Kambala Divya Main Project

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A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of


Submitted by

(Reg. No. 20P11E0039)

Under the valuable guidance of



Department of Management Studies



Permanently Affiliated to






(Approved by AICTE/NAAC Accreditation with “A” Grade/

permanently Affiliated to JNTUA)

Renigunta Road, Chadalawada Nagar, Tirupati-517506, Andhra Pradesh


This is to certify that the project / dissertation entitled “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE

submitted by Ms. K . DIVYA partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Master of
Business Administration course of Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College
(Autonomous) affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, is a record of
Bonafide work carried out by him /her our guide and supervision. The results embodied in
this project have not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any
degree or diploma.




I am K . DIVYA , (Reg.No.20P11E0039) hereby declare this dissertation project entitled “A

TIRUPATI ” is an original and confide work carried out by me in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of master’s degree in business administration (MBA) course of
Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College (autonomous), under the guidance of Dr. B.
STUDIES of Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College (Autonomous), Tirupati.
I also hereby declare that this project report has not been submitted at any time to any
university or institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Tirupati


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete
without the mention of people who made it possible who constant guide and encouragement
crowned the efforts with success.

I convey my heart fully gratitude to Dr. C. KRISHNA MURTHY, Chairman, Krishna

Teja Educational Institutions, for his inspiring attitude and also my gratitude’s to Dr.P.
BASKAR PATEL, Principal, Chadalawada Ramanamma Engineering College for
making it convenient to undertake the project.

I convey my hearty fully gratitude to my internal guide Dr. B. DHANANJAY of

DEPARTMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT STUDIES, for her valuable suggestion and
worthy guidelines during my project and also helped me to build the project work into reality.

I express my humble thanks to the department of management studies, CREC for

their worthy suggestion and encouragement during my project.

Finally, I would like to extend my family members and my friends for their support
and cooperation throughout this project work.

Place: Tirupati





























Job satisfaction is one of the major interests to the field of organizational behaviour
and the practice of HRM. It reflects employee’s attitudes towards their job and commitment
to an organization. job satisfaction refers to one’s feelings or state of mind regarding the
nature of their work.it describes how content an individual is with his/her job.

Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feelings of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a
motivation to work.it is not self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but satisfaction on
the job.

Job satisfaction is defined as the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of one’s job values.

Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation.it is linked to productivity, motivation,

absenteeism, waste accidents, mental health and general life satisfaction.

There are three important dimensions to job satisfaction.

• Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation
• Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed
• Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes.


Bullock (1952) defined job satisfaction as an attitude, which result from balancing and
summation of many specific likes dislikes experienced in connection with the job.

Smith (1995) defined to job satisfaction as the employee’s judgment of how well his job on
whole is satisfying his various needs. Locke (1969) defines job satisfaction as the pleasurable
or positive emotional state revolving from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences.

According to Vroom, “job satisfaction is the reaction of the workers against the role they
play in their work”. Job satisfaction as a general attitude of the workers constituted by their
approach towards the wages, working condition, control, promotion related with job, social
relations in

the work, recognition of talent and some similar variables personal characteristics, and
group relations apart from the work life”.

- “Blum &Naylor”

“Job satisfaction is the total of the sentiments related with the job conducted. If the
workers perceives that his\his values are realized within the job, she\he improvises a positive
attitude towards his/her job and acquires job satisfactions”.

- “Me comic & Tiffin”

Frome these definitions, we can define the job satisfaction as the sum of all negative and
positive aspects related to the individual’s salary his/her physical and emotional working
conditions, the authority she/he the autonomous usage of this authority, the level of success
she/he has maintained and the reward given due to this success, the social state maintained in
relation with his/her job.


The job satisfaction is the condition of establishing a healthy organizational
environment in an organization. Individuals want to maintain statue, high ranks and authority
by giving their capabilities such as knowledge, ability education, health etc. The individuals
who can’t meet their expectations, with regard to their jobs become dissatisfied. This
dissatisfaction affects the organization for which she/he works.

Job satisfaction is very important for a person’s motivation and contribution to

production. Job satisfaction may diminish irregular attendance at work, replacement worker
with in a cycle or even the rate of accidents.

Job satisfaction is an employee’s thoughts and emotions towards their job and how they
evaluate their job overall, or of specific judgement such as pay, promotions, work tasks, co-
workers and supervisors. It is important for organizations to care about their employee’s job
satisfaction. It will promote employee’s organizational commitment when they feel that are
satisfied with their jobs.


There are six dimensions that represent the most important characteristics of a job about
which people have effective responses.

The work itself: The content of the work itself is a major source of a satisfaction. This means
the extent to which the job provides the individual with interesting tasks, opportunities for
learning. and the chance to accept responsibility. Some of the most important ingredients of
job satisfaction include interesting and challenging work and a job.


Wages and salaries are significant, but a complex and multidimensional factor in a job
satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs, but also in instrumental in
providing upper - level need satisfaction. Employees often consider salary as a reflection of
how management views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also
important, but they are not influential.


Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on the job satisfaction. This is
because promotions take different forms and include a variety of rewards. For example,
individual who are promoted on the basis of seniority often experience job satisfaction but
not as much as those who are promoted based on their performance.


Supervision is another moderately important source of job satisfaction. There are two
dimensions of supervisory style that effect on job satisfaction. One is employees
centeredness, which is measured by the degree of which a supervisor takes personal interest
in the welfare of employees. Another dimension is participation or influence, illustrated by
mangers who allow their people to participate in decisions that affect their own jobs.

Employee job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably
rewarded for one's efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with
one's work. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state that often

leads to a positive work attitude. Satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible,
innovative, and loyal. For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force
that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. So, in essence, job satisfaction
is a product of the events and conditions that people experience on their jobs. " If a person's
work is interesting, her pay is fair, her promotional opportunities are good, her supervisor is
supportive, and her co - workers are friendly, then a situational approach leads one to predict
she is satisfied with her job ". Very simply put, if the pleasures associated. With one's job
outweigh the pains, here is some level of job satisfaction.


EICHER MOTORS PVT. LTD, TIRUPATI " deals mainly to identify the satisfaction level
of the employee on their pay , recognition , facilities , relationship with superior and with the
colleagues . The respondents are the employee of JOB SATISFACTION AT EICHER
MOTORS , TIRUPATI . The scope of the study leads to make good managerial decision to

As this project goes on finally with the findings and suggestions about their pay,
performance, facilities and recognition. It finally concluded that " By paying constant
attentions towards to contributory factors of job satisfaction EICHER MOTORS PVT. LTD,
TIRUPATI..., can make their employee a wiling work force for the well - being and growth

Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction refers to one's feeling towards one's job. An
individual having satisfaction is said to possess positive attitudes towards the job.
Conversely, a dissatisfied person will have negative attitude towards his / her job. When
people speak of employer attitudes, they invariably refer to job satisfaction. Intact the two
terms are used interchangeably. Job satisfaction is one of the important factors that have
drawn attention of managers in the organization as well as academicians. Various studies
have been conducted to find out the factors, which determine job satisfaction and the way; it
influences productivity in the organization. Though there is no conclusive evidence that job
satisfaction affects productivity directly because productivity depends on so many variables,
it is still a prime concern for the mangers. Job Satisfaction is the mental feeling of
favourableness which one individual has about his job.

One of the tasks of managers is to provide satisfaction to employees from their

respective jobs. The term job - satisfaction refers to an individual's general attitude towards

his job. A person with high job - satisfaction holds a positive attitude towards his job. While a
person who is dissatisfied with his job holds a negative attitude about his job. When people
speak of employee attitudes more often than not, they mean job - satisfaction.

Definitions of Job satisfaction:

1. Job satisfactions defined as a Pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of one's job or job experience.

2. Job satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive affect (or feelings) that
individuals have towards their jobs.


3. Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure on containment associated with a job. If you like
your job intensely you will experience high job Satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely,
you will experience.


4. Job satisfaction is a set of favourable or unsavory robe feelings with which employees
view their work.


Consequences of satisfaction

Job satisfaction has both functional and dysfunctional consequences. The positive
consequences of job satisfaction have already been stated above. An often - overlooked
dimension of job satisfaction is its relationship to employee health. Employees who are
dissatisfied with their jobs are hope to health setbacks ranging from headaches the heart
disease. For managers, this means that even of satisfaction did not lead to less voluntary.
turnover and absences the goal of satisfied workforce might be justifiable because it would
reduce medical costs and the primitive loss of valued employees by way of heart disease and
stroke. The effect of job satisfaction goes beyond organizational settings. When employees
are happy with their jobs their lives away from jobs will be better off. In contrast the
dissatisfied employer carries that negative attitude home. Some benefits of job satisfaction
accrue every citizen in society. Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied citizens.

These people will to hold a more positive attitude towards life in general and make for a
society of more psychologically health people. Thus, job satisfaction help management in
terms of reduced turnover educed absences reduced job stress and reduced medical and life
insurance costs. Additionally, there are benefits for society in general. Satisfied employees
are happy and better citizens. However, job satisfaction has been over emphasized. Its
benefits to the management are contingent upon fulfilment of several other variables. Take
turnover for instance. Job satisfaction may not directly lead to reduced turnover. Other factors
like age, financial positions number of dependents and the like will have their own way.

It seems that only academicians and researchers are interested in because of the
lectures he or she has to deliver. For researchers, job satisfaction is a good topic for survey.
For them job satisfaction is important and they except that it is important for other too. For
many people, job is only a source of earning nothing more, nothing less. A dissatisfied
employee has any number of off the job activities to find satisfaction.

Non - job - oriented people tend not to be emotionally involved with their work.
The relative indifference allows them to accept frustrating conditions at more willingly.
Unfortunately, the non - job - oriented people are more than those who take job or everything
in life. So, while job satisfaction might be important the lowers, surgeons, professors,
researchers and other professionals. It may be irrelevant to the average worker who is more
attracted by the pay cheese, satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Job satisfaction is one of the important factors that have drawn attention of
managers in the organization as well as academician. Various studies have been conducted to
find out the factors which determine job satisfaction and the way it influences productivity in
the organization. Though there is no conclusive evidence that job satisfaction affects
productivity directly because productivity depends on so many variables, it is still a prime
concern for managers.

Meaning of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is the mental feeling of favourableness, which an individual has about his

Dublin has defined job satisfaction hi terms of pleasure and contentment when he
says that; job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If

you like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job
intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction.


1. According to Hoppak
“Any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that
causes and person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job ".
" Pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job as achieving or
facilitating the achievement of one's job values ".
Human Relations
The term relates to the total relationship between an individual and the employer for
which he is paid. Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying
attainment of any goal, the end - state is feeling accompanying the attainment of any goal,
the end - state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its objective; Job
dissatisfaction does mean absence of motivation at work. Research workers differently
described the factors contributing to job satisfaction a job dissatisfaction Hoppak
describes job satisfaction as, " any combination of psychological, physiological and
environmental circumstances that causes and person truthfully to say I am satisfied with
my job ".
Job satisfaction is defined as the " pleasurable emotional state resulting
from the appraisal of one's job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of one's job
values ". In contrast job dissatisfaction is defined as " the un pleasurable emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of one's job as frustrating or blocking the attainment of one's
job values or as entailing disvalues. However, both satisfaction and dissatisfaction were
seen as ", a function of the perceived relationship between what on perceived relationship
between what on perceives it as offering or entailing ".
Factors of Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction refers to a general attitude, which an employee retains on account of
many specific attitudes in the following areas:
1. Job Satisfaction
2. Individual Characteristics
3. Relationships outside the job
There are different factors on which job satisfaction depends. Important
among them are discussed here under.
Personal Factors
They include worker's sex, education, age marital status and their personal
characteristics, family background, social - economic background and the like.
Factors inherent in job
These factors have recently been studied and found to be important in the
selection of employees. Instead of being guided by their co - workers and supervisors,
the skilled workers would rather like to be guided by their own inclination to choose
jobs in consideration of ' what they have to do. These factors include; the work itself,
conditions, influence of internal and external environment on the job which are
uncontrolled by the management etc.
Factors Controlled by the Management
They include the nature of supervision, job security, kind of work group - A wage
rate, promotional opportunities, transfer policy, duration of work and sense of
responsibilities. All these factors greatly influence the workers. Their presence in the
organization motivates the workers and provides sense of job satisfaction.
Through performance and job satisfaction are influenced by different set of
factors, these two can be related if ' management likes rewards to performance. It is
viewed job Satisfaction is satisfaction is a consequence of performance of rather than
a cause of it. an organization whereas absenteeism, strongly influencing the
productive efficiency of employee turnover, T.V, alcoholism, irresponsibility, un -
commitment, are the result job dissatisfaction. However, job satisfaction or
dissatisfaction form's opinion about x - y the job and the organization, which result in
employee morale. of Significance
✓ Helps in increasing the productivity.
It reduces absenteeism.
✓ It helps in reduce the employee turnover.
✓ It increases the retention rate.
Nature of job determines job satisfaction, which is in the form of
1. Occupational level
2. Job Content

Higher - level jobs provide more satisfaction as compared with lower levels.
This happens because high - level jobs carry prestige and status in the society which
itself become source of satisfaction for the jobholders.
Job content refers to the intrinsic value of the job, which depends on the
requirement of skill for performing it and the degree of responsibility and growth it
offers. A higher content of these factors provides higher satisfaction.

Individuals have some expectations, when their expectations are met with their jobs
they feel satisfied. These expectations are based on individuals.
 Level of education
 Age
 Other factors
Level of Education
The first individual factor is the level of education that determines the degree of
job satisfaction. For example, several studies have found negative correlation between
the levels of education particularly higher level of education.
Individual's experience ' different job satisfaction at different stages of their
like. Job satisfaction is high at the initial stage gets gradually decreases. Starts rising
up to certain stage and finally drop to low degree. The possible reasons for this
phenome on are like those. When an individual joins an organization, he may have
some unrealistic assumptions about what they are going to derive from their world.
These assumptions fall short of reality job satisfaction goes down. It starts rising
again as the people start to assess the jobs in right perspective and correct their
assumptions. At last, particularly at the far end of career, job satisfaction goes down
because of fear of retirement and future outcome.
Other Factors
Besides the above two factors, there are other individual factors which affect
job satisfaction if an individual does not have favourable social and family life, he

may not feel happy at the work place. Similarly, other personal problems associated
with him may affect his level of job satisfaction.


The automotive industry in India is fourth largest in the world as per 2021 statistics. In
2022, India became fourth largest country in the world by valuation of automotive industry.
As of 2020, India is the 5th largest automobile market in the world, surpassing Germany in
terms of sales.

Currently India's auto industry is worth of more that US$100 billion and contributes 8% of
the country's total export and accounts for 2.3% of India's GDP. India's major automobile
manufacturing companies includes Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland, Mahindra &
Mahindra, Force Motors, Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited, Eicher Motors, Royal
Enfield, Sonalika Tractors, Hindustan Motors .

History of Automotive Industry

In 1897, the first car ran on an Indian road. Through the 1930s, cars were imports only, and in
small numbers.

An embryonic automotive industry emerged in India in the 1940s. Hindustan Motors was
launched in 1942, long-time competitor Premier in 1944, building Chrysler, Dodge,
and Fiat products respectively. Mahindra & Mahindra was established by two brothers in
1945, and began assembly of Jeep CJ-3A utility vehicles. In the same years, J. R. D. Tata, the
chairman of Tata Group founded TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company (now Tata
Motors) in Jamshedpur. Following independence in 1947, the Government of India and the
private sector launched efforts to create an automotive-component manufacturing industry to
supply to the automobile industry. In 1953, an import substitution programme was

launched, and the import of fully built-up cars began to be restricted .

The 1952 Tariff Commission :

In 1952, the government appointed the first Tariff Commission, one of whose purposes was
to come out with a feasibility plan for the indigenization of the Indian automobile industry. In
1953, the commission submitted their report, which recommended categorizing existing
Indian car companies according to their manufacturing infrastructure, with licensed capacity
to manufacture a certain number of vehicles, with capacity increases allowable, as per
demands, in the future. The Tariff Commission recommendations were implemented with
new policies that would eventually exclude companies that only imported parts for assembly,
as well as those with no Indian partner. In 1954, following the Tariff Commission
implementation, General Motors, Ford, and Rootes Group, which had assembly-only plants
in Mumbai, decided to move out of India.[7]

The Tariff commission policies, including similar restrictions that applied to other industries,
came to be known as the Licence Raj, which proved to be the greatest undoing of the Indian
automotive industry, where bureaucratic red tape ended up causing demand to outstrip
supply, with month-long waiting periods for cars, scooters, and motorcycles.

1970 to 1983
The beginning of the 1970s didn't see growth potential; and most of the collaboration license
agreements came to an end, but with the option to continue manufacturing with renewed
branding. Cars were still meant for the elite and Jeeps were largely used by government
organizations and in some rural regions. By the end of the decade, some developments were
made in commercial vehicle segments to facilitate the movement of goods. The two-wheeler

segment remained unchanged except for to increased sales to the middle class in urban areas.
There was emphasis on having more farm tractors, as India was embarking on a new Green
Revolution; and Russian and eastern bloc imports were brought in to meet the demand.

1984 to 1992
From the end of the 1970s to the beginning of the 1980s India saw no new models, the
country continuing to depend on two decades-old designs. The Sipani Dolphin, which arrived
in 1982, was not a serious contender, with its plastic body and without rear doors - essential
to Indian car buyers. This situation forced the government to encourage and let more
manufacturers into fray.

Post-1992 liberalisation

Eventually multinational automakers, such as, Suzuki and Toyota of Japan

and Hyundai of South Korea, were allowed to invest in the Indian market, furthering the
establishment of an automotive industry in India. Maruti Suzuki was the first, and the most
successful of these new entries, and in part the result of government policies to promote the
automotive industry beginning in the 1980s. As India began to liberalise its automobile
market in 1991, a number of foreign firms also initiated joint ventures with existing Indian
companies. The variety of options available to the consumer began to multiply in the nineties,
whereas before there had usually only been one option in each price class. By 2000, there
were 12 large automotive companies in the Indian market, most of them offshoots of global

Eicher Motors Limited (EML) (Bloomberg: EIM IN Reuters: EICH.NS) is the listed parent of
Royal Enfield, the global leader in middleweight motorcycles. The world’s oldest motorcycle
brand in continuous production, Royal Enfield has made its distinctive motorcycles since
1901. Focussed on bringing back simple, yet engaging and accessible motorcycling, Royal
Enfield operates in India, and over 60 countries around the world with modern development
facilities in Leicestershire, UK and Chennai, India. Royal Enfield makes its motorcycles in
Chennai, Tamil Nadu for the world. Royal Enfield has evolved into an experiential brand.
Royal Enfield with its motorcycle that combines modern-day elements with the brand’s
heritage, garners immense enthusiasm amongst global motorcyclists.

• Eicher Motors Limited is an Indian multinational automotive company . 

• that manufactures motorcycles and commercial vehicles, headquartered in New Delhi.

• Eicher is the parent company of Royal Enfield, a manufacturer of middleweight


• In 1959 the Eicher Tractor Corporation of India Private Ltd was established, jointly
with the Eicher tractor company, a German tractor manufacturer.

• In 2005, Eicher Motors Ltd sold their tractors and engines business to TAFE Tractors

• Commercial Vehicles (VECV) Limited is a joint venture between Volvo Group and

Eicher Motors Limited (EML). VECV is divided into five business units

• Eicher Trucks and Buses

• Volvo Trucks India

• Eicher Engineering Components

• VE Powertrain

• Royal Enfield Motors .

• Eicher Motors at Tirupati is one of the branch under Eicher Motors.


The price range of Eicher Truck starts from ₹ 12.16 Lakh for the most economic model in its
line up, the Pro 2049. The most expensive Truck in Eicher lineup is the Pro 8035XM, priced
at ₹ 64.99 Lakh also includes Truck, tipper, trailer and Transit Mixer. Its most popular
models include Pro 2049, Pro 3015, Pro 2095XP CNG, Pro 3019 and Pro 2110. These
products along with some others have carved their own niche in the market with their best-in-
class features and powerful performance.
Eicher is another key domestic truck maker that has redefined the overall local truck market
with its Pro Series range of light, medium and heavy trucks. Eicher has earned a name and
leadership in the light and medium-duty truck categories based on reliable and fuel-efficient
trucks and is now aggressively expanding into the MHCV categories. Learning best global
manufacturing and product development practices from its joint venture partner, Volvo
Trucks to bring them to Indian truck buyers. Eicher has introduced the new EUTECH6-based
modern truck range that is BS6 compliant supported by productive and efficient engines and
powertrain. Eicher range of trucks retails 5-55T GVW trucks that are suitable for key
applications. The company has also built an extensive service network across India’s length
and breadth to serve its customers effectively. Taking innovative steps towards gaining
customer confidence, Eicher is promising 24x7 service, live tracking of trucks and also set-up
an Uptime centre to help customers run an efficient fleet to earn higher revenue. Eicher aims

to transform the Indian trucking industry through global truck solutions and helping
consumers accelerate their transport business.

Eicher Showroom in Tirupati :

Eicher has 2 authorized dealers/showroom in Tirupati. Check out the nearest Eicher dealer in
Tirupati. Locate 2 Eicher Showrooms in Tirupati. TrucksDekho connects you with authorized
Eicher Showrooms and dealers in Tirupati with their address and complete contact info. For
more information on Eicher Truck price, offers & EMI options contact the below mentioned
dealers in Tirupati.

Mission :

"My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature ."A
mission is an enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes one business from other
similar firm.

Vision :

Big thinking precedes great achievement . A vision reflects management aspiration

for the organization and its business.

Values :

Eicher Motors pvt ltd ltd says Never compromise our values

Our client :

Eicher Motors pvt ltd is striving to achieve entire trust of its patrons by offering exceptional
services in the market. Our positive approach towards the quality of products and customer's
needs have led us to this respected place in this business segment. We are producing trucks,
school buses, tractors , etc..,


• Primary Objective:
To study about Job satisfaction among employees.
• Secondary Objectives:
1. To understand the problem of the employees in the working condition.
2. To know the employee’s opinion about work place, pay and benefits.
3. To study and analyses the various factors affecting the job satisfaction level.
4. To know are they satisfied with their job responsibility .

The job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on their job. It is different from
person to person. The researcher has chosen to measure the level of job satisfaction in Eicher
Motors Pvt ltd.

The scope of study cover: work conditions, compensation extra benefits, conveyance
treatment of superiors, dully timings, grievance reprisal mechanism and promotion policy.

Job satisfaction of the employees is important if the employees are satisfied then only the
organization can function smoothly increases its production, faces competition. If employees
are satisfied with their job they will carry a positive attitude.

 This study analyses the level of employee satisfaction in the company.
 The company can improve the working conditions, environment and other policies to
satisfy the employees.
 This study to understand how the organization works and get more insights on the
concept of job satisfaction.
 This study is undertaken to provide suggestions.



Karthik Namasivayam, Xinyuan Zhao, 2007, in a study examined the relationships among
work - family conflict (WFC), organizational commitment (OC) and job satisfaction (JS) in a
hotel setting. Responding to calls in the literature to explore organizational constructs in
international settings, data were collected from the employees of a large independently
owned and operated hotel in India. Hierarchical linear regression analyses demonstrated that
one of two sub dimensions of WFC, namely, family related roles interfering with work
related roles (FIW) was negatively associated with JS. Both direct and moderating
relationships of three sub dimensions of OC were investigated and it was found that the
affective component of OC has stronger direct effects on JS than normative OC; continuance
commitment had no effect. The study also revealed that employees ' affective commitment
moderates the effects of FIW on JS. The article concludes with implications for hospitality
managers and future research directions.

Biswas. Soumendu, 2009, in their study pertaining to Human Resource (HR) management in
India have revealed a variety of factors that significantly affect employees ' attitude towards
their job not the least of which is their perception about their immediate job environment or
in other words, the psychological climate. This study posits the two attitudinal variables of
job satisfaction and job involvement as mediators between psychological climate and
individual employee's turnover intentions. For the purpose of study, data are collected from
357 managers / executives and subject to multivariate data analysis procedures. The results
showed that psychological climate is a statistically significant predictor of turnover intention.
The results also ascertain that job satisfaction and job involvement are important as mediators
in transmitting the influence of the predictor variables to the criterion variables.

Allah Nawaz 2010, a study conducted by on Job satisfaction of academicians is well

documented across the literature where certain leading factors of satisfaction have been
researched over and over indicating that work, pay, supervision, promotion, co-workers and
environment collectively determines the total satisfaction of a worker / officer. However,
literature also offers the evidence that employees express varying attitudes about these factors
of satisfaction due to their demographic diversities. This study is a survey of academicians in

the public and private universities of NWFP Pakistan, with a view to pinpointing the
demographic dimensions and their influence on the job satisfaction of the academicians.
Therefore, researchers are recording the demographic impacts on the job - satisfaction of the
employees. Different surveys have produced a variety of results where some demographics
are emerging as having significant implications while other demographics have little or no
impact on the responses. Given that, real understanding about the job satisfaction of
employees, like academicians, is incomplete unless the demographic differences are
identified, measured and accommodated in the decision - making process. To test the
hypotheses of this study regarding demographic impact, t - tests and ANOVA applications
were executed. The findings of the study reveal that designation, university sector and gender
out of eight demographic attributes have been recorded significant in their impact on the
respondent attitudes towards factors of job satisfaction.

The study taken up by, Vijay N Girl, B Pavan Kumar, 2010. The present paper analyses the
impact of organizational communication on job satisfaction and job performance. Data were
collected from 380 employees working at different managerial levels in various organizations
in India by using Organizational Communication Scale (Roberts & O'Reilly,1974), Job
Satisfaction Survey scale (Spector, 1985), and Job Performance scale (Rod well, Kienzle &
Shadur, 1998). It was found that organizational communication had a significant effect on job
satisfaction and job performance of the employees. The analysis further indicated that the
employees at different levels perceived job satisfaction differently. Thus, it can be inferred
that in Indian organizations, job satisfaction and performance are very much dependent on
the communication behaviour of the organization.

Niharika gaan.2011, in their study re - examines, empirically, the relationship between the
job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee turnover. It views turnover from
attitudinal perspective. Results reveal that the relationship commitment and employee
turnover is inconsistent with the earlier literature. However, job satisfaction seems to be
explaining significant amount of incremental variance in turnover Intention. Further, it is
suggested that for future study the turnover model should try to investigate the precursors to
turnover Intention by taking occupational commitment, job satisfaction and non - attitudinal
aspects. The study is based on a survey of 308 information system professional from giant
companies in Indian software and BPO sectors.

Amarjit Gill. Suraj P Sharma, 2012, in a study, the paper examines the effects of job
satisfaction and work experience on employee - desire for empowerment. Restaurant industry
employees from the Lower mainland area of British Columbia, Canada and the Punjab area
of India were surveyed to assess their perceptions of job satisfaction, work experience, and
desire to be empowered at their places of work. Results suggest that job satisfaction and work
experience enhance the employee - desire for empowerment in both countries - Canada and
India. The practical implication of this study is that employees who exhibit job satisfaction
and work experience behaviours are more likely to heighten their desires to be empowered.
regardless of cultural context. The findings help to explain failures in organizational efforts to
empower workers by demonstrating the critical role of job satisfaction and work experience
behaviours in heightening employee - desire for empowerment.

Bhajan Lal Kardam , Santosh Rangnekar.2012 . The present study investigates the functions
of experience and educational level on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is defined as the
emotional feeling of an employee towards his job. Further, Job satisfaction is defined as an
affective reaction to a job that results from the comparison of perceived outcomes with those
that are desired. It is a psychological attachment of an employee with his job. The study first
examines the theoretical understanding of demographic variables & job satisfaction, followed
by an empirical investigation. The data was collected by using standardised scale: Job.
Satisfaction Scale (Spector, 1985). The study covers middle and senior level executives of
PSU and Private sector organizations. Descriptive statistics, Correlation, T - test, and
ANOVA were employed on the collected data to find out the answer of research questions
and to achieve the research objectives. The finding of the study divulges that no significant
difference exists between difference experience groups as well in different level of
educational groups, related to job satisfaction. But deep enquiry of results clearly shows that
few dimensions of job satisfaction have significant difference in various experience and
educational groups. This study is a contribution in extant literature pool of demographic
study of job satisfaction. It will also enhance the understanding of job satisfaction in Indian
organizations. Subjects of the study are bound to the top and middle level employees. Similar
study can be done on lower level of employee to find out more favourable results.

Harold Andrew Patrick, Jasmine Sonia, 2012, in their study. The integral part of any
management process is to manage people at work . A well managed organization sees

workers as the main source of quality and productivity. An effective organization tends to
promote a sense of commitment and satisfaction in its employees. This paper identifies the
relationship between the affective commitment and job satisfaction among the Indian IT
employees. For the present study, the data was collected with the help of a structured
questionnaire from 300 employees working in the IT industry in India with the objective of
measuring the affective commitment and job satisfaction of IT employees and to identify the
relationship between the affective commitment and different aspects of job satisfaction. The
findings indicated a positive relationship between the job satisfaction and affective
commitment. Amongst the components of job satisfaction, the highest correlations with
affective commitment were related to salary, benefits, fair treatment, opportunity for
advancement and supervision. The regression analysis revealed that job satisfaction has a
statistically significant impact on affective commitment. The findings of this study point out
some salient issues in the IT industry. The detailed findings and implications are discussed in
the paper.

A study taken up by, Samanvitha Swami Nathan. P David Jawahar, 2013, Job Satisfaction at
work has an influence on the level of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and in turn on
work performance. The aim of this study is to determine and establish a relationship between
Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) among faculty in
higher education institutions. In this study we have employed the Wong's Job Satisfaction
and Organ's Organizational Citizenship Behaviour inventories to quantify the JS and OCB
levels respectively. Samples from 252 faculty members in Tamil Nadu, India were used to
obtain the empirical base for the study. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were
used to interpret the data. Our results demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between
JS and factors that constitute the OCB.

Manu Gupta. Vinod Kumar, 2014, in a study. Spirituality in the workplace is gaining
recognition and value among researchers, academicians, and business professionals. The aim
is to examine the impact of spirituality in the workplace on job satisfaction by of this paper
measuring four dimensions of spirituality in the workplace: meaningful work, sense of
community, organizational values, and compassion. The impact of each dimension on job
satisfaction is hypothesized. A cross - sectional survey was used to collect data from 100
payroll employees in private insurance companies in Punjab (India) . A correlation analysis
showed a positive relationship between all the dimensions of spirituality in the workplace and
A regression analysis revealed that although all the dimensions of spirituality in the
workplace are important, organizational values and a sense of community are the most
important in terms of the job satisfaction level of employees. This work will help insurance
companies to better understand the concept of spirituality in the workplace and its
importance. Insurance companies can improve their functioning by encouraging employee
spirituality in the workplace.

Naval Garg.2015, a study conducted by on, Organizational Role Stress (ORS) affects the
productivity and efficiency of the employees and indirectly hurts organizations profitability.
The phenomenon is more acute for dual - career couples. The present paper seeks to explore
the mediating role that ORS plays in the relationship between availability of High
Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) and employee engagement, between HPWPs and job
satisfaction, and between employee engagement and job satisfaction. The paper confirms the
positive association between availability of HPWPs and employee engagement, between
HPWPS and job satisfaction, and between employee engagement and job satisfaction.
Further, ORS is also found to mediating these associations significantly. The result answers
one of the baffling questions for HR experts, i.e., why same HR practice leads to different
effects on different employees. One of the reasons is the different level of role stress
experienced by different employees.

Anupama Sharma, Ranjeet Nambudiri.2015, the study investigated that, The Indian IT and
ITES industry has witnessed attrition as high as 15 % according to Deloitte Human Capital
Consulting in its Compensation T rends Survey 2013-14. Hence, the focus of most
organizations in this industry is to reduce the turnover intention of employees ultimately
resulting into reduction of actual turnover. Finding out all the factors which contribute to the
turnover intention among employees is employers ' high priority. The aim of this paper is to
find out if job - leisure conflict influences the IT professionals ' turnover intention. This paper
further examines the relationship between job - leisure conflict, job satisfaction and turnover
intention for professionals working in IT service provider organizations in India. It is
hypothesized that job satisfaction will mediate the relationship between job - leisure conflict
and turnover intention. The proposed model is grounded in the social - exchange theory and
ideology of individualization. Data were collected from 173 IT professionals. Findings
supported a significant positive relationship between job - leisure conflict and turnover
intention and significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover
intention. It was also confirmed that job satisfaction plays a mediating role between job

leisure conflict and turnover intention. Implications, potential future research areas are

The study taken up by A Bacea , ON Bordean , 2016 , Outsourcing has become a common
strategy in today's business environment and the purpose of this research is to determine the
profile of the employees that work in outsourcing companies , the elements that bring
satisfaction at work , the most relevant retention factors and for how long they assume will
stay in the same company . In Romania, the employees ' willingness to stay in Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies has not been studied yet even their number is
increasing tremendously in the last decades. This work is a first step in the direction of
discovering the motivational factors that influence the attrition in BPO industry. The research
is based on the analysis of the questionnaire completed by 169 BPO's employees from three
outsourcing companies in Cluj Napoca , Romania . The main goal of the article is to
determine the most important factors that influence the employee's willingness to remain in
the company. After analysing the survey, it resulted that the percentage of women that work
in a BPO company is much higher than the percentage of men. Another demographical
characteristic that was highlighted is the educational degree, results suggesting that almost 90
% of the respondents are graduates or postgraduates. Regarding the factors that influence the
job satisfaction, a series of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators seemed to be more important
than the others, but all have their contribution to the overall job satisfaction of the employees.
One of the hypotheses of the study was to find out if the employees of a BPO would like to
change the company but surprisingly the general intention was to continue within the same
company up to 3 years or more.

Eric G Lambert, Hanif Qureshi, 2017, in their study successful police organizations reply on
involved, satisfied, and committed workers. The concept of job involvement (i.e., connection
with the job), job satisfaction (i.e., affective feeling toward the job ), and organizational
commitment (i.e., bond with the employing organization)have been show to significantly
affect intentions and behaviours of employees the current study used multivariate ordinary
least squares (OLS) regression analysis on survey result from a sample of 827 Indian police
officers to explore how perception of work environment factors affect officers’ job
involvement, job satisfaction , and organizational commitment support, formalization (i.e.,
level of codified written rules and guidelines) , promotional opportunities, institutional

communication(i.e., salient work information is transmitted),and input into decision-making
(i.e., having a voice in the process)significantly influenced the job involvement, job
satisfaction, and organizational commitment of Indian police officers specifically, in the
multivariate analysis, perception of formalization and instrumental communication had a
positive relationship with job involvement ; perception of into decision- making had positive
associations with job satisfaction and perception of organizational support, formalization,
promotional opportunities, instruments communicational commitment.

Shibani Belwalkar, veena Vohra, 2018, this study represents that, aims to investigate the
relationship between workplace spirituality and citizenship behaviours (OCBs) it examines
the relationship between the three workplace spirituality components -meaning and purpose
in work, recognition of an inner life or spirit and interconnectedness with OCBs, mediate by
the job satisfaction experienced by the employees, is in the content of on Indian private
sector bank. A sample consisting of 613 banking employees studied the results provide
considerable support for all expect one of the hypothesized relationship between work place
spirituality components and OCBs. Workplace spirituality components also all led to job
satisfaction in employees, and job inputs to promote managerial, effectiveness and change
management leadership and holistic significant performance and growth of organizations,
through environment that promote workplace spirituality.

Neeraj Kumari, Devi Singh 2018 in a study, culture is made of the value, benefits, underlying
assumptions, and behaviours shared by a group of people. culture is the behaviour that result
when a group arrives at a set of generally unspoken and unwritten-rules for working together.
The culture of company as a whole might be weak and very difficult to characterize because
there are so many subcultures. Each department or work cell may have its own culture. The
aim of the study was to analysis the impact of work culture on the performance of the
employees in a leading plastic.

Sheela Bhargava.2019, in a stud, the purpose of the present study was to empirically
ascertain the relationship between engagement and job satisfaction along with their relation
with gender of employee. Data were collected with the help of an online questionnaire in the
from of Google From 232 employees (having at least one year experience in present bank)
working in different Indian private banks. Exploratory factor analysis was carried out for
identifying the variables for both the dimension of employee engagement and job
satisfaction significance of differences with respect to work engagement and satisfaction

between male ana female employees was analysed with the help of t-test analysis. The
relationship between both dimensions was inferred through correlation analysis. Findings of
the study revealed that there was significant relationship between employee engagement and
job satisfaction. Additionally there was no significant difference in employee engagement
job satisfaction level among male and female employees working Indian private banks. The
present paper describes and discusses these finding and their implication in banking sector.

A study taken up by G Delina,2020. The concept of `employee engagement has streamlined

with management school of through since recent past as it helps achieve improved
organisational performance and business excellence. This study attempt to examine the
employee engagement level of IT professionals in south India across different dimensions of
engagement namely ,vigour ,dedication and absorption based on UWES scale .Differences in
engagement levels based on demographic characteristics are presented .This paper
further ,present the influence of satisfaction towards employee engagement initiatives on
employee engagement levels and job satisfaction .This study also highlights the various
employee engagement initiatives in IT companies and the respondents' satisfaction about the
same. The research outlook of this paper is that “when employees are satisfied with the
employee engagement initiatives practiced by their organisation, they are more engaged with
their jobs and it is subsequently, contributes to their jobs satisfaction as well”.

Poonam Mehta, Jyoti Sharma ,2020, in a study, The emotional control at work space play a
vital role in influencing employees as doing something in against of genuine emotions
directly impacts dimensions of employee wellbeing such as work engagement, burnout and
job satisfaction. The present study aimed to investigate the linkage between emotional work
(surface acting and deep acting) and employee wellbeing of civil aviation industry by
drawing a simple of 600 employees of civil aviation industry of north India. The findings of
the study of revealed that there is significant positive impact of emotional work an employee

Mir Rouf Ahmad, Rameez Raja, 2021, in their study. The aim of this research article is to
scrutinize the influence of employee job satisfaction on organizational commitment and
business performance in the context of retail banking sector in northern India. A research
design of quantitative in nature was used via a structured questionnaire on a sample of 440
Indian commercial bank employees. Research hypotheses were tested by using the structural
equation modelling (SEM) technique to evaluate and test the proposed model.


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2. Soumendu Biswas, 2009, Job Satisfaction and Job Involvement as Mediators of the
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3. Allah Nawaz. 2010. Impact of Demographic Variables on Job - satisfaction of the

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5. Niharika Gaan , 2011 , A revisit on Impact of Job Attitudes on Employee Turnover : An

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6. Amarjit Gill. Suraj P Sharma, 2012, The effects of job satisfaction and work experience on
employee - desire for empowerment: A comparative study in Canada and India, International
Journal of Management, Vol. 29, Iss. 1. (Mar 2012): 190-200.

7. Bhajan Lal Kardam, Santosh Rangnekar.Job satisfaction: Investigating the role of

experience & education Researchers World; Malegaon Vol. 3, Iss. 4. (Oct 2012): 16 -22.

8. Harold Andrew Patrick, Jasmine Sonia, 2012, Job satisfaction and affective commitment,
IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour; Hyderabad Vol. 11 Iss. 1, (Jan 2012): 23-36. 9.
Samanvitha Swami Nathan, P David Jawahar.2013. Job satisfaction as a predictor of
organizational citizenship behaviour: An empirical study, Global Journal of Business
Research, v. 7 (1) pp. 71-80, 2013.

10. Manu Gupta. Vinod Kumar. Creating satisfied employees through workplace spirituality:
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11. Naval Garg.2015, Organizational role stress in dual - career couples: mediating the
relationship between HPWPs, employee engagement and job satisfaction, IUP Journal of
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12. Anupama Sharma, Ranjeet Nambudiri.2015 Job - Leisure Conflict, Turnover Intention
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14. Eric G Lambert, Hanif Qureshi, 2017, The effects of perceptions of organizational
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15. Shibani Belwalkar, Veena Vohra.2018. The relationship between workplace spirituality,
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16. Neeraj Kumari. Devi Singh, 2018. Impact of organizational culture on employee
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17. Sheela Bhargava, 2019, Survival of the fittest: Understanding the role of employee
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20. Mir Rouf Ahmad, Rameez Raja, 2021, Employee Job Satisfaction and Business
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Research methodology is a way to solve the research problems systematically. Research may
be in common parlance referred to as knowledge. In research methodology.

We not only talk of the research methods, but also consider the logic behind the methods
we use in the content of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method
at technique. Hence in this study various steps that are generally adopted in studying research
problem along with the logic behind them. It is a brand outline of the methods and procedure
adopted for the purpose for the purpose of the study.


A research design used in the study is descriptive research. Descriptive research includes
surveys and fact-finding enguiries of different kinds. The main characteristics of this method
is that the researcher has no control over the variables he/she can only report what is
happening. In this descriptive design, we get information from most accessible population.
Descriptive method is adopted to study the job satisfaction in EICHER MOTORS PVT LTD.


A well- structured questionnaire and schedule were being administrated to the

respondents to carry out the research.


Data is collected from primary and secondary sources. Collection of the data is primary
aspect in research. Data which is collected for the purpose of research helps in proper
analysis to develop findings which are helpful to conduct research effectively. The data
source which is very important in the collection of data is both primary and secondary data.

Both primary and secondary data are taken into consideration for the study of job

Primary data
The consist of original information gathered for specific purpose. The normal procedure is to
interview the people individually or in groups to get the required data primary data is
collected through administrating the questionnaire by direct contact and also through direct
observation to obtain insights of the information.

Secondary data
The consist of the information that already exist and which have been collected by some
other persons, at some other time, for some other purpose. The secondary data is collected
from records, manual and brochures maintained by the personnel department.


Convenience sampling

The sampling which along the researcher to carry out his research based on his
convenience and respondents ' availability of constraints. The research sampling studies
every respondent response according to time, place and situation.

This sampling provides ease of doing his research.

Population size :260

Sample size :100

Statistical tools : a) Frequencies

b) Percentages

c) Bar charts

d) Pie charts

e) Graphs






4.1 Gender wise classification of employees

S.NO Gender No. of Percentage (%)

1 Male 74 74%
2 Female 26 26%

3 Total 100 100%

Graph- 4.1: Gender wise classification of employees



Gender Male Female Total
1 2 3

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4

From the above table 4.1, out of 100 respondent’s 74 percent are 26 percentage are

4.2 Age wise classification of employees

S. No Age No. of Percentage (%)

1 24-28 YRS 33 33%
2 Above 28 YRS 27 27%
3 21-24 YRS 24 24%
4 18-21 YRS 16 16%
5 Total 100 100%

Graph-4.2: Age wise classification of Employees



24-28 YRS Above 28 YRS 21-24 YRS 18-21 YRS Total
1 2 3 4 5

No. of Percentage (%)


From the above table 4.2, it is clear that, out of 100 respondents 33 percent are belong to, 24-
28yrs age group, 27 percentage are belong above 28yrs age group, 24 percentage are belongs
to 21-24yrs age group and, 16 percentage are belongs to 18-21yrs are age group.

4.3 Material Status of Employees

S. No Marital status No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Married 81 81%

2 Un married 19 19%

3 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.3 :Marital Status of Employees



Married Un married Total
1 2 3

No. of Respondents Percentage (%)


From the above table 4.3., it can be drawn that, out of 100 respondent’s 81 percent are
married and only 19 percentage are unmarried

4.4 Distribution of Employees based on Salary

S. No Salary No. of Percentage (%)
1 6000-8000 56 56%
2 Above 10000 24 24%
3 12000-15000 18 18%
4 16000-17000 12 12%
5 Total 100 100%

Graph-4.4: Distribution of Employees based on Salary



6000-8000 Above 10000 12000-15000 16000-17000 Total
1 2 3 4 5

No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

From the above table 4.4, it is analysed that, out of 100 respondent’s 56 percent are
drawing between RS 6000-8000, 24 percent are drawing above RS 10000, 18 percent are
drawing between RS 12000-15000 and 12 percent are drawing RS 16000-17000.

4.5 Distribution of Employees based on qualification

S. No qualification No. of Percentage (%)
1 UG 46 46%
2 PG 21 21%
3 Intermediate 20 20%
4 SSC 13 13%
5 Total 100 100%

Graph-4.5: Distribution of Employees based on qualification



UG PG Intermediate PhD Total
1 2 3 4 5

No. of Percentage (%)


From the above table 4.5, it is assessed, out of 100 respondent’s 46 percent are
qualified Intermediate Education, 21 percentage are qualified UG, 20 Percentage are qualified
PG and 13 percent are SSC qualified respondents.

4.6 Job type of employees

S.NO Job Type No.of. Percentage (%)


1 Permanent Employees 52 52%

2 Seasonal Employees 40 40%

3 Consolidated 08 8%

4 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.6: Job type of employees


From the above table 4.6, it is interpreted that, out of 100 respondents 52 percentage are
permanent employees, 40 percentage of employees are seasonal employees and only 8
percentage are consolidated employees.

4.7 Job Satisfaction Level of the Employees

S.no Job satisfaction level No. Of Percentage (%)


1 Satisfied 43 43%

2 Dissatisfied 25 25%

3 Neither satisfied nor 13 13%


4 Highly satisfied 12 12%

5 Highly dissatisfied 7 7%

6 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.7: Job Satisfaction Level of the Employees

40 39%
30 30%
10 10%
d d d d d
s fie s fie s fie s fie s fie
s ati ati ati ati ati
ss ss s i ss
di di ly
yl d
r gh
no hi gh
d hi

NO. of Respondents Percentage (%)


From the above table4.7, it is investigated that, out of 100 respondents 43 percentage are
satisfied with their respective job, 25percentage are Dissatisfied with their respective job, 13
percentage are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their respective job, 12 percentage are
Highly satisfied with their respective job and 7 percentage are highly dissatisfied with their
respective job.

4.8 Satisfaction Level on Nature of the Work

S.NO Job Satisfaction Level NO. of Percentage (%)


1 Satisfied 39 39%

2 Dissatisfied 30 30%

3 Neither satisfied nor 10 10%


4 Highly satisfied 14 14%

5 Highly dissatisfied 7 7%

6 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.8: Satisfaction Level on Nature of the Work

40 39%
30 30%
15 14%
10 10%
5 7%
d d d d d
s fie s fie s fie s fie s fie
s ati ati ati ati ati
ss is s s ss
di rd hl
y di
o hi
g ly
n gh
d hi
s ati
e ith

NO. of Respondents Percentage (%)


From the above table 4.8, it is examined that, out of 100 respondents 39 percentage are
satisfied with their respective nature of work, 30 percentage are Dissatisfied with their
respective nature of work, 14 percentage are Highly satisfied with their respective nature of

work job, 10 percentage are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their respective nature of
work and 7 percentage are highly dissatisfied with their respective nature of work.

4.9 Reasons for job satisfaction in the organization

S.NO Particulars No .of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 fair salaries 67 67%

2 job timings 21 21%

3 promotion chances 9 9%

4 working conditions 3 3%

5 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.9: Reasons for Job Satisfaction in the Organization

70 67%
20 21%
10 9%
fair salaries job timings promotion chances working conditions

No.of Respondents Percentage (%)


From the above tablor.9 , it is analysed that , out of 100 respondents 67 percentage said
because of fair salaries they satisfied , 21 percentage said because of job timings they
satisfied , 9 percentage said because of promotion chances they satisfied and 3 percentage
said because of working Conditions they satisfied .

4.10 working conditions

S.NO Working Conditions No. of Percentage (%)

1 Satisfied 42 42%

2 Dissatisfied 12 12%

3 Neither satisfied nor 15 15%


4 Highly satisfied 27 27%

5 Highly dissatisfied 14 14%

6 Total 100 100%

Graph-4.10: working conditions

40 42%
25 27%
15 15% 14%
10 12%
d d d d d
s fie s fie s fie s fie s fie
ati ati ati ati ati
S ss ss s is s
Di di ly
yl d
r i gh
no H gh
d Hi
s ati
ti h

No.of Respondents Percentage (%)


The above table 4.13 represents that, out of 100 respondents 42 percentage of respondents are
satisfied with present working conditions, 27 percentage of respondents are Highly satisfied
with present working conditions, 15 percentage of respondents are Neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied with present working conditions, 14 percentage of respondents are Highly
Dissatisfied with present working conditions and 12 percentage of respondents are
Dissatisfied with present working conditions.

4.11 Since how many years you have been working in this organization?

1 0-5 YEARS 35 35%
2 5-10 YEARS 20 20%
3 10-15 YEARS 40 40%
4 YEARS 5 5%
5 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.11 working in the organisation

40 40%
35 35%
20 20%
5 5%
1 2 3 4


Interpretation: The above graph shows the results highly satisfied 28%, satisfied
23% partially satisfied 37%, satisfied 9%, and not at all satisfied 3%.

2.Organization is effective in fulfilling basic needs of employees like food, shelter and
basic functions is life.

1 Strongly Agree 40 40%
2 Agree 15 15%
Neither Agree or
3 Disagree 10 10%
4 Disagree 20 20%
5 Strongly Disagree 15 15%
6 Total 100 100%

Graph 4.12 needs of employees like food, shelter and basic functions is life.

Chart Title
40 40%
20 20%
15 15% 15%
10 10%
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Strongly
Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5


Interpretation:The above graph shows the results highly satisfied 28%, satisfied 23%
partially satisfied 37%, satisfied 9%, and not at all satisfied 3%.






 It is found that out of 100 respondents, 74 percent of employees are Males and 26
percentage of employees are females.
 It is found that out of 100 respondents, 16 percent of employees are belong to 18-21
yrs age group, 24 percentage of employees are belongs to 21-24 yrs age group, 33
percentage of employees are belongs to 24-28 yrs age group and, 27 percentage of
employees are belongs to above 28 yrs age group.
 It is found that out of 100 respondents, 81 percent of employees are married and only
19 percentage of employees are unmarried.
 56 percentage of employees are drawing between 8000-10000rs, 12 percentage of
employees are drawing between 10000-15000rs, 18 percentage of employees are
drawing between 15000-20000rs and 24 percentage of employees are drawing above
 20 percentage of employees are qualified Intermediate Education, 46 percentage of
employees are qualified UG, 21 percentage of employees are qualified PG and 13
percent of employees are PhD qualified respondents.
 43 percentage of employees are satisfied with their respective job, 25 percentage of
employees are Dissatisfied with their respective job, 13 percentage of employees are
neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their respective job, 12 percentage of employees
are Highly satisfied with their respective job and 7 percentage of employees are
highly dissatisfied with their respective job.
 39 percentage of employees are satisfied with their respective nature of work, and 7
percentage of employees are highly dissatisfied with their respective nature of work.
 67 percentage of employees said because of fair salaries they satisfied and 3
percentage said because of working Conditions they satisfied.
 52 percentage of employees said that highly skilled are required and 4 percentage said
that Highly skilled are required.
 47 percentages of employees are satisfied with superior supervision on their job, and 5
percentage are Dissatisfied with superior supervision on their job.
 93 percentage of employees said that their company is providing fringe benefits and 7
percentage of employees said that their company is not providing fringe benefits.

 46 percentages of employees are satisfied with fringe benefits, and 3 percentages of
respondents are Highly Dissatisfied with fringe benefits.
 42 percentages of employees are satisfied with present working conditions, and 12
percentages of employees are dissatisfied with present working conditions.
 38 percentages of employees are Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with Opportunities
for Advancement, and only 7 percentage of employees are Highly dissatisfied with
Opportunities for Advancement.
 45 percentages of employees are expecting better wage structure from management
and 11 percentages of employees are expecting better working conditions from


 Majority of Employees are satisfied with their respective job as a percentage of 43.
Which indicates that not a appraised one so it was suggested to the company to
concentrate more on job satisfaction methods.
 45 percentage of employees are expecting better wage structure from management.
With this it was proven that they had no good wage structure. We have suggested
them to follow acceptable wage structure as per the norms of pay which would satisfy
the employees.
 47 percentage of employees are satisfied with superior supervision on their job, so it
indicate that employees are happy with their superior supervision. If the management
would increase this attitude that will be good for more productivity.
 67 percentage of employees are said because of fair salaries they satisfied so i have
suggested them keep on providing fair salaries to motivate employees to work
effectively and efficiently.
 52 percentage of employees are said that Highly skilled employees are required to do
job well which leads a suggestion that EICHER MOTORS PVT LTD has to produce
more skilled employees through training programmed.
 For the growth and perspective of organization to do well in employee job satisfaction
it is suggested them to provide more fringe benefits as much as possible by the

Job satisfaction is one significant issues in employee productivity which if it tends to become
job dissatisfaction will diminish the quality of a product and profit shortage as well. A higher
level of job satisfaction will increase motivation of the employees in their daily work. On the
other hand, job dissatisfaction will decrease motivation to perform a high quality of human
resource. Based on the literature review, it has found that many factors contribute to the
employee job satisfaction. It also found that extrinsic factors such as company policy and
administration, autonomy, relationship with supervisors, work condition, salary, relationship
with peers, and personal life have more research evidence that showed the contribution to the
job satisfaction than the intrinsic factors.

Human resource management unit in the EICHER MOTORS PVT. LTD. and managers take
an important role in order to increase the employees ' job satisfaction. improvement in
workplace condition, salary, fringe benefits and carrier advancement opportunities will give a
significant effect on job satisfaction.


Text Books


CAUSES , AND CONSEQUENCES " Volume 3 of Advanced Topics in
Organizational Behaviour , by SAGE Publications , 1997 , ISBN 9780761989233 .
 K. Aswathappa , ( 2005 ) , HUMAN RESOURCE AND PERSONNEL 4th Edition ,
McGraw - Hill Publication MANAGEMENT , .
, 2nd Edition by New Age International Publication


 Hang – yue , N., Foley, S., Loi, R. (2005). Work role stressors and turnover
intentions: a study of professional clergy in Hong Kong [ Electronic Version].
International Journal of Human Resource Management 16, 11, 2133-2146.
 Rogers, S. J., May, D. C. (2003). Spillover between marital quality and job
satisfaction: Long - term patterns and gender differences [Electronic version]. Journal
of Marriage and the Family, 65, 2, 482-495.


 www.wikipedia.com
 www.google.com
 www.hr.com
 www.eicher.com


Personal Details:

Name :


Address :

1. Salary in current organisation?

a) Rs.8000-10000rs b) Rs.10000-15000rs
c) Rs.15000-20000rs d) Rs. Above Rs.20000

2. Education qualification of the employees?

a) Intermediate b) UG
c) PG d) PhD

3. What is your job type in this organization?

a) Permanent employees b) seasonal employees
b) Consolidated employees

4. What makes you more satisfaction in this organization?

a) Fair salaries b) job timings

b) Promotion chances c) working conditions

5. How did you get into present position?

a) Promotions b) direct appointment


6.do you feel satisfied with the physical working condition

a) yes b) no

7. how long have been you are working in this company

a) 1-3 years b) 4-7 years

c) 8-10 years d) 10 years

8. does your company pay over time allowances?

a) Yes b) No

9. How did you satisfied with working conditions?

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c)neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

10. Among the given bellow which one is most importantly that you want to implement
by management?

a) wage structure b) nature of work

c) promotion chances d) quality of supervision

e) working condition

11. what is your satisfaction level of nature of the work?

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) dissatisfied

e) highly dissatisfied

12. What is your job satisfaction level at this organization?

a) Highly satisfied b) satisfied

c) neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) dissatisfied

e) highly dissatisfied

13. how do you feel the smooth relationship with your employees and co-workers?

a) very high b) high c) medium d) low

14. do you really enjoy / relax in you tea time and lunch break?

a) Yes b) No

15. does your company pay over time allowances?

a) Yes b) No


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