Case Study Employee Bahaviour in Regency Hotel

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Bueno, Gerin L.




There are plenty of symptoms already that indicates that there are problems existing in the

organization. Firstly, there are lack of communication between the employees and the new

manager. The new manager should have asked first his or her subordinates before making some

sudden changes so that there will be awareness or the employees will be aware of the new changes

caused by the new manager. There are a lot of complaints and issues that have arise since the

change of ownership happened, stress levels of the employees increased, absenteeism of

employees also increased due to illnesses, turn over of employees increased and the working

relationship that was established under the previous management was completely destroyed.

In addition, the job satisfaction became low and there are employees leaving the

organization. The employees were not able to make decisions on their own anymore,

dissatisfaction and complaints from customers which did not happen from the previous

management and many more. There are differences between the previous management and the

new management that caused these symptoms which was not brought into consideration and

because of that, it caused so much damage or negative response towards the organization.

It all started when the Regency Hotel was sold to the American chain. There are change of

roles and there are people who quit because of this, especially the Thai Manager who is really good

at handling his or her employees had to retire early. An American was appointed to run the
Regency Hotel and he or she made sudden changes that shook up his or her subordinates because

it is completely different from the previous management that was handled by the Thai Manager.

The new manager wanted to increase employee empowerment which is not common in the

previous management. Issues such as creativity and innovation were disheartened, employees are

limited to be innovative and are required to give heads up first to the top management before

making decisions or literally doing anything. However, the increase of employee empowered was

not met with a lot of enthusiasm by the various managers of the hotel and it did not result in an

increase but a decrease. Hence, the performance of the hotel deteriorated.

The organization should enhance the performance of workers and the hotel itself through

proper training of their staff and encouraging teamwork. The new manager should never make any

changes from the usual management they are all used to work on.

Encourage the employees to make their own decisions just like how they make their

decisions in the previous management without the need to give heads up to the top management.

They should also make an assessment of their employee’s capabilities so that they will be aware

on the skills and capabilities of their employees and what are the skills and capabilities that they

need to improve more.

The employees should have the freedom to express their thoughts about the new changes,

not only it can help them to understand the situation better but also it can help in increasing their

job satisfaction as there are already awareness involved. In like manner, changing the manager or

bringing back the Thai manager is also recommended if the organization wants to bring back their

old management and not suffer from another loss caused by the American Manager.
Empowering the employees can help in motivating workers into doing well in their

workplace. Employees who do not perform well as other can be empowered through series of

motivations, opportunities and giving them more responsibilities in the company.

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