Extra Questions Based On Ionic Equilibrium

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—- MODERN'S abe + OF CHEM»: Pry (aT at are the conjugate acid and conjugate base of water. @ sg. Conjugate acid=Hj0*, Conjugate base = OH- G3) What is the conjugate base of [Al(H,0)4]** ion ? Hs, [Al(H,0),0H]?+ @s) )What is the effect of temperature on the ionic product of water ? How will it change the pH valug of a neutral solution? Ans. Ionic product of water is : 2H,0 —H,0* + OH- Tonic product K,, = [H,0*] (0H-] Tonic product increases with increase of temperature because the dissociation of water (endothermic reaction) increases with increase of temperature. ‘Now, pH =~ log [H,0*]. With increase in concentration of H0* ions, the pH of the neutral solution will decrease. What will be the pH of IMNa,SO, solution ? NaS04 is sat of strong acid and strong base and its aqueous solution will be neutral. Therefore, its pi What happens to ionic product of water if some acid is added to it? Bs. Ionic product will remain unchanged. What is pOH ? What is its value for neutral water at 25°C ? i . POH is defined as POH = — log [OH-] rt At 25°C, its value is 7 for neutral water. @ Why is ammonia termed as a base though it does not contain OH- ions ? Aus. The basic nature of ammonia is due to its tendency to donate electron pair. Therefore, it is a Lewis base, Q.8. Glycine is an o-amino acid. It exists in the form of Zwitter ion as *NHyCH,COO-. Write the formula of its (i) conjugate acid (ii) conjugate base. Ans. Conjugate acid : *NH,CH,COOH, Conjugate base ; NH,CH,COO-. Tonic product of water at 310 Kis 2.7 x 10-4, What is the pH of neutral water at this ‘Eon CE. K, = (430°) [OH] = 2.7 x 10-4 For neutral water, (H,0*] = (OH) [H,O*P = 2.7 x 10-4 (HjO*] = 1.643 x 10-7 log (1.643 x 10-7) = 40.2186 ~7) = 6.75. pH A ”T Ol NaCl is neutral, it A is it simply dilutes the HCI solution from 1 mL: to 1000 mL so that | 001 THT = {99 = 105M PH = —log (10) =5, 13JCalculate the pH of a 0.001 M solution mised. . of Ba(OH), assuming it ioni Ba(OH), ionises in water as : ' ete Ba(OH),(aq) —— Ba”*(aq) + 20H(aq) Since Ba(OH), is completely ionised, one mole of Ba(OH), gives 2 moles of OH ions. ‘Therefore, {OH-] = 2[Ba(OH),] = 2 x 0.001 = 0.002 M K, 1x10 H,O*} = we TKN UH" = Foes] = ogo 75x10 pH = —log [H,0*] = -log (5 x 10-1) = (log 5 + log 10-2) = (0.699 — 12) = 11.301 .9 g of sulphuric acid is present in 500 mL of the solution. Calculate the pH of the solution. 49 ‘Ans, Moles of sulphuric acid = “95° = 0.05 0.05 \ (H,80,} = Gop x 1000=0.1M Sulphuric acid ionises as = 11,80, + 2H,0 ===> 2H,0° + SO.” (H,0*) = 2 x (H,80,} = 20.1=0.2M pH = -log (0.2) = 0.6990 ©epnen of the following has higher pH valuein (i) 0.1 M NaOH or 0.01 M NaOH Gi) 0.1 M HCl or 0.01 M HCL each of the following pairs. :) 0.1 M HCI or 0.1 M NaOH (iv) 0.1 M CH,COOH or 0.1 M HCL (v) 0.01 M HCl or 0.01 M NaCl (0. MNaOH Gi) 0.01M HCI (iii )0.1MNaOH (iv) 0.1MCH,COOH (v) 0.01 M NaCl

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