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Cert¡ f¡ cat¡ on Body Tu-γ


Certificate.- No.: TA 380 1 5 0884

P roduct : Pa¡ nt Du 'ab‖ ¡

ty Tester Applicant : JIN POO1、 G B.R. TECH.
MIC~ 1 97 Gur。 jungang— ro
Guro— g u
Seou ', 1 52-864
Manl」 facturer: Same as the above appl ¡

Type / Models /
ㅜ radern ark : TC-1 5/25 RF

Desc ri ption /
Technical Specificat¡ on :

Standard (s) / Product — Machinery D¡ rective 2006/42/EC, Annex 1

Certification Basis : (Essent¡ aI health and safety requirernents)
EN lSO 12100:201 0, EN 60204-1 :2006 / A1 :2009
E '」 Direct¡ ve : Machinery Direct¡ ve 2006/42/EC, Low Voltage D¡ rect¡ ve 201 4/35/EC
ㅜest Report : 1 5-0001 8CEIJ —
S Eㅜ - 1

Com Π⌒lents :

Accord¡ ng to the above stated test report(s) the spec¡ fied product comp'¡ es with the applicab'e requ¡ rements of the
rnent¡ oned standard(s).The applicant may use the test report and this certif¡ cate¡ n connection with the declarat¡ 0n of
conforrnity according to the E'」 Directive aη d Annex ¡
nd¡ cated above.

ㅜhis ty has been granted to the app'¡ cant based on the results of testinq performed by the
Certif¡ cate of Conforrn¡
app'¡ cant/n-lanufacturer or an approved laboratory and the consequent rev¡ ew ofthe test report by TUV ALISㅜ RIA Cㅌ RT

GMBH.Thereψ re,¡ t

ㅏφ ⊃
does notirnp'y any assessrnent ofthe¡ nstruction manua',product.orthe product¡ on process ofth¡ s
product by ㄲJV AUSㅜ RIA. Rev¡

s¡ ons to the referenced cert¡ cation bas¡ s or any change of the des¡ gn, mater¡ als,

ㅏ ♂
corrlponents or process¡ ng rrlay require the repet¡ t'on of aI'or sorne of the qualificat¡ on tests¡ n order for the'est report

and therefore th ¡
s associated cert¡ cate to rerna¡ n val¡ d.

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ω o굵 움
ℓ ξ ωㅌ 己 °

催驩闊 ㅏ Å憩$Y推 季

201 5-02-25
듕 둑ㅎ

Date of 'ssue

Addit¡ onal reg미 ations a1η d d¡ rectives r'nay app'y. The CE Mark may oⅲ y be to th¡ s product after fulf¡

EIJ d¡ rectives app'icable to this product and the preparat¡ 0n of the necessary techn¡ cal docurnentation as we‖ ''mentas
of the
α ㅏφ ⊃

confornlity declaration by the rnan ufacturer.


The va'id¡ ty of th¡ s cert¡ cate (Max. 5 years fronn the date of issue) oan be checked oη

the T'〕
V AUSTR'A Honnepage.
Any a'terat¡ on or duplicat¡ on of th¡ s docurㄲ ent 'n parts 's sublect to approva' by TUV ALISTRIA Cㅌ RT GMBH.

The holder ofth¡ s dooumentis advised that¡ t does notre"ect a Notif¡ ed Body’ s opinion butthat the¡ nforrnat¡ on contained heron re∏ ects

the cerlificat¡ on body'sf¡ nd¡ ngs on the date ofissue and w¡ th¡ n the'irn¡ ts ofthe app'icant’ s¡ nstruct¡ ons,¡f any.


TUV AUST테 A CERT GMBH Te'.: +43 (0)1 514 07- 6062・
느 ㄷ

A-1 01 5 Wien, Krugerstra Be 1 6 Fax: +43 (0)1 514 07- 6065


www. tuv. at a": 'eg@tuv. at QFM— TA¨ Tec DocC-000, Rev. 00


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