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1.- For you, whta is the most interesting country/city you’ve visited? Support your ideas.

The most interesting city i’ve ever visited is Atacames, is awesome how you could find a soo
much people of different parts of the world, also has the greatest beach in Ecuador, you can
do soo many different activities, from dancing to surffing.

The restaurants are also amazing, and you could find the cheapest
restaurant in the city where you can eat something really Good for a few
2.- What has been the thoughest decisión you have ever taken so far?
Was decisión taken Good or bad? Explain
The thoughest decisión i’ve ever take was to decide what carrer should i
study here, because this is not my first university so when i needed to
start over i had to take a very hard decisión, and i’m soo happy for that
decisition, now i am in the best carrer and i love it.
3.- What has been the most hilarous situation you have ever seen?
Where was it? What happened?
That was undoubtlley the party of a friend when i was 15 years old. I was
with my Friends celebrating, when my teacher who also is the mother of
my friend dropped her teddy bear, when he tried to picked up i kicked it,
i don’t know why i did it but i remember how we laughed, i remember
how my friend started to laugh, his laugh is the loudest noise i’ve ever
heared. After i appologised with the mother of my friend and now
everytime we remember that we laugh, that is the happiest remember i
have with a friend.
4.- What has been the craziest thing you have ever done? Were you
alone? Did you plan it by yourself?
When i was 15 years old i decided go to a party very far where i used to
live, I remember i had to walk to my house in the middle of night at 2 of
morning, when i was nearly of my homme Somme people appeared
behind me and started to follow me, i started to run and they did too, i
screamed too loud, the loudest i’ve ever done asking for help, i can’t
remember any time i was more terrified, that is the most terryfing
momento in my life, fortunley i arrived to my house safely, but my father
was very mad with me beacuse it was too late, i was very surprised, that
is the angriest fase that i see in my life.

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