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A Basic Research

Presented to
the faculty of Senior High School Department
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for Computer System Servicing


June 2022

Chapter I

Background of the Study

Social media is the most used online platforms in connecting people

anywhere around the globe. Everything in the social media is simplified

according to the individual needs. Various stakeholders are joining forces to

connect with their client, promote various products and services using the social

media platforms. It is undeniable that educational institution transformed from

traditional classroom instructions into digital technology using social media

platforms to promote their services by providing quality education to their


The main objectives of this study is to determine the level on the impact of

social media usage on the academic performance of students’ in Cronasia

Foundation College. This study aims to know the views of the students on the

impact of social media in terms of interactivity with peers and teachers,

engagement and collaborative learning. It also includes the most used social

media networking sites as learning platforms. Further, it also aims to determine

the academic performance of the students using the social media platforms.

Social media serves as a dynamic tool to expedite the development of

learning environments by encouraging cooperation and communication among

students which reinforce their learning behavior and performance. However, it

was found that a negative relationship exists between perceived enjoyment and

collaborative learning (Sarwar, Zulfiqar, Aziz & Chandia, 2019).


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of social media usage on the

academic performance of students’ in Cronasia Foundation College, Inc.

Specifically, it seeks to answer to the following:

1. What is the most used social media sites by the students?

1.1 Facebook;

1.2 YouTube;

1.3 Messenger;

1.4 Instagram;

1.5 TikTok; and

1.6 Google?

2. What is the level on the impact of social media to the students’ in Cronasia

Foundation College, Inc., on the following:

2.1 Interactivity with peers;

2.2 Interactivity with teachers;

2.3 Engagement; and

2.4 Collaborative Learning?

3. What is the level of academic performance of the students’ in Cronasia

Foundation College, Inc.?

Significance of the Study


Social media usage is a prevalent topic nowadays, hence the result of this

research will be of great help to the following:

The School Administrator. This research will provide them a basis in

improving the students’ retention with the help of effective online communication

using social media platforms.

The teachers. This study will be helpful to enhance the effective

strategies of the teaching style that increase the class participation and remain

students’ motivation.

The students. This research will provide students to add to the existing

knowledge on how the impact of social media affect their academic performance.

The researchers. This study will help increase their knowledge and

understanding about the social media usage.

The future researchers. This study will also serve as a reference about

the social media usage to the academic performance of the students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of this research is to determine the impact of social media

usage to the academic performance of students’ in Cronasia Foundation College,


The researchers used simple random sampling method to the hundred

(100) Office Administration students currently enrolled in Cronasia Foundation

College, Inc. The range of this study is from February 2022 to June 2022.

Chapter II

This chapter presents various readings that have a relationship to the

present study. It also includes the statement of a theoretical and conceptual

framework on the impact of social media.

Related Literature

Social media is playing an indispensable role on the learning behavior of

university students to achieve sustainable education. The impact of social media

on sustainable education is becoming an essential and impelling factor. The

world has become a global village and technology use has made it a smaller

world through social media and how it is changing instruction (Abbas, Aman,

Nurunnabi & Bano, 2019).

The adoption level of emerging web technologies is rapidly growing in

educational settings. Given the widespread popularity of social media, it has

become essential to understand and adopt social media sites to develop future

educational plans as well as deploy current course material on new technologies

(Sarwar, Zulfiqar, Aziz & Chandia, 2019).

A majority of the students feel that social media networks are easy to use

and they have been using these sites for the past three years. The use of social

media greatly helps the students to share knowledge and information with others,

to improve their academic grades and to improve their reading and writing skills

(Palla, & Sheikh, 2020).


In contrast, Abbas et al. (2019) found that the use of social media in

Pakistan had a more negative influence on students’ behavior than positive

aspects regarding their learning about student sustainability.

Social media are being increasingly adopted in formal learning settings

even though they have not been conceived specifically for education. Whereas

highly popular social services like Facebook and Twitter have been thoroughly

investigated for their benefits for teaching and learning in higher education, other

social media platforms which have been gaining considerable attention among

youth have been largely overlooked in scholarly literature (Manca, 2020). 

Currently, social media permanently influences the lives of young people,

and apart from its entertainment and information purposes, social media has

penetrated many educational practices and processes (Zachos et al., 2018). In

higher education, social media has captured researchers' attention due to its

influence on students. Several aspects have been addressed, such as the effect

of social media on students' academic performance (Talaue et al., 2018).

In the education framework, the evidence supports the potential broader

and promising use of social media in higher education. Social media has been

recognized to provide clear benefits for career development, research, and

teaching, including improved communication with various interested parties,

increased opportunities and contacts, and increased student learning and

satisfaction (Chugh et al., 2021).

 Numerous studies have examined the role of social media as an open-

learning (OL) tool in the field of education, but the empirical evidence necessary

to validate such open learning tools is scant, specifically in terms of student

academic performance. In today’s digital age, social media platforms are most

popular among the student community, and they provide opportunities for open

learning where they can easily communicate, interact, and collaborate with each

other (Ashraf, Khan, Chohan, Khan, Rafique, Farid, & Khan, 2021).

Interactivity with Peers. Ansari and Khan, (2020) revealed that online

social media used for collaborative learning had a significant impact on

interactivity with peers, teachers and online knowledge sharing behavior. They

added that interactivity with teachers, peers, and online knowledge sharing

behavior has seen a significant impact on students’ engagement which

consequently has a significant impact on students’ academic performance.

Grounded to this finding, it would be valuable to mention that use of online social

media for collaborative learning facilitate students to be more creative, dynamic

and research-oriented. It is purely a domain of knowledge.

Interactivity with teachers. Social media is believed to be a learning

medium to encourage learners’ participation, engagement, reflection, and

collaboration in e-learning (Manca & Ranieri, 2016).

In the study of Ansari and Khan's (2020) particularly in a public school in

Eastern India revealed that integrating social media in collaborative learning

increases students' interaction with instructors and classmates; and fosters

knowledge-sharing behavior. In contrast to traditional learning, social media used

in education motivates individuals for personal participation and collaborative

learning (Korucu & Atun, 2017).


It was also mentioned by Selvanathan et al., (2020) that students

experiencing difficulty interacting with their lectures and peers in e-learning,

consequently affecting their studies.

Meanwhile, Tight, (2020); Putit, Siti Hlijjah, Maliza, Anadaleeb & Serajul,

(2021) highlighted that an instant and timely feedback is an essential element in

e-learning as it fosters the interaction between lecturers and students and

encourages student’s participation and engagement. Student engagement is

highly related to student retention in their study; students with high engagement

are less likely to drop out of higher education. Furthermore, an engaged student

is likely to be an asset to an institution (Tight 2020).

Engagement. The engagement of the students is referred to ‘the amount

of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic

work’ (Koranteng, Wiafe, and Kuada 2018). Many scholars have a diverse view

on student engagement and it is a lack of consensus to its definition. For

instance, Bowden et al. (2019) studied engagement in four- dimension measures

(affective, social, cognitive, and behavioral) and Vayre & Vonthron (2017)

consider engagement as a three-dimensional concept (enthusiasm,

perseverance, reconciliation).

Recently, Bond et al. (2020) attempted to give a holistic definition of

student engagement. “Student engagement is the energy and effort that

students employ within their learning community, observable via any number of

behavioral, cognitive, or affective indicators across a continuum. It is shaped by a

range of structural and internal influences, including the complex interplay of


relationships, learning activities, and the learning environment. The more

students are engaged and empowered within their learning community, the more

likely they are to channel that energy back into their learning, leading to a range

of short- and long-term outcomes that can likewise further fuel engagement.”

(Bond et al., 2020).

Vayre and Vonthron (2017) divulged that student engagement in online

learning directly influences their satisfaction, achievement, self-advancement;

and is adversely related to student retention.

Enhancement in student engagement in higher education is achievable via

integrating social media in learning activities (Alshuaibi et al., 2018).

Collaborative Learning. Using social media such as Facebook for

retrieving content or initiating contacts makes students seeing social media as

one of key means of the educational experience and coordinate group work and

collaborative learning (Hrastinski & Aghaee, 2010; Keles, 2018).

Social media usage improves peer interaction and course engagement of

students and also students’ interaction with faculty members. In addition, peer

interaction and course engagement have positive significant effect on

collaborative learning. Furthermore, they noted that it might be helpful to students

and educational leaders in their efforts to create initiatives to support, promote,

and encourage the implementation and usage of social media in blended

learning classes and provide adequate training for teachers to increase social

media adoption (Bozanta & Mardikyan, 2017).


To ensure online collaborative learning meets the intended pedagogical

goals (is actually collaborative and stimulates learning), mechanisms are needed

for monitoring the efficiency of online collaboration. Various studies have

indicated that social network analysis can be particularly effective in studying

students’ interactions in online collaboration (Saqr, Fors, Tedre & Nouri, 2018).

As online learning is becoming more prevalent in education, it has been

concluded that overall collaborative learning and engagement with influence of

social factors improve activities of students learning; therefore, their usage

should be stimulated in teaching and learning in higher educational institutions as

it influences students’ academic development (Qureshi, et al., (2021)

Related Studies

In the study of Celestine & Nonyelum (2018), particularly in Nigerua, the

results show that there is significant relationship between time spent on social

media sites and academic works. It also revealed that the nature of social media

activities which the student engages in does not have any significant impact on

the student academic performance. In addition, the study also shows that the

gender of the student has no impact on the usage and activities of social media.

Raut & Patil (2016) highlights how social media influenced education

sector the study revealed various positive and negative impacts of social media

on education or students. It also highlighted measure to minimize the negative

impact of social media on students’ academic performances such as; moderating

their access to social media sites, reducing the amount of time spent on social

network sites.

Talaue et al. (2018) assess the impact of social media on academic

performance of selected college students. Based on their findings social

networks becomes an integral part of the students’ full life, took up most of their

free time. Undoubtedly, in social networks, there are also things useful for the

development of the students. In addition, communication with peers through

social networks can help a student socialize, find new friends, discuss with them

issues related to studies. Thus, they concluded that social media have a dual

impact on student achievement, and it is necessary to approach adolescents' use

of social networks with ultimate responsibility.

Kolan & Dzandza (2018) in their study on the effect of social media on

academic performance of students in the university of Ghana proved the heavy

presence of social media usage among students. This shows the level at which

students are patronizing these sites and this may bring along both positive and

negative effects on students as far as their academic performance is concerned.

Theoretical Framework

This study anchors with the Constructivism Theory. theory discussed in

the literature regarding personal constructivism (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969),

sociocultural constructivism (Vygotsky, 1978), the theory of pedagogy (Brooks &

Brooks, 1993), or theory of science.

The theory of constructivism is mostly attributed to the Bruner’s (1966)

description of discovery learning and the developmental perspectives of Piaget

and which learners adopt knowledge.


Inhelder (1969) about ‘‘constructivist’’ who articulated certain mechanisms

by Constructivism as a paradigm states that learning is an active and contextual

process of constructing new understandings using their current knowledge in the

kind of social interactions (Cooper, 1993; Roth, 2000). The main assumptions of

Bruner’s theory encompass that people actively create their descriptions of the

objective reality, based on their personal experiences and assumptions. The new

information is connected to their previous knowledge. Therefore, mental

depictions are subjective (Hoover, 1996). The process of knowing is also affected

by other people in the kind of social intervention and consequently assisted by

community and culture (Vygotsky, 1978). When individuals assimilate, they

combine the new experience and knowledge into their existing framework to

learn new things. Learners actively build their specific expertise by linking new

ideas to the current concepts by activities or group discussions.

According to Vygotsky (1978), cognitive growth happens first on the social

level and then occurs within the individual. Roots of individual knowledge are

found in their interactions with their surroundings and other people. Therefore,

collaborative learning is endorsed by providing opportunities for sharing of

multiple views and meaningful negotiations among group members

(Bhattacharjee, 2015). In the constructivist classrooms, students are projected to

work primarily in groups to create an interactive learning environment. With

rapidly evolving new media and technological tools, social media undermines

well the traditional educational approaches by breaking down classroom walls

and constructing new knowledge hubs (Rambe, 2012). The authors also used

constructivism theory for this study as it provides a right combination with the

technological affordances offered by social media.

Conceptual Framework

The figure describes the independent and dependent variables. In this

section, the independent variable is the level on the impact of social media usage

that includes the interactivity with peers, interactivity with teachers, engagement

and collaborative learning. The dependent variable, is the level of students’

academic performance.


Impact of

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as conceptually and operationally for a

better understanding of the study.

Academic Performance. Is the measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects. In this study, it is the accomplished task of the

respondents in their study.

Collaborative learning. Is an umbrella term for a variety of educational

approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and


teachers together. It refers to the joint or shared learning of the respondents

during the conduct of the study.

Engagement. Refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, interest,

optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being

taught, which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress

in their education. It refers to the commitment of the respondents in social media.

Facebook. Is a popular free social networking website that enables users

to share information and photos and keep in touch with family and friends. It

refers to the social networking used by the respondents’.

Google. Is an internet search engine. It uses a proprietary algorithm that's

designed to retrieve and order search results to provide the most relevant and

dependable sources of data possible. It refers to the platforms used by the

respondents during the conduct of this study.

Instagram. Is an online photo sharing service. It allows you to apply

different types of photo filters to your pictures with a single click, then share them

with others. It refers to the online application used by the respondents in sharing


Interactivity with peers. Serves as the foundation for many important

aspects of emotional development such as the development of self-concept, self-

esteem and identity.

Interactivity with teachers. Is a means of instructing whereby the

teachers actively involve the students in their learning process by way of regular

teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, use of audio-visuals, and


hands-on demonstrations. The students are constantly encouraged to be active

participants. It refers to the participation of the respondents of this study.

Messenger. A free mobile messaging app used for instant messaging,

sharing photos, videos, audio recordings and for group chats. It refers to the

communication used by the respondents in sending messages.

Social Media. Is a collective term for websites and applications that focus

on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing

and collaboration.

TikTok. Is a social media platform for creating, sharing and discovering

short videos. The app is used by young people as an outlet to express

themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users

to create videos and share them across a community.

YouTube. Is a popular video sharing website where registered users can

upload and share videos with anyone able to access the site.

Chapter III

This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study,

research locale, data instruments, data gathering procedures, and the statistical

treatment used in this research.

Research Design

This study employs a quantitative research design using the descriptive

method to determine the level on the impact of social media usage on the

academic performance of students in Cronasia Foundation College, Inc., General

Santos City. A survey questions is used to gather the data on the level on the

impact of social media including interactivity with peers and teachers’

engagement and collaborative learning.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are Office Administration students of

Cronasia Foundation College, Inc. The researchers used a simple random

sampling method to the selected one hundred (100) respondents.

Research Locale of the Study

This study is conducted at Cronasia Foundation College, Inc. a leading

educational institution in Region XII offering course programs accredited by the

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Commission on Higher

Education, and Department of Education. The institution ranked as top 1 in Real

Estate Management programs among the school and universities in the


Research Instruments

To get the appropriate data needed, the researchers will use the online

method of survey questioners such as google forms. Google form is a software

that allows us to see the information of the respondents of the surveys.

The researchers utilized an adopted survey questionnaire from the study

of Al-Rahmi, 2013) which composed of 2 significant parts. Part 1 on the impact of

social media. Part 2 on the level of students’ academic performance. The


respondents will rate using 5-point Likert’s scale where 5 being the highest

described as “Very High” and 1 being the lowest described as “Very Low”.

Data Gathering and Procedure

The researchers gather their data through online survey questionnaire.

Before the administration of the questionnaire, written permission is secured from

the school administrator, department and school registrar. As soon as the

permission is granted, the survey questionnaires are administered, after which

the researchers also gathered them.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers use the following tools to analyze and interpret the data


To determine the most used social media sites, frequency counts and

percentage is used.

To determine the level on the impact of social media to the students’,

weighted mean and ranking is used.

Where: X = is the weighted mean

Ʃƒx = is the sum of all products
f = is the sum of all the respondents

To determine the level of academic performance of the students’,

weighted mean and ranking is used.

Where: X = is the weighted mean

Ʃƒx = is the sum of all products
f = is the sum of all the respondents



DIRECTION: Please put check (/) on the box that corresponds to your answer.
Rest assured that the information gathered will be used for this study and will
kept with utmost confidentiality.

PART I. most used social media sites

o Facebook
o YouTube
o Messenger
o Instagram
o TikTok
o Google


5 – Very High

4 – High
3 – Moderately High
2 – Low
1 – Very Low


1. Using the social media in class facilitates
interaction with peers.
2. 2. Using the social media in class gives me the
opportunity to discuss with peers.
3. Using the social media in class facilitates dialog
with peers.
4. Using the social media in class allows the
exchange of information with peers
1. Using the social media in class facilitates
interaction with the teacher.
2. Using the social media in class gives me the
opportunity to discuss with the teacher.
3. Using the social media in class facilitates dialog
with the teacher.
4. Using the social media in class allows the
exchange of information with the teacher.

ENGAGEMENT 5 4 3 2 1
1. By using the social media this class has favored
my personal relationships with my peers and
2. By using the social media in this class, my peer
and faculty interactions made me feel valuable.
3. By using the social media, I felt that my opinions
have been taken into account in this class.
1. I felt that using social media for collaborative
learning in my group was effective.
2. I was able to develop research skills through
peer collaboration.
3. I was able to develop new skills and knowledge
from other members in my group.
4. Collaborative learning experience in the social
media environment is better than in a face-to-
face learning environment.

DIRECTION: Please put check (/) on the box that corresponds to your answer.
Rest assured that the information gathered will be used for this study and will
kept with utmost confidentiality.

5 – Very High 3 – Moderately High 1 – Very Low
4 – High 2 – Low

1. Using of social media to facilitate academic
activities and coordinate with peers.
2. Using of social media to facilitate academic
activities and coordinate with teachers.
3. Group discussions can be arranged with my
classmates using of social media and this will
improve my academic performance.
4. Using of social media to build a student-lecturer
relationship with my lecturers and this improves
my academic performance.
5. Using of social media improves my interaction
with classmates and lecturers, thus, help me to
improve my academic performance.
Adopted from the study of Al-Rahmi, W., & Othman, M. (2013). The impact of
social media use on academic performance among university students: A pilot
study. Journal of information systems research and innovation, 4(12), 1-10.


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