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Write your name here

Centre Number Candidate Number

Pearson Edexcel
Advanced Level

Advanced Subsidiary
Unit Physics on the Go

Wednesday 7 Janu ary 2015 - Afternoon

Time: t hour 30 minutes

You must have:

Ruler, protractor

o Use black ink or ball-point pen.
o Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,
centre number and candidate number.
r Answer all questions.
o Answer the questions in the spaces provided
- there may be more space than you need.
I The total mark for this paper is 80.
o The marks for each question are shown in brackets
- use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.
o Questions labelled with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your
written communication will be assessed
- you should take particular care with your spelling, punctuation and grammar, n
as well as the clarity of expression, on these questions.
r The list of data, formulae and relationships is printed at the end of this booklet.
r Candidates may use a scientific calculator.
o Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.
o Keep an eye on the time.
r Try to answer every question.
o Check your answers if you have time at the end.
Turn over

P45035A I lililr il tilt lil llil lllil llil llil llil lill lllil lil llll
c20l 5 Pearson Education Ltd P45035A0124

Answer ALL questions.

For questions 1-10, in Section A, select one answer from A to D and put a cros, in the box
If you change your mind, pu! a line through the box fi[and then
mark your new answer with a cross fit.
A plane is travelling horizontally at a constant speed. [t releases a package of supplies
when in the position shown.

,Nrlmetit ol irrerch'a-
trc trD
\ t
1r\ t
\\ I

Which of the following shows the path of the package after release?

r nD .

A rniu'ble is dropped trom the roof of a building and takes 3.2 s to reach the ground. '

fhe approximate height of the building is

r n A l6m
n n B il
- F c 5orn

= +xolglr 3'f
tl D 100 rn
for Questign 2"= |ma{,<)

Iililil iltil] ]iltilil ililtlliltilill]ll ilil ilIilil] ilt

A box of weight 150 N is placed on an inclined plane. The componern of the box's
weight acting along the plane is W'. \

W'in newtons is given by

cos I 5o

tr g 150 x cos 15o

Ec 1s0
sin 15o

En 150 x sin 15"

(Total for Question 3 = 1 mark)

In which of the following is a vector fully described?

tr A A car travels north. T

K g A crane moves a load 20 m east. I

I C a train travels at a rate of 35 m s-r. I

ffi n a lift moves upwards with a kinetic energy of 2.5 kJ. I

(Total for Question 4 = 1 mark)

A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of +3.0 m s-r.

At the maximum height, the acceleration of the ball is

tr a 0ms-2 I

tr B -3.oms-2 -
H c +9.8ms-2 I

X o -9.8ms-2 I

(Total for Question 5 = I mark)

Ill]tiltlil ill] ilil ilil ilil ililtilt ilil| ililt ilIil]ltlilt

A ball is thrown vertically upwards. It reaches a maximum height, moves downwards
and is caught by the thrower at a time /.

Which of the following is the kinetic energy-time graph for the ball?

Kinetic Kinetic
energy energy


Kinetic Kinetic
energy energy


- ffiA
r trC
I ffiD
- -"(I-"Jel-

7 A material that is able to undergo plastic deformation under compression is said to be

: ffi A brittle.
I tr B ductile.
I m C hard.
tr D malleable.

(Tota IforQuestion7=Lmark)

I ililil illlillllllllllll lllllllllll llll llllllllll lllll llll lll

A girl of mass 30 kg and a boy otmass 45 kg sit on a frictionless floot holding the two
ends of a rope. The boy pulls on the rope. The girl moves towards the boy with an inital
acceleration of3 m s-2.

The boy Not Ne

tr A moves tg.wards the girl with an initial'acceleration greater than 3 m s-2.
ffi n moves towards the girl with an initial acceleration less than 3 m s-2.
E C moves towards the girl with an initial acceleration of 3 m s-2.
E D remains stationary.

9 A thin wire of uniform cross-sectional area is stretched by an increasing force.

The corresponding stress-strain graph is shown.



Points W x, y and z are shown on the graph.

Select the row of the table that correctly identifies the yield point, the limit of
proportionality and the elastic limit.

Yield point Limit of proportionality Elastic limit

estion 9 = 1

Illllliltiltilltilililil ilil illltillilil ]lll illlt]] lilt Turnover W

l0 A force is applied across the ends of a spring and the follou'ing force.rextension graph is drawn.

Three points, P, Q and R, are marked on the graph. At point Q the applied force is zero.



In the table below, the spring is represented using diagrams drawn to scale. The spring at
Q is represented by 1M/WW

Select the row from the table that correctly represents the leneth of the spring at positions
P, Q and R.

F,I 'lltlrftrtftl
I trn il/l /1 /\t 1\ /11

- trc \A./\,r\,r\,r\,r\ ilMM/\I

trn iltlrfrftfirl

_(ru-f:lll"q_r ageqgrlO =l egQ


I ilililt ilillill lllll lllll lllll llllll llll lllll lilll lllll llll lll

Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided.

11 (a) A manufacturer of spring balances needs to select a spring that produces an extension
of 0.80 cm for each 100 g mass added.

Show that the manufacturer will need to select a spring with a spring constant of
about 120 N m-t.
m,8, tooxtotZ x q'g-l Ig
= a = O,9gl ff
r, t

//d*t /*t, F==k AlL

=/ K AqL - 122'62 I/,122,6
? K = I.22:6 Nno I

(b) The manut-acturer states that the maximum mass that can be hung on the spring
balance is 1.2 kg.

Explain why it is necessary to state the maximum mass.

le ll, *o "neasund
on lL spnnrTry is rrnre tl* ,,r,n
Ll &ofn, {lon II,TV.Ail f,n "l*/r'" lrbr,#- 4 /A. eerr{?1q uo(trd
b.e- e,rrc=*dtd A"
id'kned&itl nal r,l?thn h rk'd^ kVtD"

W", li;, ewe& *r, ;; ;;,;;,,,ts, il

tfneorcor"f * #e aftrjnq @nsl*rfnreM
tr-@-"" - n*rl=*-o-#,ri.l

fk. epru [r* neae ephAconst"/]


I tilililt ililll] Iililill illll illlll llll lllll illt ll]t ]t ilt
12 A bungee jump consists of three main stages:

. free fall jump until the rope is straight

. deceleration as the bungee rope stretches
. upwards motion as the bungee rope contracts.

that could be due to air resistance.

Stage of jump linergl' transfer

free fall j,rmp gravitational potential energy --- kinetic energy


i deceleration as the
Grrorib[iorD'pL*{ra( enercffi- +o
,i bungee rope stretches Ki,nelie erlWI +o elas{ieJrcirin en

+ E.lo=h

T -+ Krnelrc
I upwards motion as the
I bungee rope contracts
rc- Ek

Ifi]il1lllllllllllll lllll lllll llllll llll llllllllll lllll lllllill

(b) A bungee jurnper, of mass 54 kg, is going to jtrmp from a platforrn that is 65 m above
the ground. For the jump to be safe, his height above the ground must never be less
than 10 m.

(i) Show that the maximum transfer of gravitational potential energy during a safe
jump is,Sbout 30 kJ.

€*1176 shrced in [!n, nope-
= ilPEGg-)

orc Erksh'e : gixof h

fi;'Ygt x Qi:tQ -ruh
;> Eu; ; iofui i :
trt*ox 9'8r hl
F3A KT ry a 3Llqsg,LJ ag\ l.J
(ii) Hence calculate the tension in the when the bungee jumper is 10 m above
the ground.

initial length of rope :23 m


F A,)L = Ea*ge.

i zx E;iii
f a*
a F - i' A"t-
F=e'b'i"' =
2x zEI3q
+F : T82L J{'


(Total for Question 72 = 7 marks)

I ilililt ilt]il ]iltiltil ililt ililrilrililtilil il]t]ltlilr Turnover W

13 Opposite poles of a magnet attract one another. Using this principle, a student tried to
design a toy car that could be self-propelled using a niagnetic fbrce. His design is shown

Magnet A is attached to the body of the toy car and masnct Il is suspended from the
driver's hand by a rigid rod. Magnet A is identical to rnagnet B.

The student stated that as long as the opposite poles of the magnets are facing one
another, the attractive force created should cause the toy car to start moving forward.

Explain why in practice this could never work.

Aat m "o//a/ arld

A ofttd tsl nto/ on
(1 )

fts- {hffiu fs na hle" dt//"rLen{ Mru Q;;ne. rnqtk lh*

arce csrortud/aflac|'d li. so?rte bii) ur*t*,3grdl
r,oulrlnl wonk hrrce
al,ou(dnl nanir4y -lhrtr.
herce nanirto: thrtr. arouLJt&.
c'!auLJJ(. no rccstilk:nl--
/o *oue {le eb(
Jdrce. fu ..---, .".(fs"t*l jsr p*:q*'-q+"ll
:-I qu'l.')

I tilill] lil lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll llll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll
A man is walking at a constant horizontal velocity of 1.2 m s-l in the'rain. To the man
the rain appears to be falling vertically at a velocity of 1.g m s*r.

Draw a labelled vector diagram, to scale, and use it to determine the actual velocity of the rain.

frng' + e = 3O.69'
+ 9 *,31"

R =@_zrcrncl
=) R: 5in 3349 t.2-

-t t -t
K 2'14 rr:ug l,6ms'

Magnitude of the actual velocity of the rain: 2'11 ,rne

Angle of the rain to the vertical : .... sqo (.t)

(Total for Question 14 = 5 marks)


I ll|ilil1 ilt lill ]ilr ililr ililt ]ilil]t l]] ilil ll]t il]l ]il illl Turnover W
15 In a game of netball, a goal is scored when the ball passes through the ring at the top of
the net.

(a) On the diagram below draw the path the bali siroLiltl take if a goal is to be scored.

ring of the net

I tilill] lllllilllllllllll lllll llllll illl illll llNll lllll lllll illl llll
(b) A student is given the following information for a particular attenipt at a goal.
initial velocity of ball on release :4.5 m s-r
release angle of ball : 60" from the horizontal
horizontal distance from centre of ball to centre of ring 1.5 m
(i) Show that the time taken to travel the horizontal distance of 1.5 m is about 0.7 s.

71. l,owa esrwen/4 infhl &/oc,'/,u+ =__,yfi;r;!,f

0,6€66€ = o;(f S

(ii) Calculate the vertical displacementof the ball when it has travelled a horizontal
distance of 1.5 m and hence comment on whether a goal will be scored.

vertical distance of ring from release point: 0.70 m

Tfie uert/,'a/ eornpwrf of nrfitl udocif1, U, Y stn e =lig

Now l{ru uerLh'ca/ dtp/auntct al o,€Z€

+S= o1!/O-rh
F,f S'eo, e=ol(il

llt. bl( e,roil b, {'W af a nlc'ctry speed

/71,r'^ cuoul/ Ie a l,*rryyh( dorlrca{b$ d,{*lrtt

3o li. l*. calatkf*d ao(/// b"

15 = 10 marks

ilililililil]ilIllilIilil ililI]ilil]Iilil ililililil ll]ilil il]

l6 Silk is anatural protein fibre produced by spiders anci sill<rvornrs. It is a material of high tensile
strength. The graph gives the stress-strain crlr\/es. up io tlre point of fracture, for silk produced by
spiders and by silkworms.




a 60-
€t{ 5z:
v) 40-


0.00 0.0s 0.10 0.1 5 0.20

(a) (D State what is meant by high tensile strength.

th. rnalenn( U/ltk /t a 6,rs" hs,A sll*^s/fus-

/7rt. rrrytrtwa a hfl-hnsi/. s/,rrrcs7Vrcc. /,/rr"c/arc
/ "nai€fttil
l,* " ht #r"th slza6fr,(
*(ii) Spiders use silk to build webs to catch insccts. lisc the graph to explain how the properties
of spider silk make it more suitable than silkrvonl silk lbr building webs to catch insects.

Elrel" lr*itr
' s/&unrn so {1.
%* elrass= +

is l{t;rmerc so
same hhifkr*tt

L4*, !lr* f , tugn tuen- unda the fn Edrr si/k

TK##:::3f.1- :Yt(' ,r-:-.-
-* ilililI] ilillll lllll lllll lllll llllll llll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll
(b) (i) Use the graph to determine the Young rnodulus of spider silk for small stresses.

YouV modulus =GrmdknF

-JM 0,035

- t,:WX:OE pi
= -=:-:.-=a6
Young modulus : !,49 X tOg PA
(ii) An insect flies into a spider's web and becomes attached to a single thread. This
creates a tension in the thread of 580 pN. The thread extends by approximately
3Yo of the original length.

Calculate the radius of a single thread of spider silk.

=) sfuces ; YonTl nodafusx slTrain ; ILIE x,t

Naa SlnessF; _ n&)

' ftrcnW
+n ,pglJfu
tl,tlTxtfPo_ =!,saxr

+ tTY- = t$oxtdtm'
9 \a

16 = 11 marks


ilililil1 ilI ]ilililil]lilil] ililil]ilil ilil ]ilililil 11] tilt Turnover b -


illlllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll llll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllllll

17 The diagram shows a swimmer.

1.4 m
(a) The swimmer exerts an average horizontal backward force of 65 N on the water
during each stroke. The length of each stroke is 1.4 m.

(i) Show that the work done by the swimmer on the water dwing each stroke is
about 90 J.
vbnJ< don. = FortccX dis-/umee

65N X rqrn
(ii) The stroke rate of the swimmer is 55 strokes per minute. Calculate the power
developed by the swimmer's ilms.

'f{orck dcnn. Vn one rninufe- = qlxss - 56oFJ

P:, L= J{ _ EOiOis ^ ^ ...
f + ffi =g7,tlVff:
= -.

Power: G3:!:l \Xl

Iil]ltil ilt]til ]iltililtlil] Iilil llltilil il]tilll il]lll] il] Turnover W
(b) An investigation was carried out on the drag fbrces itctirrg on the Swimmer.
The swimmer pushed off from the side of the pool u'ith his arms straight ahead of
him and his velocity was measured as he glided through tlre water.
This was repeated with the swimmer's anns at his sides.

Glide 1 Cilide 2

A velocity-time graph was plotted for both glides.


1.8 Glide I

Glide 2 --
E 1.6
.iE 1^
I.+ -
(J ::!
o tl:i ,rli
: i , : : t r':-_:"'i-!

. i l-; i"i'i
: . :...;.,.,i.,;,,"r*i*t".;i
1.0 ..,

0.0 0.5 1.0 1 .5 2.0
Time / s

*(i) Use the graph to describe and explain tire motion of the svv'immer when
performing Glide 1 and Glide 2.

I" hlh lh. ghdrs. Gl:fd-L und Glid.z llte e,tiqnwrc

dn {.rrabd okl dectkttl:t?) d.ercea"e &fi+li lfrr* an lh.
brcorne dtal/a,,xrc "'

Gt;d-z doJ'''^t- skrc as {hrrc. is

I llllllll lll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll llll illll lllll lllll lllll llll llll
(ii) The drag force can be calculated using

Drag force : !cr,lr'


C: drag.coeffrcient.
p : density of the water

I = cross-sectional area of the swimmer

v: velocity of the swimmer.
Demonstrate that the drag coefficient is a quantity with no units.

hfl &*. ? L-?nu-


-G--=- Qx k6rnt*m--, noe-


(iii) Suggest and explain an additional measure that a swimmer could use to reduce
the drag force acting on him.

nedus-e- ttr"r' ;,2u-.

/1. hfr as Jh{ as ps,lL in Jl.uole& l" n d,rcL
(Total for Question 17 = 12 marks)

I llllll] ilt ililt ]ilt illlt ilil iltil nil ililI illlt ililt lilil ]il ilt Turnover W
In 1909 Robert Millikan did an experiment to find the charge on an electron. Tiny
charged oil drops were dropped between two charged plates.

oil drop

oil sprayer
charged plates

The radius of an oil drop had to be detennined so that its weight could be calculated.

Before the plates were charged, Millikan observed how long it took for an oil drop to
fall through the air between two fixed points. The terminal velocity and hence the radius
could then be calculated.

(a) (i) Complete the free-body force diagram below for an oil drop falling freely through
the air.

D""t t
upthrust I

(ii) Explain why the oil drop reaches a terminal velocity.
,"fl hort inarsases ,....,66

anee '#*o s ww
(;rrw w rceeillrr)f

I lilllllllllllll llilt ilil ilil ilrililil ililt ililtil]t il|il]] ilt

(b) An oil drop is travelling at terminal velocity.

(i) The oil drop takes 11.9 s to fall a distance ol 10.2 mnr.
Show that the terminal velocity of the oil drop is about 0.001 m s-t.

/, -a
I 4 +S _ - -U -r
8'57xlo ' ,tnsl

about 3 pm.

density of oil -- 920 kg rn-:

viscosity of air 1.82 x 10-s Pa s

*rilf =a,,"6 = 6rrr\u

7 14
rffis * 6trr'\y

+ Yt ; ts ia :.2,78-x
'^' tv'\tv tigm etl
V /tr 1
(iii) It is very difficult to measure-the raditts o1'sttclt an oil drop directly.
Suggest why.

ilililililI| lllllllll illll lllllllllll llll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllllll
(c) Explain why it was necessary for Millikan to maintain the air between the plates at a
constant temperafure.

YrreosiL of airc- ailh korptrclurcL so
",f k"fl," rca{rmr fs J k* wtac;fu aeauld olso
char6ed i

(d) A student tried to model Millikan's method for finding the radius of the oil drop. The
student dropped a ball bearing and recorded the time it took to pass between two light
gates, a known distance apart.

Explain why this is not a good model for Millikan's method.

5h7<e s lut aill n0{ be ufdfrd t" tail beaofw

- no*u nea&h" lmmi na[ ueloei+e
=., needh he drroppd ^Jo*9 o*16 fro
: :neerl b fitl lh*d- n *orn ri"do rnedcai {Aon arb



I ilill] llt]il ]ilt illllilil ]iltiltililtiltil lilfl il]l]] ilt

List of data, formulae tnrt rtlationships

Acceleration of free fall g: 9.81 m s-2 (close to Earth's surface)

Electron charge e: -1.60 x lO-re c

Electron mass m":9.11 x l0*rrlig
Electronvolt 1 eV: 1.60 x 10-re.i

Gravitational field strength g: 9.81 N k"-r (close to Earth's surface)

Planck constant h:6.63 x 10-i4J s

Speed of light in a vacuum c:3.00 x 108ur s-r
Unit I

Kinematic equations of motion v:u*al


g : Flnt
Work and energy LW: FA,S
Eu: /zmvz
LE : grav

Stokes'law F: 6wlrv
Hooke's law F: k\x
Density p:m/v
Pressure P: F/A
Young modulus E: o/t whet'e
Stress o : I:'i'{
Strain t - A.r/.r

Elastic strain energy E.r: YzFL,t

ililillllillllllllllllllll lllllllllll llll llil llilllllll lllll lll llll

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