Task 2 Noise in Urban Areas Causes-Solutions

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Noise Causes – Solutions Essay 52

There is too much noise in many public places in cities. What are the causes of this problem?
What can be done to solve the problem?

Probably the most worrying threat to human health, particularly among the citizens of the
contemporary era, is noise pollution. This essay will discuss the reasons for this phenomenon,
and several solutions should be adopted to eradicate or at least mitigate this worrying trend.
This issue might be attributable to two main reasons. The unhederlying reason is that the number
of people who own private vehicles is rapidly increasing. To be more precise, combined with
greater automobile purchases, this would lead to substantial traffic congestion and noise,
particularly during rush hours, as anxious and furious drivers blast their horns excessively,
severely impacting the surrounding neighborhoods. Another possible contributing factor is that
noise problems are mostly caused by overcrowding of both residents and tourists in
entertainment and appealing zones such as bars and pubs. By far, the best illustration of this is
that Bangkok has confronted the challenge of traffic congestion, which has been known as
one of the top traffic jams in the world for several years due to a rise in tourism with an uptick
in travelers, in which certain well-known and exciting areas such as nightclubs' roads have been
affected by noise pollution.
Nevertheless, there are potential ways to solve this threat, or at least diminish its effect. One
notable way to mitigate the problem is for authorities to invest more national funds in public
transportation infrastructure such as subways and bus systems, as well as tax more individual
automobiles. That being so, these approaches could motivate residents to utilize the public
transport system more frequently, while also helping to minimize noise and air pollution.
Another possible measure is that governments would reconstruct leisure spaces such as pubs and
clubs outside of metropolitan areas. As a result, inhabitants in those places might savor serenity
and pleasant environs, which can enable them to recharge their batteries after a long day at work
and enhance their quality of life..
Henceforth, it can be confidently conveyed that varied reasons have been given for noise
pollution in several urban areas, such as traffic congestion or overcrowding at certain specific
areas, thus I firmly believe steps, such as development of public transport means as well as
relocation entertainment facilities, must be taken to tackle the worrisome situation.

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