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PART 1: You will hear a radio interview with the gardening experts Jed and Helena Stone. For
questions 6-10, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear
1. How does Helena feel about the use of Jed’s name for their joint business?
A. occasionally frustrated that her contribution goes unnoticed
B. amused that they have a name people tend to remember
C. appreciative of the respect that the name has brought her
D. irritated by the fact that Jed is more of a celebrity than she is
2. What is Jed’s attitude to his public profile?
A. He likes the fact that complete strangers often want to talk to him
B. He’s unhappy that it prevents him doing everyday activities
C. He enjoys it more now than he did when he was younger
D. He’s proud of the way it reflects his achievements
3. How did Helena feel about her work on The Travel Show?
A She would have enjoyed it more in different circumstances
B It was convenient for her to be away from the house then
C It was a welcome alternative to manual work
D She felt obliged to do it at that particular time
4. What gave Jed the incentive to make a jewel garden?
A. He wanted to realise a long-held ambition
B. He had led people to believe that it already existed
C. He wanted to show pictures of it at a gardening event
D. He was inspired by the illustrations at a talk he attended
5. Jed says that, for him, the name ‘jewel garden’ is
A. a reminder of the value of creativity
B. an appropriate one for something so beautiful
C. a positive way of combining both past and present
D. a way of explaining his philosophy of design to people

Part 2. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about the science of motivation and decide whether these
statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided.

1. Given that the majority of people fall short of accomplishing their New Year’s resolutions just after
one month, keeping one’s motivation can be deemed as a challenging task.

2. The study conducted by MIT suggests that rewards are more inclined to impair cognitive tasks than
those requiring physical agility.

3. When people are offered rewards for a previously unrewarded performance, changes in their brain
activities can be identified.

4. Mental contrasting, the strategy that aims to wipe out negative concerns about impending setbacks,
is the key to achieving goals.

5. The what-the-hell effect describes the feeling of being guilty and the willpower to correct the
mistake after having overindulged.

Part 3. For questions 6-10, listen to a report on a medical breakthrough and answer the questions.
Write NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
6. Given the patient's health status, what did the transplant really grant him?
7. What could the genetic alterations of the pig alleviate?
8. What problem can be mitigated if xenotransplantation proves effective?

9. What are mentioned as a roaring success in the field of xenotransplantation?

10. What are future transplants expected to not involve?
16. An increase in agriculture and ______________ and the building of roads and dams are blamed to
bring about the deforestation.
17. ______________ methods at the pre-Columbian period could offer valuable lessons for today.
18. A research was conducted on a coastal wetland area where ______________ and canals remain
19. It was erroneously believed that a great deal of fire was used by pre-Columbian farmers to manage
20. The result of the study showed that raised-field farmers ______________ to improve agriculture
21. Periods without fires during the time when land was out of use in farming were valuable for
______________ matter and preserving soil structure.
22. This fire-free method contributed to turning the seasonally ______________ or grassland, into
productive cropland.
23. Moreover, this large, cultivated elevation provided better drainage and soil aeration and also held
______________ during the dry season.
24. However, this fire-free method would have been ______________ with ninety-five percent of the
native people died from the diseases spread by the Europeans.
25. ______________ method imposed a threat to the rainforest by the European colonizers.

Part 5. For questions 11-16, listen to an interview with two experts on technology and learning and
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
11. What does Michael say about online learning?
A It appeals to a greater variety of learning styles.
B It enables learning to suit the needs of the individual.
C It may one day replace the traditional school system.
D It allows us to choose the subjects we study.
12. When discussing the Khan Academy, Michael and Helen agree that it
A focuses only on mastering a specific subject, like maths.
B offers a generous amount of teaching and practice.
C has brought education to huge numbers of people.
D is less effective in generating original thought.
13. TED serves as an example of a site
A whose speakers provide amusing, factual talks.
B whose original focus has changed over time.
C which offers extended lectures in various subjects.
D which presents the same speakers every year.
14. Both Michael and Helen agree that schools
A are too rigid in the choice of subjects taught.
B are not tolerant of independent thinkers.
C educate children for the present, not the future.
D underestimate the importance of failure in learning.

15. What conclusions about gaming do Michael and Helen reach?

A It provides relief from difficult everyday issues.
B It generates cooperation between participants.
C It can be a huge source of knowledge.
D Its competitive aspect can become addictive.

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