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This document is prepared jointly by the Marshall Space Flight Center Laboratories R-ASK-P, R-ASTE-S, and R-P&"E-VN. The document presents a brief and concise description of the AS-501 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle. Where necessary, for clarification, addirional related information has been included. It is not the intent of this document to completely define the Space Vehicle or its systems and subsystws in detail. The infomacian presented herein, by rext and sketches, describes launch preparation activities, launch facilities, and the space vehicle. This information permits the reader to follow the space vehicle sequence Of events beginning a few hours prior fo liftoff to its journey into space. 1. launch Apollo flight. 2. biliry loads Mission Objectives: Mission Purpose:

The purpose af the AS-501 mission is to develop the Saturn V vehicle for manned flights and to verify the adequacy of the Command Module heat shield at lunar reentry velocities. The AS-501 mission is an unmanned, elliptical earth orbital

a. Demonstrate structure and thermal integrity, and cmpatiof the launch vehicle and spacecraft, and determine structural and dynamic characteristics during powered and coasting flight.

c. Verify launch supporr equipment compatibility, and mission support capability for launch and mission operations to high post-injection altitudes and Command Module recovery. * determine d. Demonstrate the S-XC and S-II stage in-flight system performance parameter. the launch vehicle achieve guidance'cutoff S-X/S-II launch'vehicle performance configuration. dual plane propulsion systems and

e. Dwonstrate during powered flight; curacy. f. separation. g. Demonstrate Demonstrate

guidance and control system and evaluate system acseparation system. detection system and S-II/S-IVS


h. Evaluate (FDS) in an open-loop

of the emergency





stage the

restart Command

capability. Module beat shield for xe-


at 3.

j. Verify adequacy of lunar ixYcur* conditions. Mission Profiles:

AS-501 will be launched from Launch Complex 39, Pad A, Kennedy Space Center (KSC); at a launch azimuth of 90"E of N. Shortly after liftoff (approximately 12 set) the vehicle begins a roll maneuver to attain a flight azimuth of 72% of N and maintains a near zero-lift (gravity turn) trajectory through the maximm dynamic pressure region. Afrer S-K burn and separation; S-II burn and separation, the first burn of rhe S-I"% will propel the S-IVB/IU/Spacecraft into a lOO-nauticalmile parking orbit using the Iterative Guidance Made (IGM). The vehicle will remain in this orbit for approximately two revolutions with its' longitudinal axis in the orbital plane and parallel to the local horizon. During the second revolution, when the vehicle is within tracking range of KSC, the S-ITS engine will be re-started to boost the vehicle into an elliptical atmosphere - intersecting waiting orbit with an apogee of approximately 9,000 nautical miles. Spacecraft separation occurs approximately 590 seconds after injection into waiting orbit. The coast time in waiting orbit between S-ITS cutoff and Command Module (CM) reShortly after spacecraft separarion entry is approximately 4.6 hours. a service propulsion system (SPs) burn and navigational corrections will be performed to achieve lunar retnrn velocity and the proper reentry corridor. Following the second SPS burn, Cormand Module/Service Module (CMM/SM) separation will occur and the Wwill be reoriented for a guided lifting reentry which will produce the heat load desired to Splash-down will test the CM heat shield at lunar returning velocity. be near Hawaii. csn in




B...t S-II

to Earth $


LIST Figure GENERAL AS-501 Launch LC-39 Space Complex Pad A Vehicle. - 39. ............ ... , ........ ........

OF Title


. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .

6 7 8

Configuration VEHICLE Safety System System Sequencing Sequencing

SPACE/LAUNCH 4 5 6 I 3 9 10 11 12 Secure Emergency S-K/S-II S-II/S-1VR S-IVB Trajectory Guidance Vehicle Space S-IC 13 14 15 16 1T 18 19 S-IC F-I s-x S-IC S-IC S-IC S-IC S-II 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S-II J-2 S-II S-II S-II S-II S-II S-II Stage Range

......... (EDS) ..... ...... ..... ........ Phase) Block .......... Time .... ... Diagram

. II 13 14 15 16 . 17 r 21 . 23 . 25

Detection Stage Stage Flight Information and Tracking Control Flight Flight

. . . . . . . . . . .

Sequencing (Boost System

Systems Weight

Vehicle STAGE Stage Engine stage Stage Stage Stage Stage STAGE Stage Engine stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage

YS Flight

Configuration system. Propellant Tk.mst Measuring Telemetry Electrical

........... ................. system ............ System ............ ............ and Distribution System .......

27 29 31 . 33 34 . 35 36

. . . . . .



System System Power

Configuration System Propellant Propellant Thrust Measuring Telemetry Electrical - S-II

............... Stage ........... ............ System System ...... ......

. 39 . 41 43 . 45 47 . 48 . 49 . 50

. . . . . .

System Management Vector Control

System System Power

............. ............. and Distribution

. .

LIST OF FIGURES Figure S-IVB 28 29 30 31


Title STAGE Stage Configuration System S-IVB .................... Stage System. ................. ................. System. System .......... ...........


. . . . . . . . . . .
System .....

. 53 55

J-Z Engine S-IVB S-IVB S-IVB Auxiliary S-IVB S-IVB S-IVB

. .

Stage Propellant Stage Propellant Stage Thrust Propulsion Stage Measuring Stage Telemetry Stage Electrical

. 57 59 61 63 . 64

Management Vector Control

34 35 36

System ................... System. System. Power ................. ................. and Distribution

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 66

37 36

Instrument Instrument Instrument Instrument W/S-IVB

Unit Configuration Unit Measuring Unit Telemetry Unit Electrical Environmental

.................. System. System. Power ............... ............... and Distribution Syst& ............ System . ~

. 69

40 41

. 71


. 75

42 43


017 Configuration.

.................. systems. ........... System. .....

. 11

SC 011 Telemetry, Spacecraft Eleotrical

USB & lJpaata Power

. . .

76 . 79


2nd Distribution


S-U - 396 3 --




-396" s-IC S+.9c(B.ein9)

.^^ I

H-P Gas Facility \



/I 7

rlobi,. *cr/c. Strucfun








The secure range safety systems on the S-K, S-II and S-I"B stages provide a communications link to transmit coded comands ground starions to the vehicle during powered flight, providing positive means of terminating the flight of an erraric vehicle initiafing emergency engine cutoff and if necessary, propellant persion.

from a by dis-

Each powered stage contains tro UHF radio receivers. Both command receivers on each of the thrre stages respond fo the same com,and signals, each providing a backup sysrem for the other. The safety and arming device located on each stage is armed by a signal from the blockhouse before v;thicle ignition. Pollowing S-IVB cutoff the S-I"B range safety system is "safed" by a cornand from Range Safety Control to preclude accidental dertruct.


~.,rr.r.rr.r..,...,.rr.....r,,r,r,,,r., w,z

Chrg. I OX ,,,,,,, u ,,,,,I


?zmeGmNcY DETECTlON SYSTEM (EDS) The purpose

which arise during

of the EDS is
the boost

to sense
of the


On AS-501

the EDS


will be flown abort.

in an open loop





The EDS is comprised of sensors which detect logic circuitry which initiate spacecraft displays automatic abort of the M. With the exception of on top of the LET, the EDS sensors are located in The system's relay logic is located primarily in tor and the CM MissLo* Events Sequence Controller.

malfunctions and and, in two cases, the g-ball, mounted the launch vehicle. the IU EDS Distribugenerates LES, and CM overrates diagram of of the system the stage processing

The EDS has two modes of operation; 'hamal", which abort cues and "automatic" which inifiates firing of the separation in the case of tw S-IC engines out or angular during S-K powered flight. Figure is simplified black abort initiating portion the AS-501 EDS. The automafic consists of ehe launch vehicle's rate sensing subsystem, thrust sensing subsystem and the signal distribution and hardware which services these devices.

The angular overrate sensors (3 per axis in pitch, yaw, and roll) will initiate automatic abort of the CM during the period they are enabled (liftoff to about 136 seconds) whenever two sensors in any one axis simultaneously indicate excessive rates. Detection qf the overrates is made by the se~-mr switch circuirry of-the Control Signal Processor in the I". The settings for these angular rate detectors are 5 degrees per second in pitch and yaw and 20 degrees per second in roll. The majority voting of the three switch outputs in each axis is done by relay logic in the FBS Distributor. A valid excess rate decision is forwarded by the EDS Distributor to the CM Mission Events Sequence Controller for abort initiation. The S-IC stage engine thrust OK sensors (three per engine on all five engines) will also initiate abort during the period they are enabled (liftoff to about 135 seconds) when the voted output of the sensors from any two engines indicates that the thrust of those engines These sensors monitor the F-l engines fuel is below the 89% level. Majority voting of the three sensors for inlet manifold pressure. each engine is done in the EDS Distributor. A valid two engines ant decision is sent to the Mission dents Sequence Controller for CM abort initiation.

each H-i engine Figure 5


dutohmtic. Abort Capabilifq (Not active ou $A-501) t. 5-W Two ehlqiwes out (134.2+134..4) f!. Excessive aNqular rstes(13+.6+L34.a) $ $-IC INboard A ia I I


Cutoff Ewqiwe Triqqer-153

- 135 Cutoff - 152


S-SC Outhard s-11


/ s-11

SeParatiON-153 start-154

rote : &par.

seconds waswed f row I U disco~r4ect

tiu\es ate iN

1 A s-11 mqiNe A Activate

P. U. system CoolaNt

-159 Vdlve


A Water


r----l Si of Time Bose 1

*2* start Of


Base 2 The

Pf Time BQSP 3


Rqure 14

A Separa+io?

S-II l)?~--,s, A Cutoff I


PlaNe--L83 i

A JettiSON



Aullaqe ~qwi+!L-~~~ , A S-II/S-IV0 !L.epamtiou-520 I [ A IqNite S-IV B ENqi+m-523 I A~Acti~a+eP~.SvsteM-528

$ p CutQff S-IVB S-IVB ENqiNe-665 ON-665

UIlaqeENqiws P.U.

late : 4pprox. tiMe5 ihoww are i*l jecONd5 wasuped

I 1

1 A Activate I


start Of Time Bose 4 Start of TiMe Bose 5



I I 1l.I.~ orJcl
A b


Restart Ulkqe


.!w -


S-IVB s-IVB Preparations-11,235 Ew+les ON; 11.235

~AS-IVBLH~ ar4Loxved valves CIOSS -11,235 A~s-;m.y2 a,; Lox chiildoWN puyp



Ullaqo ENqines

off -11,565

A 24 bp!rtiow S-IVB E~qi~e-11.570 A Acttivo{e I? U. system -11.515

k&e: Rppro%.tir4es
itmWN are iN 1ec0tds Meaiured +ro~TlJ iiSCONHect. I

S-IVB Tliqht Co&ml computer BUP~ Mocle off -11.890

---S---M stall

Of bare 6

W tit.%?bo5a 7
Start af


Fiqure i I 16

s-E73 StartCutoff

Burn-3hr, llmin., 44s Q 3 hr., 17min.,~7s


hrkinq &an

Orbit, Altitude-Orbit 4.9666



I I , Cutoff .s I , IECO--

Waitinq Apogee-Arminp


1 Tilt



Switch S&&r Plus sufficient velocity.; depletion

command downran9a


Outbd. ~9. propellant cutoff enable.


- 483.9~ LOX depletion sensor-cutoff enable. dcoletion sensor-cutoff


&unch Launch Launch Flight

Data Arlmuth-7Z0 39 Pad A of N Eof N

GU1DANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM (G&C) Function and De*cription

The G&C system provides these basic functions during flight: (1) stable positioning of the vehicle to the command position with a minimum amount of sloshing and bending, (2) a first stage tilt program which gives a near zero lift trajectory through the atmosphere and produces reasonable end conditions at Outboard Engine Cutoff (OECO), (3) reduction of wind toads during the high dynamic pressure region, (4) steering commands during S-ID burn which guide the vehicle to a predetermined set of end conditions while maintaining a minimum propellant crajectary, (5) final cutoff signal, (6) attitude signals for the sensing, computing, and actuation elements of the G&C system. A block diagram of the hardware used to implement these functions is shown in Figure . The Stabilized Platform (D-124&%) is a three gimbal configuration with gas bearing gyros and accelerometers mounted on the stable element. Vehicle accelerations and rotations are sensed relative to this stable element. Gimbal angles are measured by redundant resolvers and inertial velocity is obtained from accelerometer head rotation in the form of encoder outputs (also redundant). The Launch Vehicle Data Adapter (LVDA) is an input-output device for the LVDC. These two components are digital devices which aperate in conjunction to carry out the flight program. This program performs the following functions: (1) Precesses the inputs from the ST-124M, (3) provides first stage tilt (2) performs navigation calculations, program, (4) calculates IGH steering commands, (5) resolves gimbal angles and steering commands into the vehicle system for attitude error commands, (6) issues cutoff and sequencing signals. The Control/EDS dundant in 3 axes). (CSP) where they are ing vehicle angular The Control engine actuators from the LMA and (see Figure IO), provides redundant Rate Gyro Package contains 9 gyros (triplex reTheir outputs go to the Control Signal Processor voted and sent to the Control Computer for dampmotion.

Computer sends commands to the S-IC, S-II and S-IVB and to the Control Relay Packages based on signals rate gyros. These signals are filtered and scaled then smmed in magnetic amplifiers. 'I:& computer operation during S-WB burn and coast.

The Control Relay Packages accept Conrral Camp"'-er commands and relay these comands to operate propellant valves in the Auxiliary Propulsion System CAPS). All relays and valves are redundant. The 8 hydraulic gimbal the outboard hydraulic actuators engine and provide control in all axes actuators of the S-K and S-II stages are engines and provide control in all axes. of the S-IVB stage are used to gimbal the control in pitch and yaw axes. The APS is during S-ZVB coast. used

to two

J-2 used for

The Switch Selectors are used to relay sequencing commands from The cutoff signal and time LWA to other locations in the vehicle. based events are issued through the Switch Se1cctors.


The vehicle is erected on the launch pad with position I at a 90'E of N azimuth. The Stabilized Platform is aligned to 72' azimuth durFng countdown and held in an earth fixed positioti, perpendicular to the gravity vector. A roll presetting of 18' is used to eliminate the attitude error which would result from rhis difference in azimuth. The LWC operates in ground routines prior to GRR and attitude error signals At the instant of cm, the platform becomes space are set to null. fixed to establish the guidance coordinate sysrem and the LWC entei~ the flight mode. 1x1 this mode accelermeter processing, steering, navigation, telemetry, and other functions are performed exactly as rh6y are after liftaff. The Liftoff signal (IU lrmbilical disconnect) initiates time base 1. Eleven seconds later, the tilt program starts and the initial roll preThe vehicle rolls into alignment with the setting is reset to zero. platform at l'/second. There is no active parh guidame during S-IC burn. Control is maintained by ginballing the four outboard engines on command from the Control Computer. Sequencing signals are issned to the various switch selectors to perform time dependent functions.


DIGITAL overall

COMMAND SYSTEM CAPABILITY: the AS-501 Digital Command Systems'

The fallowing summary describes camand capability: Function


of Acceptance


FX~ TV + 100 SECO~S umii

T6 and from T, + 10 seconds until end of life

Time base update

Change the time to start coast phase

attitude maneuver time is or rethe nexf loss Time base advanced tarded at telemetry

From Tg + 100 seconds until T6 and from T7 + 10 seconds until end of life Pram Tg + 100 seconds until Tg and from T, + 10 seconds till end of life Frw Ti + 100 seconds until T6 and from T-/ + 10 seconds till end of life From Tz, C 115 seconds until T6 + 317 seconds and from T7 + 10 seconds till edd of life From Tg + 100 seconds until T6 and from T7 + 10 seconds till end of life From Tg + 100 seconds until Tg and from TT + 10 seconds till end of life


base update



Navigation quantities are reset at the time specified Specified switch selector function is issued at the first opportunity Content.3 of specified memory sector are telemerered

Generalized selector




Telemeter single memory location Terminate Stop DCS processing and reset for a new command

From Tg + Tb; from till Tc + from T7 + end of life

1.3 seconds until TI, + 115 seconds 317 seconds and 10 seconds till till

Use S-US orbit

to achieve

From Tq + 1.3 seconds =I

Inhibits C-Band transponder switching

From Tg + 100 seconds until Tg and from T, + 10 seconds until end of life

ST- 124M Stabilized Platfclrm

ControlActuators 7,,//,,l, Illll,rll,-fIf,,, s-n sraqc

To C.nTrol



( P,V,b R)

-z S-ICC stag*

Propellant consmq?ion seconds) is approximately during S-II Stage flight 938,700 pounds and during burns, :approximately 459 In during for the overall

during S-IC Stage flight (approximately 152 4,320,OOO pounds. Propellant consumption (approximately 365 seconds) is.approximately S-IVB Stage flight, including first and second seSopds$'is approximately 232,700 pounds.

evenf of one engine of the S-X Stage malfunctions and is cutoff flight, the remaining engines will consume the propellant intended "dead" engine. Burning time of the stage would increase, and the vehicle perfomance loss would be minimized.

VEHICLE WEIGHT DATA (Approximate) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total af at at at at at at at at at S-IC ignition liftoff s-IC O.E.C.0 S-I* ignition S-II E.C.0 S-IVB first ignition S-IVB first E.C.0 S-IVB 2nd ignition S-IL'S Bnd E.C.0 S-US/SC separation

463,200 352,000 277,000 273,900



6,220.700 Ibs (Total \lekcle at IqNit;oN) < 6,121.300 lbs (Total VehLcle at Liftoff )@ set)


S-XC PropellaM



S-lt S-II 1.000.000 Vehicle Weiqht ( FwNd5) 4oo,ooa

Staqe Outboard Euqira Cutoff e 152 Sec.) Separatiohl (-153 Sec.) Staqe 1qNitiot.I (~154 Sec.) (1,415.700 \bs) S-II PmpellaNt CohlsUMptoN - 2,590 Ibs/sec.

S-II Staqe LqiNe Cutoff (-523Sec.) Staqe SePartiiON (-520 Sec.)


30,ooc Space Vehicle Weiqht vs lliqht TiM e Fi& -

The 8-X stage is approximately 138 feet long and 33 feet in diameter and has five liquid-fueled Rocketdyne P-l engines which generate a total thrust of 7,500,OOO pounds. The engines are supplied fuel by a bi-propellant system of liquid oxygen (LOX) as the oxidizer and W-1 as the fuel. The S-TIC stage structure the engines attach, an W-1 ture separating the LOX and which provides an interface consists of a thrust structure to which fuel tank, a LOX tank, an interrank SYNCfuel ranks, and a forward skirt structure surface for the Saturn g-11 stage.





The F-l Engine is started by ground support equipment. The start signal ignites pyrotechnic igniters in the gas generator which permits LOX under tank pre*sure to discharge into the thrust chamber. When the LOX valve is partly open RP-1 and LOX under tank pressure flows to the gas generator combustion chamber accelerating the turbopump increasing the LOX and RF-1 discharge pressure. When the W-1 discharge pressure reaches approximately 375 psig a valve in the bypergol cartridge opens allowing LOX and W-1 to build up pressure against the hypergol burst diaphragm. At approximately 500 psig the diaphragm will rupture allowing hypergol and RF-1 to enfer the thrus't chamber causing spontaneous combustion upon contact with the LOX, thereby establishing primary ignition. As thrust pressure builds up the U-1 valves open admitting W-1 to the thrust chamber and the transition to mainstage operation. Inboard engine is cutoff by a signal from the I". Outboard engines are cutoff by optical type LOX depletion sensors with fuel depleting sensors as backup. A command from the IU supplies a coormand to the switch selector to enable the outboard engine cutoff circuitry. When two or more of the four LOX level sensors are energized, a fimer is activated. Expiration of the timer energizes the stop solenoid far each engine which energizes prevalve close relays. Closing of the prevalves inrerruprs propellant flow and terminates engine operation.


i I I



1 I

1,500.000 fiaure 14

I bs. Thrust

The S-E Stage propellant system is composed of one LOX tank, one RF-1 subsystems. tank, prope11anc lines, control valves, uents, and pressurization Loading of LOX and W-1 tanks ;s controlled by ground computers. W-1 loading is compieted at a considerable time prior to start of LOX loading. LOX bubbling begins and continues throu@, the LOX tank loading to prevent possible LOX geysering. Approximately 90 seconds prior to ignition command rhe RF-: tank is pressurized from a ground source. Approximately 60 seconds prior to ignition command the LOX tank is pressurized from a ground source. Prior to start of automatic sequence and up to 72 seconds before liftoff ground source helium is bubbled through the LOX lines and tank to prevent stratification in engim LOX suction lines. After liftoff fhe LCX tank pressurization is maintained by The W-1 tank is pressurized with GOX converted from LOX in the heat exchanger. He stored in bottles in the LOX tank and heated by passing the He through the heat exchanger.


L 51


--+ I I . I I
IqNitiON commaNc

D 4a

w-1 Sy5tet.7

I jtart .oadiNq

reTmuk -

Low Re Pressurize TscuK-


31 cu. +t. 3000 p&9. He Bottle5 for W-1 Tamk Pressuriz

(4) Veut C Relief Valve Oprlv -25.5 prig Close -24.0 psiq

17 iwdiau\eter -A33rierqewy DraN I

Ved &Reiiet psia Valve fRelief 35.0 wia

Lox Fill

L Drain


12 iw. diw

-RP-1 ?Gll CDrair LiNe er etupe) iN hNeS 01 Liftoff - btS0


Total propellant at liiioif 4,3%OOO bs. Total pmpel\ard co~suwwd dter l&t& -4,320,2OO IbS.




S*ructure.A+tuator AitachueM Poinrt Hydraulic Actustor

(2 per



TwL,~~~~,, fuel dlscharqe


Servo vcllve CJNttOiS cktuator ~~OV.SMPH+


III CaNted go NOMINAL thrust

Signal --fhcrnocoupls


Measuring 2, in S-K

Rack stage










Data InDuts


firing Until IOSS

of signal.

Inputs Located -. Thrust in Frame Aru P-l PCMjDDA4 ,qss.v 4 = -) Hardwin ToGSE

231.9 Ins

Figure --

18 Ij









640 No. 1 amp. min.

Battery No.2 1250 amp.





6reund 2.9 vdc


In~ttrumrnt.tion .$ -iolomdry systems

*Eginr system
(Thrust) . ED5 system Nate: All Components Arr Located Frame Area I. Show The Thrust as N&cd.
~tl~chsniral . DDAS sy5tms

1 Systems


. Rang* - staging - Squcnciny

safety systems System System



thrust skirt.

The stage sfrucfure structure, a heat

includes: shield, J-2

an aft interstage, an aft sk.irt a LOX tank, an LH2 tank, and a fc. which generate a total thrust of


The stage has five 1,000,000 pouuds.


Two recoverable film cameras will be flown an the S-II stage of rhe first two Saturn V launch vehicles. 'These cameras are mounted an the thrust structue as shown on opposite page. The primary objective of these cameras is to view second-plane S-X/S-II separation. The secandary objectives are to view S-IC/S-II first-plane separation and J-2 rngine ignition, The cameras are turned first-plane separation and film is 'marked" one-tenth one-tenth of a second after after second-plane separation. proximately 8 seconds after on by the switch selector shortly before operate for approximately 40 seconds. The of a second before first-.plane separation, engine start and one-tenth of a secclnd The camera capsules are ejected apsecond-plane separation.

Imediately following ejection, the camera capsule stabilization flaps are deployed. After the camera capsule descends to an altitude Of 4,3?0 meters, a paraballoan is inflated, which CRUSTS the stabilization flaps TO fall away. Six seconds after the paraballoan is inflated, a recovery radio tranmit.te+ and flashing light beacon located an the paraballaon are turned on. After touchdown, the camera capsule effuses a dye marker to aid visual sighting of the capsule, and a shark-xepellant co protect the camera capsule, paraballoon, and the recovery team.


-2 LH2 F..dl;.c

Fill # Drain




Lights For Cameras


5tag. wcigy -. Dry :- 88,200

. fit s-IC . A+ S-II Ignition:-Cutof+:-

Lbs. 1,035,300Lbs. 103,500 Lbs.

The operating cycle of steady-state operation and LIZ2 flow through the engine and LO assure the presence

the 5-2 Engine ccmsists of prestart, starf, cutoff sequeoces. During prestart, Lox and to temperature-condition the engine components, of propellane in the turbopumps for starting.

Following a timed cooldown period, the start signal is received by rhe sequence controller which energizes various control solenoid valves to open the propellant valves in the proper sequence. The sequence controller also energizes spark plugs in the gas generator and thrmt chamber fo ignite the propellant. In addition, chr sequence concro11er releases P,Wz from the start tank. Abe GHz provides the initial drive for the turbopumps that deliver propellant fo the gas generator and the engine. 'i&o propellant ignites, gas generator output accelerates the turbopumps, and engine Chrust increases to main stage operation. At this rime, the spark plugs are de-energized and the engine is in steady-state operation. Steady-state by the sequence solenoid valves proper sequence. is compleLe. operation is mintained until a cutoff signal is received controller. The sequence controller de-energizes the which in turn close the engine propellant valves in the *s a result, engine Chrust decays and the cutoff sequence





I-!J I 1 II
E :*cll -

GHe tank

for LHz pressurizatiob 4



Ibs. Thrust



The S-II Stage prope:lant system is composed of integral LOX/LH~ tanks, and prepressurizaCion subsystems. propellant lines, control valves, vents, Loading of propellant tanks and flow of propellants is controlled by the The LOX/LH2 tanks are prepressurized by propellant utilization systems. ground source gaseous helium. During powered flighr of the S-II Stage, the LOX tank is pressurized by GOX bleed from the LOX heat exchanger. The LH2 tank is pressurized by OH2 bleed from the chrusc chamber hydrogen injector manifold: pressurization is maintained by the LH2 Pressure Regulator. S-II PKOPELL4NT LOAD AND OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE

,--------mouqal/P~ \ , \ 96% L!!z-j I I


1 --*
qal/he4 Start Autowotic

98% -6.5hr. -S-T&. -4.shr.



-1e7 SK. -6

-+ iec.

Start LoadiNq LHZ

LH2 Tat& -153.000 Ibs. dt IqNitiQN

-?92.6~ lb5. dt IqHltiQN DraiN

Lam. TaNk

HeatErchahlqer--.d...,,. F-+-Y coverts Lox t Gox far Lox TaNk pressurizu&iv~ duriNq S-11 powered fliqht .



-9%. Total dfter


dt liftoFf .M !L-. propeik~t cousu~ed lif*f -936x00 It6




mixture LH2.

The propellant utiiization (PU) system controls loading and engine ratios (LOX to LH2) to ensure balanced consumption of WX and

Capacitance probes mounted in the LOX and LH2 containers mm&for t-be mass of the propellants during powered flight. At PU activaeiou (5.5 seconds after J-2 ignition) the capacitance probes sense the LOX to LA2 imbalance and commands the engine to bum at the high rate engine mixture ratio of 5.5:1. When the high mixture ratio is removed, the PU system will then command fhe engine to burn the reference mixture ratio of 4.7:1, striving for siw.ultaoeous depletion of LOX and LHz for maximum stage performance. Engine cutoff is initiated when any two of the five capacitance probes in either Cask indicate dry.

Telemetered Xrror Signal




TO other 4 enqiqes F
to Ground Loading computer 4 Telemetry

CONtlOl Valve
Valve P&t iou SiqWal



Total6 t+ All ESE + Display F; I;

79 *

To Blockhouse data acquisitioe


pwflighf System

r I

Microphone (acoustic

_ 1






- .&&--_ Thrust A,%&

5kirt Framr

Proprllmt FMahagrmenf

Monitoring Systems

POW.%V Recirculation Batterv Range system* No. 1 4 Safety I

Figure --








Top View Looking Aft

Forwwd skirt

T&mr+q Antcnnrs A






S-D?3 sta3* Weight * .Dry:-~6,500 Lb.. *At Ignition:~Zbz,ZoO Lbs. Al- I& Cutoff:-lE7,3OOLbs. *At 2Ud&Cutoff:--29,300Lbo. SEx*cludrs Wt. of aft.. interstage

Thz operating cycle of the J-2 Engine consists of prestart, start, steady-state operation and cutoff sequences. During prestar?, LOX and LH2 flow through the engine to temperature-canditian the engine components, and to assure the presence of propellant in the turbopumps for starting. Following a timed cooldo-m period, the start signal is received by the sequence controller which energizes various control solenoid valves to open the propellant valves in the proper sequence. The sequence controller also energizes spark plugs in the gas generator and thrust chamber to ignite ctle propellant. In addition, the sequer.ce controller releases ai* from the start tank. The GE2 provides the initial drive for the turbopumps that deliver propellant fo rhe gas generator and the engine. The propellant ignites, gas generator output accelerates the turbopumps, and engine thrust increases to main stage operation. At this time, the spark plugs are de-energized and the engine is in steady-state operation. Steady-state by the sequence solenoid valves proper sequence. is complete. operation is maintained until a cutoff signal is received controller. The sequence controller de-energizes the which in turn close the engine propellant valves in the As a result, thrust decays and the cutoff sequence



GHz tank

for Ltiz p~essUrizC,tiOC,

GCJS for LOX ton* pressurization A

200,000 Ibs.Thrust

II. fiqure -29

The s-IW stage propellant system is composed of integral LOX/L~ propellant lines, control valves, YeDts, and pressurization subsystems.


Loading of the propellant tanks and flaw of propellants is controlled by the prope1Lanr utilization system. Both propellant tanks are initially pressurized by ground solnrce cold helium. LOX tank pressurization during S-WE *tage bum is maintained by helium supplied from spheres in the I,Ez tank, whLch is expanded by passing through the helium heater, to maintain positive pressure across the common Lank bulkhead and to satisfy engine net positive suction head. The LHz pressurization strengthens the stage in addition to satisfying net positive suction head requirements. After engine ignition the presst,re is maintained by GH2 tapped from the engine supply

1------- L---start T-l


Sequence t


Ignition 9 tom owl I I

15 ht. I

-7.0 hr.

-4.i hr.

-319 hr. to liitotf

3 5 cu.+t. ~sbhores(8). rqqrrk

sia rjHs Los preswruut&w ,

IN. PIiqht


; r-' I
/ i

-41.200 lb5 al lqrri+ioN



I Ml I 1\r 1j [I I// I I I ,c I-I-_ lL LIl



4 Drsiu


Total propeitnb&t -234.100 4trs. TO-M propellaN+ at i;ftoff lbs.

after liftoFf-232.7m


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