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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Influence of particle size on the physico-mechanical and energy

properties of briquettes produced with coffee husks
Carine Setter 1 & Carlos Henrique Ataíde 2 & Rafael Farinassi Mendes 3 & Tiago José Pires de Oliveira 3

Received: 20 April 2020 / Accepted: 4 October 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Briquetting is a technology with the potential to convert agricultural wastes into solid biofuels with improved handling, transport,
storage, and energy efficiency characteristics. It is important to study the variables related to the briquetting process and the raw
material because these parameters can affect the quality of the final product. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate
the influence of particle size on the physico-mechanical and energy properties of briquettes produced with coffee husks. Three
particle size fractions were obtained: particles larger than 1.8 mm, in the range of 1.8–1.2 mm, and smaller than 1.2 mm. The
coffee husk briquettes were prepared in a densification system at 120 °C and 15 MPa for 15 min. The physical, mechanical, and
energy characteristics such as apparent density, volumetric expansion, compressive strength, abrasion resistance, and energy
density were determined. A combustibility test was also carried out. The results showed that particle size influenced the apparent
density, compressive strength, and energy density of the briquettes. However, there was no significant difference in the volu-
metric expansion or abrasion resistance of the densified products among the treatments. In general, the briquettes made with
particles smaller than 1.2 mm had better physico-mechanical and energy characteristics.

Keywords Biofuels . Briquettes . Coffee husks . Densification

Introduction the exploitation of renewable sources as energy alternatives.

Lignocellulosic biomass is a renewable source that has
Environmental concerns such as the mitigation of harmful attracted attention as a raw material for obtaining high value
gases in the atmosphere and energy security have encouraged products, including biofuels, value-added chemicals, and den-
sified fuels. Lignocellulosic wastes can be classified into two
basic types: forest wastes and agricultural wastes (Xu et al.
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
2015). Agricultural wastes are more promising because these
* Tiago José Pires de Oliveira
wastes are available in large amounts, have low inherent val- ue, and do not compete with food sources (Anwar et al. 2014).
According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO)
Carine Setter (International Coffee Organization 2017), Brazil is the largest
coffee exporter in the world, accounting for more than 35% of
Carlos Henrique Ataíde the total world production of coffee in the last 5 years, which
consequently generates large amounts of waste. Due to the
Rafael Farinassi Mendes large production in the coffee industry, huge amounts of waste
are generated annually. In 2017, coffee processing in Brazil
1 produced approximately 2.7 million tons of coffee husks
Department of Forest Sciences, Federal University of Lavras,
Lavras, MG 37200-000, Brazil (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento 2017). This waste
2 represents a major environmental problem due to the
Federal University of Uberlandia, Faculty of Chemical Engineering,
Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, Block 1 K, chemical composition of coffee husks, which have high
Uberlândia, MG 38408-144, Brazil contents of tannin and phenolic compounds that can be toxic
Department of Engineering, Federal University of Lavras, to plants and soil microorganisms (Murthy and Madhava
Lavras, MG 37200-000, Brazil Naidu 2012). Therefore, proper management of coffee husks
Environ Sci Pollut Res

minimizes waste and improper disposal, promoting sustain- briquette becomes unstable and with low resistance (Kers
able development. et al. 2010). On the other hand, high temperatures favor the
Undesirable characteristics inherent to biomass, such as release of natural binders, contained in the lignocellulosic ma-
low density and high moisture, affect transport costs, storage, terial (starch, proteins, or lignin), which contribute to the for-
and energy efficiency. A simple and straightforward solution mation of solid bridges after cooling (Kaliyan and Vance
to overcome these disadvantages is the mechanical compac- Morey 2009). Therefore, it is essential to define the ideal
tion of biomass, turning the biomass into briquettes. Such temperature and pressure for the production of briquettes,
processing reduces the biomass volume, resulting in denser aiming at product quality and low production cost.
homogeneous materials with regular shapes and sizes, opti- Many studies have been conducted on how to improve
mizing and reducing handling and transport costs, and increas- briquette quality by modifying the particle size of the biomass
ing long-term storage capacity and energy density (Lim et al. (Kaliyan and Vance Morey 2009; Brand et al. 2017; Wang
2012; Mamvura et al. 2018). The characteristics of the densi- et al. 2018). However, the optimum particle size differs ac-
fied biomass directly influence its final application, so it is cording to the equipment used for compaction and the feed-
important to understand its physical, mechanical, and energy stock. Thus, it is necessary to study the effects of the particle
properties. The apparent density and mechanical strength are sizes of different biomasses on the final properties of bri-
among the most important parameters of briquettes as fuel quettes. Therefore, the objective of this study was to produce
(Samuelsson et al. 2012). The mechanical characteristics of briquettes with different particle sizes and to evaluate the ef-
briquettes without the addition of binders depend on the size fects on the physico-mechanical and energy properties.
and structure of the biomass particles (Bergström et al. 2008).
It is generally assumed that smaller particles result in denser
and more resistant compacted products (Brand et al. 2017). Materials and methods
The density of the briquettes depends on the size of the
biomass particles, the compaction pressure, and the briquetting Biomass collection and preparation
temperature and time (Kers et al. 2010). The properties and
quality of the solid biofuel can be influenced by factors related The briquettes were made from coffee bean processing waste
to the raw material and the production process (Zhang et al. (husks) provided by Lagoa Farm, located in Santo Antônio do
2018). Particle size, compression temperature, retention time, Amparo, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The coffee husks were reduced
and pressure are variables that can be adjusted to enhance pro- to particles in a hammer mill and then sorted using sieves with
duction and improve the quality of the final product. Among mesh opening diameters ranging from 1.2 to 1.8 mm. For
these variables, particle size is one of the most important pa- compaction, three coffee husk particle sizes were obtained:
rameters because the bond between the particles of the ligno- particles larger than 1.8 mm (1st), particles that passed
cellulosic material is a good indicator of briquette quality. through the 1.8-mm sieve and were retained in the 1.2-mm
These bonds can be improved by physical modifications of sieve (2nd), and particles smaller than 1.2 mm (3rd).
the waste and also adjusting the pressure and temperature
during the compaction process. Biomass characterization
Natural binding compounds, present in plant biomass, such
as proteins, starch, and lignins, aid in the cohesion and bond- For the immediate chemical, structural chemical, and calorific
ing of particles (Shaw et al. 2009). The application of pretreat- value analyses of the biomass, the material was passed
ments such as particle size reduction increases the surface area through a 40-mesh sieve and retained in a 60-mesh sieve.
the contact points and the release of these chemical constitu- Percent moisture, volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon con-
ents, improving the bonds between the particles during tents were determined in accordance with the ASTM D1762-
compaction. 84 standard of the American Society for Testing Materials
The pressure and temperature used in the compaction pro- (ASTM 2013).
cess also contribute to the increase in the mechanical strength For the structural chemical analysis, the total extractive,
of densified products. The increase in the compaction pressure soluble, and insoluble lignin and holocellulose contents were
results in plastic and elastic deformations, diffusion of mole- determined. The total extractive content was determined ac-
cules, and reduction of empty spaces between the particles cording to the TAPPI 204 om-88 standard (Technical
forming a compacted solid product (Muazu and Stegemann Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry-TAPPI, 2001)
2015) with better mechanical (mechanical resistance and du- (TAPPI T. 2007), replacing ethanol/benzene with ethanol/tol-
rability) and physical properties (dimensional stability and uene. The insoluble lignin content was determined by the
apparent density). The use of temperature is also one of the modified Klason method, according to the procedure pro-
factors that influences the binding mechanisms between the posed by Gomide and Demuner (1986). The soluble lignin
particles. Temperatures below the optimum value, the content was obtained according to the method suggested by
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Goldschimid (1971). The total lignin content was obtained by The friability of the briquettes was determined by a drum
adding the insoluble lignin and soluble lignin contents. The test based on the ABNT NBR 8740 standard. For each treat-
holocellulose content was obtained by difference, subtracting ment, 4 briquettes with masses of approximately 120 ± 2 g
the lignin and ash content from the initial extractive-free mass. were used. The initial mass of the briquettes was obtained;
The higher heating value (HHV) of the biomass was deter- then, the samples were placed in a drum for approximately
mined using a IKA C-200 digital calorimeter, according to the 15 min, totaling 500 rotations at a rotational speed of 35 rpm.
ASTM E711-87 standard (ASTM 2004). The bulk density The durability of the briquettes was calculated from the mass
was determined for the three particle sizes obtained for bri- remaining after the abrasion test. The friability assay was car-
quette production, according to ASTM D7481-18 standard ried out in duplicate.
(ASTM 2018). The biomass characterization assays were per-
formed in triplicate. Energy properties

Briquetting The energy density is the potential of a given volume of ligno-

cellulosic material to generate energy. The energy density of the
The compaction was performed in a hydraulic press (MA 098/ briquettes was determined by the product of the higher heating
A110, Marconi). The temperature used in the briquetting pro- value of the biomass and the apparent density of the briquettes.
cess was 120 °C, and the pressure was 15 MPa.
Approximately 120 ± 2 g biomass was placed in a stainless Combustion tests
steel cylindrical mold with a diameter of 7 cm and a height of
10 cm and held under compression for 15 min. After compac- The combustion tests followed the method proposed by
tion, the briquettes were stored in a climate chamber at 22 °C (Setter et al. 2020a, b) with changes in the amounts of material
with a relative humidity of 60%. and solvent. For each test, only one briquette of approximately
120 g was used. The briquettes were placed in the combustor,
Physical properties and 110 g of ethanol in a vessel was used for the initial igni-
tion. All the ethanol was consumed at the beginning of the
To determine the apparent density and dimensional stability of test, not influencing the results. The duration of the test was 2
the briquettes, 10 samples made with each of the particle sizes h, and mass and temperature data were collected every 5 min
were evaluated. The apparent density of the briquettes was to construct the mass × time curves. The combustibility test
determined according to the stereometric method. The method was carried out in duplicate. The experimental configuration
consisted of obtaining the mass of the briquettes on a precision of the combustion test is shown in Fig. 1.
scale and the volume with the aid of a digital caliper with an
accuracy of 0.01 mm, where the diameter and height of each Statistical analysis
briquette were measured. To evaluate the dimensional stabil-
ity, the diameter and height of each briquette were checked The experimental design to evaluate the quality of the bri-
with the digital caliper. The measurements were performed quettes consisted of three treatments, T1: particles > 1.8
shortly after compaction and after 24, 48, and 72 h. mm; T2: particles ˂ 1.8 mm and > 1.2 mm; and T3: particles
< 1.2 mm, with 10 repetitions for the physical property
Mechanical properties

The diametral compressive strength of the briquettes was de-

termined in an EMIC DL 30000 N universal test machine.
Five samples were evaluated for each treatment, where each
sample was placed in the test platform horizontally and
pressed at 5 mm/min until rupture. The maximum force was
recorded, and the compressive strength was determined by the
following equation:
2 F
σt ¼
where σt is the compressive strength, F is the maximum force
(kgf), D is the briquette diameter (cm), and L is the
length (cm). Fig. 1 The experimental configuration of the combustion test. Copyright
authorized by Elsevier (Setter et al. 2020b)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Coffee husk properties (wt.% on dry basis) Table 2 Physical characteristics of coffee husks and briquettes
Property Coffee husk
Treatment (particle size) Bulk density Apparent density of
High heating value (MJ/kg) 18.50 (0.12) (kg m-3) briquettes (kg m−3)
Volatile matter (%) 77.09 (1.009)
1st 256 (4.04) a 1130 (19.42) a
Fixed carbon (%) 19.36 (0.940)
2nd 398 (3.46) b 1150 (11.63) a
Ash (%) 3.55 (0.124)
3rd 482 (25.15) c 1260 (27.19) b
Moisture (%) 9.06 (0.001)
Lignin (%) 27.14 (0.086) Means followed by same letters in the same column are statistically equal
Holocellulose (%) 47.29 (0.133) by Tukey test at 5% of significance. Standard deviation in parentheses
Extractives (%) 20.53 (0.305)

Standard deviation in parentheses were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and when
a significant difference was detected by the F test, the Tukey
measurements and 5 repetitions for the mechanical compres- test was applied at 5% significance using the statistical pro-
sive strength measurements for each treatment. The results gram SISVAR (variance analysis system).

Fig. 2 Stereoscopic images of the

briquettes: (a) 1st particle size,
internal region (0.75×
magnification), (b) 1st particle
size, cross-section (20× magnifi-
cation), (c) 2nd particle size, in-
ternal region (0.75× magnifica-
tion), (d) 2nd particle size, cross-
section (10× magnification), (e)
3rd particle size, internal region
(0.75× magnification), and (f) 3rd
particle size, cross-section (10×
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Results and discussion Table 3 Mechanical compressive strength of coffee husk briquettes

Treatment Compressive strength (kPa)

Biomass characterization (particle size)

The chemical and energetic properties of the coffee husk are 1st 867 (122) a
shown in Table 1. The chemical and energetic characterization 2nd 889 (46) a
of the coffee husk was discussed in our previous work (Setter 3rd 1795 (149) b
et al. 2020c). The calorific value of the coffee husks (18.50
Means followed by same letters are statistically equal by Tukey test at 5%
MJ/kg) is within the range of values found for other wastes of significance. Standard deviation in parentheses
(Erol et al. 2010). The volatile content of the coffee husks is
above 70%. Generally, agricultural wastes contain high per-
centages of volatiles, which facilitate ignition and increase material. In contrast, very low moisture content decreases the
combustion, making biomass a highly reactive fuel plasticity of the particles and increases the friction during den-
(Lubwama and Yiga 2017). The coffee husk had a high fixed sification (Ryu et al. 2008).
carbon content (19.36%). The high amounts of fixed carbon in Lignocellulosic materials are mainly composed of three
the lignocellulosic material of 15 to 25% promote slow burn- biopolymers—lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose, among
ing of the solid product, increasing efficiency (Todaro et al. which lignin stands out as one of the main natural binders.
2015). The lignin content of the coffee husks is 27.14%, higher than
The moisture content of the coffee husks is in accordance those in other types of agricultural wastes (Adapa et al. 2009).
with the parameters required for briquetting, which is between Raw materials with high lignin content are desirable for ener-
8 and 12% moisture (Kaliyan and Vance Morey 2009). A low gy use. Lignin is also important in the compaction process
water content reduces the specific energy consumption during because with increasing pressure and temperature during com-
the milling of biomass (Mani et al. 2004). In addition, mois- pression, the lignin plasticizes and acts as a binder between
ture is an important factor in combustion because a high water particles (Križan et al. 2015). The chemical constitution of
content in lignocellulosic waste reduces the calorific value, lignin differs between different biomass types, and this affects
hampering combustion (Zhang et al. 2012). the temperature at which lignin plastifies (Whittaker and
However, the lignocellulosic waste must contain a mini- Shield 2017). The typical vitreous transition temperature of
mum amount of moisture for the formation of densified prod- lignin may range from 50 to above 100 °C (Stelte et al. 2011).
ucts because water assists in the development of van der
Waals forces and hydrogen bonds by increasing the bond Morphology of coffee husk briquettes
strengths between particles (Kaliyan and Morey 2010; Okot
et al. 2018). The optimum moisture content varies for different Stereoscopic images (cross section and interior) are obtained
biomass types, so it is important to determine its value because for the coffee husk briquettes (Fig. 2). The cross-sectional
excess moisture can cause degradation of the material by mi- surfaces of the briquettes made with all particle sizes are rel-
croorganisms and reduction of the durability of the compacted atively smooth but with some loose particles (Fig. 2a). The
crushing of the particles in the inner region of the briquettes is
clearly visible due to the compaction pressure used. Briquettes
produced with particles larger than 1.8 mm and in the range of
1.8–1.2 mm present less compact regions. However, the inner
regions of the briquettes made with the particles smaller than
1.2 mm are compacted well. Smaller particles settle better than

Table 4 Durability of
briquettes subjected to Treatment Abrasion resistance (%)
the abrasion test (particle size)

1st 95.05 (0.92) a

2nd 97.70 (0.85) a
3rd 97.25 (0.21) a

Means followed by same letters are statis-

tically equal by Tukey test at 5% of signif-
Fig. 3 Volumetric expansion of briquettes after compaction icance. Standard deviation in parentheses
Environ Sci Pollut Res

larger particles during compacting (Ndindeng et al. 2015).

The pressure applied during briquetting rearranges the parti-
cles and, as the pressure increases, causes elastic and plastic
deformation, filling the voids and consequently increasing the
mechanical strength and density of the briquettes (Carone
et al. 2011; Tumuluru et al. 2011).

Physical properties of coffee husks and briquettes

The data on the bulk density of the coffee husk parti-

cles and the apparent density of the coffee husk bri-
quettes are presented in Table 2. The bulk density of
the coffee husk significantly increases as the particle
size decreases. The bulk density of the lignocellulosic wastes
can be maximized by reducing the particle size, improving the
durability of the material due to the increased contact area Fig. 5 The mass loss during the combustion experiment of the briquettes
between the particles (Adapa et al. 2011). produced with different particle sizes
The increase of the surface area facilitates heat transfer,
forming strong bonds between particles and consequently im- with higher apparent density, energy density, and mechanical
proving the strength and density of the product formed strength.
(Carone et al. 2011). The authors Zhang and Guo (2014) in- These results agree with previous studies on briquettes
vestigated the effect of particle size on the properties of bri- made with rice straw (Rahaman and Salam 2017) and rice
quettes made from Caragana korshinskii Kom and reported husk and bran (Ndindeng et al. 2015), where briquettes pro-
that density, durability, and impact strength increased duced with smaller particles presented higher apparent densi-
with particle size reduction. In the present study, the ty. The apparent density of briquettes is a relevant parameter
apparent density of the briquettes increases with the because the density influences the energy density, transport
reduction of the particle size; however, only the 3rd costs, and storage capacity; thus, the higher the density is, the
particle size (particles smaller than 1.2 mm) significant- better (Obernberger and Thek 2004). Generally, the density
ly differs from the other treatments. This difference may be range of compacted products is between 600 and 1300 kg m−3
related to the increase in the surface area of the smaller parti- (Ndindeng et al. 2015). However, Lim et al. (2012) state that
cles. Smaller particles promote better accommodation during the optimum briquette density range is between 600 and
compaction (Ndindeng et al. 2015), resulting in briquettes 800 kg m−3. The values obtained in this study are above this

Fig. 4 Increase in the energy

density of briquettes relative to
the apparent density
Environ Sci Pollut Res

range, which may influence the combustion properties. The friability. Briquettes with high mechanical strength are desir-
volumetric expansion values of the briquettes during storage able, as these briquettes reduce the risk of fines and cracks
do not significantly differ between the different particle sizes during handling and transport. Thus far, there is not norm
in any measurement (Fig. 3). establishing certified standards for briquettes; however, stud-
This result is probably due to the similar initial moistures of ies report that abrasion resistance above 80% is beneficial for
the batches at the beginning of compaction. However, the better briquette handling and use (Haykiri-Acma et al. 2013;
volumetric expansion values found are lower than values re- Antwi-Boasiako and Acheampong 2016).
ported in other studies (Hansted et al. 2016). According to
Silva et al. (2015), the main factors related to the volumetric Briquette combustibility and energy density
expansion of compacted products are the initial moisture and
the chemical composition of the lignocellulosic material. The energy density of the briquettes is shown in Fig. 4. The
Volumetric expansion can decrease if the humidity is too energy density of the briquettes increases as the apparent den-
low because the compacted material expands by absorbing sity of the briquettes increases because in denser products,
moisture from the air (Li and Liu 2000; Moreno et al. 2016). there is more energy concentrated per unit volume, highlight-
The structural components of the cell wall, hemicelluloses, ing the economic advantages of the biomass densification
and cellulose have hydroxyl groups that provide chemical process (Sette Jr. et al. 2018). This result demonstrates that
sites where water molecules can bind and form hydrogen densification increases the energy density of coffee wastes,
bonds. Among these materials, hemicelluloses present a contributing to the combustion process and reducing the costs
higher water sorption capacity because lignin has little relation of briquette transport and storage.
to water absorption (Acharjee et al. 2011). The results of this Figure 5 shows the mass loss during the combustion exper-
study are satisfactory because there is no significant volumet- iment of the briquettes produced with different particle sizes.
ric variation after compaction. Over 20 min of testing, approximately 63.05% of the bri-
quettes of the 3rd particle size are consumed. The percent
Mechanical properties mass consumed of the briquettes made with the 1st particle
size is 71.94% over 20 min and that of the second particle size
The compressive strength of the coffee husk briquettes is deter- is 69.61%. The total masses consumed of the briquettes made
mined, and the results are shown in Table 3. The results obtain- with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd particle sizes are 79.41%, 81.80%,
ed indicate that particle size affects the mechanical strength of and 76.77%, respectively. Previous studies report that the
the briquettes produced with the 3rd particle size, significantly combustion time increases according to the density of the
differing from the others. The reduced particle size increases the compacted product, so denser briquettes present longer burn-
flow of internal binders (lignin, protein, and starch), improving ing times (Rhen et al. 2007).
mechanical interlocking and solid bridges between particles
(Kaliyan and Morey 2010). Another reason the briquettes made
with smaller particles are more resistant is that with the reduc- Conclusions
tion of the particle size, there is an increase in the points of
contact and a decrease in the distance between the particles, The reduction of the coffee husk particle size significantly in-
making the bonds stronger (Sun et al. 2014). The mechanical fluenced the apparent density and mechanical compressive
strength values of the briquettes obtained in this study are slight- strength of the briquettes. The apparent density of the briquettes
ly higher than the values reported in other studies (Muazu and correlated well with the mechanical and energy properties, with
Stegemann 2015). The application of pressure and temperature higher densities promoting higher energy density and mechan-
in the compaction process promotes the diffusion of the mole- ical strength, thus making these briquettes suitable as solid
cules, reducing the empty spaces and forming solid bridges that fuels. Water absorption and durability did not differ significant-
increase the bond between the particles and consequently the ly among treatments; however, the briquettes had low hygro-
strength of the briquettes (Kaliyan and Vance Morey 2009). scopicity and high abrasion resistance, suitable for handling,
The drum test simulates the handling of the briquettes, transport, and storage. The combustion of the briquettes was
predicting the possible fines generated during transport found to be beneficial because compacted products occupy less
(Kaliyan and Vance Morey 2009). The drum test results pres- space within furnaces than does bulk biomass.
ent the same trend as the mechanical compression test results
(Table 4). However, there are not significant differences Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the Brazilian institu-
tions CAPES (Federal Agency for the Support and Improvement
among the different treatments. This result indicates that the
of Higher Education), CNPq (National Council for Scientific and
particle size of the biomass does not affect this parameter. The Technological Development), and FAPEMIG (Minas Gerais State
values obtained are satisfactory, showing that all the treat- Research Foundation - APQ-00086-18) for their support of this research.
ments have good quality and low mass loss, that is, low
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Authors’ contribution Carine Setter: investigation; methodology; data Brand MA, Jacinto RC, Antunes R, da Cunha AB (2017) Production of
curation; roles/writing–original draft; writing–review and editing. Carlos briquettes as a tool to optimize the use of waste from rice cultivation
Henrique Ataíde: visualization; writing–review and editing. Rafael and industrial processing. Renewable Energy 111:116–123. https://
Farinassi Mendes: visualization; writing–review and editing. Tiago José
Pires De Oliveira: conceptualization; data curation; investigation; method- Carone MT, Pantaleo A, Pellerano A (2011) Influence of process param-
ology; resources; supervision; writing–review and editing. eters and biomass characteristics on the durability of pellets from the
pruning residues of Olea europaea L. Biomass and Bioenergy 35:
Funding This study was supported by Brazilian institutions CAPES 402–410.
(Federal Agency for the Support and Improvement of Higher Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (2017) Safra Brasileira de Café
Education), CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Erol M, Haykiri-Acma H, Küçükbayrak S (2010) Calorific value estima-
Development), and FAPEMIG (Minas Gerais State Research tion of biomass from their proximate analyses data. Renewable
Foundation-APQ-00086-18). Energy 35:170–173.
Goldschimid O (1971) Ultraviolet spectra. In: Sarkanen, K. V.; Ludwig,
C. H. Lignins: occurrence, formation, structure and reactions. John
Data availability The data that support the findings of this study are
Wiley Interprice, New York
openly available on request.
Gomide JL, Demuner BJ (1986) Determinação do teor de lignina em
material lenhoso: método klason modificado. 47:36–38
Compliance with ethical standards Hansted ALS, Nakashima GT, Martins MP, Yamamoto H, Yamaji FM
(2016) Comparative analyses of fast growing species in different
Competing interest The authors declare that they have no competing moisture content for high quality solid fuel production. Fuel 184:
interest. 180–184.
Haykiri-Acma H, Yaman S, Kucukbayrak S (2013) Production of
biobriquettes from carbonized brown seaweed. Fuel Processing
Ethical approval and consent to participate Not applicable. We de-
Technology 106:33–40.
clared that this manuscript does not involve researching about humans
or animals.
on the global coffee trade – total production
Consent to publish Not applicable. Kaliyan N, Morey RV (2010) Natural binders and solid bridge type bind-
ing mechanisms in briquettes and pellets made from corn stover and
switchgrass. Bioresource Technology 101:1082–1090. https://doi.
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