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Three Cheers For Bethel!!!

Bethel Bible College has successfully turned out many of

these: Preachers, Teachers, Guidance Counselors. Authors and other graduates turned out on Friday to support the Bethel Bible College Alumni Luncheon which was geared at celebrating the achievements of the college over the years. Administrative Bishop, Rev. Dr. Barrington Brown, then gave greetings and urged his audience to support the president of Bethel. The president of the Alumni Association, Rev. Cavon Campbell, then his report. He described Bethels college Relay which, included five things: promotion, prayer, partnership, relay symbols and incentives.The plans for the upcoming year were as follows: adoption of the college, issuing of a scholarship to the student with the highest G.P.A., a newsletter, web page, banquet, wish list, strengthening of the oversees chapter, and finally to support authors who are products of Bethel. The president of Bethel, Rev. Dr. Roy Notice, gave an account of his fund raising endeavours over the past

munity? The audience was asked and they stated a few: Teaching our youth to deny ungodliness and to live a righteous life, teaching them how to live loving and peaceful and teaching our youth moral values. It was also said that we must desire for people to live according to Gods will. He also discussed that wining souls for Christ should not be done only by pastors and evangelizers, but should include members as well. Therefore, there should be training of evangelism for members so that they too can win souls to enter into the kingdom of heaven. In conclusion, discipleship should be taught by way of mouth (orally) and by the content of a teachers character. It is who you are that you minister. Kimone Drysdale

Disciples - from page 1

nature as nurturers for the young. With this thought, First lady Sis. Patricia Brown, President of the Womens Ministry Department, opened the afternoon session with an emphasis on raising the consciousness of our members to identify and reduce childhood depression. Presenters included Nurse Watson and Deputy Commissioner Bent representing law enforcement and health care perspectives.

Women are known for their God-given

Wellness for the Next Generation

Candice Williams

year. He urged, his audience to continue giving and the pastors to continue to look out for future pastors, mentor them and encourage them to attend Bethel. The guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Aubrey C.H. Brown, also a proud graduate of Bethel Bible College, touched lightly on his experience at Bethel and told us how he was nicknamed disaster at the start of his tenure. The scripture was taken from 1 Peter 3:15 and was centered on the theme Bearers of Hope in a Broken World. He touched on the new law passed in New York which legalised Gay marriages. He noted that if he was asked to conduct such a wedding ceremony he would stand firm on the word of God and preach thus saith the Lord. We need to rescue the perishing, he said. He shared further on three points. Firstly, we should sanctify God in our hearts so that our praise will not be hindered by attacks from the enemy. Secondly, we should deliver the message of hope to the world with joy, peace and happiness. Finally, we must defend the hope that is within us for we should not be afraid to declare the . word of God on the mountain tops.

maicas children are in serious trouble. Forward Together: Discipling the next generation, should be applied to guide our children and, there wont be a future if children are not cared for. Rev. Williams noted strong

Rev. Robert Williams stated that Ja-

Your Child and You- Family Life Ministry

points of providing and understanding our children. Responsibilities of parents should be to provide the necessitites for their children such asfood, shelter, money ect. Every parent must understand developmental stages of the child: reassure children that you love

years, studied at Jamaica School of Agriculture where she acquired a Diploma in Household Science. With a degree from Tuskegee University in Alabama, Ms. Hopkins furthered her study in Nutrition. She quickly shared with us tips on high and

Meris Hopkins, a nutritionist of many

Wellness Corner

Who would have thought that the many cases of physical and sexual abuse are the main causes of depression in children. Some of the signs to look to determine if something is wrong include: excessive crying, unhappiness, tiredness, withdrawal, hyper activeness, grinding of the teeth, poor sleeping behaviours, weight loss, poor self-esteem and contemplating suicide amongst Mellissa Raymond others.

low cholesterol and the effects of both. Ms. Hopkins, a lover of gardening, has been one of the biggest contributors to the Wellness Centre. Visit the Wellnes Centre on the Administrative building for advice and health and counselling today. Natalie McIntosh

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them and say positive things. Parents should not neglect and leave children alone, and not dont chase them away when they do wrong. Williams charged parents to watch the life they live as children replicate parents behaviours. Donela Roberts

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