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Date Lesson 112 Focus Writing
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Theme Topic
World of knowledge UNIT 6: SPORT
Past tense of verb ‘to be’ affirmative and negative: there
was / wasn’t, there were / weren’t;
Language/ Grammar focus
Countable/uncountable nouns and determiners: some,
any, a, an
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range
Content Standard
Main skill of purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard 4.2.3 Narrate factual events and experiences of interest
Complementar Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
y skill Learning Standard 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
write about experiences in the past.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
Read and decide which are the sentences are same
and which are different
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share Activity book Bubble Map  Patriotism . 
 . Textbook Analysis Friendship  Participation 
Learning Outline
1. Show photos of life in Malaysia 100 years ago e.g. clothes, transport, roads,
Pre-lesson buildings, markets. Write on board: ‘There was/wasn’t…’, ‘There were /weren’t
…’. Elicit differences between life then and life today.
1. Pre-teach ‘marathon’. Explain pupils are going to read a story about the first
marathon. They do p.65, Activity 4. Pupils check where they put the apostrophe
in wasn’t and weren’t. Explain the apostrophe shows where a letter is missing.
Ask: Which letter is missing? (o)
2. Pupils in pairs or in groups of three do Activity 5, Use It! Pupils tell each other
Lesson Delivery
their sentences and decide which are the same and which are different. Choose
pupils to read a sentence aloud.
3. Pupils do Activity 6. Do the first sentence as a model. Complete the sentences
with the correct words from the text in p.64.
4. Pupils do Activity 8. Read the example aloud. Check answers. Pupils in pairs say
sentences and write numbers that are the same for both pupils.
Post Lesson 1. Ask pupils why it is important to know about life in our country in the past. Find
out if they think life today is better than life 100 years ago and why and
consolidate use of was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.
Reference English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 4, 5, 6, 8 p.65

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Click and choose reason here >

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