Assignment 1. Forest in Indonesia

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Major : Forest and Environmental Policy

ID : 22068245
Name : Rima Darmawanti

Forest in Indonesia

Indonesia is a huge country, which allocates 120.6 million hectares or about 63 percent of the
land area as a Forest Zone. While the rest region of the land is non-area of forest known as
the Usage Area Other (APL). Forest Areas are classified into 3 (three) functions,
1. Production Forest (HP) covers an area of 68.8 million hectares or 57 percent of the
Forest Zone. The function of Production forest is to produce timber and non-timber such
as oil palm.
2. Forest Conservation (HK) covers an area of 22.1 million hectares or 18 percent of the
area Forests (with an additional 5.3 million hectares from water conservation area). The
function of Conservation forest is to protect biodiversity of flora and fauna for
sustainable ecosystem.
3. Protection Forest which has a protection function watershed (DAS) and covers the area
an area of 29.7 million hectares or 25 percent. The function of protection forest is to
prevention of natural hazard such as flood, erosion, and the quality of soil.

Flora and fauna

Hence located in strategic area, Indonesia has profound biodiversity in the forest. We can
found flora types in Indonesia are approximately 25,000 species or more than 10% of plant
species worldwide. No less than 40% of moss and algae are endemic species or native plant
species that only exist in Indonesia, with a total number of endemic general in Indonesia, 202
species, which 59 species spread across the Kalimantan Island.

The distribution of Indonesian fauna is divided by Weber and Wallace line into three regions,
as the Asiatic fauna which live in the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Bali (western
part), the Australasian fauna includes the Papua and Aru Islands (eastern part), and the
Transitional fauna includes Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara. The characteristics of fauna in
Asiatic are that there are many types of mammals (large mammals), various kinds of
monkeys and also freshwater fish. While the characteristics of the Australian fauna are the
many types of small-sized mammals and types of marsupial animals, there are no species of
monkeys, few species of freshwater fish, and many species of colored birds. Transitional
fauna have animal species characteristics that similar to those of Asiatic and Australasian.
Examples of fauna in this region are usually deer pigs, bears, couscous, horses, dwarf
couscous, and dragons.
Timber Production
a. Forest Concession Company
Forest Concession Company is a business / legal entity business entity engaged in the
extraction of forest products.
b. Forest Concession Rights (HPH)
HPH is the right to cultivate a forest in a forest area, which includes logging,
regeneration, forest preservation, processing and marketing of forest products in
accordance with the forest exploitation work plan according to applicable regulations
and based on the principle of forest preservation and company principles. HPH can be
given to BUMN and private owned companies, which fulfill certain requirements in
accordance with the provisions stipulated by the Minister of Forestry. Forest
concessions are forest concessions that emphasize logging as an industrial base or for
export purposes. The maximum period of time to work a forest is 20 years, but it can
be extended.
The results of Center of Statistic Agency, HPH company survey showed at the
end of 2011 at Indonesia has 231 active logging companies with 20.6 million hectares
of forest concessions. If observed by the island, the majority of forest concession
holders are in Kalimantan in total 135 companies with forest concessions covering 9.3
million hectares or 45.4% of the total area of forest concessions. After Kalimantan,
the second biggest HPH are found in Papua (46 HPH with an area of 8.1 million Ha),
Maluku (22 HPH with an area of 1, 3 million Ha), Sulawesi (15 HPH with an area of
1.1 million Ha), Sumatra (13 HPH with forest concessions 0.7 million Ha).

Figure 1. Percentage round timber production in Indonesia 2015-2019

Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2019

Figure 1 shows the production of round timber in Indonesia. Round timber is one of biggest
devisa income for Indonesia. Central Kalimantan and Riau become the main producer. The
export value from wood forest production in 2019 is US$ 11.63 billion. The amount is
decreasing for 4.12% than the value in 2018. Figure 2 below show the volume of wood
export based on product type in 2017-2019 (in Ton).
Figure 2. The volume of wood export based on product type in 2017-2019 (in Ton)
Source: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2019.

Figure 3. Wood export data in 2019

Source: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2019.
There are 5 highest country who import processed wood from Indonesia. Most of the
countries are from Asia: China, Japan, USA, Uni Europe, and South Korea.

Figure 4. Processed wood Export value from 5 countries (USD Million)

Source: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2019.

Indonesia's deforestation in 2016-2017 was 0.48 million ha (inside and outside the forest
area), which is extensive gross deforestation of 0.66 million ha reduced by reforestation of
0.18 million ha. Based on figure 5 in 2016-2017, forest area in Kalimantan Island
experienced the highest deforestation of 132.7 thousand ha (27.6%) followed by Sumatra
Island amounting to 101.9 thousand ha (21.2%), while Java and Bali Nusa Tenggara Islands
are more numerous undergoes reforestation.

Figure 5. Deforestation in Indonesia based on region

Source: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry 2018
Forest Conservation
As the effectiveness of regional management increases conservation has encouraged
participation and contribution community in managing conservation forests. Forest
conservation is no longer a restricted area but has become a place of "collaboration" between
humans and nature to create growth centers new economy, this is one of the essence of
nawacita that has meaning to build Indonesia from the edges area. Management of
conservation areas is felt to be getting better. It appears from year to year that the
conservation area has an effectiveness value above 70 points more and more. In 2016
Effective conservation area only 29 units of management, increased up to 40 units in 2017. In
2018 again showed a trend positive where the conservation area has been effective to 70
units. Then in 2019 conservation area to 100 units. For example Bantimurung Bulusaraung
National Park, one of which is a nature tourism waterfall, holds a variety of potential
economic driver community. During 2019 there was no less of 404 thousand people visit this
natural attraction. Besides moving the community's economy as well contribute to non-tax
state revenue.

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