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Electronics & Measurem-L

Electrocardiogram (ECG) circuit Project

Students name -ID:

Dr. Ibraheem Alnaib
Eng. Ijlal

1. Abstract
An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. The project scope is to design a
circuit that filters and amplify the ECG signal. First, the ECG circuit was created in Multisim
software, which provides unrealistic circumstances. Second, the circuit was implemented in the
lab and connected to the ECG simulator as an input.
2. Problem statement
Design a circuit that filters and amplifies the ECG signal

3. Project constraints
The ECG signal is very small and requires high-quality components to be amplified and
filtered as required. The 60HZ noise signal must be rejected without losing a part of the
ECG signal.

4. Project description

4.1 Amplifier stage

4.1.1 Calculations
Rf −200 Kohm
Gain ¿− = =−20
Ri 10 kohm
4.1.2 Simulation

Vout −20 V
Gain ¿ = =−20
Vin 1V

4.1.3 Measured
Vout −8.20 V
G= = =−18.6
Vin 0.440 V

4.2 Band pass stage

4.2.1 Calculations
−Rf −150 Kohm
Gain= = =−1
Ri 150 kohm
f cutoff =
f low passcutoff = =106 Hz
f high pass cutoff = 3 −6
=1 Hz
2∗π∗150∗10 ∗1∗10

4.2.2 simulation
Vout −4 V
Gain= = =−1
Vin 4V

Frequency response
4.2.3 Measured

Vout −0.536 V
G= = =1.01
Vin 0.528 V

4.3 Band reject stage

4.3.1 Calculations
−Rf −5 Kohm
Gain= = =−1
Ri 5 kohm
f cutoff =
f low passcutoff = =106 Hz
f high pass cutoff = =1 Hz

4.3.2 Simulation
Vout −1 V
G= = =−1
Vin 1V

Frequency response

5. Results
6. Discussion
The aim of this project is to design a circuit that process the ECG simulator signal and provide a
perfect ECG signal. And by using the components in the lab the circuit was implemented with
two stages. first, the amplifier Stage which is important for amplifying the signal to make it
visually clear and smother. Second, the band pass filter Stage with a bandwidth of 1Hz - 106Hz.
The high cut off frequency is designed to be at 1Hz to reject any DC voltage that might be cause
by the electrode potential or any other noise sources. And the low pass cut off frequency is
deigned to be at 106Hz to reject unneeded signals. The gain of the amplifiers do not match
exactly the calculations because of the resistors tolerance
In this project the band reject filter stage was not used because we found out that this filter would
cause a huge loss of the ECG signal unless we use second order filter or higher orders. And that
would make the circuit too complex. And it is difficult to find the required components values in
the lab.

7. engineering standards consideration

According to Food and Drug Administration, ECG devices are used for
diagnostic and they fall under EC-11 standard. Where This standard requires minimum
safety and performance requirements and determined as Class II.

8. conclusion
in conclusion, the electrocardiogram signal was processed by a circuit that was deigned with two
stages. first amplifying stage then filtering stage. The project was conducted in two steps. first,
the circuit was simulated in multisim. Then it was implemented in the breadboard by using the
components in the lab. And the ECG simulator provides the input of the circuit. and we obtained
the desired output. Moreover, we recommend using a potentiometer to change the gain easily to
optimize the signal

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