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                                    Diagnostic Test



BA. Didier Alexander Bustillo 20 / 01 / 2022

Lectura y Compresión en Ingles GROUP: “A2”

Student´s name: Vásquez Ramos, Kevin Alexander Code: SMLI012220


Part I: Indications:  In this story, there are eight verbs that need to be in pasive
voice, Identified them and correct.

One of the biggest mysteries of life is how the World was created. Long ago, the
Kuba of Central America believed the wolrd was make / Made by one being. This
god was name / Named Bumba.

From Deep within Bumba´s body, the sun and the starts were pull / Pulled out into
the night sky. As the sun heated up the earth, Bumba made animals, people, and
his own children. One of his sons made many White bugs. The bugs were
transform / Transformed into the sands of the world. One of Bumba´s sons was
chase / Chased into the sky after causing many thunderstorms and other kinds of

The creation of all plant life was credit / Credited to one of Bumba´s sons as well.
After these things were create / Created, Bumba and his sons gave humans the
responsibility to take care of the world.
Part II: Indications: Write a paragraph about what you have understood of the

The text was about an explanation of how the world was created, specifying some
of the things that are found in the planed, it also mentions some of the characters
that participated on it, that were Bumba, and his 3 sons, the 3 of them made
different things, but at the end the result was something successful. Some of them
created things such as the sands in the world that were first bugs that were
transformed into that, another one sent thunderstorm in the sky, and the last one,
decided to take plants to life, they all helped their father to finally obtain the
beautiful planet we have now.

 Part III: Indication: Write 6 questions based on the story and underline the part
where the answer can be identified.

1. What was one of the biggest mysteries bac in the time?

One of the biggest mysteries was about how the world was created

2. Who was the tribe who believed that he world was made by one being?

The Kuba of Central America.

3. What were the sun and the stars mainly made of?

They were made out of Bumba´s body.

4. Where were the sun and the stars made by Bumba´s body put?

In the night sky

5. Who created all the plant life?

Bumba´s Third son.

6. Who gave the final instrucions to humans after the world was created?

Bumba and his sons.

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