepaying their taxes.
Secondly, we all must fight nepotism. So; Iwould create committees to investigate officials’ behavior and relationships.
inadditiontothis,briberyisaplaguespreadinginoursociety,that’s whywemustliquidateit.Thiscanbe done by increasing
workers’ especially civil servants’ wages.
Moreover, I think thatwork, being the most valuable richness ofour country, should berehabilitated.lf I were elected
president of state, I would do my best to revalue all jobs and workers in all sectors.
Finally, it’s hightime people combated corruption effectively. I would use allmy powers, all means to do it before it is too late
rind the sooner the better.
1- Fill in the following table with your own strategies of your own anti-corruption program:
Anti corruption program
1- 3- 4-

3- using thespeech above as a model ,writeyour own statement tobeelected president of state:

Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence02: Read and consider
I. Pre-reading :
1. How do these pictures look like ?
2. The pictures represent:
- expensiveproducts
- harmfulproducts
- original products and their imitations.
3. What are the main characteristics of genuine and counterfeit products?
Write the adjectives in the table below in the appropriate column:
dangerous, good quality, cheap, legal, low/ bad quality, harmful, expensive, illegal, safe.
Features / Genuine products are Fake products are
Price.............................................. ........................................
Quality.......................................... .......................................
Safety............................................ .........................................
II. While reading: Imitating Property is Theft
A counterfeit is something forged, copied with the purpose of deceiving or defrauding. Most of the time it
is about fake paper currency but in fact different products such as medicines, mobile phones, food and drinks
and even car parts are being imitated to such a perfection that make it difficult to be distinguished by the
ordinary consumers who feel that they have to purchase them because of their lower prices and availability in
comparison to their original counterparts. Hence, many companies all over the world launch a fierce attack
against counterfeiting in an attempt to protect their customers and convince them that they mustn’t buy
In fact, counterfeit goods are so cheap that people do not hesitate to buy them though they know that
they are made from lower quality components that most of the times do not respond to the global safety
standards. Fake pharmaceutical products for example contain insufficient or dangerous ingredients that may
put the health and lives of consumers at risk. They also cost the original brands companies a huge loss of
revenues and market shares as counterfeiters feel that they don’t have to pay duties or taxes causing a great
loss of profitability. Hence, companies must reconsider the prices of their brands instead of spending huge
budgets on advertising against counterfeiting.
( Adapted from The Economist, May 17th, 2003)
1) The text is an extract from: a. A newspaper article b. A book c. A website article

2) Read the text and answer the following questions :

a) What counterfeits are?
b) Is it possible to make a difference between fake and original items?
c) What should companies do to combat counterfeiting?

4. Match each § with its title.

Paragraphs Titles

§1 a-counterfeiting has touchedeven car parts and medicines.

b-The consequences of counterfeiting

c-The writer’s conclusion.

§2 d-Definition of counterfeiting..

5. Say whether the following statements are “true” or “false “:
a) Counterfeiting is done only for the purpose of copying money.
b) people cannot imitate medicines.
c) Counterfeiting is harmless to people as well as economy.
d) it’s so easy to distinguish between imitated and genuine products.

6. Match each word with its definition

Words Definitions
1-forge a-A type of product made by a particularcompany.
2-advertissement b-Buysomething.
3-brand c-make a copy of sthwiththintent to deceive.
4-purchase d-makesthless or smaller in size ,quantity, price…..etc
5-reduce e-a notice ,picture or a film telling people about a product , job or service.
7. Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to the following :
Who..............them ..................... their ..................
8. Find in the text words which are synonyms /opposites to the following :
products=§2............., persuade=§1..........., buy=§1................. - similar =/=§1.............., sell=/=§2..........,
9. Classify the following words according to the final “s” pronunciation
Morals- ethics- imitates- forges- counterfeiters- punishes- Advises-measures-words-

Reminder : final ‘s’ is pronounced :

/ s / after
/ z / after
/ iz / after

III. Post reading

Fill in the gaps to get a definition of text’s type of discourse:
problem - argument - analyze - describe - causes - convince - explain
…………………. Texts are texts which usually tackle or expose a particular................., issue or phenomenon
attempt to ………………. and ……………… that problem by stating information, facts, statistics or

Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence02: Read and consider
Expressing result
Consider the sentences (a-c) below and answer the questions that follow:
a. Copies of brands are so cheap that some consumers don’t hesitate to buy them.
b. Counterfeits are of such bad quality that it’s a waste of money to buy them.
c. Counterfeiting is so dangerous that we must all fight it.
1. Rewrite them using ‘because’ and ‘as a result’.
2. What do they express ?*…………………………………………………..
3. Draw the rules.*…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Task 1: Supply « so…that… » or « such…that… » in the gaps to get coherent sentences:
a. Brands are………..expensive….....many consumers buy counterfeits.
b. Counterfeiting has………negative impacts on business…........many companies have launched
advertisement campaigns against it.
c. Fake medicines are……….dangerous….......something must be done to eradicate them.
Task 2: Connect each of the pairs of sentences below using the conjunctions in the list:
so…that… / such…that…
a. These products are imitated to perfection / it is difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the fake
b. The loss in profitability is big / most companies have launched advertisement campaigns against
c. Fake perfumes contain bad quality ingredients / their smells don’t last long for a long time.
Task 3: Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as (a):

1.(a) Tax evasion is illegal; consequently, people found guilty could be criminally
prosecuted. (b) ……………….……………..………………………………………………
2.(a) US currency is so accepted and trusted all over the world that it is widely counterfeited.
(b) Since………………………………………………………………………..
Task four: Connect each pair of sentences with one of the words given. Make changes where necessary.
"so+ adj+ that" or "such + noun phrase( adj+ noun+ that)".
a. Imitated products are cheap. Many consumers don't hesitate to buy them.
b. Counterfeits are of a bad quality. It is a waste of money to purchase counterfeits.
c. It is so hard to pass through. The streets are very narrow.
d. We could not see anything. It was really a dark night.
e. Few candidates got the bac. The last year bac was too difficult.
f. That student is really an intelligent person. That studentanswerscorrectly.
g. There are many fake products of famous brands. Clients lost trust in them.
h. Lots of people could not walk easily. The avenue was crowded.
Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence02: Read and
consider ( present simple/present continuous passive)
Consider sentences 1 – 4 in the table below. Then answer questions A-D that follow.
1. Consumers with low incomes buy counterfeits. a. Each year, hundreds of people are killed by fake
2.Counterfeiters are copying products of all sorts medicines.
3. Fake medicines kill hundreds of people each year. b. Counterfeits are bought by consumers with low incomes.
4.Companies are spending huge amounts of money on c. Huge amounts of money are being spent
advertising against counterfeiting on advertising against counterfeiting
d.Products of all sort are being copied by counterfeiters.
A. What voice of the present simple and the present continuous tense is used in column A and in column B?
Complete the following sentences with the words: “active” or “passive”.
1. In column A...............voice.
2. In column B :............voice.
B. Match each sentence in column A with its corresponding passive form in column B. What do you notice about the
structure of the verb in “present simple passive” and “present continuous passive”? Complete the following table.
Present Simple Active Present Simple Passive
Subject + ……………………………/……………… Subject+ …………….. + ……………….
Present Continuous Active Present Continuous Passive
Subject + ……………………+ ……………………+……………… Subject+ ………… being+ ……………….

Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence02: Read and consider

Expressing concession
Consider the following examples and answer the questions that follow

1. Although counterfeit products lack the safety standards, consumers keep purchasing them
2. Despite their low quality, counterfeit products are preferable for low income consumers.
3. Counterfeit products are preferable for low income consumers in spite of their low quality.

A- Underline the main clause and the subordinate clause of each sentence.
B- What is the link word used in each sentence?
C- What do they express?
D- Explain the difference in structure between the three examples given above.
Summarize your answers to draw your rule.
1. Clause + but/ however/ nevertheless/ nonetheless + subject+ verb
2. Clause + although/ despite the fact that/ in spite of the fact that/ though/ even
though + subject+ verb
3. clause + despite / In spite of + a noun/ gerund verb.

Task One: link the pairs of the sentences below with words given between brackets
1. Children have the right to study. Children are exploited at hard labour (Despite) /(Although)
2. Strict laws were legislated by government. Many businessmen still escape from taxes (Although)/
(In spite of)
3. Many governments are punishing officials who take bribe. A lot of officials still take it (In spite)/
(despite the fact that

Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence02: Read and consider
Think, pair, share (fake goods)
write an opinion article showing that counterfeiting does not benefit consumers through
their access to lower-price goods
Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price
goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First,
- Imitations: poor quality (damage of cars)
- Fake medicines: kill people (lack/ excess ingredients)
- Piracy killing creativity (no new objects)
- Giving bad reputation to the country (China)
- To sum up, (advice, summary)

Unit One : Ethics in Business Sequence: Reading and Writing
A. Before reading :
Look at the picture and choose the right answer
 The child in the picture is: 1. Studying at school 2.Working in a factory. 3.Plain in the garden.
 Companies which use child labour are: 1. Ethical. 2. Unethical.
 The child must be : 1. At school 2. In a factory 3. In the street.
 Companies that use child labour are: 1. helpin gchildren. 2. Exploiting children. 3. Educating children.
B. Whilereading :
Read the text carefully then do the following activities:
Child labour is work that children should not be doing because they are too young to work or itis dangerous for them. Not
all work done by children should be classified as child labour. Children's participation in work that does not affect their health and
personal development or interfere with their education is generally regarded as being something positive.

There are different types of child labour worldwide: farming, manufacturing, constructing, drug trafficking and organized
begging. Many of these are “worst forms” of child labour as they are especially harmful, morally reprehensible, and they violate the
child's freedom and human rights. Child labour is a complex problem and numerous factors influence whether children work or not.
Poverty emerges as the most compelling reason why children work. In addition to, basic education is not free in all countries and is
not always available for all children. In situations where education is not affordable or parents see no value in education, children
are sent to work, rather than to school.

Child labour is not accidental. Employers may like to hire children because they are “cheaper than their adult counterparts.
We should stand together to fight this problem because children need protection and support.

Adapted from

1. The text is about: a. Companies and child labour b. Child labour c. Poverty in the world

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a. All work done by children should be classified as child labour.

b. Child labour is very harmful.

c. The worst forms of child labour do not violate the child‟s rights and freedom.

d. Children work with expensive rates.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. What is child labour?

b. What are the different kinds of child labour?

c. Why do Employers like to hire children?

d. Does the writer advise us to protect and support children against child labour?

4. Find in the text words opposite in meaning to the following. Negative(§1), Harmless(§2), Simple(§3), Dislike(§4)

5. Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following Risky(§1), Liberty(§2), affect(§3), Help(§4)

6. Fill in the gapes with: consigned -cause - working –violation- prison

Child labour is a human rights……………. on many different levels. A result and also a …………..of poverty, child labour is a…………
that withers both capabilities and potential. Beyond Child Labour shows how UNICEF and its major partners end
child labour. Child labour can and must history.

Post reading
In some countries like China and India, many kids have to work to help their poor parents.
 Write a short paragraph
Causes Consequences using the notes below:
Poor families /orphan children / jobless Illiteracy / poverty / working at an early age /
parents/ Failure at school / Exploited to the extreme/

Unit One: Ethics in business sequence: reading and writing
Corruption is the use and abuse of power for private purposes. These purposes are generally private personal
enrichment orforthebenefit ofothers. It isan illegal practice. Itcan affect anyone withapower; whether a politician, an
official, an arbitrator or a sportsman among otherexamples.
Bribery istooffer money orserviceto anyone whoholds power in exchange for an undue advantage. The
corruption is to acceptthatmoney. A classicexample is thatofapolitician whoreceives money in hispersonal capacity or
hisparty onthepart ofabusiness and public works contracts in return assigns apublic market. This politician, whohas
received money, could be accused ofpassive corruption, whilethecompany canhowever be accused of bribery.
No country isentirely free ofcorruption. Butwhen corruption takes such proportionsthat it could hinder economic
growth and undermineefforts to establishgood governance, it leadsto thegeneraldegenerationofthe socialfabric.
Obstacletosustainabledevelopment,corruptioncanpotentiallyaggravateeconomicdisparitiesand encourageorganized
crime.Infact,ifcorruption isgrowingunrestricted, democracycanhardlyflourish,freedom spread,justiceprevail. Inrecent
years,effortsattheinternational leveltofightcorruption, encouragetransparency andincrease accountability areonthe
increase. As aresult, important victories have beenwon. Canada strongly supportsthe international fight against
corruption becauseitis both an obstacle togood governance, aproblem of crime, and also represents an obstacle to
economic, socialand political development.
1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the appropriate option.
The text is about : a- unethical practices. b-corruption and itsconsequences. c- bribery in theworld.
2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that:
a- Efforts to fight corruption have led to good results.
b- Corruption touches government officials and people in other fields.
3. Say ifthe following statements are true or false.
a- Corruption is recognized by the law.
b- Corruption can be found everywhere in the world.
c- Bribery istotakemoney from anyone whopossesses power forinterest.
d- Corruption can reduce organized crime.
4. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a- What are themain aims ofcorruption?
b-Whatare thedrawbacks of corruption?
5. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
These His It who
6. Findinthetextwordr or phrases thatareclosestin meaning tothefollowing
Strength (§1 / §2 ) = ................................/ Paying off (§2) - .........................................
Deteriorate (§3) - ........................................... struggle(§3)..........................................
7. Complete the table.
verb noun adjective
To grow
To cost
8. Ask questions on the underlined words.
a- Bribery istooffermonevorserviceinexohanee foran undue advantage.
b- Comiption represents an obstacle to economic growth.
9. Complete sentence b so that it means the same assentence a.
a- Canada supports the international Fight against corruption.
b- The international fight against corruption ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . .. . ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ..
a- Corruption undermines efforts to establish good governance.
b- Efforts to establish good governance. .............. .. . ... . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. ..
a- Corruption destroyed countries.
Reminder : when we want to emphasize an action baring no great attention to its doer, we use passive voice.


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