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A Detailed Lesson Plan in BENLAC

Student’s Name: MACALMA, Shaira Mae J.

Professor’s Name: Dr. Marlo D. Alvarez, PhD

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to;
 Define the concepts of the definition of 21 st century literacies: Global
and Multicultural Literacy, Social Literacy, Media literacy and
Financial Literacy.
 Demonstrate the different concepts of global and multicultural
Literacy, social literacy, media literacy and financial literacy in real life
 Appreciate the importance of global and multicultural Literacy, social
literacy, media literacy and financial literacy to everyday life.
II. Subject Matter
A Topic: Definition of 21st century literacies: of global and multicultural Literacy,
social literacy, media literacy and financial literacy.
B. Reference: https//
C. Materials: Laptop, Paper and Marker
D. Value Integration: Cooperation in every activity
III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
 Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning too, Teachers!
I’m Teacher Shaira, and I’m Teacher
How are you all this morning? We
We’re are all good, Ma’am.
hope that you’re doing fine.
Okay, that’s good to hear.
So are you all ready to discover and (enthusiastic voice) Yes, Ma’am!
learn while having fun in our
 Prayer
But before we start our discussion,
let us pray first.
(Teacher Shaira will call one of their Yes, ma’am.
student to lead the prayer) Miss
(Name) can you lead the prayer?

(the prayer will begin)

Okay, thank you, Ms. (name of


 Checking the attendance.

Okay, class. Let’s check first the (Student answer may vary)
attendance for today. Is there an
absent from Science and Math
None? Okay very Good. You are so (Student answer may vary)
far complete today. Keep it up class

Classroom Management.
(The teacher will give instructions
about the online class rules.)
-This are the important rules you
need to remember as we go along in
our discussions.
(the teacher will explain the rules in
the class)
Noted ma’am.

-are we clear on that?

-Yes, ma’am, we are already!

 Review
Are you ready to begin our new
lesson, class?
Okay, but before we proceed, is
-Ma’am, the topic last meeting is about
there anyone in class who can recall
the introduction of 21st century.
our topic last meeting? Anyone?
(Teacher will call a name of student)
How about you (name of student)?
Can you remember what was our
topic last meeting?
- Excellent! Okay, our topic last
meeting is all about the
introduction of 21st century.
-Student answer may vary.
So who can tell from this class what
is being tackled in the introduction of
21st century? Anyone? Or any
-Brilliant! That’s correct (name of the
student) (student will send heart and agree to the
-Okay class, send heart if you agree
to the answer of (name).

-Very good
B. Motivation
Okay, class., we will be giving you
some pictures and you’re going to
describe the pictures that will be -Yes, Ma’am
shown to you.
Are we clear on that?

- (Teacher will display the first

-(Student answer may vary)

Okay, (name of student). What do

you think is the picture all about?

- Very good answer Ms. (Name).

The picture shows the positive
impact of 21 century literacy.
They become creative,
resourceful and knowledgeable to
everything that surrounds them.
(Student answer may vary)
(Teacher will proceed to another
- (Name of student), do you
have an idea about the
picture? Anyone?
- Very well said, (Name). The
picture shows the negative impact
of media literacy; majority of the
people think that just because it’s
in the internet they believe that it
is the right or true answer they
been looking for.
B. Developmental Activities
A. Lesson Proper
Okay, our topic for today class is all
about the Definitions of 21st
Centuries Literacies. So by the end
of this lesson the students or you all
are expected to: first is to define the
concepts of the definition of 21st
century literacies: Global and
Multicultural Literacy, Social
Literacy, Media literacy and
Financial Literacy. Second is to
demonstrate the different concepts
of global and multicultural Literacy,
social literacy, media literacy and
financial literacy in real life situation.
And lastly is to appreciate the
importance of global and
multicultural Literacy, social literacy,
media literacy and financial literacy
to everyday life.
 Activity
But before that, we have here an
By the way, do want us to have an
activity? -Yes, Ma’am
Okay, that’s nice. So our activity is
named as Fixed me!
(Teacher will explain the mechanics
of the activity)

-Is that clear, class?

-Yes, Ma’am

-Okay, crystal clear.

So, let’s start.
(Teacher will display the first
scrambled letter)
Anyone who will answer?
Yes (Name) can you fixed the first
scrambled letter? (Student will answer)
-Yes, That’s correct.
Okay, for number 2 who will
Yes, (name). Answer the 2nd
scrambled letter (Student will Answer)

-Very good, (Name)

How about for number 3? Who will
answer? (Student will answer)
-That’s correct, (Name).
For number 4, who will answer?
Yes (Name)?
(Student will Answer)
-Very good, (Name). That’s right.

How about for number 5, (Name)?

(Student will answer)
-Alright! you are right. (Name)
Okay correct. All of you got the
correct answer. So class, kindly
send all of us a clap for them.
-That’s good.
Are your familiar class with those
(Student will answer)
-Okay, so thumbs up if you are
familiar with those and sad react if
Okay, those words are our topic for
today but we will be only discussing
2 concepts for this day. -Yes, Teachers.

So, Are you ready class? (Students will send their reaction)

Okay, let’s move on to our proper

discussion. So class, all of you just
relax there and listen us.

 Discusssion
Yes, Ma’am.
-Class, the first concept of the definition of
21st century is Globalization and
Multicultural Literacy.
Okay, what is Global literacy? And
Multicultural Literacy?
So when we say global literacy, it is
the ability of having global
knowledge, global awareness and
ability to grasp international events.
Okay, Class. I am going to ask a
question, on how can you say that a
person is Globally literate?
That’s right. (Name of the student), very
(The teacher will further explain)

-Understood class?

Now let’s talk about, Multicultural Yes ma’am

What is multicultural literacy? If we
are going to identify what
multicultural literacy only with our
basic knowledge, we usually
explain it as the ability to
understand and appreciate the
parallels and differences between
custom, values and beliefs of your
culture. Like for example (Teacher
will give example)
So, now class, these global and
multicultural literacy are almost the
Am I right, class?
Okay, Yes. These global and Yes ma’am
multicultural literacy are
interconnected because these
concepts have the ability of
appreciation of our traditions,
beliefs and lifestyle around the
(Teacher will explain further)
Are we clear on that? -Yes, Ma’am we understood.
Now, let’s move to the second
concept of 21st century literacies
which is the Social literacy.

So when we say class Socially

Literacy, what comes first in our
mind when you hear it and also as
you can see on the pictured
presented? Yes, Ms (Name)? (Student answer may vary)

Okay, Thank you, Ms. (Name).

-Social Literacy is an understanding

of social skills, organization skills
and communication skills. This is an
ability to connect and interact
effectively with those around peers,
family, teachers, relatives etc.
So in a simple definition for social
literacy, the main concern of social
literacy is the development of social
skills in a social setting wherein it
will help people how to
communicate in respectful manner.
(Teacher will explain further)
Do get it class? Yes ma’am.

Very good, now let’s proceed to the

third concept of 21st century literacy
which is the media literacy.
(Teacher will define first what is
-Class, let’s define first What media
When we say Media, Media is any
forms of communication that
delivers information.
-So meaning those system, those
channel which information is
transmitted between sender and
receiver, those which we
disseminate news, education and
other data can be considered as
media. Like for example, the things
that we encountered in our daily
And what are those things that we
encountered? Anyone? Yes
(Student answer may vary)
-Very good. And that’s an example
of media and those stuff are part of
our environment today because yes
of course media is everywhere.
It is important that we the learners
should do that practices like for us to
become media literate.
- This time, let’s discuss about
Media Literacy.
Media Literacy is a 21st century advent
to education. It provides a framework
to access, analyze and evaluate,
create, reflect and act on messages in
variety forms- from print to video to the
internet. It builds an expression
necessary for citizens of democracy.
- So, in a simple interpretation, Media
Literacy is a representation of today’s
21st century. This literacy pertains to
our ability to learn and knows different
kinds of media and how to understand
certain information that reveals how we
can maintain, identify and assess the
credibility of media from print to video
to the internet.

(Teacher Shaira will further

explain with example)

Do you get it class? -Yes, Ma’am.

Very good everyone!

And now let’s come now to the last

concept of 21st century literacy for
today’s discussion which is the
financial literacy.

-When we say Financial Literacy

meaning it is the ability to understand
and effectively use various financial
skills, including personal financial
management, budgeting and investing.
(Teacher will further explain)
Did you understand our lesson for
today Class? (Student may vary)

-Have you already familiarized and

understand class the four concepts
with its definition and examples of 21 st
century literacies.
Yes ma’am!

Very good everyone.

 Application
Since we have already familiarized and
understand ourselves with the two
concepts with its it definition of 21 st
century literacies which is Global and
Multicultural literacy, Social literacy,
Media literacy and Financial literacy,
Today, we’re going to test all of you if
you really learned from our discussion.
This is an individual activity and we are
requiring you to have some paper (any
forms of paper) and a marker to write
your answer. So in this activity, what
are you going to do only is to tell and
determine if the statement which will be
given up on you all class is whether it
is an example of Global literacy,
Multicultural literacy, Social literacy,
Media and financial literacy. In
answering, just raise your paper and
Flash it on your screen. Anyway, this is -Yes, clear Ma’am.
only a 5-items activity. Is that clear,

(Teacher will give the activity)

For number 1, Students understand
and appreciate global systems,
circumstances and relationships that
influence peoples’ lives.
What do you think class is the
answer? (Students will flash their
answers on the screen) -Ma’am, the answer is Global literacy.
-(Teacher will call a name of student to
answer number 1)
-Brilliant. you got the correct answer.
Next, Number 2, Students
communicate and voice opinions and
thoughts as well as listening to
opinions and thoughts of others. What
is the answer?
(Students will flash their answers on
the screen) -The answer is Social Literacy.

-(Teacher will call a name of student to

answer number 2)
-Very good, Social literacy.
For number 3, Klenea take huge
amount of information from a wide
array of sources like on television .
What do you think is the correct
-Media literacy is the correct answer,
(Students will flash their answers on
the screen)
(Teacher will call a name of student to
answer number 3)
-Excellent. You are correct.
Then for number 4, Students
understand and appreciate the
parallels and differences between
customs, values and beliefs and
different culture. What do think class is
the answer? -Multicultural Literacy is the answer, Ma’am
(Students will flash their answers on
the screen)
(Teacher will call a name of student to
answer number 4)
-Excellent, this is Multicultural Literacy.
How about for, number 5 Venice invest
money to build wealth for her future .
The answer is? -That is Financial Literacy, Ma’am.

(Students will flash their answers on

the screen)
(Teacher will call a name of student to
answer number 5)
You are correct, Financial Literacy.
Very good class, most of you got the
correct answer.

 Generalization
- It only means that you all
understand and define the four
concepts. (Student will answer on what she has
What have you learned from today’s learned from today’s discussion)
(Teacher will call one students from
the class to answer)

IV. Evaluation
Instructions: Carefully read the statement. Write the TRUE if the statement is
correct; otherwise, write FALSE.
_____1. Social literacy consists of the skills and ability to identify the creators of
knowledge and their interest, to view knowledge from diverse ethnic and cultural
_____2. Social literacy deals with the development of social skills, knowledge and
positive human values
_____3. Multicultural literacy refers to the skills involved when uncovering bias in
regards to culture
_____4. Global literacy is an understanding of people from other culture, who speaks
other languages
_____5. Global literacy helps to take different perspectives to gain a more humane

Part II. Multiple choice test.

1. The word literacy in Media Literacy refers to:
a. Improving my vocabulary
b. Reading about technology
c. Learning how to read more quickly
d. Figuring out meaning messages

2. The following are examples of media EXCEPT;

a. Video games
b. TV shows
c. Books
d. Printer

3. Bias in in media is:

a. Avoidable
b. Beneficial to people
c. Unavoidable
d. Impossible

4. The goal of financial literacy is ____

a. To get you out of debt you save money
b. To make informed financial decisions
c. To provide us financial knowledge
d. All of the above

5. To be financially literate you need to?

a. Continues bad investment decisions
b. Spend your money for yourself
c. Knows how to manage money
d. Possesses teaching strategies

V. Assignment
Have an advance reading in Digital, Eco literacy and Art and Creative literacy.

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