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I. Berilah tanda silang (X) huruf a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang benar!

1. Ari has seven marbles, Rudi has three marbles. They have … marbles.
a. eleven c. ten
b. nine d. twelve
2. I’am vegetable. My colour is orange. I’am very good for your eyes. I am a …
a. Pumpkin c. Eggplant
b. Chily d. Carrot
3. His . . . Lydia and Jenny.
a. granddaughters name is c. granddaughters’ name are
b. granddaughters’ names are d. randdaughter’s name is
4. That cars . . . in the garage.
a. is c. are
b. am d. do
5. My father . . . not eat friedrice everyday.
a. do c. is
b. does d. are
6. I am…, I want to buy some food at the canteen
a. Eat c. Cook
b. Drink d. Hungry
7. I always have my . . . before school
a. Lunch c. Dinner
b. Breakfast d. Eat
8. Indonesian people always … mineral water after meal
a. cook c. eat
b. drink d. read
9. When Bob was young, he . . . a pet cat in his room.
a. Keeps c. kept
b. keep d. keeping
10. A: Hi, his name is David Foster.
B: ……….
a. Where are you from? c. Are you from Singapore?
b. Where do you from? d. Where is he from?
11. Are you a doctor? No, I . . . a dentist.
a. am not c. am
b. don’t d. was
12. Bob’s niece is very cute . . . name is Mia.
a. her c. your
b. his d. our
13. What are they doing right now?
a. They are doing swimming. c. They are swimming.
b. They swim right now. d. They usually go swimming.
14. . . . You and Ahmed at the library last night?
a. were c. is
b. was d. does
15. My aunt’s daughter is my . . .
a. niece c. cousin
b. sister d. nephew
16. Kate and I live in an apartment . . . roommates.
a. We c. We are
b. They are d. Our
17. Below is traditional game, except . . .
a. play station c. tug of war
b. hopscotch d. hide and seek
18. One dance that describes unity is dance ....
a. Remo c. Jaipong
b. Seudati d. Gambyong
19. It is kind of drink . This drink is always cold . it is . . .
a. mineral water c. ice cream
b. syrup d. tea
20. Canberra is the capital city of . . .
a. Vietnam c. Australia
b. England d. Japan

II. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

21. There are . . . planets in the solar system.
22. The eighth planet from the sun is . . .
23. The rain falls almost everyday in . . . season.
24. Japan is an empire. It is led by . . .
25. Today Amir feels so …. Because his cat died
III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!
26. Ayah makan nasi goreng setiap pagi. Write in English!
27. Mention 5 name of wild animals!
28. We has returned this the book. Write in indonesia!
29. Make a sentence in Simple present tense with the Subject (He/She)!
30. Mr. Abdul is teaching enlish now. Change in the Negative form!
Kunci Jawaban

1. b 6. b 11. c 16. a
2. d 7. c 12. b 17. b
3. c 8. d 13. d 18. b
4. a 9. a 14. b 19. d
5. c 10. b 15. c 20. c

21. persatuan dan kesatuan
22. lima dasar
23. Sutasoma
24. kerja bakti membersihkan selokan
25. sepakat mendapat penyelesaian masalah
26. Hak merupakan sesuatu yang pantas kita terima, kewajiban adalah sesuatu yang harus kita
kerjakan/laksanakan sedangkan tanggung jawab merupakan keadaan wajib menanggung segala
27. warna kulit, jenis rambut, dan tinggi badan
28. Mengikuti lomba-lomba kemerdekaan, mengikuti upacara HUT RI dengan khidmat, serta terlibat
aktif di dalam kegiatan sosial.
29. - Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
- Kami putra dan putri Indonesia mengaku berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia.
- Kami putra dan putri Indonesia menjunjung bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.

30. Karena bertujuan untuk melindungi dan menghindarkan Bung Karno dari pengaruh Jepang

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