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The most beautiful city in Peru is Arequipa, five hundred miles south of Lima.

You can travel by

plane quickly and comfortably to visit 'The White City' due to the main white volcanic ash brick
used everywhere for construction, from its active volcano, 'El Misti'. Arequipa is famous for its
beautiful cathedral, its square of arches, its wonderful climate (warm during the day and cool at
night) and its typical food. .

 -The oldest district of Arequipa is Yanahuara: Yanahuara is declared as a Villa on

November eight, eighteen seventy, Yanahuara is older than Tiabaya for minutes, it is one
of the oldest legally created districts in Arequipa.
 -The most beautiful place for me is "The monastery of Santa Catalina", because Pure
Beauty!! The architecture is overwhelming! The colors and the story leave you in awe.
They have it in super good condition, you can walk and lose yourself in all its spaces.
 -The most popular place for tourists is the main square, It is one of the most beautiful
Plaza de Armas in Peru. On one side is the Cathedral, which is large and beautiful, and on
the other side is surrounded by arches full of shops, restaurants, and galleries.
 -The best place to visit is Characato for the restaurants that have delicious and traditional
food that you can only eat there
 -The hottets month (with the highest average high temperature) is October (17.9°C).
seventeen point nine greid celcius
 -The coldest month in Arequipa is February (15.2°C fiveteen point two grade celsius). It is a
month with a lot of rain and we must be warm
 - The cheapest way to travel is by bus although it is not very comfortable it is cheaper than
Lima for example, you can go from one district to another for 1 sol
1.-Do you spend all your time working on your homework?

No, I have other activities, like going to the gym, work, yoga or hanging out with friends

2.- Do you have time for sports and other hobbies?

Yes, at night I usually go to the gym, and on Saturdays I do acrobatic yoga

3.- Did you have a good time over the weekend?

Yes, I spent it with my family and with my boyfriend watching movies

4.- We spend time and save time. Do you know another noun that we often use with spend and

I do now

spending money? Maybe?

The grandfather is sleeping,

Grandma is drinking tea

The mother is listening to music

The father is reading the newspaper

The guy is cleaning the window.

the other guy is watering the flowers.

The boy is eating

The girls are playing with the dolls

Ducks are swimming

the cat is climbing the tree

the birds are singing

where are these people? What are they doing

They are on the subway/train. the woman in the middle is listening to music or watching videos,
the girl with glasses is reading, there is a couple embracing, and other people just look around

yes, because it shows us the different things that people do when they are on their way to their
you are going to describe another photo.

SEE page 157 and follow the instructions

Discuss these things:

1.- The subject of the photo.

a crowd of people, waiting.

2.- The location of people and things.

It seems to me that they are waiting for the subway, in a station.

3.- People (their appearance and what they go or wear)

We can see a lot of people going to work, they have suits, but you can't see much.

There is a man looking at the camera, dressed as for work. behind him a woman with black hair,
also looking at the camera,

there is a blonde woman with short hair looking down, and someone who is reading, I see several
people with Asian features also looking at the camera and a person with a wool hat whose face
cannot be seen.

4,.Your opinion of the photo

I really like the tone, although it makes me anxious to see so many people together

A.- I use it when I like something. for example photos of kittens

B.- I use when something makes me happy or makes me happy. when Melgar wins

C.- I use when something makes me laugh, it's very funny. memes

D.- WHEN wants to applaud a good deed or something impressive. For example animal rescues

E.- I use when something makes me very angry or I find it unpleasant.

Esta gente se juntó para una foto y se cerró en una fuente de memes pero ahora solo los
por ejemplo el hombre de adelante intenta no mirar la camará y desvia la mirada. Detras de el hay
3 mujeres una con los ojos cerrados como queriendo estornudar, a su lado una mujer con aretes
de aros sonriendo muy alegremente y a su costado apoyandose en ella una joven con sueño.

Atras de ellas podemos ver al centro una mujer de cabello negro viendo fijamente a la camara
junto a un hombre de camisa blanca mirando a la izquierda, ademas hay un hombre de cabello
corto mirando al cielo, una mujer bajita sonriendo y atras de ella un joven alto de t-shirt red
viendo al frente y a su costado una mujer de top morado asustada; mas atras vemos a una mujer
muy blanca desviando los ojos y mas mas atras un hombre cargando un niño, y muchas mas

These people got together for a photo and closed in a meme source but now I will only describe

for example the man in front tries not to look at the camera and looks away. Behind him there are
3 women, one with her eyes closed as if wanting to sneeze, next to her a woman with hoop
earrings smiling very happily and next to her leaning on her a sleepy young woman.

Behind them we can see in the center a woman with black hair staring at the camera next to a
man in a white shirt looking to the left, there is also a man with short hair looking at the sky, a
short woman smiling and behind her a young man a tall man in a red t-shirt looking straight ahead
and to his side a frightened woman in a purple top; further back we see a very white woman
averting her eyes and further back a man carrying a child, and many more people.

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