English Recovery Emmanuel Martinez 11-01

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First Term – Eleventh Grade

Student: Juan Emmanuel Martínez Alvarado

Themes: Present Perfect tense- Past perfect tense – Simple past

1. Design a scheme explaining the function and uses of present perfect tense.

Present Perfect Tense, Present perfect with just, yet and already. What have you done
never, ever, just, already, lately? Present Perfect
yet, for, since (Utilizamos los adverbios “just”, “yet”, “already” más a menudo en el Tense
presente perfecto, aunque podemos usarlos en otros tiempos verbales.
(Estas palabras Estos adverbios se utilizan en referencia a tiempo y su posición dentro de
regularmente se usan con la oración depende de cuál de ellos estemos utilizando.)
el presente perfecto en
Never: Nunca Just / Yet:
Se usa en oraciones Podemos usar el presente perfecto positivo con just o already: Sujeto + I have practiced soccer
afirmativas, después del have/has + just/already + participio pasado. for 5 years, when I was
auxiliar “have” y antes del young I love watch
pasado participio Positive (+) soccer games. I have had
the opportunities to
Ever: Alguna vez past travel with my team to
Se usa en preguntas, Subject auxiliary just/already participle many places in the
después del sujeto y three country. It has been an
antes del pasado I have  already visited incredible experience. I
participio  just have known amazing
She has won the match. gamers and traineers.
Just: Acabar de Since 2009, I have
Se usa para mostrar que trained very hard to be
una acción terminó hace Solemos utilizar las formas cortas (I've, You've, He's, etc.) cuando what I am now. Because
unos pocos instantes o hablamos y en la escritura informal. Podemos usar el presente perfecto of my experience, my
minutos. negativo con yet: Sujeto + haven't/hasn't + participio pasado + yet. personal traineer gave
me a role of training. I
Already: Ya have trained children for
Negative (-)
Se utiliza en oraciones 3 months and I would
afirmativas para indicar Subject auxiliary past participle yet like to do it in a
que algo ocurrió antes de professional way in the
I haven't made a decision
lo esperado; es escribe yet. future.
después del auxiliar She hasn't finished it
“have” y antes del pasado
participio Podemos formar preguntas en presente perfecto con yet:
Have/Has + sujeto + participio pasado + yet?
Yet: Aún
En oraciones (-) el
Yes/no questions (?)
significado de esta
palabra es “aún” y se Auxiliary subject past participle yet
ubica al final de la Have you seen that film
oración. yet?
Has he made a decision
En oraciones (?) esta
palabra significa “ya” y se
ubica al final de la
pregunta Already: Podemos usar el presente perfecto positivo con just o already:
Sujeto + have/has + just/already + participio pasado.
For: Para
Podemos definir un Positive (+)
periodo de tiempo
anterior al momento past
presente, considerando Subject auxiliary just/already participle
bien su duración, caso en three
el que utilizamos "for" + I have  already visited universities.
periodo temporal  just
Since: Desde She has won the match.
O bien su inicio o punto
de partida, caso en el que
utilizamos "since" +
momento concreto.

2. Make a show about your personal experiences. Write about ten things you’ve
always wanted to do but have never done. Explain why you’ve never done them.

- Singing
- Motorcycle riding
- Disguise myself
- Write a book
- Get a tattoo
- Drinking alcohol
- Go to a party
- Cooking
- To know the sea
- Go out of the country

Most of the things I haven't done are because I don't like them, some I haven't
had the opportunity or my parents don't give me permission to do, and there are
others that I hope to accomplish in my dreams and goals.
3. Write an article about your favorite singer/band, in which you describe his/her

Name Biography Achievements

Benito Antonio Martínez He is a rapper, musician and 1. Step by step Bad Bunny
Ocasio (Bad Bunny) composer born in Puerto Rico began his career performing
on March 10, 1994 in the city in small shows and posting
of San Juan. This worldwide videos on his Instagram
known artist is the creator of account. He also had a
almost all the songs he has Soundcloud account, where
commercialized and he is also he uploaded some of his first
a multifaceted artist capable compositions and covers.
of creating his own designs
according to the image he has 2. Jump to fame Farruko and
made known all over the Bad Bunny release the official
planet. He wanted to be a music video for 'La cartera'. It
singer since he was 5 years didn't take long for his songs
old, he started singing and to begin to be adored by
producing at the age of 13. He thousands of people. In a
was a true fighter, while short time, Bad Bunny began
working in a supermarket he to perform at important
released his music music festivals.
independently. He left his
career to dedicate himself 3. Collaborations Once he
completely to the world of became known, many artists
music, and Latin trap was the called him for collaborations.
genre that embraced him. He In recent years, the artist has
gave shape to that genre, to worked with stars such as J
turn it into an experience and Balvin, Residente, Farruko,
a show without comparison. Drake, Pharrell, among
Trap genre and artist fed others.
back, to give rise to a
phenomenon that makes 4. Faithful to his land Bad
history in trap music. Bunny lives in love with the
land where he was born. He
even paused his career to join
the marches against the
former governor of Puerto
Rico Ricardo Roselló. For
some time he was so
committed that he was ready
to quit music.

5. New achievements The

artist has performed in big
stages like Madison Square
Garden, in various programs
like 'The tonight show' and his
music has been selected to be
part of big movies like 'Fast
and Furious', all this in 4
years. He's a tough guy!

6. Many singles In addition to

offering a lot of presentations,
Bad Bunny does not rest and
constantly releases new
songs. Undoubtedly, he is
living a great moment in his

4. Choose two extreme sports and find information about them using the internet or a

Extreme sports Rafting & Kayak Hiking

This sport combines Quininí Natural Park This park
adventure, emotion, is unique because it combines
When and where do people enjoyment of nature and the wonders of a natural
do it? team work. It is practiced in environment with
the river beds, although there archaeological vestiges
are also closed circuits for
beginners. Rafting is a La Vieja Creek
relatively new alternative, but
it already has many fans. Sumapaz Paramo

San Francisco River Trail

What exactly do they do? The rafting is a descent down Is "a sports practice that is
a certain mountain river developed preferably by the
together with a group of traditional road network and
people aboard a raft or that is focused on all those
dinghy, which has no engine people who like to walk".
that makes the boat is
dragged by the current while
the crew directs it through
the oars working as a team,
the dinghy measures 5 x 2 m
and a capacity of four to ten
people. The crew members
are provided with a short
paddle with a single blade,
with which, following the
instructions of the monitor,
they steer the boat, avoiding
the obstacles that the river

What equipment do they Kayak, paddle or oar, Trekking Backpack, Technical

need? lifejacket and helmet and Warm Clothes, Hiking
Route Map, Compass, Special
Boots, Trekking Poles, Water,
Food, Personal Identification

Why do they do it? A good rafting is usually an What started as a simple

unforgettable experience, hobby, that of walking
where all senses are alert and outdoors, has become a
where the help and complete sport with more and
collaboration of our more followers every day:
adventure partners are hiking.
essential for everything to
end well. Walking is one of the
simplest, most comfortable
and complete physical
exercises that exist. Medical
specialists recommend an
active lifestyle in which it is
sufficient to walk a minimum
of 30 minutes five days a
week to preserve health.
However, if the physical
conditions of each person
allow it, it is advisable to
increase this minimum of
physical activity.

Is it popular? Yes Yes

Is it dangerous? With the feeling of risk will be Yes


Give your opinion.

Rafting & Kayak Hiking

Rafting & Kayaking is a sport which I have Hiking seems to me to be a very good sport,
practiced, I like the adrenaline, the risk and especially for mental health, for those who
above all the water, the feeling of crashing want to disconnect from the daily routine of
into the water. With the family it is much the city. I would practice it to get to know new
more fun. places and because I like camping.

Then make a presentation in Power point.

5. Make a comparative scheme between Present perfect and simple past.



1. Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect with just.

Example: The match began a minute ago.
The match has just begun.

1. We saw the movie last night.

We’ve just seen the movie last night

2. It started raining a few seconds ago.

It has just stanted to main a few seconds ago

3. The students left the school last month.

The students have just left the school last month

4. I bought some new sneakers yesterday.

I´ve just bought some new sneakers yesterday

5. We heard the news half an hour ago.

We´ve just heard the new half on hour ago

2. Two students are backpacking in Asia. Write sentences using the present perfect with
yet and already.
Example: buy the plane tickets (yes)
They’ve already bought the plane tickets.

read all the guidebooks (no)

They haven’t read all the guidebooks yet.

1. book somewhere to stay the first night (no)

they haven´t book somewhere to stay the first night yet
2. apply for visas (yes)
they´ve already apply for visas
3. plan their route (yes)
they´ve already planned the route
4. have the necessary vaccinations (yes)
they´ve already had the necessary vaccinations
5. save up enough money (yes)
they´ve already saved up enough money
6. pack their backpacks (no)
they haven’t packed their backpacks yet
7. get travel insurance (no)
they haven´t got travel insurance yet

3. Ask and answer questions using the present perfect with ever.
Example: Leo/try snowboarding (no)
Has Leo ever tried snowboarding? No, he hasn’t.

1. Tiffany/go on a roller coaster (yes)

Has tiffany ever gone on a roller coaster?
Yes, she has.

2. Jhon /eaten lobster (no)

Has john ever eaten losster?
No, he hasn´t

3. Anna/try bungee jumping (yes)

Has anna ever tried bungee jumping?
Yes, she has
4. Julie and Dan/visit Mexico (no)
Have julice and dan ever visited mexico?
no, they haven´t
5. Stella/win a race (no)
Has stella ever won a race?
No, she hasn´t
6. Ed and Colin/be on TV (yes)
Have ED and collin ever been on TV?
Yes, they have

Now write sentences.

Leo has never tried snowboarding.

4. Complete with the present perfect or simple past.

A HAVE you ever MADE (make) a parachute jump?

B No, I HAVEN´T never WANTED (want) to. What about you?
A I DID (do) it last year.
B Really? DID you ENJOY IT (enjoy) it?
A I WAS (be) terrified before I JUMP (jump). But when my parachute OPENED (open). I
FELT (feel) great.
B Parachute jumping isn’t for me – I HAVE BEEN (be) afraid of heights all my life!

5. Write sentences using the present perfect with for and since.
Example: They/live in this town/1980
They’ve lived in this town since 1980.

1. He/take guitar lessons/six months

He has taken guitar lessons for six months

2. She/not/contact us/last Friday

She hasn´t contacted us since last Friday

3. I/be awake/6 a.m.

I have been awake since 6 a.m.

4. You/know each other/two weeks

You have known each other for two weeks

5. My parents/be married/25 years

My parents have been married for 25 years

6. Complete with the past perfect where possible. Otherwise use the simple past.

Chris Haas, 15, INVENTED (invent) the Hands-On Basketball as a school project when
he WAS (be) nine. “The idea WAS (be) to make an invention to help people do
something better,” he remembers. Chris’s father WAS (be) a basketball coach for
many years before he RETIRED (retire). “I KNEW (know) how to shoot properly
because my father TAUGHT (teach) me,” Chris says, “so I PAINTED (paint) hands on a
basketball to show the other players how to hold it.” No one HAD THOUGHTH (think)
of this before, and Chris SOUD (sell) his idea to a big company. He HADN´T
EXPECTED (not expect) to make a lot of money, but last year he EARNED (earn)
$50.000 from his invention.

1. Read, analyze and follow all the instructions and examples carefully.
2. Use all the videos to design the schemes.
3. Do the work without mistakes.
4. Send the work on a PDF form.
5. Be punctual to send the workshop.

NOTE: If you have any doubt, please write a message to my institutional e-mail.

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