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Business Strategy



Due Date: 17th December, 2010


Student Name: Emmanuel KINARA

Business Strategy

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ .................... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER I................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 4 BUSINESS STRATEGY IN A MEDIUM-SIZED ORGANIZATION................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Audit Analysis of an organization ................................ .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined. IKEA Case factor................................ ................................ .................... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER II................................ ................................ ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined. EMERGENCE OF TRADING BLOCS ................................ ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Trading blocs ................................ ................................ .................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Benefits of trading blocs................................ ................................ ... Error! Bookmark not defined. Disadvantages................................ ................................ .................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Advantages ................................ ................................ ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Economies of Scale ................................ ................................ ........... Error! Bookmark not defined. CONCLUSION ................................ ................................ ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined. REFERENCES ................................ ................................ ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Business Strategy

Group report in Business Management Post Graduate Diploma, Lighthouse College. 2010.

Human resources involves labour, expertise, skills and largely production. Further Human Resource as a department within an organisation is in charge of monitoring the availability of qualified workers; recruiting and screening applicants for jobs; Assisting in the selection of qualified employees; planning and presenting appropriate orientation, training, and development of each employee; and administers employee entitlements including benefits, rights all in compliance to the associated regulatory bodies. Human Resource planning therefore can be summed as the process by which management ensures that it has the right personnel, who are capable of completing those tasks that help the organization reach its objectives .1

The paper aims to bring to light the role of human resource a s a department and the overall part it plays to ensure the organizations needs are met without in effect countermanding the employees of whom contribute to achieving of these very targets. Procedures of employment, professional development, trainings and programs aimed at motivating the workforce will be discussed. Further, management methods will be highlighted giving attention to means of implementing change within organizations.

Business Strategy

Human resource planning is duly part of the greater human resource management (HRM) which encompasses the strategic approach in managing the organizations most important resource its people. Defining human resources in business Many sources try to point out a clear definition of the terminology human resources. A few references attempt trivial outlooks on how they would best define human resources. Scarcest and most crucial productive resource that creates the largest and longest lasting advantage for an organization. It resides in the knowledge, skills, and motivation of people, is the least mobile of the four factors of production, and (under right conditions) learns and grows better with age and experience which no other resource can .1 The department or support systems responsible for personnel sourcing and hiring applicant , tracking, skills development and tracking, benefits administration and compliance with associated government regulations. 2 From the first description, a vital concept is noted whereby the organization entirely depends on human resource for the accomplishment of its goals. The second description brings us to management aspect of the resource itself. This is understood widely as Human resource management. We can then alienate its mandate to managing of people at work and management practices.3 Looking at the foundation of modern human resource management, it is noted that it emerged from several interrelated sources including conflict management associated with the tensions and contradictions which are inherent in having an employer employee relationship among other aspects.3 Human resource managements could be conclusively summed up as a body of knowledge and set of practices that define the nature of work and regulates the employment relationship. It covers among others these five functional areas: 3

Staffing: obtaining of people with appropriate skills, abilities, knowledge and experiences to fill jobs in the work organization. Pertinent practices are human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection.

Business Strategy
Rewards: design and administration of reward systems. Practices include job evaluation, performing appraisal, and benefits Employee development: analyzing training requirements to ensure that employees possess the knowledge and skills to perform satisfactorily in their jobs or to advance in the organization. Performance appraisal can identify employee key skills and competencies Employee maintenance: the administration and monitoring of workplace safety, health and welfare policies to retain a competent workforce and comply with statutory standards and regulations.

Human resource planning also maintains the task of following the organizations recruitment procedures. Besides the stringiest staffing criteria within organizations, legal requirements as employers should be adhered to. Amongst which working hours, breaks and holidays, employment contracts and conflict management issues are prudent. We take a keen study on Rolls Royce as a multinational employer within wide areas of professions from engineering and design to finance and management. Specifically we embark on the engineering sector of the organization which boasts almost 4000 employees in the UK alone. Case Fact Roll Royce, history The employed number in engineering The skills involved The recruitment procedures

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