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Student’s name:

Xiomei Nelcy Cayo De la Cruz

Seventh cycle

Schedule: From
07:10 to 08:45

Teacher’s name:
Carla Sisniegas

Presentation’s day:



Poetry is defined as a literary genre. A composition, where our artistic

expressions on beauty, occurs through the word, especially one that is subject
to the measure of the verse. Our ideas, feelings and emotions, through the
different literary figures, can be expressed in a poem.

If we have the opportunity to write a poem for the first time, first of all it’s very
important to be readers of poetry. Find the magic of words, the beauty that
reading the verses entail also furthermore to try to decipher what the port
wanted to tell us. Next I will try to answer the questions, how to write a poem?
we can following these steps
FIRST: Choose what you are going to write a poem about, as well as its style.
How many lines will it have? Will it be assonant or consonant rhyme? of fact I
prefer to use my own structure, without meter and with rhyme in some verses
SECOND: To be heart to heart, speaking with the heart, poetry is soul as a
result of trying to connect with your interior to capture everything you feel
THIRD: To avoid behind the eight ball be clear about your message, what do
you want to tell?
FOURTH: Decide if you will use literary figures such as: comparison, metaphor,
antithesis, etc. Don’t have cold feet to its uses
FIFTH: Decide where you are going to write, regarding that the space you
choose allows you to be at peace and you can express yourself through the
word, try to try several places
SIXTH: Correct your text, that is check the spelling and grammar
SEVENTH: As a last recommendation, consequently you can share your poem
with your friends or family and while they listen to you, they can give their
opinion, maybe like as not they thought it was something new and different
If you decide to write a poem, better late than never and most importantly,
don't give up, keep writing.
1. , We can start by understanding that poetry can deal with any topic, in
addition to lend itself to different interpretations

2. It is very important that you have a clear idea about what you want to
express with your poem

3. Reading other poets will allow you to be familiar with poetry


1.. Taking into account, the great referents of Peruvian poetry, we find great
poets such as the great Cesar Vallejo, Blanca Varela, Cesar Moro, Oswaldo
Reynoso, etc. It is very important to read them

2. In my mind a good tip is that you read it out loud to realize if your poem needs
any modification in spite of the previous readings

3. Finally, the most important thing is to know what your readers felt when they
heard your verses. That provoked the beauty of the literary figures you used.

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