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e g i n n er

Wo r k b o o k
01 It’s very delicious!
Types of Sentences

A Write S (statement), Q (question), I (imperative), or E (exclamation) for

each sentence.
1. He knows the answer. S 2. It’s wonderful! E

3. Do you like this jacket? Q 4. Turn off the TV. I

5. You’re very smart! E 6. We aren’t bored. S

7. Don’t make noise. I 8. Who is that man? Q

B Circle the correct end marks.

1. My name is Derek( . / ? ) 2. Does she have a pet( ? / ! )

3. Don’t touch the vase( . / ? ) 4. What is your hobby( . / ? )

5. They like basketball( ? / . ) 6. Don’t run in the library( ? / ! )

C Rewrite the sentences and add the correct end marks.

1. doeshelikespaghetti
Does he like spaghetti?

2. sheneedsachinesedictionary
She needs a Chinese dictionary.

3. don’tclosethewindow
Don’t close the window.

4. theydon’tplaysoccer
They don’t play soccer.

Unit 1 3
D Unscramble the sentences. 02 The sun is hot.
1. cousin / is / She / my / . She is my cousin. Articles
2. don’t / chicken / want / We /. We don’t want chicken.
A Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or X.
3. to / early / Go / bed / . Go to bed early. 1. I have a cat. The cat is very cute.

4. does / What / have / he / ? What does he have? 2. Let’s make lunch. I need an egg and X ham.

5. very / it’s / exciting / Wow, / ! Wow, it’s very exciting! 3. Paul carries a box. The box is very heavy.

4. They make an igloo. They live in the igloo.

E Choose and complete the dialogue. the The
5. Look at sea. water is clean.
Joshua: Who is the man in this 1. picture?

Is he your 2. father? father? B Choose and complete the sentences with a, an, the, or X.
David: Yes, he’s my 3. father. He is a 4. firefighter. tiger shoes cheese umbrella

He puts out 5. fires. He also saves 6. people. people.

firefighter. 1 2 3 4
Joshua: Oh, he is really 7. great! Tell me 8. more. fires.
David: Sorry, I have to go. I’ll tell you more next time.

1. They need an umbrella . 2. She likes cheese .

3. The shoes are pretty. 4. Look at the tiger !

Test Station
Choose the wrong words and correct them.
C Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or X.
1. a  Is b  this table very c  strong. ⓒ strong?
1. milk Milk is good for your health.
2. a  this bus b  goes to our c  school. ⓐ This
2. moon Look! The moon is full.
3. a  don’t b  walk on the c  grass! ⓐ Don’t

3. engineer My uncle is an engineer .

Choose the wrong sentences.
4. test They have a test today.
4. a the boy has a pet dog 5. a The turtle moves slowly.
b Don’t take pictures here! b Do you want a pencil! 5. flour Add flour to the bowl.

4 Unit 2 5
D Change and rewrite the sentences with a, an, or the. 03 Children like stories.
1. I like swimming in sea. I like swimming in the sea. Plural Nouns
2. Mr. Jones is engineer. Mr. Jones is an engineer.
A Write the plural forms.
3. My brother has iguana. My brother has an iguana. 1. chair chairs 2. bench benches

4. I eat sandwich for lunch. I eat a sandwich for lunch. 3. potato potatoes 4. shelf shelves

5. James and I need ball. James and I need a ball. 5. cherry cherries 6. man men

7. mouse mice 8. foot feet

E Complete the passage with a, an, the, or X.
Look at 1. the sky. 2. The sun is shining brightly. B Complete the sentences using plural nouns.
Today, my friends and I are going hiking. What do we need? 1. scarf Mom has many scarves .

Joe brings 3. an apple and 4. a sandwich. 2. box The boy carries two boxes .

Bill brings 5. X water and 6. X chocolate. 3. tooth The lion has sharp teeth .

I bring 7. X bread and 8. X milk. 4. story Grandma tells stories to us.

I also bring 9. an umbrella. Let’s go hiking! 5. child Many children play on the playground.

Test Station C Choose and complete the sentences using plural nouns.
1 2 3 4
Choose the correct answers.
1. Mr. Pipps is . a artist b a artist c an artist

2. is beautiful tonight. a Moon b A moon c The moon

3. There is on the sofa. a cat b a cat c an cat 1. The nurse looks after the babies .
2. The farmer picks tomatoes .
Choose the wrong words and correct them.
3. The boy makes three wishes . wish
4. I have a  an egg. I have b  a banana. But I don’t have c  a milk. ⓒ milk
5. Look at a  the bird in b  the sky. c  A bird has large wings. ⓒ The bird 4. The two thieves are surprised.

6 Unit 3 7
D Unscramble and write the sentences using plural nouns. 04 I like him.
1. watch / Daisy / two / has / . Daisy has two watches. Pronouns
2. some / He / deer / feeds / . He feeds some deer. A Choose and complete the sentences.
3. three / They / wolf / see / . They see three wolves.
them her it him

4. His / dirty / are / foot / . His feet are dirty.

1 2 3 4

E Complete the dialogue using plural nouns.

Nancy: My grandparents live on a farm.

animals 1. The boy loves them . 2. The girl helps her .

Alex: Are there 1. on the farm?
sheep geese 3. The girl laughs at him . 4. He doesn’t know it .
Nancy: Yes. They have some 2. and 3. .
(sheep) (goose)

They also have two big 4. oxen .

(ox) B Complete the sentences using object pronouns.
Alex: Do you often go there? 1. math Mrs. Watson teaches it .

Nancy: Yes, I do. I water the 5. potatoes and pick 6. strawberries. 2. Alice I see her every morning.
(potato) (strawberry)

Then I play with the 7. puppies . 3. Ron and I All the students like us .

4. old coins My uncle collects them .

5. Mr. Hudson We know him very well.

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the sentences using subject and object pronouns.
1. She likes very much. a cherry b cherrys c cherries
1. My dad is cooking. He is good at cooking.
2. They need many . a coin b coins c coines
2. Where is your brother? Call him .
3. Some wear bow ties. a man b mans c men

3. Mrs. Woods is very kind. We like her .

Choose the wrong sentences.
4. I have two dogs. They are very smart.
4. a Many leaves are yellow. 5. a The oxes eat grass.
b My tooths hurt badly. b I need two potatoes. 5. Your room is very dirty. Clean it now.

8 Unit 4 9
D Change and rewrite the sentences using subject and object pronouns. 05 The cap is mine.
1. My sister and I share a bedroom. We share a bedroom. Possessives
2. The students help Mr. Holmes. The students help him.
A Choose and complete the sentences using the possessive pronouns.
3. My dog often bites my slippers. My dog often bites them.
hers theirs his Mary’s

4. Joe watches TV after school. He watches TV after school.

1 2 3 4
5. I want to meet the girl again. I want to meet her again.

E Complete the passage using subject and object pronouns.

1. These hamsters are his . 2. This backpack is Mary’s .
Dear Emily,
3. The shoes are hers . 4. The dog is theirs .
It’s nice to meet 1. you . My name is Joan. 2. I live with my parents.

My father is a scientist, and my mother is a teacher. 3. They are very nice. B Complete the sentences using possessive adjectives.
I have a little brother. His name is Harry. I love 4. him . I also have a pet dog. 1. I Where are my keys?

her me 2. she We like her new song.

Her name is Tasha. I walk 5. every day. Please email 6. soon.

3. you Is this your dictionary?


4. they They bring your gloves.

5. we Our school is very old.

Test Station
Choose the correct pronouns for the underlined parts.
1. Don’t eat those bad apples. a they b them c their
C Complete the dialogues using whose and possessive pronouns.
1. (my hairpin) A Whose hairpin is it? B It is mine .
2. She visits her aunt every day. a it b him c her

3. Put your key on the table. a it b him c her 2. (his bike) A Whose bike is it? B It is his .

3. (her glasses) A Whose glasses are these? B They are hers .

Choose the correct answer.
4. (our house) A Whose house is it? B It is ours .
4. Who is that man? Do you know ? a it b him c her

5. This box is too heavy. Please help . a I b my c me 5. (Jack’s rabbits) A Whose rabbits are these? B They are Jack’s .

10 Unit 5 11
D Change and rewrite the sentences using possessive pronouns. 06 He is a mail carrier.
1. My bike is green. This green bike is mine. The Verb Be
2. Her bag is blue. This blue bag is hers.
A Complete the sentences and write the letters.
3. Your pen is expensive. This expensive pen is yours. 1. b He is a firefighter. 2. d This is a guitar.

4. His computer is nice. This nice computer is his. 3. c They are twins. 4. a She is excited.

5. Their camera is small. This small camera is theirs. a b c d

E Complete the passage using possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Our school’s monthly market is today.

The students sell 1. their things. The teachers sell 2. their things,
B Complete the negative sentences using the short forms.
too. 3. They are all different.
1. Dogs aren’t my favorite animal.
Jenny sells 4. her book. 5. Hers is clean. Ron sells
2. The old man isn’t rich.
6. his robot. 7. His is nice and cheap. I sell 8. my
3. My new shoes aren’t very nice.
backpack. 9. Mine is very cheap.
4. This math problem isn’t difficult.

5. They aren’t on the soccer team.

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the dialogues.
1. They walk dog every day. a they b their c theirs
1. A Is it cloudy today? B Yes, it is .
2. Is this backpack? a Mikes b Mike’ c Mike’s
2. A Is your father downstairs? B No, he isn’t .
3. That’s not her coat. This is . a she b her c hers

3. A Is your mother a scientist? B Yes, she is .

Choose the wrong sentences.
4. A Are the balloons colorful? B No, they aren’t .
4. a Do yours homework. 5. a My uncle’s house is old.
b The dictionary is mine. b I don’t know he address. 5. A Are you my classmate? B Yes, I am .

12 Unit 6 13
D Write the sentences using the verb be. 07 There is some water.
1. ( those people / lucky ) Positive Those people are lucky. There + The Verb Be, Some & Any
2. ( she / a math teacher ) Negative She is not [isn’t] a math teacher. A Complete the sentences and write the letters.
3. ( Canada / a big country ) Question Is Canada a big country? 1. c There is some water. 2. b There is a poster.

4. ( we / late for school ) Negative We are not [aren’t] late for school. 3. d There are some people. 4. a There are some strawberries.

a b c d

E Complete the dialogue using the verb be.

Brian: Who is the girl in this picture? 1. Is she your sister?

Ann: No, she 2. isn’t . She 3. is my pen pal.

Her name 4. is Janet.

B Complete the sentences using there is or there are.
Brian: Oh, really? 5. Is she American? 1. There is a map on the wall.

Ann: Yes, she 6. is . Her parents work for NASA. 2. There are many books at the library.

Brian: Wow, 7. Are they astronauts? 3. There is some flour in the bowl.

Ann: No, they 8. aren’t . They 9. are scientists. 4. There is some milk in the bottle.

5. There are two windows in my room.

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the sentences with some or any.
1. Ms. Black an artist? a Am b Are c Is
1. There are some letters in the mailbox.
2. The keys on the sofa. a am b are c is
2. There is some bread in the basket.
3. This backpack cheap. a am not b aren’t c isn’t

3. Are there any girls in the classroom?

Choose the wrong sentences.
4. Is there any sugar on the table?
4. a My parents are very kind. 5. a The shoes is too small.
b I amn’t an English teacher. b He isn’t my classmate. 5. There aren’t any cups on the shelf.

14 Unit 7 15
D Write the sentences using there is or there are. 08 It is 12 o’clock.
1. ( many children / in the pool ) Positive There are many children in the pool. It + The Verb Be
2. ( any trains / tonight ) Negative There aren’t any trains tonight. A Complete the sentences and write the letters.
3. ( some money / in my wallet ) Positive There is some money in my wallet. 1. d It is foggy outside. 2. c It is February 14.

4. ( any sugar / in the bowl ) Question Is there any sugar in the bowl? 3. a It is nine o’clock. 4. b It is Friday.

a b c d
E Complete the dialogue using there is or there are.
Mom: Let’s make some sandwiches. Look in the refrigerator.

1. Is there any cheese?

Brian: Yes, 2. there is . 3. There is some ham, too.

B Write the sentences using it.
Mom: Okay. We need some eggs. 4. Are there any eggs?
1. a nice day It is a nice day.
Brian: Yes, 5. there are two eggs. 6. There are also some onions.
2. Thursday It is Thursday.
Mom: Good. 7. Is there any orange juice?
3. October 30 It is October 30.
Brian: No, 8. there isn’t . But 9. there is some milk.
4. six o’clock It is six o’clock.
Mom: Great. Let’s start!
5. time for lunch It is time for lunch

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the dialogues using the short forms.
1. five potatoes. a There be b There is c There are
1. A Is it five o’clock? B No, it isn’t . It’s five thirty.
2. There is cheese. a a b any c some
2. A Is it Tuesday? B No, it isn’t . It’s Wednesday.
3. Are there apples? a a b any c some

3. A Is it foggy? B No, it isn’t . It’s raining.

Choose the wrong sentences.
4. A Is it January 26? B No, it isn’t . It’s January 27.
4. a There isn’t any soup in the pot. 5. a There are 31 days in July.
b Are there some rice in the bag? b There isn’t any letters for you. 5. A Is it cold outside? B No, it isn’t . It’s warm outside.

16 Unit 8 17
D Choose and answer the questions. 09 She studies English.
Present Simple: Positive & Negative
Friday December 25 windy four o’clock

A Choose and complete the sentences in the present simple.

1. A How’s the weather? B It is windy.
go walk sing carry
2. A What day is it? B It is Friday.

It is four o’clock. 1 2 3 4
3. A What time is it? B

4. A What is today’s date? B It is December 25.

E Complete the dialogue. 1. We walk to school. 2. The girls carry their lunches.

Paul: Hello, Jane. This is Paul. Are you busy today? 3. They sing very well. 4. The bus goes to the station.

Jane: What day 1. is it today? 2. Is it Thursday?

Paul: No, 3. it isn’t . 4. It is Friday. 5. It is August 25.

B Check the correct sentences.
1. The boys dances very well. The boys dance very well.
Jane: Then I’m not busy today. I’m free.
2. The zoo don’t open today. The zoo doesn’t open today.
Paul: Then let’s go to the beach today. 6. It is hot and sunny.
3. Amy exercises regularly. Amy exercise regularly.
Jane: That’s a good idea. Let’s go!
4. Janet carrys her lunch. Janet carries her lunch.

Test Station 5. I don’t watch TV at night. I doesn’t watch TV at night.

Choose the correct answers.

C Complete the negative sentences using the short forms.
1. Friday the 13th. a It’s b That’s c There’s
1. Mrs. Pitt teaches math. Mrs. Pitt doesn’t teach math.
2. What day ? a is it b it is c is the day
2. I brush my dog every day. I don’t brush my dog every day.
3. warm outside? a Is that b Is it c Is there

3. They live in New York. They don’t live in New York.

Choose the sentence where it is used differently.
4. Helen goes to bed late. Helen doesn’t go to bed late.
4. a It is December 25. b It is time for lunch.
c It is my sister’s doll. d It is chilly and foggy. 5. The actor has many fans. The actor doesn’t have many fans.

18 Unit 9 19
D Write the sentences in the present simple. 10 Do you want the robot?
1. ( we / go to school today ) Positive We go to school today. Present Simple: Questions
2. ( she / eat chocolate ) Negative She doesn’t eat chocolate. A Complete the dialogues in the present simple.
3. ( Kevin / study hard every day ) Positive Kevin studies hard every day. 1 2 3 4

4. ( my friend / read comics ) Negative My friend doesn’t read comics.

E Complete the passage in the present simple. 1. A Does she need a ladder? B Yes, she does .

Paul 1. doesn’t get up early on Sundays. He 2. washes his face and 2. A Does he teach English? B No, he doesn’t .
(not / get) (wash)

3. eats a late breakfast. His sister Pat 4. studies hard even on 3. A Does the shop sell flowers? B Yes, it does .
(eat) (study)

Sunday, but Paul just 5. reads comics. After lunch, he usually 4. A Do they play basketball? B No, they don’t .

6. meets his friends. They 7. play basketball at the park.

(meet) (play)

Sometimes they 8. don’t play together. After dinner, he 9. watches B Check the correct answers.
(not / play) (watch)
1. Do you enjoy P.E. class? Yes, I do. Yes, I does.
TV and 10. goes to bed around midnight.
2. Does he have a hamster? No, he don’t. No, he doesn’t.

3. What do they eat for lunch? They eat pizza. Yes, they do.
Test Station 4. What does Jenny need? No, she doesn’t. She needs a pen.
Choose the correct answers.
1. Emily new shoes. a buy b buys c buies
C Complete the questions in the present simple.
2. Joe often his dog. a brush b brushs c brushes
1. walk Do you walk to school?
3. This bus to the school. a not go b doesn’t go c don’t go
2. live Does he live in a big house?
Choose the correct answers. 3. clean Does Mom clean the house?
4. a go − don’t has
• Amy to school by bus. 4. visit Do they visit their grandparents?
b goes − don’t have
• Kate any comic books.
c goes − doesn’t have 5. read What does Harry read ?

20 Unit 10 21
D Complete the dialogues in the present simple. 11 Sam is taller than Ben.
1. ( they / wear uniforms ) Adjectives: Comparatives
A Do they wear uniforms? B Yes, they do .
A Choose and complete the sentences.
2. ( the shop / sell cookies ) 2 3 4
A Does the shop sell cookies? B No, it doesn’t .

3. ( Joe / practice magic tricks )

A Does Joe practice magic tricks? B Yes, he does . 1. My cat is fatter than your cat.
2. The boy is younger than the man. slow
E Complete the dialogue.
3. Her feet are smaller than her shoes. small
Janet: 1. Do you play any sports? fat
4. The lion is slower than the cheetah.
Larry: No, I 2. don’t . But my brother plays sports.

Janet: What does he play? 3. Does he play basketball? B Complete the sentences using comparatives.
1. fast Cars are faster than bikes.
Larry: Yes, he 4. does . What do you do in your free time?
2. tall You are taller than my brother.
Janet: I go hiking and take photos. 5. Do you have a camera?
3. large Russia is larger than Canada.
Larry: Yes, I 6. do . Let’s go hiking and take some photos this Sunday.
4. easy This exercise is easier than that one.

5. loud My voice is louder than your voice.

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the sentences.
1. it have any legs? a Do b Does c What
1. Adam is fatter than James. = James is thinner than Adam.
2. Do they English well? a speak b speaking c speaks (thin)

2. My cousin is stronger than me. = I am weaker than my cousin.

Choose the correct answers. (weak)

3. a Is − do 3. This bag is lighter than that bag. = That bag is heavier than this bag.
• does she want for dinner? (heavy)
b What − does
• A Do you get up early? B Yes, I . 4. This rope is longer than that rope. = That rope is shorter than this rope.
c What − do (short)

22 Unit 11 23
D Write the sentences using comparatives. 12 The snail moves slowly.
1. ( the boy / strong / the girl ) The boy is stronger than the girl. Adverbs
2. ( history / easy / social studies ) History is easier than social studies.
A Choose and complete the sentences.
3. ( comics / funny / textbooks ) Comics are funnier than textbooks.
loudly sadly late carefully

4. ( this chair / cheap / that desk ) This chair is cheaper than that desk.
1 2 3 4
5. ( my room / big / your room ) My room is bigger than your room.

E Complete the passage using comparatives.

1. They go to bed late . 2. The dog barks loudly .
Kurt, James, Ron, Harry, and I are on a basketball team.

older younger 3. She listen to him carefully . 4. The boy cries sadly .
Kurt is 1. than us. We are 2. than him.
(old) (young)

James is 3. stronger than us. We are 4. weaker than him.

(strong) (weak) B Complete the sentences using the adverbs.
Ron is 5. taller than us. We are 6. shorter than him. 1. quiet The cats move quietly .
(tall) (short)

Harry is 7. wiser than us, and I am 8. faster than them. 2. gentle Mom cleans the vase gently .
(wise) (fast)

We play basketball very well. We are good basketball players. 3. easy My sister solves puzzles easily .

4. hard My parents work very hard .

Test Station 5. quick Wendy reads books quickly .

Choose the correct answers.

C Check the correct sentences.
1. Pigs are than dogs. a fat b fater c fatter
1. I get up late in the morning. I get up lately in the morning.
2. Brian is than Harry. a strong b stronger c strongger
2. The children smile happyly. The children smile happily.
3. This puzzle is than that one. a easier b easyer c easy
3. The snail moves slowly. The snail moves slow.
Choose the wrong sentences.
4. The baseball player runs fast. The baseball player runs fastly.
4. a The man is richer than me. 5. a The ship is biger than the boat.
b Deer are than weaker lions. b This road is wider than that road. 5. David plays basketball very good. David plays basketball very well.

24 Unit 12 25
D Change and rewrite the sentences using adverbs. 13 We are learning math.
1. Jessica is a good cook. Jessica cooks well. Present Continuous: Positive
2. Doris and I are slow runners. Doris and I run slowly.
A Choose and complete the sentences.
3. The man is a quick painter. The man paints quickly. 1 2 3 4

4. Mrs. Jones is a loud talker. Mrs. Jones talks loudly.

5. The boys are nice singers. The boys sing nicely.

1. The boy is feeding the rabbits.
E Complete the passage using adverbs. 2. The girl is riding a bike. feed

Today is Mother’s Day. Mary and Peter get up 1. early in the morning. 3. They are cutting colored paper. ride
They cook breakfast 2. quietly and serve it. They sing 3. loudly for 4. The boys and girls are swimming .
(quiet) (loud)

their mom. After breakfast, Mary does the dishes 4. quietly and Peter cuts

the grass 5. quickly . They also study very 6. hard . Their mom feel B Check the correct sentences.
(quick) (hard)
1. I am draw a picture. I am drawing a picture.
very good. She smiles 7. happily .
2. Jack is washing the dishes. Jack does washing the dishes.

3. Mr. Jones is writing an email. Mr. Jones is writeing an email.

Test Station 4. People are claping their hands. People are clapping their hands.
Choose the correct answers.
1. The park opens . a late b latly c lately
C Complete the sentences in the present continuous.
2. She speaks . a gentle b gently c gentlely
1. bake My mother is baking cookies.
3. He finds the way . a easy b easyly c easily
2. sit I am sitting on the bench.
Choose the correct answers. 3. sing The students are singing a song.
4. a hard − quiet
• I study English very . 4. cross A boy is crossing the street.
b hard − quietly
• We talk in the library.
c hardly − quiet 5. run The children are running home.

26 Unit 13 27
D Change and rewrite the sentences in the present continuous. 14 He isn’t reading a book.
1. I watch TV. I am watching TV. Present Continuous: Negative
2. It rains a lot. It is raining a lot.
A Complete the sentences and write the letters.
3. She runs to school. She is running to school. 1. d The girl isn’t standing . She is sitting on the sofa.

4. We wear uniforms. We are wearing uniforms. 2. a Judy isn’t eating a sandwich. She is drinking juice.

5. The man drives his car. The man is driving his car. 3. c The man isn’t talking on the phone. He is reading the newspaper.

4. b They aren’t watching TV. They are making a model airplane.

E Complete the passage in the present continuous.
a b c d
It is a hot summer day. Jessica’s family is on the beach.

The sun 1. is shining . Jessica’s dad 2. is putting up a beach umbrella.

(shine) (put) not / eat not / watch not / talk not / stand
Her mom 3. is sitting on a mat. She 4. is drinking some water.
(sit) (drink)

Jessica and her brother Patrick 5. are playing beach volleyball. B Change and complete the negative sentences in the present continuous.

Their dog Billy 6. is chasing some crabs. The crabs 7. are running 1. You are wearing a cap. You aren’t wearing a cap.
(chase) (run)

away. Jessica’s family 8. is having a good time. 2. Jake is cutting the grass. Jake isn’t cutting the grass.
3. The baby is crying loudly. The baby isn’t crying loudly.

Test Station 4. Jenny and Lisa are dancing. Jenny and Lisa aren’t dancing .

Choose the correct answers.

C Complete the negative sentences in the present continuous.
1. I am the paper. a cut b cuting c cutting
1. talk Dad isn’t talking on the phone.
2. She is her hand. a waves b waving c waveing
2. jog The man isn’t jogging in the park.
3. They are the street. a cross b crosing c crossing

3. play The boys aren’t playing basketball.

Choose the wrong words and correct them.
4. take My brother isn’t taking pictures.
4. Jason a  is b  smileing at c  me. ⓑ smiling

5. My friends and I a  am b  doing c  our homework. ⓐ are 5. study We aren’t studying English.

28 Unit 14 29
D Write the negative sentences in the present continuous. 15 Is she riding a bike?
1. ( I / clean / my room ) I am not cleaning my room. Present Continuous: Questions
2. ( Lucy / walk / her dog ) Lucy isn’t walking her dog.
A Complete the questions in the present continuous.
3. ( the students / have / lunch ) The students aren’t having lunch. 1 2 3 4

4. ( we / make / a birdhouse ) We aren’t making a birdhouse.

5. ( he / answer / the phone ) He isn’t answering the phone.

1. Is the boy drawing a picture?
E Complete the passage in the present continuous. 2. Is the girl playing the piano?

The school drama club is performing a play. Paul is the king. 3. Is the man driving a car? drive
But he 1. isn’t wearing a crown. He is wearing a cap. Amy is a princess. 4. Are the children eating sandwiches?
(not / wear)

But she 2. isn’t sleeping on a bed. She is dancing. Harry is a prince.

(not / sleep)
isn’t riding B Check the correct answers.
But he 3. a horse. He is riding a bike.
(not / ride)
1. Are you writing an email? Yes, I do. Yes, I am.
They 4. aren’t talking . They are singing songs and dancing.
(not / talk)
2. Is it raining a lot outside? No, it isn’t. No, it doesn’t.
It is a new musical, Dancing Beauty.
3. What is she doing now? Yes, she does. She’s sleeping.

4. What are they doing now? They are studying. No, they don’t.
Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
C Complete the questions in the present continuous.
1. Tom sleeping now. a isn’t b aren’t c doesn’t
1. do Is he doing his homework?
2. My father isn’t a car. a drive b driving c driveing
2. cut Are you cutting a cake?
3. They aren’t in the pool. a swim b swiming c swimming
3. have Are they having breakfast?
Choose the wrong sentences.
4. jog Is she jogging in the park?
4. a Harry isn’t reading comics. 5. a We aren’t drinking tea.
b I don’t opening the box. b The man isn’t wear glasses. 5. catch Is your father catching a fish?

30 Unit 15 31
D Complete the dialogues in the present continuous. 16 I get up at seven o’clock.
1. ( the students / take a test ) Prepositions of Time
A Are the students taking a test? B Yes, they are .
A Complete the sentences and write the letters.
2. ( the cat / sleep on the bed ) 1. d I go hiking on Sundays . 2. c He goes home in the evening .
A Is the cat sleeping on the bed? B No, it isn’t. .
3. b She gets up at seven o’clock. 4. a We enjoy skiing in winter .
3. ( the boy / wash his hands )
a b c d
A Is the boy washing his hands? B Yes, he is .

E Complete the dialogue in the present continuous.

winter seven o’clock the evening Sundays
Dad: Jamie! 1. Are you doing your homework?
(you / do)
Jamie: Yes, I am. I have a lot of homework.
B Circle the correct words.
2. What are you doing, Dad?
1. I watch TV ( at / on / in ) the evening.
3. I
Dad:  am making some snacks for you.
(make) 2. My birthday is ( at / on / in ) July 15.
Where is Ian? 4. Is he reading a book in his room?
(he / read) 3. This street is dark ( at / on / in ) night.
Jamie: No, 5. he isn’t . He 6. is playing computer games.
(play) 4. ( When / What ) do they have a party?
Dad: Okay. I need his help. Ian! Help me make snacks!
5. ( What / What time ) does she get up?

Test Station
Choose the correct answers. C Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. a Does − swim 1. April We go on a picnic in April .
• the boy watching a movie?
b Is − swimming 2. four o’clock The class finishes at four o’clock .
• Are they in the lake?
c Are − swiming
3. Saturday I have a meeting on Saturday .
2. a is − do
• What the girl doing now? 4. summer People enjoy swimming in summer .
b do − am
• A Are you going to school? B Yes, I . on June 5
c is − am 5. June 5 The singer has a concert .

32 Unit 16 33
D Unscramble and write the sentences with the correct prepositions. 17 I was sick last night.
1. a test / Monday / We / have / . We have a test on Monday. Past Simple: The Verb Be
2. leaves / The / night / plane / . The plane leaves at night. A Complete the sentences with was or were. Then write the letters.
3. to bed / goes / 10 : 00 / Paul / . Paul goes to bed at 10:00. 1. d They were in the garden. 2. c The room was dirty.

4. closes / park / The / January / . The park closes in January. 3. a The man was poor. 4. b They were soccer players.

a b c d
E Complete the dialogue.
Pam: Stacy! What do you usually do 1. on weekends?

Stacy: I usually stay home. Why?

Pam: How about going to a movie 2. on Saturday? I have two free tickets.
B Complete the sentences using was or were.
Stacy: Great. 3. When [What time] does the movie start?
1. expensive The shoes were expensive .
Pam: It starts 4. at three o’clock 5. in the afternoon.
2. sick My mom was sick yesterday.
Let’s meet 6. at noon and have lunch together.
3. in the library They were in the library .
Stacy: That’s a good idea. See you then.
4. difficult The puzzle was difficult .

Test Station 5. at school Joe and Sue were at school .

Choose the correct answers.

1. The train leaves midnight. a at b in c on
C Complete the negative sentences in the past simple.
2. I have a math class Tuesday. a at b in c on
1. It is sunny today. It wasn’t sunny yesterday.
3. We enjoy camping spring. a at b in c on
2. I am late for school today. I wasn’t late for school yesterday.
Choose the correct answers.
3. My parents are at home today. My parents weren’t at home yesterday.
4. a at − in
• School starts 9 : 00. 4. Lisa and Paul are busy today. Lisa and Paul weren’t busy yesterday.
b at − on
• I often go out the evening.
c on − in 5. The museum is open today. The museum wasn’t open yesterday.

34 Unit 17 35
D Write the sentences using was or were. 18 We played baseball.
1. ( it / chilly and cloudy ) Positive It was chilly and cloudy. Past Simple 1: Regular Verbs
2. ( Joe and I / very tired ) Negative Joe and I weren’t very tired.
A Choose and complete the sentences in the past simple.
3. ( Mr. Baker / a writer ) Positive Mr. Baker was a writer.
watch study play visit

4. ( the movie / exciting ) Negative The movie wasn’t exciting.

1 2 3 4

E Complete the dialogue using was or were.

Mom: Alex! Alex! Where are you?
1. Dave played basketball. 2. The girl watched a movie.
Alex: I’m coming. I 1. was in the kitchen. What is in your hand?
3. They visited Australia. 4. The boy studied hard.
Mom: They are postcards from your old classmates. They 2. were in the mailbox.

Alex: Oh, really? They 3. were really good people. They 4. were nice
B Complete the sentences in the past simple.
and funny. I miss them. 1. cook My mom cooked dinner.
Mom: Do you miss your old school? danced
2. dance They together.
Alex: Yes, I do. It 5. was a big school. But it 6. was beautiful.
3. carry He carried a bookshelf.

4. answer I answered the question.

Test Station
5. plan We planned a big party.
Choose the correct answers.
1. He sick yesterday. a is b was c were
C Change and complete the sentences using the short negative forms.
2. We in Paris last week. a do b are c were
1. They enjoyed camping. They didn’t enjoy camping.
3. She at home yesterday. a wasn’t b weren’t c isn’t
2. The baby cried in the room. The baby didn’t cry in the room.
Choose the correct answers.
3. David did his homework. David didn’t do his homework.
4. a are − am
• My parents angry yesterday. 4. I hurried to the station. I didn’t hurry to the station.
b was − were
•I very hungry last night.
c were − was 5. Mom closed the window. Mom didn’t close the window.

36 Unit 18 37
D Write the sentences in the past simple. 19 They went to the zoo.
1. ( Ken / drop / his notebook ) Positive Ken dropped his notebook. Past Simple 2: Irregular Verbs
2. ( I / finish / my homework ) Negative I didn’t finish my homework.
A Choose and complete the sentences in the past simple.
3. ( the pizza / taste / terrible ) Positive The pizza tasted terrible.
go write buy eat

4. ( Jessica / change / her plan ) Negative Jessica didn’t change her plan.
1 2 3 4

E Complete the passage in the past simple.

Last weekend, Larry 1. didn’t stay home. He 2. visited his
(not / stay) (visit) wrote an email. ate
1. He 2. They some fruit.
grandparents. They went to the town festival together. A band 3. played
3. She bought a cake. 4. They went to the zoo.
music, and people 4. danced together. They 5. enjoyed the
(dance) (enjoy)

festival. The next morning, Larry 6. hurried to the station. Luckily, he B Check the correct sentences.

7. didn’t miss the train. He 8. arrived at home late. 1. Ann cutted the colored paper. Ann cut the colored paper.
(not / miss) (arrive)

He was very tired, but it was a great weekend! 2. I didn’t do my homework. I didn’t did my homework.

3. Brian haved a cute puppy. Brian had a cute puppy.

4. They didn’t run to the park. They didn’t ran to the park.
Test Station
Choose the correct answers. 5. I gived a gift to my mother. I gave a gift to my mother.

• The rain at night.
C Complete the sentences in the past simple.
• The man a heavy bag.
1. make Mom made some cookies.

a stop − carry b stoped − carried c stopped − carried 2. come Jake came back home early.

2. 3. see They saw a magic show.

• My uncle visit America last year.
• Anna and I didn’t together yesterday. 4. read Stacy read a famous story.

5. do Sam and I did our homework.

a didn’t − play b doesn’t − play c isn’t − played

38 Unit 19 39
D Write the sentences in the past simple. 20 You must be quiet.
1. ( Kate / buy / a pencil case ) Positive Kate bought a pencil case. Modal Verbs: Must / Have To
2. ( the boy / hit / the ball ) Negative The boy didn’t hit the ball.
A Complete the sentences with must or must not.
3. ( we / drink / some orange juice ) Positive We drank some orange juice. 1 2 3 4

4. ( you / write / an email ) Negative You didn’t write an email.

E Complete the passage in the past simple. 1. You must not touch this. 2. You must wear a seat belt.

This morning, I 1. saw a bird in the yard. The bird was in a tree at first. 3. You must stop here. 4. You must not use your cell phone.

But it 2. came down and 3. ran around on the ground. It

(come) (run)

was small but very cute. I 4. gave a banana to the bird, but it
(give) B Complete the sentences using must.
5. didn’t eat it. I wondered about the bird, so I 6. went to my dad 1. not / sleep You must not sleep in class.
(not / eat) (go)

and asked him. He 7. had a book about birds. He 8. read 2. not / tell You must not tell lies to others.
(have) (read)

the book and found the bird’s name. The bird was a robin. 3. follow You must follow the traffic rules.

4. respect You must respect your parents.

Test Station 5. not / waste You must not waste time.

Choose the correct answers.

• Emily her finger yesterday.
C Complete the sentences with the correct forms of have to.
•I my homework last night.
1. The movie already started. You have to hurry up.
a cut − did b cuts − do c cutted − did
2. You’re on vacation now. You don’t have to go to school.
2. 3. The rain stopped. I don’t have to buy an umbrella.
• Many people the accident yesterday.
• Dad home late last night. 4. Helen is very sick. She has to go see a doctor.

a see − came b saw − came c saw − comed 5. City Hall is near here. We don’t have to take a bus.

40 Unit 20 41
D Write the sentences.
1. ( you / must / be on time ) Positive You must be on time.

2. ( we / must / take pictures here ) Negative We must not take pictures here.

3. ( she / have to / wash her hands ) Positive She has to wash her hands.

4. ( you / have to / be quiet here ) Negative You don’t have to be quiet here.

E Choose and complete the dialogue.

Ann: Mom, please help me. I 1. have to make paper dolls.

Mom: Okay. What do you want me to do?

Ann: I 2. have to cut this paper first. Please hold the paper.

You 3. must not move.

Mom: All right. But you 4. must be careful. The scissors are very sharp.

Ann: I will. Oh, I need glue. I 5. have to go to the stationery store.

Mom: No, you 6. don’t have to buy glue. I have some.

have to go have to cut don’t have to buy

must not must be have to make

Test Station
Choose the correct answers.
1. The light is red. You wait for the green light.
a must b must not c don’t have to

2. The class started. We make noise in class.

a must b must not c have to

3. I’m full. Your dad make sandwiches.

a has to b don’t have to c doesn’t have to


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