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hostel Booking System Case Study

The research method Rachel uses is observation and interview. In this case, Rachel learned
from The research method Rachel uses is observation and interview. In this case, Rachel
learned from an interview with the hotel owner that the phone line for booking the hotel is the
same as that of the bar and restaurant. Any staff member at the restaurant can answer the call
once someone wants to make a reservation. When reservations came in, the staff on the phone
had to write down the room and the number of nights the customer stayed in in a diary.
However, staff must write the customer's name on the relevant date of the customer's booking.
The other day, a boss or manager came to look at the diary and make a list for the cleaners.
According to Rachel's observations, she booked a room for two nights. However, the hotel
discovers that Rachel's friend's reservation was in error. The owner of the hotel thought of a
way to make them stay in another room the next night. The next day, however, a cleaner was
incensed because someone was staying in a room on the cleaning interview with the
hotel owner that the phone line for booking the hotel is the same as that of the bar and
restaurant. Any staff member at the restaurant can answer the call once someone wants to
make a reservation. When reservations came in, the staff on the phone had to write down the
room and the number of nights the customer stayed in in a diary. However, staff must write the
customer's name on the relevant date of the customer's booking. The other day, a boss or
manager came to look at the diary and make a list for the cleaners.
According to Rachel's observations, she booked a room for two nights. However, the hotel
discovers that Rachel's friend's reservation was in error. The owner of the hotel thought of a
way to make them stay in another room the next night. The next day, however, a cleaner was
incensed because someone was staying in a room on the cleaning list.

Task 1
Research methods: Inspections and interview

When Rachel uses the observation method to identify problems in the system, she can observe
the problems of the hotel system most directly from the customer's side, but because she only
understands the system through the customer's side, Therefore, she has no in-depth
understanding of the information of this hotel reservation system.

Obviously observation alone is not enough to study this hotel reservation system, so Rachel's
research method has a second method: interview. Through interviews, we can explore the
system from the perspective of hotel owners. Through interviews with hotel owners, Rachel
understands some reasons why hotels cause booking errors. Through hotel owners, Rachel can
really know how the system works.

All in all, these two research methods of Rachel can really understand the operation of the
system, and thus understand the real problem, but rachel overlooked one point, the hotel owner
is not the person who actually uses the system, so I think Rachel should The internal staff of
the hotel go to the interview, and finally we can find out the problem from the inside out.

Research methods suggested:

Find Different Class:
It is more important to find users, that is, to cover different types of users as much as possible
to make the research results more comprehensive. There are two types of users to look for:
1.Different functions
Such as HR, finance, administration, IT... Each company has different functions, and each
function also has its own demands based on its own scope of work.
2.Different levels
Ordinary employees, supervisors, managers, directors... Different levels have their own
differences in the demands of the system.
Through this method, you can understand the needs of different levels to the system, which is
much more thorough than simply interviewing a boss.

Customer Questionaire:
There are several benefits of questionnaires. One of the advantages of the questionnaire
method is that it can save time, manpower and physical effort. Second, the results of the
questionnaire survey are easier to quantify. Questionnaire survey method is a structured survey
method. The form of survey, the sequence of questions, and the answers given are all fixed and
expressed in words. Therefore, this method is easy to quantify. Third, the results of the

questionnaire survey method are easier to process and analyze statistically. We can use
analysis software for data analysis, which is very simple. Fourth, the advantage of the
questionnaire survey method is that it can conduct large-scale surveys. Regardless of whether
the investigator has participated in the survey or not, they can understand the thoughts, attitudes
and behaviors of the respondents from the questionnaire. There is one disadvantage. That is,
the questionnaire survey method is more difficult to face the design problems. Because such
questions often require knowledge of the respondent's purpose, motivation, and thinking
process. It is difficult to design these questions in a questionnaire survey. If the questions in the
questionnaire design are open-ended, the responses of the respondents are likely to be uneven,
difficult to collect, and difficult to use for analysis and statistics. And respondents are not
necessarily willing to write open-ended questions in large paragraphs.
The questionnaire survey method can still be used in most cases and is a better choice.

Task 2


The V-model is a model that graphically represents the system development life cycle, which
can produce rigorous development life cycle models and project management models. The V
model lists the various stages that need to be carried out during product development, and the
corresponding outputs of each stage. The V model describes the activities that need to be
carried out in product development, and the data or documents that each activity produces.
And these files are also the data input required in the later stages.
The reason why the V model is suitable for this is that our project is not a big project. It should
be used for a small project such as a hotel reservation system, other methods are not applicable,
and this method does not require high professionalism. It is more suitable for ordinary people
such as Rachel.

Task 3

Solution On-Site Database Solution Database linked

to hostels website
Cost £                         10,000.00 £                     

Cash Flow Year One £                            4,000.00 £                      
Cash Flow Year Two £                            4,000.00 £                      
Cash Flow Year Three £                            4,000.00 £                     
Cash Flow Year Four £                            4,000.00 £                     
Cash Flow Year Five £                            4,000.00 £                     
Cash Flow Year Six £                            4,000.00 £                     
Payback Analysis
Solution On Site Database: Year One: -10,000 + 4,000 = 6,000 left to recover
Year Two: -6,000 + 4,000 = 2,000 left to recover
Year Three: -2,000 + 4,000 = fully recovered
Year Three: 2,000/4,000 = ½ year needed for recovery
Payback period for Solution On Site Database: 2 and ½ years, ACCEPT!
Solution Database linked to hostels website:
Year One: -45,000 + 10,000 = 35,000 left to recover
Year Two: -35,000 + 15,000 = 20,000 left to recover
Year Three: -20,000 + 20,000 = fully recovered
Payback period for Solution Database linked to hostels website: 3 years, ACCEPT!
Discounted Payback Analysis
Solution On Site Database: PV Cash flow Year One: 4,000/1.05 = 3,809.52
PV Cash flow Year Two: 4,000/1.052 = 3,628.12
PV Cash flow Year Three: 4,000/1.053 = 3,455.35
PV Cash flow Year Four: 4,000 / 1.054 = 3,290.81
PV Cash flow Year Five: 4,000 / 1.055 = 3,134.10
PV Cash flow Year Six: 4,000 / 1.056 = 2,984.86
Discounted Payback Period: -10,000 + 3,809.52 + 3,628.12 + 3,455.35 = 892.99 and fully
Discounted Payback Period is 3 years. ACCEPT!
Solution Database linked to hostels website:
PV Cash flow Year One: 10,000/1.05 = 9523.81
PV Cash flow Year Two: 15,000/1.052 = 13,605.44
PV Cash flow Year Three: 20,000/1.053 = 17,276.75
PV Cash flow Year Four: 20,000 / 1.054 = 16,454.05
PV Cash flow Year Five: 15,000 / 1.055 = 11,752.89
PV Cash flow Year Six: 10,000 / 1.056 = 7,462.15
Discounted Payback Period: -45,000 + 9523.81+ 13,605.44+ 17,276.75 + 16,454.05
=11,860.05 and fully recovered.
Discounted Payback Period is 4 years. REJECT!
From the above, when using return analysis, both solutions are accepted. However, when using
the discounted return analysis, the solution site database was accepted, while the solution
database linked to the hotel website was rejected. From this observation, we can know that

there are some differences between these two methods. Below, I will evaluate both approaches
and give my opinion on which approach should be chosen in this situation.
One of the advantages of ROI analysis is that the formulas are easy to understand and simple
to calculate. The payback analysis formula: payback period = (initial investment/annual net
cash inflow), this is just some basic addition and division so I can easily and efficiently work
out the answer and figure out which solution I should choose. Still, it's not very useful in this
case, since the discounted return analysis isn't complicated either. Discount recovery analysis
formula: , where Z1 = cash flow at time 1, Z2 = cash flow at time 2, r = discount rate, X0 =
cash flow at time 0, the initial investment. While the formula may seem difficult, it's not much
harder than ROI analysis.
Another advantage of payback analysis is that it can calculate a more accurate payback
period. As shown above, I can accurately calculate that the payback period of the Solution On-
Site Database is 2.5 years, and I can only find the approximate time of the discount payback
Although return analysis can calculate a more accurate return time, I would recommend using
discounted return analysis in this case. In fact, there is inflation every year, and a discounted
return analysis can estimate the inflation rate and work out a more realistic time to gain. In this
case, the hotel only accepts a cost-recovery solution within three years, and it has a specific
time when the owner wants to reap the benefits. Using a discounted recovery analysis, we can
find out the real value of the earnings after 3 years. As can be seen from the table, the cash
flow of Solution Database linking the hostels website in the first 3 years is 10,000, 15,000 and
20,000 respectively. It seems that the income is increasing. After many times, it may be
profitable for many years, but the first 3 years will be loss. . Therefore, in this case, a
discounted recovery analysis is more appropriate.

Task 4

System improvement

With the development of modern science and technology and the rise of e-commerce, in order
to improve the business level and reduce the cost, the design and analysis of the online
reservation system came into being. Since the rise of the Internet, all walks of life have
gradually developed and expanded by using Internet technology. Online hotel reservation is a
platform that relies on the Internet. Compared with traditional hotel reservations, it can greatly
reduce the time cost of users in booking hotels, and can also improve user experience. Using
mobile phone software to book hotels online has become an important choice for travelers, and
information software for hotel reservation management has gradually become an important
technology in the reform of the reservation system. By making an appointment on such a
website, you can complete all the operations of selecting a hotel and selecting a room in a
relatively short period of time. The biggest effect of online booking is to reduce the number of
people who book directly by the hotel, thereby improving the operational efficiency of the
hotel. The hotel will gradually develop to the Internet, and users can directly select the room
that needs to be reserved on the Internet.
There are many existing online reservation systems. Through actual operation and later
analysis, as well as investigation of some users and hotels, I found that these systems still have
some problems: the room information is not updated in time, the room information is
inaccurate, online as selected feedback delays, imperfect methods of online payment, etc. The

first thing this system should be able to realize is the basic function of the user's online
reservation. The hotel uploads various information about the room and the hotel, including the
introduction of the room and the relevant content of the room usage time. The user checks the
room and hotel information through the system and completes the reservation.
For users, using the convenience of the network can avoid the inconvenience of booking caused
by factors such as weather changes, traffic congestion, and geographical location. Users can
freely and flexibly select the corresponding hotel, guest room, and bed space through the
reservation system of the third-party network platform. The convenience and speed of the
online reservation system can reduce the time cost and money cost of users. Now all industries
are using electronic management mode to promote the development of enterprises. The
romantic idealistic tourism concept is an inevitable result of the emergence of modern culture.
In order to reduce the redundant and repetitive operations at work, a suitable hotel online
reservation system is needed to improve the work efficiency of hotel staff and reduce operating
costs; Satisfaction, user-friendly operation and selection. This system has considerable use
value for the management of the hostel and the public who need to stay. cost estimate.
The software and hardware costs required in the development process of this system are not
high. Hotels and customers can operate the online reservation system without paying fees, and
then perform management operations.

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