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School Most Essential

Academy of St.Competencies
Learning Joseph (MELCs): Quarter Third
The learner will be able to… Ms. Jeryca Joy C. Pascual
 describe how the nervous system coordinates and 09975523994 Weekhomeostasis.
regulates these feedback mechanisms to maintain 4-6
Grade Level and Learning Area Grade 10 - Science Number of


Body control and response are controlled by the nervous system

helps the endocrine system

coordinate the body’s activities


functional units of the nervous system that transmit

information rapidly as electrical signals throughout the body in
the form of nerve impulses

nerve fibers

are bundles of neurons that make up

the nervous system

central nervous system peripheral nervous system

is divided into
is made up of

somatic nervous autonomic nervous

system system

Brain Spinal cord

 Transmits is divided into
 body’s main impulses to
processing and from the
 controls brain
cranial  Center of
reflexes spinal reflexes parasympathetic sympathetic division

is made up of

Cranial Nerves Spinal Nerves

 sensory nerves  transmits impulses from receptors(found in sense organs) Sense Organs
transmit impulses to spinal cord  perceive external
from receptors to stimuli
brain  transmit impulses from spinal cord to 54321` (muscles)
Have you ever encountered or reacted to extreme fear, say from almost being hit by a car? You probably reacted with an
automatic response by running to the side of the street to avoid the accident Perhaps you are wondering what in your body
enabled you to move so fast and make that very quick decision

Sense Organs perceive external sting In such a situation, your alert senses report all the necessary information about the
event de your brain. The brain that interprets the information as a threat and quickly sends electrical Signal through selected
nerves. Since this important event requires a fast reaction, your body s co ge means of communication takes the form of the
electrical nerve impulses, sending an urgent messages to your leg muscles to move, commanding them to "contract quickly, a

speeding car is heading c way!" In addition to electrical signals, the nerves also the endocrine glands in your body thát prod
chemical signals known as hormones. The hormones then trigger a sudden rush of emotions, causing your heartbeat to increase
and your lungs to work harder, and preparing your muscles for immediate action to move your feet. In such a state, you move
toward the sidewalk to avoid the accident. Your body remains prepared for any trouble until the brain stops sending out danger
signals. The endocrine glands respond in turn, and your body calms down.

The concrete example shows that the body has the ability to control and coordinate the activities of all its parts. This
characteristic is due to the presence of two organ systems, the nervous and endocrine systems. The nervous system enables the
body to gather information from the outside environment and respond quickly. The endocrine system, on the other hand,
although slow in terms of response, produces longer-lasting effects due to the hormones. Both the nervous and endocrine
systems interact to coordinate the body's activities. The nervous system controls and interprets all the activities that happen
within the body. enables us to move, think, laugh, feel pain, or enjoy the taste of food. It makes the body respond quickly to
changes in the environment by accomplishing four basic functions.

Gathers information both from the Transmits information to the

outside world and from inside the processing areas in the brain and
body spinal cord

Sends information to muscles,
Processes information to determine
glands, and organs so they can
the best response
respond correctly

Functions of Nervous System

The extraordinary amount of information that the body receives at any one time is flashed through the nervous system in the
form of millions of messages. These messages bring news about what is happening inside and outside the body-about the itch
on the head, or a sad news heard, or the odor of fried chicken. Almost immediately, the nervous system tells the other parts of
the body what to do-scratch, be saddened by the news, or eat the fried chicken.
While the body is doing any of these activities, the nervous system is also busy monitoring breathing, blood pressure, and
body temperature, to name a few of the processes performed by the nervous system. Even during sleep, the nervous system is
very active. It monitors and adjusts internal processes and checks the outside world for dangers. The heart never stops to beat
but does so slowly while one is at rest. The simple act of noticing that the weather is getting warmer is an example of how the
nervous system monitors the events outside the body. The nervous system's response to this change to make the body feel
warm, prompting one to take off the sweater or wear a light shirt.

The nervous system keeps the body working properly despite the constant changes that take place around it. These
changes are called stimuli (singular, stimulus). To better understand what a stimulus is, imagine this situation. A fly zooms
toward your eye. You quickly and automatically blink to avoid damage to your eye. In this case, the fly zooming toward you is
the stimulus, and the blinking is the response.

Although some responses to stimuli are involuntary (not under one's control), such as blinking of the eyes and sneezing,
many responses of the nervous system are voluntary (under one's control). For example, opening an umbrella because it is
raining (stimulus) is a voluntary action. It is a conscious effort that involves the feelings of the moment, the memory of what
happened after staying out in the rain, and the ability to reason.

NEURON : The Message- Carrying Unit of the Nervous System

The nervous system is constantly alive with activity. It buzzes with messages that run to and from all parts of the body.
Every second, hundreds of these messages are carried by strings of special cells called neurons or nerve cells. Neurons are the
basic functional units of structure and function of the nervous system. They carry information through the nervous system in
the form of nerve impulses.
Neurons are unique because, unlike most other cells in the body, they do not reproduce. Once damaged, neurons cannot
be replaced. This is not a cause for concern, however, because the neurons we are born with are more than enough for a

Parts of a Neuron
Although neurons come in all shapes and sizes, they share certain characteristics, or features. Like other cells in the body,
the cell body of the neuron has a nucleus, a cytoplasm, and organelles.
Notice that the largest part of the neuron is the cell body, The cell body
contains the nucleus (a large dark structure), which controls all the activities of the
cell. Think of the cell body as the switchboard of the message-carrying neuron.
Unlike other cells, the cytoplasm of the neuron extends into two types of fiberlike
structures. Running into this switchboard are one or more tiny, branching,
threadlike structures called dendrites, which receive and carry information toward
the cell body. A long, taillike fiber that extends from the cell body, called the
axon, carries messages away from the cell body. The myelin sheath covers the
axon, which speeds up the travel of the nerve impulses. Each neuron has only one

axon, but it can have many dendrites. In the figure, the axon splits into many featherlike fibers, called axon terminals (ends), at
the far end. Axon terminals pass on messages to the dendrites of other neurons. They are usually found some distance from the
cell body.


There are three types of neurons in the nervous system, each Interneurons
with different functions. To find out the function of each Interneurons are also called connector neurons or
neuron, try this activity: Press your finger against the edge of association neurons. What they do is "read" impulses
your desk. What happens. You feel the pressure of the desk received from sensory neurons. That is why the interneurons
pushing onto your skin. You may even feel some discomfort are found in the spinal cord and in the brain. When an
or pain if you press hard enough. Eventually, you remove interneuron receives an impulse from a sensory neuron, the
your finger from this position. How do the three types of interneuron determines what response should be generated.
neurons enable you to do all this? If a response is required, the interneuron passes the impulse
the motor neurons.
Sensory Neurons
Sensory neurons are also called afferent neurons Motor Neurons
because their function is to receive initial stimuli from the Motor neurons, also called efferent neurons, transmit
sense organs, where most receptors are located. In the impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the effector cells,
example above, the receptors are located in your finger. which may be those of muscles, organs, or glands. When
When you press your finger harder on the desk, the receptors motor neurons receive a signal from the interneuron, they
in your skin send signal to the sensory neurons. The sensory stimulate the effector cells to generate the reaction for the
neuron in your finger then transmits impulses to other stimulus. For example, when one already feels pain from
sensory neurons, until the impulse reaches the next type of pressing a finger hard on a desk, the motor neurons carry
neuron, the interneuron. The sensory neuron s goal is to impulses to the muscles in the hand to stimulate the muscles
transmit the nerve impulses to the spinal cord and, to pull the finger away from the desk. Or, in an effort to
ultimately, to the brain so an action can be taken. Aside from maintain the internal body temperature during a hot day, the
pressure and pain, rising internal body temperature because motor neurons stimulate the sweat glands to produce sweat
of a hot weather prompts the sensory neurons to carry to the in an attempt to release some heat to lower the body
brain a message that an action needs to be done to cool down temperature.
the body.

Type of Neuron Functions
Sensory neurons Conduct nerve impulses toward the central nervous system
Transmit information from the cells and organs that gather information about conditions in
the internal and external environment
Sensory receptors are specialized sensory neurons
Motor neurons Conduct impulses away from the central nervous system. Nerve impulses transmitted by
motor neurons cause muscles, organs, and glands to respond.
Effectors are muscles, organs, and glands that respond to impulses from motor neurons.
Interneurons Conduct impulses within the central nervous system. Interneurons connect sensory
neurons, motor neurons, ans other interneurons.
Carry out functions of the central nervous system---processing and coordinating the
incoming and outgoing impulses of the peripheral nervous system.

Signals are important in our lives. They carry information that tells us to listen, relax, stop, or be alert. At every moment, the
nervous system carries thousands of signals through our body in the form of nerve impulses.

Nerve Impulses

A nerve impulse is a wave of chemical and electrical

change that is conducted along the membrane of a neuron t
travels from sensory neuron to interneuron to motor neuron.
How exactly does at get from one neuron to another?
When a nerve impulse travels along a neuron from one neuron

to another, it does so in the form of electrical and chemical signals. The nerve impulse enters the neuron through the dendrites
and travels along the length of the axon.
The way in which a nerve impulse travels from one neuron to another is a bit complex. Neurons do not touch each other,
neither do they touch effector organs. Instead, there is a tiny gap called a synapse between two adjacent neurons, and also
between neurons and effectors.

Somehow, the nerve impulse must "jump" that gap. But how? Think of a synapse as a river that cuts through a road. When
a car gets the river, it crosses over by ferry. The car then drives right back onto the road and continues its journey. Similarly, a
nerve impulse is "ferried" across the synapse by a chemical signal. This happens when an impulse reaches the end of the axon,
sending information across the synapse in the form of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters, which are stored in small
sacs. When a nerve impulse reaches the axon terminal, the sacs fuse with the axon's membrane and releases its neurotransmitter
molecules into the synapse. The molecules then diffuse across the synapse and bind to receptors on the next neuron or effector
cell. The electrical signal that brought the nerve impulse to this point shuts down, and the chemical signal takes the nerve
impulse aboard, moving it across the synapse to the next neuron along its route. The chemical signal then triggers the electrical
signal again, and the whole process is repeated between the next neurons until the nerve impulse reaches its destination-the
effector neuron, which then triggers the organ muscles to respond accordingly. This process is very efficient that for a certain
reaction, everything happens in a matter of seconds! One of the simplest responses of the nervous system is called a reflex. It is
an automatic response to a change in the environment.


The previous section identifies the neuron as the basic unit of structure and function of nervous system. It also discusses
some about the amazing job neurons do to the insights keep the body in touch with its external and internal environment.
Neurons, however, do not act alone they are joined to form a complex communication network that makes system up the
human nervous system.
The nervous system is divided into two main parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.


All information about what is happening in the world inside or outside the body is brought to the central nervous system
(CNS). The central nervous system is the command center for the entire body; it processes information and sends instructions
to other parts of the body. All the information gathered by sensory receptors is delivered to the central nervous system in the
form of nerve impulses. The CNS processes the information and responds by sending nerve impulses to the motor nerves of the
peripheral nervous system (PNS). Interpreting the information that pours in from all parts of the body and issuing the
appropriate commands to these very same parts are the responsibility of the two parts of the central nervous system: the brain
and the spinal cord. The brain is the main control center of the central nervous system. It transmits and receives messages
through the spinal cord. The spinal cord provides the link
between the brain and the rest of the body.

The Brain

Being a very important and delicate organ, the brain is

well protected and encased in a bone called the skull. The brain
is also wrapped in three layers of connective tissue that
nourishes and protects it. It is also bathed with a watery fluid
that cushions it against sudden impact, such as when one
bumps the head or experience a nasty fall. It appears gray
because of the presence of the cell bodies of approximately

100 billion neurons. Underneath the gray material is the white material, which is made up of bundles of axons. Despite the
presence of billions of neurons, the mass of the brain is about 1.4 kilograms only.

The brain is divided into three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.

The Cerebrum
The cerebrum makes up 85% of the human brain, which makes it the most noticeable part of the organ. It is also what
most people often refer to when they see a picture of the brain.
The surface of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex, which is lined with deep, wrinkled grooves that increase the
surface area so that more thinking activities can occur. This is the area where learning, intelligence, and judgment occur. Aside
from this enormous task, the cerebral cortex also controls all the voluntary (under one's control) activities of the body. In
addition, it shapes the attitudes, emotions, and even the personality of an individual.
The cerebrum is divided into two halves: a right half and a left half. Each half controls different kinds of mental activity.
For example, the right half is associated with artistic ability, and the left half with mathematical or logical ability.
Note that each half controls the movement of, and sends sensations to the side opposite it. In other words, the right side of
the brain controls the left side of the body, while the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.
The Cerebellum
The cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain and is located behind the brain stem. It coordinates the actions of the
muscles and maintains balance so that the body can move smoothly, steadily, and efficiently. Balance, equilibrium, and posture
are made possible by the cerebellum.

The Brain Stem

The brain stem connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain. It coordinates many survival functions of the body such as
breathing, heart rate, sleep, and wakefulness. Three distinct regions make up the brain stem: the mid brain, the pons, and the
medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata controls involuntary actions such as heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure. The
midbrain processes visual and auditory reflexes. The pons helps control respiratory functions. Two other important structures
are found in the brain stem: the thalamus and the hypothalamus. The thalamus serves as a relay station by directing incoming
messages from the spinal cord to the appropriate parts of the brain. The hypothalamus, on the other hand, monitors internal
conditions such as water content and temperature. It acts as the link between the endocrine and nervous systems.

The Spinal Cord

The spinal cord is a tubelike organ of neurons and blood vessels. Located inside the backbone, or spine, the spinal cord is
about 1.8 cm wide, nearly the same size as a garden hose. Aside from the bones of the spine, three membranes called
meninges, cushions of fluid, protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord relays nerve impulses to and from the brain. Impulses from
the peripheral nervous system are conducted to the spinal cord, which then brings the message to the brain. The brain, in turn,
sends impulses down the spinal cord to the motor nerves of the peripheral nervous system.
As an example, we might not notice a mosquito hovering around our face when we are so engrossed in reading. But if the
mosquito happens to come close to our eyes, we automatically blink - a simple reflex response to a stimulus (mosquito coming
near our eyes). In this situation, the reflex begins as soon as the mosquito approaches the eyes. The mosquito's action sends a
nerve impulse through the sensory neurons to the spinal cord, in which the nerve impulse is relayed to interneurons, which send
a nerve impulse to the motor neurons. The motor neurons stimulate the muscles of the eyes, causing them to contract to make
us blink.
Reflexes are not only lightning-fast reactions; they are also automatic. The speed and automatic nature of a reflex is
possible because the nerve impulses travel only to the spinal cord, bypassing the brain. The brain does become aware of the
event, but only after it has happened. So, the instant after we blink, our brain knows that we blinked and why we blinked.
The same happens when we touch a hot object. Our automatic response is to quickly withdraw our hand from a hot object.
The neurons, in a pathway called the reflex arc, carry the nerve impulses for an automatic response.The figure shows the reflex
arc when we remove our hand from a hot object. This arc consists of several events.

1. The heat on the object stimulates a heat receptor in

the skin of the hand.
2. Impulses that are produced travel from a sensory
neuron to the spinal cord.
3. In the spinal cord, the impulses are transmitted first
across a synapse through an interneuron, which then
carries a nerve impulse to a motor neuron.
4. The motor neuron then carries the nerve impulse to a
5. The muscle contracts and pulls the hand away from
the hot object.

Again, notice that the interneuron in this pathway

is in the spinal cord, not in the brain. A reflex that does
not involve the brain is called a spinal reflex, which
enables us to respond quickly because we do not have to
think about it.


The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the link between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the rest of
the body. It is made up of a network of bundled rope like structures called nerves, which extend or branch out from the central
nervous system to the different organs The PNS gathers and delivers information to and from the central nervous system.

The Somatic Nervous System and Autonomic Nervous System

The peripheral nervous system consists of 43 pairs of nerves that arise from the brain and spinal cord, leading to organs
throughout the body. Many of the nerves in the PNS are under the direct control of the conscious mind. For example, when we
"tell" our leg to move, a message travels from our brain to our spinal cord and through a peripheral nerve to your leg. This part
of the peripheral nervous system that stimulates skeletal muscles under our conscious control is called the somatic nervous
system, in which some activities, such as spinal reflexes, are involuntary. Spinal reflexes are extremely rapid; they involve the
spinal cord and the PNS, but not the brain. One part of the peripheral nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, is not
under the direct control of the conscious mind. The autonomic nervous system controls body activities that are involuntary; that
is, those that happen automatically, without our thinking about them. The autonomic nervous system directs motor nerve fibers
in smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and the glands. Contractions of the heart muscle and movement of smooth muscles
surrounding the small intestine are activities under the control of the autonomic nervous system.

Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System

The nerves of the autonomic nervous system can be further divided into two groups that opposite effects on the organs
they control. These two divisions-the parasympathetic and the sympathetic maintain stability in the body by working against
each other to keep body activities in balance.
The parasympathetic division is most active under normal conditions; it keeps the body functioning even when the person
is not active. For instance, we continue to breathe while we are sleeping. The sympathetic division dominates in times of
physical or emotional stress or whenever the body requires some action. It controls the "fight-or-flight" response during a
stressful situation like the nervousness we experience when speaking before an audience or taking a surprise quiz. When we are
frightened, the nerves leading to organs, such as the lungs and the heart, are activated. The sympathetic division increases
blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. Such an increase may be necessary if extra energy and strength are needed to deal
with the stressful situation. But when the situation is over, the parasympathetic nerves bring the blood pressure, breathing rate,
and heartbeat back to normal.



(Use this activity sheet)

Name: _____________________________________________ Section:__________________

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
_______1. Which is not a part of the central nervous sytem?
a. cranial nerves b. hypothalamus c. spinal cord d. thalamus
_______2.Which of the following can conduct impulses away from the neuron cell body or toward it?
a. axon b. dendrite c. myelin sheath d. synapse
_______3.The peripheral nervous system includes the________________.
a. brain b. nerves c. spinal cord d. synapse
_______4. Which of the following is a tubelike organ of neurons and blood vessels?
a. spinal cord b. brain c. medulla d.axon
_______5. The cerebellum is the site for managing_______________.
a. behavior b. memory c. motor activity d.respiration
_______6. Aside from hearing, ears help us in maintaining our _______________.
a. balance b. brain function c. hormone secretiond.nerve pressure
_______7. Movement, pressure, and tension are received by the _______________.
a. chemoreceptors b. mechanoreceptors c. photoreceptors d.thermoceptors
_______8. A brain disorder associated with muscular rigidity and resting tremor is experienced by patients with
a. Alzheimer’s disease b. encephalitis c. meningitis d.Parkinson’s disease
_______9.In which direction does an impulse travel along a neuron?
a. from axon to axon b. from axon to dendrite c. from dendrite to axon d.from dendrite to dendrite
_______10. Which controls the “fight-or-flight” response that we experience during a stressful situation?
a. central nervous system b. parasympathetic division c. somatic nervous system d.sympathetic division

II. IIlustrate the concept box of Nervous System on the space provided.(20 pts)

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