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Scope and Sequence

Course Description- This course

quantitative research.


1. Importance, Characteristics,
Strengths, and Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research
2. Kinds of Quantitative Research
9. Writing the Introduction Section
3. Kind of Variables and their (Integrating the Literature
uses Review)
4. Levels of Measurement 10. Writing the Methods Section
a. Research Design
5. The Research Process b. Sampling
c. Data Collection
6. Selecting, Assessing and d. Research Instrument
Proposing a Research Topic,
Problem and Title

7. Formulating Research
1. Introduction Section
8. Developing Hypothesis, 2. Method Section
Conceptual and Theoretical

1. Research Title
2. Research Questions
Lesson 1: Importance, Characteristics, Strengths, and
Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
final written report has a set structure
IMPORTANCE consisting of introduction, literature and
Research is important across different theory, methods, results, and discussion.
fields. Most of the innovations and
● Testing objective theories- we
breakthroughs that you use and know are
have the theory already which is
products of research. Different
disciplines use research to IDENTIFY
o Deductive- the biggest
SOLUTIONS to them. One kind of this concept going down to
research is quatitative. more specific information.
● We are the ones create the General information to
problem and we should be the specific, theory first then
ones to propose solutions. tests the theory. How?:
we examine
According to Torneo and Torneo (2018), ● Relationship among variables-
quantitative research can be very useful variables should vary; we must be
when we want to MEASURE or evaluate more specific because we have
something or when we are looking for target variables that we must test
NUMERICAL ANSWERS to complex the relationship.
● Measure- we quantify data
o Quantify- put
into numerical ● Statistical Procedures- we can
information. use formulas to interpret or to test
● Numerical Answers- we are the hypothesis
going to propose answers ● Statistical treatment that makes
primarily numerical to different from qualitative
answer/respond to complex ● It has a set of structure. All
question. research has its own structure but
in quantitative research, it is more
Quantitative research is an approach for common type of research publish
TESTING OBJECTIVE THEORIES in journals. Researchers are using
by examining the RELATIONSHIP quantitative research as their type
AMONG VARIABLES. These of research because it is more
variables, in turn, can be measured, structured than qualitative
typically on instruments, so that research, but qualitative research
numbered data can be analyzed using
has its own structure or ● we should minimize biased
framework and system. because it affects the credibility
● Quantitative is more structured of findings
because it consists of: ● Generalized- could be applied to
o Introduction a bigger population
o Literature and theory o Large sample-size- the
o Methods more confident you can
o Results generalize
o Discussion ● Replicate- repeat the research but
not exactly to verify or confirm
the correctness of the results and
Those who engage in this form of inquiry
it strengthens the validity of the
have assumptions about TESTING
DEDUCTIVELY, building in
o Replication- same method
CONTROLLING FOR but different population
and being able to GENERALIZE AND
● we control other variables so we
can see the appropriate
● less bias but all research is biased
because all research is performed
and measured by humans
Natural and unchanged environment – research topic and derives knowledge
a kind of setting environment where from actual experience rather than from
human subjects are observed and studied theory or belief.
by the researchers without influencing Measurement – it is the process of
their normal behavior. observing and recording the observations
Research instrument – it is a tool used that are collected as part of a research
to collect, measure, analyze data and effort. It is where the researcher assesses
related to your research interests. the quantity and quality of variables
Population – it is a well-defined under study
collection of individuals or objects
known to have similar characteristics Types of Quantitative Research
from which the researcher obtains his 1. Descriptive Research
sample. a. Purpose
Data collection – it is a process where i. To define existing
the participants produce data, and the conditions
researcher gathers measures them as ii. Does not discover
variables in the study definitive answer or
Empirical examination – it is primarily disprove hypothesis
used in research where the researcher b. Types of Questions
observes and measures phenomena or the Answered
i. What which the researcher sought
ii. Where solutions.
iii. When 2. Correlational Research
iv. How a. Purpose
i. To define the degree
of relationship
(positive, negative, or
c. Types of Variables Studied zero) between two or
i. Does not identify the more variables
types of variable but b. Types of Questions
only observes and Answered
measures and i. What is the
measures them relationship?
d. Data Collection Methods ii. How strong is the
i. Surveys relationship?
ii. Observational methods iii. What is the direction
e. Expected Outcomes of relationship?
i. Definition of subjects c. Types of Variables Studied
characteristics i. Variables of interest
ii. Measurement of data d. Data Collection Methods
trends i. Naturalistic
iii. Comparison observation
iv. Validation of existing ii. Archival data
condition iii. Survey
Example: e. Expected Outcomes
The Influence of Principal’s i. Description of
Transformational Leadership tendencies and
and Quality of School Learning patterns in data
Environment on Students however, it can not
Academic Achievement prove or further
By Olayvar SR analyze the cause
Bulacan State University City of Example:
Malolos, Bulacan Philippines Emotional Intelligence and Job
Satisfaction: A Correlational study
● This study utilized the By Abi Ealias, MBA, Probationary
descriptive survey type of Officer, The South Indian Bank
research because this method Ltd. Jijo George, MBA, Ph.D.
is concerned with the Scholar, Department of
description of the present Management Studies, Pondicherry
situation, current practices, University, Puducherry, India
characteristics of groups of
individuals as well as their ● this study utilized a
behavioral patterns, attitudes, correlational type of research
and opinions. The analysis of which primarily aims to
the present conditions may examine the relationship. The
lead to the identification of two variables of interest are
weakness or problems for
emotional intelligence and Example:
job satisfaction. The Effects of a Model-Based Physics
● The relation ship that is Curriculum Program with a Physics
studied is called “correlation” First Approach: a Causal-
and NOT cause and effect, Comparative Study
thus, we cannot conclude By Ling L. Liang Gavin W Fulmer
casual links using only David M. Majerich Richard
correlational study. Clevenstine Raymond Howanski
● The relationship or correlation Springer, Journal of Science Eduction
can be STRONG OR WEAK and Technology
(STRENGTH) and ● The study used a causal
NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE comparative type of research.
(DIRECTION) The investigators of this study
3. Causal-Comparative Research attempt to determine the
a. Purpose effects (dependent variable) of
i. Determine a possible a Model-Based Physics
CAUSE Curriculum Program with a
(INDEPENDENT) or Physics First Approach (cause
consequences/effects or independent variable)
exist between or Specifically, the study
among groups of employed a PROSPECTIVE
individuals. causal comparative where
b. Types of Questions they bean with the cause and
Answered studied the effect. On the
i. Why? other hand, a
ii. What is the possible RETROSPECTIVE causal
cause? comparative begins with the
c. Types of Variables Studied effects/consequences which
i. 1 independent variable have occurred already and
– identified but not finds out possible causes or
manipulated reasons.
(unethical to manipulate 4. Experimental Research
the variable = quasi a. Purpose
experimental research)
i. To ascertain cause-
ii. At least 1 dependent
effect relationships
among variables.
d. Data Collection Method
ii. with control
i. Naturalistic
manipulation and
e. Expected Outcomes
b. Types of Questions
i. Examination of the
cause of a
i. Why
ii. What is the cause
ii. Possible cause and
iii. What if
effect relationship
c. Types of Variables Studied
i. 1 independent variable
– identified and Example:
Estimating the effectiveness of first
manipulated dose of COVID-19 vaccine against
ii. At least 1 dependent mortality in England: a quasi-
variable experimental study
d. Data Collection Methods By Charlotte R. Bermingham, Jasper
i. Laboratory study Morgan, Daniel Ayoubhani, View
e. Expected Outcomes OMyer Glickman, fNazrul, Aziz
i. Establishment of a Sheikh, Jonathan Steme, A. Sarah
3 Important Key Concepts in
Experimental Designs
1. Manipulation
● The process where the
researchers purposefully
change, alter, or influence the ● This study used a quasi-
independent variables (IVs), experimental type of research.
which are also called The investigators measured
treatment variables, the effectiveness of first dose
intervention or factors of COVID-19 vaccine against
2. Control mortality in England.
● A control group is the Effectiveness against
“untreated” group with mortality is the dependent
which an experimental group variable
(treatment group) is (effects/results/consequences)
contrasted. It consists of units while the first dose of
of study that did not receive COVID-19 vaccine is the
the treatment whose effect is treatment
under investigation. variable/independent (cause)
3. Randomization
● Process by which participants o Manipulation - ✓
in clinical trials/experiments o Control – ✓
are assigned randomly /by o Randomization – X
chance to separate groups
control group and
experimental group.

Lesson 3: Kinds of Variables and their Uses

● They are anything that can
Variable – the ideas or topics we study affect or change the results of a
in research are what we call also as study. They are properties of an
variables. They are the foundation of a object, person or events such as
research study gender, social status, length,
height, volume, etc. Variables maintained e
are any characteristics that can when in
take on different values, such as public
height, age, species, or exam Distance of Discrete Quantitativ
score. hours e
are allowed
to go out to

Variables can be broadly classified as:

(in terms of numerical value)
Categorical – have different categories;
do not have numerical value; cannot be
put into numbers; also known as
Temperaru Continuous Quantitativ qualitative variables
re of a e (ex:) colors (red and blue)
Duration of Continuos Quantitativ Quantitative – gives a measurement and
hand e comes with units; all variables that can be
washing put into numbers; with corresponding
Type of Discrete Categorical numbers or numerical value
symptoms (ex:) number of patients
manifested Types of Quantitative Variable
by a patient 1. Discrete – variable assumes a
Number of Discrete Quantitativ distinct point in a scale;
patients in e countable; whole number
a hospital (ex:) number of children in the
Results of Discrete Categorical family
rapid test 2. Continuous – variable on the
(positive or other hand assumes a continuous
negative) scale rather than a distinct point in
Death and Discrete Quantitativ a scale; could have decimal
recovery e places
rates of (ex:) height of each child in the
patients family (measure using tools)
Hospital Continuos Quantitativ Types of Variable
bill e 1. Independent – it is the CAUSE
Kind of Categorical variable or the one responsible for
quarantine the conditions that act on
measure something else to bring about
applied in changes
an are 2. Dependent – also called
Distance Continuous Quantitativ outcome variable; it is the
changes brought about by another
Independen Dependent
tomatoes The type of The growth
grow light the rate of the
fastest tomato is tomato
under grown
fluorescent under
nt, or
4. Moderating – is a variable that
has a contingent (or conditional)
effect on the relationship between
Do people
an IV and an DV
who live in The place Distance
- strengthens or weakens the
a city walk where one walked
more and lives weight
- When & whom
weigh less (whether
(ex:) a student puts in many hours
than city or
of studying (independent
similar suburb)
variable) in order to get a higher
on his exam (dependent variable).
in a
The longer he studies, the more
likely gets higher score;
● However, the score may
C – CAUSE change depending on the IQ
I – INDEPENDENT level of the student. If a
D – DEPENDENT student has higher IQ, he
E – EFFECT needs shorter period of time to
study to secure high score.
3. Mediating – “intervening ● The moderating variable
variable” ; a variable between the changes the cause-effect
IV and DV (in time), and which is relationship between
supposed to explain the variables as they increase or
relationship between the IV and decrease (Swaen, 2015)
- it explains what happens or how
it happens
(ex:) imagine that you find a
positive association between
hours of study and performance in
Practical Research II exam
variables are what we MEASURE IN

Measurement – is the process of

assigning value to a variable.
1. Nominal Level of Measurement
● Observations can be named
without particular order or
ranking imposed on the data.
Word, letters, and even
numbers are used to classify
EXAMPLE: the data.
SCENARIO (ex:) Gender
The government has noticed that M – Male
the rate of residents acquiring Covid-19 F – Female
shoot up when the quarantine measure in 2. Ordinal Level of Satisfaction
their community was lowered; this is due ● Describes ranking or order.
to residents’ frequent going out. The difference or the ratio
What are the variables here? between two rankings may
1. IV – quarantine measure not always be the same
2. Mediating – resident's frequency (ex:) Competition Placement
upon going out 1 – Champion
3. DV – rate of residents acquiring 2 – 1st Runner-up
Covid-19 3 – 2nd Runner-up
4 – 3rd Runner-up
3. Interval Level of Measurement
● Indicates an actual amount
(numerical). The order and
the difference between the
variables can be known. Its
limitation is it has no “true
Lesson 4: Level of zero”.
(ex:) Temperature
Measurement 60°C
Let’s Review! 10° C
In completing the survey form -15° C
presented, the data you are supplying 4. Ratio Level of Measurement
can be called “variables”. They are ● It has the same properties as
properties or characteristics of a the interval level. The order
person or object that can be assigned and difference can be
with amount or values and may vary described. Additionally, it
from one person to another. These has a true zero and the
ration between 2 points has can be
a meaning. added or
(ex:) Mass subtracted.
80 kg ● It can ✓
40 kg multiply
10 kg and divide
0 kg each value.
CHARACTERST N O I R ● It has true ✓
ICS zero.
● Categoriza
tion, label, ✓
or Measure Name Ord Differen True
ment d er ce Zero
classificati Level
on is Nomina ✓ ✘ ✘ ✘
determined l
. ✘ ✘
Ordinal ✓ ✓
● It allows ✘
Interval ✓ ✓ ✓
for the ✓
Ratio ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
of the
N – Nominal
mean or
O – Ordinal
I – Interval
● The ✓
R – Ratio
“order” of
French word = Black
the value
is known.
● It can
quantify ✓
each value.
● The values ✓

Lesson 5: The Research Process

? Which of the processes of
? Processes or procedures in research you have undertaken last
research you have undertaken last year have you had difficulty executing
year in your Practical Research 1 class. in your investigation?
1. Topic Approval 1. Selection/Formulation of
2. Selection of Research Research Questions
Methodology 2. Identifying a problem
3. Selection of Sampling
Design/Method ? Which do you think is the most
critical part of the research that needs
thorough planning?
1. Research Topic ● TOPIC/PROBLEM
✔ A research, which considered an 9. Quantitative research methods are
ORGANIZED or flexible, and the overall procedure
SYSTEMATIZED process of is less systematic than qualitative
thinking, is anchored in the research.
method of conducting a ● FALSE
SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION. 10. A quantitative researcher seeks to
It can be adjusted to serve the develop and generate a theory.
purpose of the researcher, but ● FALSE
they still contain or follow the
same set of procedures.
Research – is considered an
1. In which phase of research does ORGANIZED or SYSTEMATIZED
the researcher communicate process of thinking, is anchored in the
and utilize the findings? method of conducting a SCIENTIFIC
2. In which phase of research does serve the purpose of the researcher, but
the researcher identify the they still contain or follow the same set
problem? of procedures.
● CONCEPTUALIZATION ■ Any kind of research is
PHASE considered as organized and
3. In which phase of research does systematized it is just that
the researcher formulate a sometimes we can adjust the
research plan? procedure so that we can target
● DESIGN PHASE the purpose of researcher. But
4. Research is organized or still, they contain or follow almost
systematized process of thinking the same set of procedures.
and, is anchored in the method of
scientific investigation. Research Process
● TRUE - CYCLE PROCESS not a linear process
5. When replicating, we repeat the because from Dissemination Phase you
research procedures and apply in can start again or begin again with
different context. Conceptualization Phase.
● TRUE - RE-search – we continuously research.
6. Which of the following is not We begin again.
part of the research process?

7. All researchers start from the

conceptualization phase where
they identify the problem.
8. Which step or procedure should
be done first by the researcher? Why did sir only give 5? – the number of
research phases/ steps depends on the
perspectives of the authors and the the right
flexibility of the research subject or the framework,
subject matter. conceptual
- if we try to synthesize all the available framework? – that
data, online and offline, we will be will make you
ending up with these 5 major steps that more guided
every researcher needs to know e. Objective Formulation
- Most concrete is you end
1. Conceptualization up with your objective
a. Topic/Problem Identification i. What do you have
- begin always with topic to do during and at
identification the end of research
b. Review of Related Literature process?
- read and review a lot - Brainstorming
about the topic. As much i. The researchers
as possible, review all the want to study
existing literature, thesis, phenomenon
dissertation, research about...
studies, journals, articles, ii. The researchers
essays, composition, want to
features, documentaries recommend
that you can connect/use solutions regarding
in your research/topic problems about...
problem ✔ We try to concretize or the
c. Hypothesis/Proposition objective more concrete
Development ■ all researchers, no matter what
- We begin with hypothesis kind of research they are doing,
or preposition. they all begin with
i. What is going to conceptualizing. They
be the theory that conceptualize first what is going
you going to test? to be their topic, problem,
- Quantitative research research area, interest, scope, and
writing is theory testing discipline that they will be
i. What is the theory examining; more of abstract only
that you want to – thinking, planning,
test in this brainstorming with research
population? partners/members
ii. Does this theory
work in this 2. Design
population? a. Research Plan formulation
- More common in - more entirely concrete that
experimentation because conceptualization
we test hypothesis but not - make research proposal,
only in experiments outline everything
d. Framework Development - decide
i. What’s going to be
the right models,
i. What’s going to be the are receiving data – both are part
variables that you’re of empirical phase; anything that
going to get from the you do in research that concerns
research population? with data gathering
ii. Will I be getting
nominal, ordinal, 4. Analytical – anything that you do
interval, or ratio? in your raw data
iii. Will I be studying IV a. Qualitative or Quantitative Data
and DV? Analysis
iv. Will I be including b. Statistical Treatment
moderating or ✔ Research findings, conclusion,
mediating variable? recommendation, and final paper
v. What’s going to be ■ Counting participants’ respond
your research because you are now processing
methods/design? the answers; Process all the
(Qualitative or answers; interpretation of
Quantitative?) (If answers; perform mathematical
quantitative; computations because it is
Descriptive, quantitative research – it has
Correlational, Causal- statistical treatment of data (can
Comparative, accept or reject hypothesis);
Experimental, checking the values, numerical
Survey?) information, getting the average,
vi. Who are going to be mean, median
your respondents? ■ (ex:) you interpret the answers –
vii. What’s going to be put long answers into tables,
your data analysis? graphs, bar chart
✔ The actual steps you are going to ■ Raw data – Empirical
do Process data – Analytical
■ When you try to think of your
topic you also must think 5. Dissemination
immediately of your variables; a. Communication and Utilizing of
put ideas into written output; Findings
decide your variables, methods, - Through a defense – in
and sampling; characterized which they present their
population; research finding in front of
research panel so that
3. Empirical – raw data, not other readers or audience
processed yet can learn something about
a. Data Gathering that you have learned
b. Data Collection ■ The most important part/element
✔ Collection of all the answers got of the research phase because we
from respondents want to:
■ Based on senses; wait for the ▪ Help the
answers (kailangan kumpleto) community
because respondents are ▪ Help one another
producing data and researchers ▪ Solve the problem
■ Readers deserves to know what - it does not reflect the purpose of the
you have found out because study
researchers are writers; you must Ex: COVID 19
target readers to be benefited by
your research study Research Problem
■ Where else? - is the specific issue, concerns,
o Research conference controversy, social and human problem
o Through publication ▪ something problematic
▪ it is very important when you
Characteristic of Research Process explain you research problem in
Replication – is one of the characteristics the introduction
of quantitative research. When -can be addressed or studied using
replicating we REPEAT the RESEARCH qualitative, quantitative or mixed
DESIGN/METHOD of a previous study methods
check and VALIDATE the applicability -- do not think a problem that there is no
of the solution proposed in a possible solution
AND POPULATION the researcher intends to fill in or
■ One of a lot of ways to continue address through his study. This either
the cycle so we ca research or areas in literature that are not yet
research again studied/still lack studies (BLANK
■ Repeating the cycle but it is not SPOT) or areas which have confusing,
always replication inconsistent or contradicting research
■ Copied the design, method, findings (BLIND SPOT)
procedures – different context – ▪ gap – you have discovered
people, locale something controversial, social,
human, problematic
▪ Blank Spot (insufficient) – ex:
your topic is A, after conducting
literature you found out that there
are only 2 authors who studied
your topic A
Lesson 6: Selecting. ▪ Blind Spot (contradicting research
Assessing and Proposing findings) – ex: topic A, you found
4 authors online or through book.
a Research Topic, Same topic and almost the same
answer from the authors but they
Problem, and Title came up with 4 different
problems and answers
Research Topic Ex: The COVID-19 pandemic has
- it is a broader research area predominantly changed the landscape
▪ the area discipline that one wants of e-commerce both globally and
to study, examine, and discover locally. Lipa City, Batangas is one of
- does not portray what your study the few communities affected by the
intends to do COVID-19 pandemic in the
- conveys which area you are interested Philippines. The outbreak
in prolongation influenced various online
start-ups to emerge within the locality 5. Time-Bound
based on numerous preceding factors.
Pulmones (2019) presents several ways
Research Title on how to develop and narrow down
- it summarizes the main idea or ideas of RESEARCH TOPIC.
your study Step 1
- while looking into it, we understand the
purpose of the study Choose a general learning
- it includes the key variables in your topic
research study
▪ Decide, which area can you Step 2
Ex: Assessing Variants of Online Start-
Ups during COVID-19 among Families Add a layer of Cooperative
in Lipa City specificity by learning
What are the major characteristics of a background of
good research problem? information.

Research Problem SHOULD BE: Step 3

1. Specific
▪ Narrow it down
Identify Cooperative
▪ The more specific the less data
additional learning
will be needed
specifics of your environment in
▪ The broader the research topic is,
topic. science
the more data will be needed
▪ The level of specificity will
determine the level of data that Step 4
will be needed
2. Measurable Choose a Cooperative
▪ can you count the data? particular learning
▪ Can you quantify the data? perspective or environment in
▪ Are they nominal, ordinal, issue on the science,
interval, or ratio? topic, and academic
▪ Are they categorical or identify variables achievement, and
quantitative? to link to your small group
▪ Are you getting the age, status of topic. process skills in
the population, level of Physics class
agreement, opinions?
3. Attainable Step 5
▪ is it possible to achieve or to be
done considering the time frame? Decide your Engagement in a
4. Realistic main controlling cooperative
▪ real consequences/reality of the idea. learning
topic environment will
▪ considering resources, time, result in higher
availability academic
achievement and 4. Choose a particular perspective or
development of issue on the topic, and identify
small group variables to link to your topic.
5. Write a problem statement.
Step 6 6. Formulate a working title of the
Formulate a The Link Among
working title of Cooperative From the final research topic selected by
the study.. Learning the researcher after a careful evaluation
Environment, of its feasibility, level of specificity and
Achievement, complexity the researcher may now start
and Small Group thinking of his working research title,
Process Skills in “working in a sense that he may still
Physics modify it at any part of the research
process as long as there is a valid need to
do so.
To make a research topic you have to
consider whether it is feasible or
How will your research title capture all
manageable therefore it should not be too
the relevant aspects of your study and
general or too limiting if the topic is
make it accessible and captivating to
narrowed down Robert Lee and the
readers? (video: HOW TO WRITE A
working title is drafted the final
considerations you need to check are the
1. Answer some basic questions
about your paper
● sustained interest in the topic
2. Identify and list keywords and
passion about working in the
3. Write one long sentence with
● feasibility of the questions
these keywords
generated by the topic
4. Create a working title
availability of time, money,
5. Delete all extra words and
and other resources to conduct
phrases, put keywords at the
the study
beginning and end
● value of the topic and
contribution to the field Your research should be: FINERMAPS
availability of literature about Feasible – check if the topic is possible to
the topic do; attainable (resources)?; Time-bound?
Interesting – to catch attention of readers
Try to formulate a possible narrowed Novel – provide something new about
down topic for your research. Follow the something old
given Instructions. Use COVID 19 as Ethical – consider the safety and welfare
your general topic. of respondents
1. Choose a general topic of interest Relevant – check if the topic is relevant
2. Add layer of specificity by today; check if the respondents can react
obtaining background of or relate to the questions
information. Manageable Appropriate – check data,
3. Identify additional specifics of not too specific, limiting, and broad
your topic. because the broader the research topic is,
the more data will be needed. The more ● The general objectives a free
specific the less/limiting data will be search must be cascaded among
needed; check the level of specificity can the research questions.
you manage; think of quantitative ● If the research question is not
research formulated properly the
Potential value and publishability – researchers may get into a
check how academic your paper is; how different research direction.
academic your research topic is; will you Are we not getting the right answer?
provide something new about something Are we asking the wrong question?
old?; something new that you can provide
to the readers Types of Research Questions
Systematic – consider the methods that ● Descriptive Questions
you have to do in your approach or ● Explorative Questions
research topic; what going to be your ● Evaluative Questions
procedures as early as now?; is your topic ● Predictive Questions
that objective or subjective?; the level of ● Explanatory Questions
objectivity determines most likely the ● Control Questions
Aside from the categories presented
above and on previous pages that were
Lesson 7: Developing synthesized by Black (2008) based on the
works of Hedrick, Polit Hunger, and
Research Questions other, there are some other ways by reach
research questions can be classified.
Consider these following questions: Another way is presented is the next
1. What importance does each slides. The following was adapted from
question have in clarifying the Trochim (2020) and MIM Learnovate
issue or topic given? (2021).
2. What kind of data do your
questions seek? Do they ask for TYPE DEFINITI EXAMP
statistical or numerical data? 1. Descriptiv This type public
3. Do they inquire about the e of opinion
relationship, causes or the result - this is primarily quantitativ polls that
of an important occurrence? used in descriptive e research seek only
4. Do you look for the major researchers such as question is to
survey studies. designed to describe
characteristics of the target describe the
population? what is proportio
going on n of
● Determining the problem in a or what people
situation is crucial in the success exists. who hold
This various
of the succeeding processes of question opinions
research. seeks only are
● A question must be central to the to describe primarily
topic being discussed and must be the descriptiv
beating to other questions. proportion e in
of people nature. relationsh
who hold for ip
various instance, between
opinions if we gender
are want to and
primarily know voting
descriptive what preferenc
in nature. percent of e.
This the 3. Causal this type of if we did
intends to populatio - this is primarily quantitativ a public
collect data n would used in causal e research opinion
that vote for researches such as questions poll the
describe the causal comparative is designed trade is
the Democrat an experimental to there
characteris ic or a studies. determine mean
tics of Republica whether whether a
objects, n in the one or recent
persons, next more political
organizatio presidenti variables advertisin
ns, etc. al (e.g., a g
election, program or campaign
we are treatment change
simply variable) voter
interested process or preferenc
in a fixed one es we
describin or more would
g outcome essentiall
somethin variables. y be
g. studying
2. Relationsh This type a public whether
ip-based / of opinion the
Relational quantitativ poll that campaign
- this is primarily e research compares (cause)
used in correlational question is what change
studies designed to proportio the
look at the n of male proportio
relationshi and n of
ps between females voters
two or say they who
more would would
variables. vote for a Democrat
Democrat ic or
ic or a Republica
Republica n (effect).
in the
next ✔ Tips in writing the Research
presidenti Questions
al ● Avoid questions that can be
election answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
is ● Avoid inaccuracies, such as ‘very
y long’ or ‘far away’
studying ● Avoid poorly defined pronouns
the such as ‘you’ or ‘we’
● Avoid sweeping generalizations, A good research question should
such as ‘since the dawn of man’. neither be too broad nor too narrow; it
● Avoid weasel words, such as must not be controversial and must be
‘some people say…’ probing and not answerable using
● Avoid questions that cannot be Internet search only.
answered – or at least, argued.
✔ Useful phrases in formulating the Unclear Clear
Research Questions How should social What necessary
● To what extent/degree networking sites action should
● Hoe effective is address the harm social
● How have the decisions of… they cause? networking sites
affected… like Facebook
● What is the role and significance and Twitter take
of… to protect their
● What is the best/cheapest/quickest users specifically
method for… Filipina
● In light of… how can one teenagers’
understand… personal
● What has been the influence of… information and
on… privacy?

A good research question sets the

direction of the research; it is like a map
that guides a researcher to arrive at this
desired destination. Therefore it, must be
written with clarity and must be:
Problem-based - by applying a method
of research something becomes ‘known’,
which was previously ‘unknown’
Arguable - there may be several answers
to your question, and you must explain
why you answer is ‘best’
Relevant - people care about the answer
to your question
Original - try to offer you inside on a
(traditional) topic
Open ended - yes question cannot be
answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’
however this also depends on the type of
research. Correlational and experimental
researchers utilize a ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Topical - yes question is relevant to
current affair or trend
Lesson 8: Developing Hypothesis, Conceptual and
Theoretical Framework
● Answer: Causal because we are
Supply the following with clauses that looking for expected results
will make their meanings.
1. If a large proportion or 70% of the The statements completed in the
population gets a protective vaccine, previous activity are called hypothesis
there will be lower rate of COVID-19 and they need to be tested in the conduct
cases in the country. of research.
2. If a student will have longer exposure A research hypothesis is an educated
to screen, her or his eyes might cause a guess on the likely outcome of an
blurred vision. experiment or study. These are
3. If the public continues to follow presumptions that may be accepted or
strictly the minimum health and safety rejected in the end of the study.
standards, the pandemic can be easily
lessened. According to Bartos (1992), a well-
4. If we stop physical distancing and stated researchable hypothesis has 5
mask wearing and remove limits on PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS:
crowded indoor gatherings, higher rate of 1. State the expected relationship
COVID-19 cases will be seen throughout between variables.
the country.
5. If a student fails to seriously answers
his quizzes, he or she might get a higher ■ Relationship – should not seen as
chance of getting low grade. vague, confirm or directly state
them whether it is correlation or
What kind of information did you use causation; kapag nabasa na
to complete the statements? hypothesis ay makikita na kung
● Result yun ay cause and effect or
● Prediction, presumption, guess correlational.
● Additional variable ■ All hypothesis have relationship
because it’s quantitative research
What relationship exists between the
ideas in the completed statements? 2. Is testable
● Relationship can be either ■ Can you perform
correlational or causal experimentation, observations,
interviews, surveys, etc.?
3. Is stated as simply and concisely as o Topic
possible o Problem
■ - Simple words, not technical, no o Title
sophisticated, not ambiguous. o Hypothesis
■ - Try to select simple and concise o Research Questions
words as much as possible.
6. Uses precise terminology
4. Is derived from the problem ■ Same as 3rd one
statement and supported by the ■ if your topic is scientific: check,
literature are you able to use scientific
■ - If this will be your proposition, terms?
then it (proposition) must reflect If your topic is COVID-19: are
your research objectives because you able to use COVID-19 terms?
problem statement primarily ■ Precise words: because it is a
includes your research objectives single statement that is why we
and problem. need to be mindful when we think
■ - Objectives: What do you want to of words
do? What do you want to happen?
What do you want to discover? 2 Major Types of Hypothesis
■ - Problem: What’s something
problematic? The issue? The 1. Alternative Hypothesis
concern? - An alternative hypothesis
■ - The problem embedded in the is a statement that
hypothesis and the problem must describes that THERE IS
be seen in the hypothesis that is A RELATIONSHIP
supported by existing literature. between two variables in
■ - Before coming up with a a study. (Sapkotra, 2020)
hypothesis, check if it can be ■ Hypothesis – always talks about
supported by existing literatures – relationship
that will either accept or reject ■ Positive
your hypothesis. Ex: There is significant relationship
■ - When we try to propose between age and mathematical
something, we do not do it alone ability.
because we have our review of 2. Null Hypothesis
related literature, which we can - The null hypothesis is a
find authors that can help us in general statement that
our study. states there is NO
■ - along the way, we may RELATIONSHIP between
encounter authors that most likely two phenomena under
have the same objectives as ours. consideration or that there
is no association between
5. Aligns with the research questions two groups. (Sapkotra,
■ Are my questions addressing or 2020)
approaching my proposition or ■ Null – negative/no
hypothesis? Ex: There is NO significant
■ Note: your hypothesis is broader relationship between age and
than your research questions mathematical ability.
how. Without theory background
NOTE: Not all kinds of research as research work is isolated. No one can do
required hypothesis testing. Qualitative research without a theory because he may
researchers specifically do not use not know where he is in the literature, he
hypothesis testing since it is theory repeat research that was already done, he
building, the researchers themselves are may draw conclusion without foundation,
the ones to develop their own theory and or worse, creating a faulty research
test it as hypothesis using other project based on the assumptions.
researches such as quantitative. ■ All researches use theory
Since quantitative researches are How we use theory?
grounded in theory testing, they are o Develop Theory
done to test hypothesis, however it does o Test Theory
not apply to all types of quantitative
researches particularly in descriptive Why do you think there is a need to
studies such as survey research. Testing develop conceptual and/or framework
of hypothesis is only used in researches for the conduct of the research?
that study and measure relationships or - Serves as a guide or outline of entire
associations either cause and effect research
relationship or correlation. - this will serve as theoretical foundation
■ Researches as a whole: not all
types of research use hypothesis, In writing a quantitative research paper,
■ because in qualitative research we one must know how to develop
do not have hypothesis, we do not RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS and create a
test hypothesis, but we build THEORETICAL FOUNDATION.
hypothesis. ■ All types of research have
■ In quantitative research: we have theoretical foundation
here already theory testing that is
why we have hypothesis writing; THEORETICAL VS. CONCEPTUAL
because theory is hypothesis. If Framework
we want to test theory, we should
They differ in 2 major ways:
hypothesis because hypothesis
A. The source/reference
reflects your theory
Theoretical – it is a
■ Descriptive (survey): we do not
use theory testing/hypothesis,
existing theory/theories done or
because we cannot test a single
relationship: have also multiple
relationships; there is no specific
■ These are theories that are already
relationship being addressed
existing in literature
■ Correlational, Experimental,
Conceptual – the researcher’s OWN
Causal-Comparative: we can use
hypothesis/theory testing IDEA/MODEL/PROPOSITION either
visual or written in hoe his research
In addition to hypothesis testing, another
problem will be addressed.
fundamental in quantitative research
writing is theorizing. Lourdes (2020) has B. Level of Specificity
posited that theory is important because Theoretical – provides general
it gives the researches the foundation of representation of relationships between
what he is doing, what to look for and things in given phenomenon.
Conceptual – is derived from a specific ■ If you aim to give additional
part of bigger framework/model/theory theory
■ Theory – model, proposition, ■ We can use existing theoretical
proposed answer that will address framework if our study is the
research problems same with one existing theoretical
Here is a Conceptual framework of a framework and we don’t need to
research paper from (Pulmones, 2019) make new
conducted about the culture academic ■ As a guide
honesty practiced in their school.
When is it necessary to use conceptual
■ More personalized
■ Gives out the own idea of the
■ When the theoretical framework
from other research paper is
insufficient for your study and
you develop your own theory/idea
based on what one has read
■ We often see variables or key
concepts, boxes and arrows – Why do you think authors
synthesize the flow, connection interchangeably use CF and TF?
of-- in conceptual framework ■ Because they both framework and
(not limited to visual) – visual in outline that serves guide t authors
nature or can be written about the context of the study
■ More specific or less general than ■ Because they are both are
theoretical framework helping to answer research
■ They have the same objective and
intention that is why authors
interchangeably use them

Why does hypothesis do not present on

all type of quantitative research?
■ Qualitative research: hypothesis is
at the end because we develop it
Quantitative research: in the first
part because we reflect the theory
■ Bigger, broader, more complex using/testing our hypothesis
■ Origin of conceptual framework ■ Because theory is not always
directly stated. It could be implied
When is it necessary to use theoretical
■ If we trying to see the bigger

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