16 Sep 2022 - Trending Vocab

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1. Impinge (Verb) – a. असर होना - have an effect, especially a negative

1) Several factors impinge on market efficiency.
2) The government's spending limits will seriously impinge on
the education budget.

b. - An example of impinge is being in a person's personal space-encroach -

अतिक्रमण करना

Example -
1) To impinge on someone's time
2) Impinge on other people's rights

c. - To collide (with); strike - टकराना

Example -
1) I heard the rain impinge upon the earth.
2) Rays of light impinging on the eye.

Synonyms - collide, crash, hit, impact, knock, ram, slam, smash

Hint - im + pinge (pinch). When someone pinches you, they infringe on your
privacy and they touch you.

2. Squirm (verb) – (घबराहट, परे शानी आति के कारण) छटपटाना, िड़फड़ाना (बै ठे-
बैठे इधर-उधर हरकि करना) - wriggle or twist the body from side to side,
especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort.

Example -
1) He looked uncomfortable and squirmed in his chair.
2) The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still.

Synonyms – wriggle, twist, writhe, shift

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3. Delineate (verb) – वणणन करना - describe or portray (something) precisely
or completely.

1) The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter.
2) Delineate each area where a specific color will be used with a line on the
paper to mark the difference.

Synonyms – outline, description, account, drawing

Hint- Delineate = (Diligently and neatly) portrayed painting.

4. Precarious (Adj.) – खिरनाक, in a dangerous state because of not being

safe or not being held in place firmly

1) Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial
2) I climbed onto a precarious platform to get a better view.

Synonyms - uncertain, insecure, unreliable, risky, dangerous, unsafe,

unpredictable, unstable, shaky

Hint- PRE+CARE+IOUS -> we have to take CARE while doing something

risky so that it does not go wrong. ..

5. Concerted (Adj.)– अनेक व्‍यक्तियोों द्वारा तमल-जुलकर तकया हुआ, सोंगतठि-done

by a group of people working together

1) We must all make a concerted effort to finish the work on time
2) The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the
poorer countries.

Synonyms - coordinated, united, joint, combined

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Hint- ‘Concerts’ are done in a planned and determined way, for this work is
done in coordination.

6. Debunk (Verb) - परिाफाश करना, धू ल में तमलाना- to show that something is

less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear
acting -
1) Debunk a legend
2) The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around
the actress.

Synonyms - refute, contradict, belie, confound, discredit, negate, rebut,


Hint – when you bunk your class and teacher catches you, he debunks you.

7. Virile (Adj.)- वीर्यवान - having the traditional male characteristics of

physical strength and a high sex drive

1) He was a powerful, virile man.
2) She likes her men young and virile.
Synonyms- manly, masculine, macho, strong, robust, vigorous, lusty,
forceful, potent.
Hint- Virile (strong) opposite to Fragile (sensitive).

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8. Inflection (noun) - a. a change in the form of a word (typically the
ending) to express a grammatical function or attribute such as tense,
mood, person, number, case, and gender.

1) At around 2 years, the child adds many grammatical inflections.
2) A set of word forms differing only in respect of inflections.

Synonyms- conjugation, form, ending, case, declension

b. change in the quality of the voice, often showing an emotion

1) Phyllis replies without any particular inflection in her voice, "I guess I’m
2) she spoke slowly and without inflection

Synonyms- stress, rhythm, measure, meter, swing, lilt, modulation,


c. मोड़-an angle or bend

1) The point of inflection of the bell-shaped curve.
2) We have just hit the inflection point.

Synonyms- bend, angle, bow, arch, crook, curvature.

9. Predilection (N.) - झुकाव, पहले से पसोंि - a special liking for something - a


1) Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food.
2) His predilection for books.

Synonyms - liking, fondness, preference, partiality, taste, penchant,

inclination, bias, affinity, love

Hint- pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial

when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your
language ( :) assume the interview is in the US)

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10. Nuanced (Noun) -सू क्ष्म भे ि यु ि - a slight difference in or shade of
meaning, expression, or sound etc.

1) Because she is a chef, she notices every nuance of flavor in the meal.
2) The painter has managed to capture every nuance of the women’s

Synonyms – subtlety, refinement, distinction

Hint- nuance = new + ounce. And ounce is a very small unit for weight.
Hence a very small difference.

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