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(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester

A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Nursing Process Overview for

Reproduction & Sexuality E. Outcome Evaluation
1. The client or couple is knowledgeable about
A. Assessment reproductive system structure and function and
1. Before interacting with any client regarding sexuality
2. The client or couple reports establishment of optimal
and reproduction, the nurse must perform a self-
sexual functioning and a satisfying sexual
assessment, personal attitudes, and values will
greatly influence the nursing care provided.
3. The client or couple reports reduced anxiety
2. A sexual history involves gathering information about
regarding reproductive and sexuality issues.
the client or couple, such as:
a. Past and current experiences with sexual activity
b. Sexual knowledge and how it was obtained.
c. Attitudes toward sexuality A. Concept of Unitive and Procreative Health
d. Current problems; if any
e. Number of sexual partners in the last 6 months
f. History of sexually transmitted diseases
GOD wills that the expression of human sexuality in
g. Knowledge and use of “safer” sex practices
sexual acts occur only within marriage.
h. Menstrual and obstetric history
The Unitive meaning is a specific type of physical
i. method of birth control used
union, the sexual union of a man and a woman in
j. Specific concerns related to sex and sexuality
natural intercourse. This type of sexual act is in
harmony with, and ordered toward, the other
B. Nursing Diagnoses
meanings: marital and procreative.
1. Knowledge deficit Procreative - producing new life or offspring; the
2. Sexual dysfunction reproductive potential of a species is its relative
3. Altered sexual function capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions;
4. Anxiety the reproductive or generative organs, reproductive,
generative; fruitful – productive or conducive to
C. Planning and Outcome Identification producing in abundance; “be fruitful and multiply”
having the power to procreate...
1. The client and her partner will be knowledgeable
about reproduction and sexuality.
2. The client and her partner will achieve optimal sexual
functioning, Distinction Between Procreation & Reproduction
3. The client’s and her partner’s anxiety will be
alleviated. Reproduction - action of making a copy of something,
or the production of offspring by sexual intimacy...
D. Implementation Procreation - roots sexuality and childbearing deeply
within with two relations: that of the man and woman,
1. Provide education regarding reproduction and
and that between the couple and GOD (2006).
a. Provide the client or couple with specific
information about the reproductive system’s
structure and function. Theories Related to Procreation
b. Suggest ways to alleviate reproductive system
discomforts and how to prevent reproductive Procreation is the creation of humans. There are two
disease. main theories:
c. Discuss risk and potential effects of sexual activity
2. Promote optimal sexual functioning.
a. Plan interventions to strengthen gender identity or
God created the world an all that's in it, including
role behavior.
humans, and they reproduce thorough sexual intercourse
b. Design care that demonstrates acceptance of all
lifestyle choices equally. Evolution
c. Provide information about alternate means of
sexual expression. Darwin's theory that humans evolved over the years
d. Discuss perceptions and expectations of sexual through natural occurrences and from the growth and
functioning. development of monkeys and other creatures.
e. Refer clients with complex problems to
professionals specializing in sexuality issues.
3. Provide support to relieve anxiety. Allow the client or
couple to discuss sexual feelings and concerns Procreation - creation of a new human person, by the
openly. act of sexual intercourse, by a man and a woman.
Creation - making of all things from nothing by an act of
God at some time in the past. God's action could have
taken a second, or 6 days, or a million years.
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


B. Female & Male Reproductive System

Evolutionary theory - all things came about by the
repeated random actions of natural selection, whereby:
Life came into existence, and then
Structure and Function of the
Female Reproductive System
Primitive life evolved into more and more complex
organisms, and eventually producing mankind.

Note: Evolutionary theory requires the assumption of

billions of years for its processes

With the introduction of artificial birth control to the

marital act, the procreative dimension is purposefully
suppressed and ignored. The unitive dimension,
therefore, is separated from the procreative. Just as a
forced act of physical love by one's spouse upon the
other violates the unitive dimension of marital love,
the impairment of the capacity to transmit human life
violates the procreative dimension.
Moreover, we must also consider the possible side
effects of these pills to the health of the woman. In Female Reproductive System: External Structures
examining for various oral contraceptives, possible
health complications include, thrombosis,
Mons pubis
cerebrovascular disorders, birth defects and various
forms of cancer (breast, cervical, ovarian and mound of fatty tissue over the symphysis pubis that
uterine). cushions and protects the bone
Tragically, many doctors do not inform the woman of
these health risks when prescribing these drugs. Since Labia majora
each individual has an obligation for maintaining his
longitudinal folds of pigmented skin extending from the
or her own health, any drug which consistently
mons pubis to the perineum
changes the normal functioning of the body and
which carries these risks would be morally Labia minora
soft longitudinal skin folds between the labia majora

Sex used to be spoken about only behind closed doors or Clitoris is erectile tissue located at the upper end of the
as the topic of suggestive remarks. Now it’s something labia minora. It is the primary site of sexual arousal
everyone must know everything about, including every
form of sexual depravity If there were no pleasure Urethral meatus (urethral orifice)
attached to sex, who would do it? small opening of the urethra; located between the clitoris
and the vaginal orifice for the purpose of urination
2 Purposes of Pleasure:
To strengthen the couple’s relationship Skene or paraurethral glands
To give them the ability to share with God in the
creation of another human being small mucus-secreting glands that open into the
posterior wall of the urinary meatus and lubricate the
Sexuality is all those things that go with being male or vagina
female--including physical and emotional differences.
They are all part of being human.
almond-shaped area between the labia minora
Sexual intercourse - involves genital and erotic activity. containing the vaginal introitus, hymen, and Bartholin
We are all sexual beings, but it isn’t necessary to become glands
involved in genital sex to be fully human
Vaginal introitus
Not everyone gets married, but everyone is a sexual
external opening of the vagina
human being to be loved and accepted for who they
are, and able themselves to give and receive love.
UNITIVE purpose of our sexuality - Two becoming one
flesh membranous tissue ringing the vaginal introitus
PRO-CREATIVE purpose - Increase and multiply
Two becoming one flesh - part of the life-long
commitment that is marriage
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Bartholin or vulvovaginal glands Fallopian tubes

mucus-secreting glands located on either side of the Extend from the upper outer angles of the uterus and end
vaginal orifice near the ovary. These tubes serve as the passageway for
the ovum to travel from the ovary to the uterus and
Perineal body for the sperm to travel from the uterus to the ovary.
composed of muscles and fascia that support pelvic Ovaries
Female sex glands located on each side of the uterus.
Perineum The two functions of the ovaries are:
area of tissue between the anus and vagina; an 1. Ovulation (release of ovum)
episiotomy is performed here 2. Secretion of hormones (estrogen and progesterone)

Female Reproductive System: Internal Structures

Female Reproductive System: Pelvis
female organ of copulation and also serves as the birth
canal; tubular musculomembranous organ that lies bony ring in the lower portion of the trunk. It consists of:
between the rectum and the urethra 3 parts
hollow, muscular organ with 3 muscle layers pubis
perimetrium 4 bones
myometrium two innominate bones or hipbones
endometrium sacrum
located between the bladder and rectum, and consists
of the fundus, body (corpus), and cervix. Uterine functions
Pelvic bones
include: held together by four joints (articulations) – symphysis
Menstruation is the sloughing away of spongy layers pubis, two sacroiliac, and sacrococcygeal. Fibrocartilage
of endometrium with bleeding from torn vessels. between these joints provides movability
Environment for pregnancy; the embryo and fetus
develop in the uterus after fertilization. Types of Pelves
Menstruation is the sloughing away of spongy layers
of endometrium with bleeding from torn vessels. Gynecoid - typical female pelvis with a rounded
Environment for pregnancy; the embryo and fetus inlet.
develop in the uterus after fertilization. Android - normal male pelvis with a heart-shaped
Uterine ligaments
Anthropoid - “apelike” pelvis with an oval inlet.
Broad and round ligaments provide upper support for Platypelloid - flat, female-type pelvis with a
the uterus transverse oval inlet.
Cardinal, pubocervical, and uterosacral ligaments
are suspensory and provide middle support.
Pelvic muscular floor ligaments provide lower support.
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Menstrual Cycle & Hormones

Pelvimetry (the process of measuring the internal or
external pelvis) is performed with radiography or by
Menarche (onset of menstruation) typically occurs
internal examination.
between 10 and 13 years. The menstrual cycle is a
Internal pelvic inlet measurements measures the
monthly pattern of ovulation and menstruation.
diagonal conjugate, which is the lower margin of the
Ovulation - discharge of a mature ovum from the
symphysis pubis to the promontory of the sacrum; it is
normally 11.5 cm or more.
Menstruation - periodic shedding of blood, mucous,
Internal midpelvic measurements measures the
and epithelial cells from the uterus; average blood
distance between ischial spines and prominence or
loss is 50 mL (1/4 cup)
bluntness of spines; it is normally 10.5 cm
Internal pelvic outlet measurement is an estimation of
The ovaries produce mature gametes and secrete the
the angle of the pubic arch (90 degrees), mobility of
following hormones.
coccyx, intertuberous diameter (11 cm), and posterior
Estrogen contributes to the characteristics of
sagittal diameter (7.5 cm)
femaleness (eg. female body build, breast growth).
Progesterone (hormone of pregnancy) quiets or
Note: Pelvic size and structural irregularities can alter
decreases the contractility of the uterus.
labor and birth.
Prostaglandin regulate the reproductive process by
stimulating the contractility of uterine and other
smooth muscles.
Female Reproductive System: Breasts (Internal)
The menstrual cycle occurs on 4 levels:
The female breasts (mammary glands) are specialized 1. central nervous system (CNS; hypothalamic-pituitary)
sebaceous glands that produce milk after childbirth 2. ovarian
(lactation). 3. endometrial (menstrual)
4. cervical
Glandular tissue (parenchyma)
CNS Response
composed of acini (milk-producing) cells that cluster in
groups of 15 to 20 to form the lobes of the breast The hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary
gland by secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Lactiferous ducts or sinuses (GnRH). The anterior pituitary secretes two
form passageways from the lobes to the nipple gonadotropins--follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinizing hormone (LH)
Adipose and fibrous tissues (stroma) FSH prompts the ovary to develop ovarian
follicles; the developing follicles secrete estrogen,
provide the lative size and consistency of the breast
which feels back to the anterior pituitary to
suppress FSH and trigger a surge of LH
LH acts with FSH to cause ovulation and enhance
Female Reproductive System: Breasts (External) corpus luteum formation

Nipple Ovarian Response

a raised pigmented area of the breast
An oocyte grows within the primordial follicle in 2
Areola phases: follicular and luteal.
Follicular phase (days 1 to 14) - follicle matures due
pigmented skin around the nipple to FSH
Luteal phase (days 15 to 22) - the corpus luteum
Montgomery tubercles
develops from a ruptured follicle
sebaceous glands of the areola

The breasts change in size and nodularity in response to

cyclic ovarian hormonal changes, including:
Estrogen stimulation, which produces tenderness
Progesterone (postovulation), which causes increased
tenderness and breast enlargement

Physical changes in breasts size and activity are at a

minimum 5 to 7 days after menstruation stops; this is the
best time to detect pathology changes through breast
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Determination of Ovulation
Endometrial Response
In the menstrual phase (days 1 to 5) the estrogen level Spinnbarkeit test
is low and cervical mucus is scanty. Basal Body Temperature
In the proliferative (follicular) phase (days 6 to 14), Ferning
the estrogen level is high, the endometrium and Glycogen content of vagina and the cervical cells
myometrium thicken, and changes in cervical
mucous occurs. (Note: variations in the menstrual Note: To compute for the exact date of ovulation, count
cycle are due to variations in the number of days back 14 days from the first day of menstruation.
in this phase.) On average, ovulation occurs on
day 14of a 28-day cycle. Mittelschmerz
In the secretory phase (days 14 to 26), after
release of the ovum, the estrogen level drops, the pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen experienced by
progesterone level is high, increased uterine some women midway in the intermenstrual interval. It
vascularity occurs, and tissue glycogen levels occurs at or around the time of an egg is released from
increase. the ovaries (ovulation)
In the ischemic phase (days 27 to 28), estrogen
and progesterone level recede, arterial vessels
constrict, the endometrium prepares to shed, the Ability of cervical mucus to stretch into long strands
blood vessels rupture, and menstruation begins. at the height of estrogen secretion. When
progesterone is the dominant hormone cervical
mucus is thick, viscous state.
Cervix and Cervical Mucous Response First half of the cycle - cervical mucus is thick and
Before ovulation, estrogen levels rise, causing At the time of ovulation, when the estrogen level is
cervical os dilation, abundant liquid mucus, high high- cervical mucus become thin and copious
spinnbarkeit, and excellent sperm penetration. During the second half of the cycle, the cervical
After ovulation, progesterone levels rise, resulting mucus again becomes thick and sperm survival is
in cervical os constriction, scant viscous mucus, poor.
low spinnbarkeit, no ferning, and poor sperm
penetration. Ferning
During pregnancy, cervical circulation (blood
an interesting property of cervical mucus just before
supply) increases and a protective mucus plug
ovulation when estrogen levels are high is the ability
to form fernlike patterns on a microscope slide when
Climacteric period and menopause
allowed to dry. When progesterone is the dominant
The climacteric is a transitional period during
hormone, just after ovulation, this fern pattern is no
which ovarian function and hormonal
longer discernible.
production decline.
Fern Test - mucus can be examined at mid cycle to
Menopause refers to a woman’s last
detect ferning
menstrual period; the average age of
Cervical mucous forms “fernlike“ patterns when it
menopause is 51.4 years. However, it is
smeared and dried on a glass slide. The pattern are
important to note that women may ovulate
due to crystallization of sodium chloride on mucus
after menopause and thus can become
If increased progesterone fern pattern is no longer
Characteristics Description
Beginning (Menarche) Average age onset, 12.4 years; Average Basal Body Temperature
range, 9-17 years
the lowest temperature reached by the body during
Interval between cycles Average 28 days, cycles of 23-35 days one’s waking hours
not unusual
usually occurs immediately upon wakening in the
Duration of menstrual flow Average flow, 4-6 days, Ranges of 2-9 morning
days not abnormal The basal temp. drops before the day of ovulation
Amount of menstrual flow Difficult to estimate, average 30-80 mL and rises on the day after ovulation
per menstrual period, saturating a pad The temperature remains at this level until
or tampon in less than I hour as heavy approximately day 24 of the menstrual cycle when the
level of the progesterone drops.
Color of menstrual flow Dark red, a combination of blood, mucus
and endometrial cells
Odor Similar to marigolds
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Determination of Ovulation
Endometrial Response
In the menstrual phase (days 1 to 5) the estrogen level Spinnbarkeit test
is low and cervical mucus is scanty. Basal Body Temperature
In the proliferative (follicular) phase (days 6 to 14), Ferning
the estrogen level is high, the endometrium and Glycogen content of vagina and the cervical cells
myometrium thicken, and changes in cervical
mucous occurs. (Note: variations in the menstrual Note: To compute for the exact date of ovulation, count
cycle are due to variations in the number of days back 14 days from the first day of menstruation.
in this phase.) On average, ovulation occurs on
day 14of a 28-day cycle. Mittelschmerz
In the secretory phase (days 14 to 26), after
release of the ovum, the estrogen level drops, the pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen experienced by
progesterone level is high, increased uterine some women midway in the intermenstrual interval. It
vascularity occurs, and tissue glycogen levels occurs at or around the time of an egg is released from
increase. the ovaries (ovulation)
In the ischemic phase (days 27 to 28), estrogen
and progesterone level recede, arterial vessels
constrict, the endometrium prepares to shed, the Ability of cervical mucus to stretch into long strands
blood vessels rupture, and menstruation begins. at the height of estrogen secretion. When
progesterone is the dominant hormone cervical
mucus is thick, viscous state.
Cervix and Cervical Mucous Response First half of the cycle - cervical mucus is thick and
Before ovulation, estrogen levels rise, causing At the time of ovulation, when the estrogen level is
cervical os dilation, abundant liquid mucus, high high- cervical mucus become thin and copious
spinnbarkeit, and excellent sperm penetration. During the second half of the cycle, the cervical
After ovulation, progesterone levels rise, resulting mucus again becomes thick and sperm survival is
in cervical os constriction, scant viscous mucus, poor.
low spinnbarkeit, no ferning, and poor sperm
penetration. Ferning
During pregnancy, cervical circulation (blood
an interesting property of cervical mucus just before
supply) increases and a protective mucus plug
ovulation when estrogen levels are high is the ability
to form fernlike patterns on a microscope slide when
Climacteric period and menopause
allowed to dry. When progesterone is the dominant
The climacteric is a transitional period during
hormone, just after ovulation, this fern pattern is no
which ovarian function and hormonal
longer discernible.
production decline.
Fern Test - mucus can be examined at mid cycle to
Menopause refers to a woman’s last
detect ferning
menstrual period; the average age of
Cervical mucous forms “fernlike“ patterns when it
menopause is 51.4 years. However, it is
smeared and dried on a glass slide. The pattern are
important to note that women may ovulate
due to crystallization of sodium chloride on mucus
after menopause and thus can become
If increased progesterone fern pattern is no longer
Characteristics Description
Beginning (Menarche) Average age onset, 12.4 years; Average Basal Body Temperature
range, 9-17 years
the lowest temperature reached by the body during
Interval between cycles Average 28 days, cycles of 23-35 days one’s waking hours
not unusual
usually occurs immediately upon wakening in the
Duration of menstrual flow Average flow, 4-6 days, Ranges of 2-9 morning
days not abnormal The basal temp. drops before the day of ovulation
Amount of menstrual flow Difficult to estimate, average 30-80 mL and rises on the day after ovulation
per menstrual period, saturating a pad The temperature remains at this level until
or tampon in less than I hour as heavy approximately day 24 of the menstrual cycle when the
level of the progesterone drops.
Color of menstrual flow Dark red, a combination of blood, mucus
and endometrial cells
Odor Similar to marigolds
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Structure and Function of the

Male Reproductive System Ejaculatory duct
canal formed by the union of the vas deferens and the
excretory duct of the seminal vesicle. It enters the
urethra at the prostrate gland

passageway for urine and semen that extends from the
bladder to the urethral meatus

Male Reproductive System: Accessory Glands

Accessory glands - other structures in the male

reproductive system produce secretions that facilitate
transportation of spermatozoa along the urethra during
ejaculation and provide a temporary safe milieu for the
fragile sperm. The function of the accessory glands is
maintained by testosterone.

Male Reproductive System: External Structures Seminal vesicles

located behind the bladder and in front of the rectum
Penis deliver secretions to the urethra through the ejaculatory
male organ of copulation; this cylindrical shaft consists ducts.
of the following: Prostate gland
two lateral columns of erectile tissue (corpora
cavernosa) surrounds the base of the urethra and the ejaculatory
A column of erectile tissue on the underside of the duct, secretes a clear fluid with a slightly acid pH rich in
penis (corpus spongiosum) that encases the urethra acid phosphatase, citric acid, zinc, and proteolytic
The glans penis, a cone-shaped expansion of the enzymes
corpus spongiosum that is highly sensitive to sexual
stimulus Bulbourethral & Urethral glands (Cowper’s glands)
The prepuce, or foreskin, a skin flap that covers the lie at the base of the prostate and on either side of the
glans penis in uncircumcised men membranous urethra. They produce a clear, alkaline
Scrotum mucinous substance that lubricates the urethra and
coats its surface. The alkalinity assists in neutralizing
pouch hanging below the penis that contains the testes. acidic female vaginal secretions, which otherwise would
Internally, the medial septum divides the scrotum into be detrimental to sperm survival.
two sacs, each of which contains a testicle

Male Reproductive System: Semen

Male Reproductive System: External Structures
thick, whitish fluid ejaculated by the man during
It contains spermatozoa and fructose-rich nutrients.
2 solid ovoid organs 4 to 5 cm long, divided into lobes During ejaculation, semen receives contributions of
containing seminiferous tubules. The 2 functions of the fluid from the seminal vesicles and the prostate
testes are production of testosterone and gland.
spermatogenesis Semen is alkaline (average pH, 7.5) and the average
amount of semen released during ejaculation is 2.5 to
Epididymis 3.5 ml.
tubular sac located next to each testis that is a reservoir
for sperm storage and maturation
Male Reproductive System: Male Breasts
Vas deferens
Male mammary tissue remains dormant throughout
duct extending from the epididymis to the ejaculatory
life, but the breasts are a site of sexual excitation and
duct, which provides a passageway for sperm.
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Male Reproductive System: General Comparison of the Human

Neurohormonal Control Male and Female Reproductive System

At puberty, the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary Primary sex organs - Gonads
gland to produce FSH and LH. Female - ovaries
FSH stimulates germ cells within the testes to Male - testes
manufacture sperm.
LH stimulates the production of testosterone in the Produce gametes which unite to form a new individual
testes. Although LH stimulates the Leydig cells to oocyte
produce testosterone from cholesterol, testosterone sperm
inhibits the secretion of LH by the anterior pituitary.
Gonads produce large amounts of sex hormones which
Testosterone one of several androgens (and the most affect maturation,, development, and changes in the
potent) produced in the testes, is responsible for the activity of the reproductive system organs
development of secondary sex characteristics at Female - Estrogen & progesterone
puberty. Male - Androgens (Testosterone)
Testosterone production occurs in the interstitial
Leydig cells in the seminiferous tubules. Leydig cells
are abundant in the newborn and pubescent boy,
and testosterone is abundant during these periods. C. Human Sexuality
Testosterone production slows after 40 years of age;
by 80 years of age, production is only about one-fifth
peak level. Human Sexual Response

Spermatogenesis (sperm production) occurs continually The human sexual response cycle, or how the human
after puberty, providing large numbers of sperm for body responds to sexual arousal, is composed of 4
unlimited ejaculations during the mature life span. distinct phases:
Spermatozoa are released from the epithelial walls of
the seminiferous tubules. Meiosis occurs during the A. Excitement
process, and the number of chromosomesin each cell
is reduced by one-half (haploid number) occurs with physical and psychological stimulation
Spermatogenesis is a heat-sensitive process; the 2° to (i.e. sight, sound, emotion, or thought) that causes
3° F difference to proceed in the cooler environment. parasympathetic nerve stimulation.
This leads to arterial dilation and venous constriction
The entire period of spermatogenesis, from germinal cell in the genital area.
to mature sperm, takes about 75 days. The resulting increased blood supply leads to
vasocongestion and increasing muscular tension.

B. Plateau
Homologous Structures of the Human
Male and Female Reproductive System The plateau stage is reached just before orgasm.

C. Orgasm
Male Embryo Structure Female
Testis Gonad Ovary occurs when stimulation proceeds through the
Penis Genital Tubercle Clitoris
plateau stage to a point at which the body suddenly
Scrotum Genital Swellings Labia majora
Cowper’s gland
Bartholin’s gland dischargers accumulated sexual tension
Skin shaft of penis
Genital Folds Labia minora

D. Resolution
Foreskin of penis Clitoral hood
The period during which the external and internal
genital organs return to unaroused state.
Analogous Structures of the Human
Male and Female Reproductive System
Male Female
Hormone produced Testosterone Estrogen & Progesterone

Hormones Interstitial cells Corpus luteum & granulosa

produced by cells

epididymis, urethra, & vas uterus, fallopian tube, &

Duct system deferens - Wolffian duct vagina - Mullerian duct
(WELL CLIENTS) 1st Semester
A.Y. 2022-2023
Lecture | Level 2 | CPU CON Batch 2025 Neri, H.A.G. | BSN 2E


Human Sexual Response

Orgasmic Phase
Excitement Phase
In women, the following occur:
In women, the following occur: Strong muscular contractions occur in the outer
Vaginal lubrication increases. one third of the vagina, and the inner two thirds
The inner two thirds of the vagina begins to expands.
lengthen and distend, the outer one third The uterine muscles contract.
undergoes slight thickening, and the body of the No observable changes occur in the labia majora,
uterus is pulled upward. The vaginal walls labia minora, clitoris or breasts
become congested with blood and darken in Flushing reaches a peak of color intensity and
color, and the clitoris increases in diameter, distribution.
possibly with slightly increased tumescence of Possibly strong muscular contractions, both
the glans clitoris. voluntary and involuntary, may occur in many
The labia minora become engorged with blood parts of the body, including the rectal sphincter
and increase in size. muscle.
The labia majora flatten somewhat and retract Respiratory rate may reach a peak of two or
away from the middle of the vulva three times normal, heart rate may double, and
The nipples become erect, and breast size blood pressure may increase as much as one-
increases. third above normal
Flushing occurs in approximately 75% of women.
Overall muscle tension increases. In men, the following occur:
Rhythmic contractions expel semen from the
In men, the following occur: epididymis through the vas deferens; seminal
Penile erection begins vesicles, prostate glands; urethra, and urethral
Scrotal skin becomes congested and thick meatus.
Testes elevate into the scrotal sac Testes are at maximum elevation, size, and
Some nipple erection may occur rotation.
Flushing may occur Flushing reaches its peak.
Heart rate and blood pressure begin to increase Heart and respiratory rates also peaks.
Generalized muscle tension increases, with a A general loss of voluntary control occurs.
tendency toward involuntary muscle A refractory period begins as the final
contractions. contractions of the urethral walls occur.

Plateau Phase Resolution Phase

In women, the following occur: In women, the following occur:

The walls of the outer one third of the vagina Blood engorging the walls of the outer one-third
become further engorged with blood, decreasing of the vagina disperses rapidly.
the internal vaginal diameter. The inner two thirds of the vagina gradually
The labia minora become further engorged with shrinks, and color returns to pre-excitement
blood and darken and swell. shade.
The clitoris retracts and is covered by the clitoral The uterus descends, and the cervix dips into the
blood: the clitoral body decreases in size by seminal pool.
about 50%. The labia minora and majora return to
The nipple become further engorged. unstimulated thickness and close toward the
Flushing may spread to the abdomen, thighs, and midline.
back. The clitoris protrudes from under the clitoral
Muscle tension increases. Breathing becomes hood, and eventually returns to pre-stimulated
deeper; heart rate and blood pressure increase size.
markedly as tension rises toward orgasm. Flushing disappears.
Muscles relax quickly.
In men, the following occur: Heart rate and blood pressure return to normal.
The penis further enlarges, sometimes undergoing
color changes corresponding to reddening of the In men, the following occur:
female labia. More than 50% of the erection is lost rapidly in the
Preorgasmic emission may occur from Cowper’s first stage of resolution, with the penis gradually
glands. returning to its unstimulated size during the
The testes continue to be elevated, enlarge, and second stage.
rotate (approximately 30 degrees) The scrotum gradually loses its congested and
Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate thick status.
continue to increase. The testes descend and return to normal size
Muscle tension increases
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There are many ways to experience sexual

Resolution Phase (continued)
gratification such as coitus, masturbation,
Nipple erection subsides. celibacy, and fetishism
Flushing disappears. One’s culture determines acceptable forms of
Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate sexual expression.
return to normal What is considered normal may vary greatly
General muscle relaxation occurs among cultures.
Acceptable sexual activity includes the elements
of privacy, consent, and lack of force.
Adolescence is an especially confusing and
difficult time because adolescents need to feel
Sexuality, Sexual Identity, and comfortable wit their own sexuality before they
Sexual Orientation and Expression can reach out to others.

A person’s sexuality encompasses complex emotions, Differences in Male & Female Sexual Response
attitudes, preferences, and behaviors related to
expression of the sexual self and eroticism. Women have 3 identifiable sexual response patterns.
Sexual relationships are a dynamic aspect of life and Rapid progression to plateau stage with some peaks
are intertwined with biologic and psychosocial and valleys, and one intense orgasm, followed by
components. rapid resolution, resembles the male pattern
Nurses commonly are resource people for clients Steady progression to plateau stage, followed by an
seeking information related to human sexuality and intense orgasm and possibly subsequent orgasm,
functioning during the reproductive years. causing prolonged pleasurable feelings without
Responsible sexuality involves commitment to a definitive orgasm and possibly subsequent orgasms,
relationship, responsible reproductive health care, with slower resolution
and rational decisions about childbearing. Slower progression to plateau stage, followed by
Gender Identity (sexual identity) & Gender Roles minor surges toward orgasm, causing prolonged
pleasurable feelings without definitive orgasm
Gender identity is a person’s sense of his or her own
masculinity or femininity. Gender identity is thought to Men have 1 basic sexual response pattern.
be established in part by how the individual was excitement progresses steadily to plateau stage, with
treated by his or her parents as a child, by hormonal one intense orgasm, followed by resolution.
influences in utero, and by psychosocial factors.
Gender roles are composed of behaviors, attributes, In general, women experience orgasms in a wider range
and attitudes an individual conveys about being male of duration and intensity than do men.
or female.
Born a sexual being, a child’s gender identity and Female orgasmic contractions last twice as long as the
gender role behavior usually develop from, and man’s contractions; however, the strength of the
conform to, cultural norms and expectations. contractions is not as markedly concentrated in the first
Gender role is the male or female behavior a few pulsations.
person exhibits, which, again, may or may not be
the same as biologic gender or gender identity.
Biologic gender is the term used to denote a
person’s chromosomal sex: male (XY) or: female
Controversies About the Female Orgasm
Biological gender - biological or assigned sex is about Unlike some animals, human females can have sex any
biology, anatomy, and chromosomes. time of the month, and they do not have to orgasm to
ovulate or get pregnant.
Sexual Orientation & Expression
Male-dominated scientific norms mean that much about
Sexual orientation - a person’s preference for
the female orgasm remains misunderstood, and many
heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual relationships.
harmful myths persist.
Preference may vary during a person’s lifetime and is
probably shaped by a complex interaction of several
A female orgasm can be highly pleasurable and occur
factors including prenatal hormone environment,
during masturbation or sexual activity with one or more
early parental interactions , social mores and values,
partners. Scientists are unsure whether it has additional
family dynamics and imitation of the most valued
Sexual expression - the activities that the individual
The benefits of the male orgasm are clear. Men must
chooses to give and receive physical love and
ejaculate to deposit sperm in the vagina, possibly
leading to pregnancy. The male orgasm, therefore,
serves a clear evolutionary purpose.
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The purpose of the female orgasm is less clear. Women do not need to orgasm to get pregnant.
Researchers have suggested numerous potential However, a limited body of evidence suggests that
benefits, but few have been rigorously tested, and no orgasms may boost fertility.
theory has conclusive scientific support.
One very small study Trusted Source, for example,
Not everything the body does has a clear purpose, measured whether there was better sperm retention
however. Scientists have not discovered the evolutionary after female orgasm. While the results confirmed this,
benefits of some traits that have persisted in humans. proving that the female body retains sperm better after
an orgasm will require larger studies with designs of
A 2016 study Trusted Source argues that the female higher quality.
orgasm may have no obvious evolutionary benefit and
that it may be a relic of a time when the hormones
associated with orgasm were necessary for a woman to
Influence of the Menstrual Cycle
ovulate. on Sexual Response
Since there was no evolutionary need to eliminate the
Despite being a miraculous process of Nature that
female orgasm, it persisted even when it was no longer
prepares women to be mothers, the menstrual cycle has
necessary for fertility.
suffered such regression for centuries that, in the middle
of this room, if we asked how to summarize it in a few
Orgasm may serve important purposes, however. The
words, many would respond, "blood, sweat, and tears."
pleasure it can cause can encourage females to have
But not all is lost; Fortunately, more and more women are
sex. This may also promote bonding with a sexual
rebelling against labels recognizing that, in addition to
partner, which does have significant evolutionary
bleeding, suffering pain and enduring several different
emotions, we sometimes feel great sexual desire. And
why does this happen? This article will explain the main
reasons that influence the generality of menstrual cycles.

What happens during an orgasm? Hormones and female sexual desire

Hormones are substances secreted by specialized cells
During arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases, that circulate through the blood to organs and tissues,
causing them to become more sensitive. acting as "chemical messengers" in the body in
processes related to metabolism, growth and
As arousal increases, a person’s heart rate, blood development, and reproduction.
pressure, and breathing rate may also increase. As
orgasm approaches, the muscles may twitch or spasm. Female sex hormones, specifically, prepare our
Many women experience rhythmic muscle spasms in the reproductive system for the reception of sperm and the
vagina during an orgasm. implantation of the fertilized ovum, and affect our mood,
desire and sexual response, especially estrogens and
Several researchers have proposed that sexual response progesterone; although some studies also point to
follows specific stages, though their theories about these androgen hormones such as testosterone.
stages differ.

Still, most theories include the following stages: Estrogens

excitement, during which arousal builds
are produced mainly by the ovaries and the placenta
plateau, during which arousal increases and levels off
during pregnancy.
orgasm, which causes intense feelings of pleasure
The most relevant are estrone and estradiol, the
resolution, during which arousal diminishes
former having the function of preparing ovulation and
Many females are able to have another orgasm after
the latter, regulating the menstrual cycle.
resolution, whereas males usually require a period of
Estrogens also influence our libido, as well as our
rest before having another orgasm.
emotional behavior, as they are linked to the
neurotransmitters "of happiness" that we will see
Health benefits
later, the sexual desire, optimism, feelings of well-
While the internet is filled with articles promising that
being and fulfillment being greater the greater their
orgasms improve skin, hair, and overall health, there is
presence. in the body.
little scientific evidence that orgasms offer any
specific health benefits.
Scientists have not identified any evolutionary
benefits of female orgasms or found that orgasms
improve health.
But orgasms are pleasurable, and pleasure can be its
own benefit. Pleasurable sex may improve a person’s
mood, relieve stress, boost immunity, and foster
better relationships.
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The pregnancy can also have positive effects on the

sexual life; for example, many females report
also acts as a hormone and neurotransmitter increased sensitivity of certain parts of the body,
involved in functions such as movement, learning, milk especially breast and vaginal region which can be
production, memory, sleep or attention, although it is accounted to an increased blood supply to these
known above all because it provides pleasure and tissues. Additionally, sex during pregnancy is better in
relaxation. quality because of an increase in the rate of vaginal
To this is added that, as it is related to the brain's secretions that improves the chances of orgasms and
reward system, the organism encourages us to repeat intense pleasure
those behaviors that have caused its liberation, On the other hand, few women may experience pain
among which, of course, is sex; But, like oxytocin, you or uterine contractions due to excessive sensitivity
don't have to have an orgasm during the menstrual that makes it uncomfortable to engage in the sexual
cycle for it to appear, its levels increase notably in encounters. It is imperative to mention that changing
the... precisely, pre-ovulatory phase. sexual positions or intensity of stimulation can help in
improving the sexual experience.
Hormones, neurotransmitters and the menstrual cycle
Mood Changes During Pregnancy and its Effect on
As we explained in this report about the different phases Sexual Life
of the menstrual cycle, during this, hormonal levels vary, Most women, especially those who are pregnant for
directly affecting our mood and our libido. And when is the first time feel overwhelmed by the physical and
the sexual desire strongest? mental changes of pregnancy. The first trimester is
usually the hardest in terms of libido due to extreme
Although each woman is a world and her menstruation is nausea, morning sickness, weakness and mood
another, various studies have determined that sexual swings.
desire begins to manifest itself at the time of Most of the time, these feelings are worsen with
menstruation and increases until it reaches its highest certain activities, smells and other changes in the
peak at approximately 14 or 15 days, just before surrounding environment. However, during second
menstruation. ovulation. Why? and third trimesters, most females experience
remarkable improvement in the libido and sexual
Because during the cycle, the levels of estrogens and desires under the influence of hormones.
progesterone vary and, as we have seen, estrogens
increase sexual desire and elevate the mood (due to its Most healthcare providers recommend sexual
interaction with the neurotransmitters of happiness), intercourse during pregnancy due to following
while progesterone reduces them. potential benefits:
Lower risk of post-term delivery
Sex drive during menstruation Active pregnancy
Many women feel especially lustful in the first phase of Positive effects on the mood and psychological
their menstrual cycle for various reasons. health of mother
One of them is the increase in lubrication and Improved quality of the relationship between
sensitivity, which increase the pleasure of all sexual the partners
games; to which is added the analgesic power of
orgasm, which reduces menstrual pain.
Sexual Life and a Safe Pregnancy
Many couples continue their sexual encounters during
pregnancy without any substantial difficulty; but
some females may experience displeasure or
Influence of Pregnancy on Sexual Response
discomfort. A lot of couples are also skeptical about
the safety of the fetus if the couple engages in the
Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy
act of intercourse during pregnancy.
Pregnancy marks the beginning of a physiological
There are just so many questions and queries in this
transition that has a profound effect on physical,
subject with no absolute right or wrong answers. But
psychological and sexual aspects of a pregnant
here are a few tips to ensure safer pregnancy with
female’s life. This transition is partly attributed to the
sexual intercourse.
hormonal aberrations and partly to the biochemical
Consult your physician or mid-wife to know the status
changes that occur in response to the influx of
of your pregnancy and if activities like sex can have a
different hormones in the blood.
potential disastrous effect on the fetal development.
Although a lot of women regard pregnancy as the
Call your doctor immediately, if you notice any
most memorable period of their life, but many find it a
bleeding or discharge from your vagina or sudden
difficult and overwhelming experience due to wide
onset of painful, spasmodic uterine contractions that
array of physical emotional issues such as backache,
does not resolve after 5-10 minutes of complete rest.
mood swings, ailing health, poor energy levels and
Do not engage in chance sexual encounters in order
shift in the center of gravity due to expanding uterus.
to minimize your risk of contracting sexually
transmitted infections that may have a deleterious
effect on your pregnancy.
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Some women may be asked to maintain complete

abstinence from the sexual intercourse. In all such
case, show care and love to your partner by kissing, lack of sexual, social, physical, or affective attraction
hugging and non-sexual activities. towards others
an asexual person doesn't feel attracted to any
subject, no matter what their sex. That's why many
consider this a 'lack' of sexual orientation. However,
many stand up for asexuals, saying that asexuality is
indeed a sexual orientation.

attracted to any sex or gender
This means that a pansexual person might feel
equally attracted on an emotional, romantic, sexual,
or affective level to people of any sexual orientation
Types of Sexual Orientation
or gender identity.
Pansexuality is different from bisexuality since the
The American Psychology Association defines sexual latter stems from the gender binary, meaning, the
orientation as "an enduring pattern of emotional, idea that there are only two possible genders: male
romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or and female.
both sexes." This implies interest in a person due to works to bring sexual diversity beyond the binary to
different factors: biological, psychological, economic, light, in a context where there can be more than two
cultural, religious, and social (Pérez, 2014). genders and sexes, as well as a wide range of
possibilities for expressing them
A person's identity in relation to the gender or genders to
which they are sexually attracted; the fact of being Demisexual
heterosexual, homosexual, etc.
a sexual preference where the individual needs to
Sexual orientation is about who you’re attracted to and establish an emotional bond with someone first
want to have relationships with. Sexual orientations before they feel attraction.
include gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, and asexual. This means a demisexual person might not feel sexual
or affective desire for someone until they get to know
Heterosexual them well and they can trust this person.
was once considered a variety of asexuality, but
an individual feels attraction on an emotional, today, it's recognized as a separate sexual
romantic or sexual level to people of the opposite sex. orientation since the possibility of feeling physical
For example, a man to a woman or a woman to a and emotional attraction towards someone still exists,
man. but only after getting really close to this individual.

Homosexual Anthrosexual
refers to those with a sexual preference for people of a non-defined sexual orientation, which means that
the same sex. individuals that identify as anthrosexual make
This means a man that's attracted to another man, or connections with all different types of people
a woman that's attracted to another woman. Some might consider this type of sexual preference a
sort of mix between bisexuality and pansexuality,
Bisexual although they don't identify exclusively with either of
one feels emotional, romantic, sexual, or affective these.
attraction towards both sexes.
In other words, when men have feelings for both men
and women; or when a woman feels attracted to both an individual feels sexually attracted to himself or
men and women. herself, which means that they have autoerotic
Together, homosexual and bisexual individuals have tendencies.
started a fight for the recognition of sexual diversity,
having launched the LGBTI+ movement (lesbian-gay- Graysexuality
bisexual-transgender-intersexual and more).
sexual preference that represents the most
substantial part of the sexual desire continuum.
a sexual orientation located between the two poles of
desire: asexuality and sexuality.
A graysexual person isn't exclusively sexual or
asexual. Instead, they move from having sexual
feelings to being asexual during different phases of
their life.
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Hyposexuality Adolescence and sexuality

People often wonder at what age sexual orientation
practically the same as asexuality (a lack of sexual, and sexual identity are established. Is this set in stone
emotional, or affective attraction to anyone). at a certain point in time? The answer is: no, not
The difference is that, while asexuality defines necessarily. Traditionally, adolescence is a phase in
someone's sexual preferences as a norm, life where different expectations are set, and social
hyposexuality is a consequence of external factors roles are established, and sexual orientation is also
like too much stress at work, or even the result of a often conceived around this time as well.
medical condition. However, current evidence shows that this doesn't
On the same note, in some contexts, it isn't defined as necessarily happen during the teenage years and, if
a sexual orientation, but instead, a transitional phase it doesn't, then it doesn't necessarily occur within any
caused by external factors. specific time frame. However, this doesn't make
adolescence any less significant when it comes to
psychological conflicts regarding sexuality, especially
the person feels physical and emotional attraction since it opens up different environments with different
towards a person, regardless of whether this feeling rules.
is corresponded. Offering different role models favors self-knowledge,
Reciprocity in desire and sexual interest isn't a and therefore self-assuredness. Plus, it helps to
determining factor for someone lithsexual to feel improve one's ability to coexist with others and to
attraction. take responsibility for decisions consciously.

'sapio' comes from Latin and means 'wise'
Types of Sexual Expression
a fixed attraction towards people that they consider
Sapiosexual people feel attracted to others due to Because people are individuals, types of sexual
their cognitive and emotional abilities, through which expression are individualized.
they are able to make fundamental intellectual
the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual
individuals feel attracted to transgender and (from Latin caelibatus) is the state of voluntarily being
intersexual people, or other people with more open unmarried, sexually abstinent, or both, usually for
gender identities. religious reasons. It is often in association with the
This means that a skoliosexual person doesn't feel role of a religious official or devotee. In its narrow
attracted to cisgender individuals (people who sense, the term celibacy is applied only to those for
identify with the gender assigned to them at birth), whom the unmarried state is the result of a sacred
instead, they are drawn exclusively to people with vow, act of renunciation, or religious conviction. In a
open sexual identities. wider sense, it is commonly understood to only mean
abstinence from sexual activity.
The word 'queer' originally meant "strange" or
"peculiar," and throughout history, it has been used stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual
as a derogatory term to refer to people who aren't pleasure
straight or heterosexual. act or practice of self-stimulation of one's sexual
This is a concept traditionally used to talk about organs.
sexual minorities; in other words, those who break It is usually done with the goal of achieving sexual
heteronormative ideas (that don't fit the traditional climax, sexual gratification, or the release of sexual
gender binary). tension.
However, towards the end of the 20th century and the Although masturbation exists among both males and
beginning of the 21st, the LGBTI+ community began females, it is generally considered more common
the reappropriation of the word 'queer' to reclaim among men than women (Leitenberg et al. 1993, 87-98).
sexual diversity and the right to experience their
sexual orientation freely.
And thus, the word queer refers to those with fluid
sexual orientations and gender identities. In this
sense, the concept is similar to skoliosexuality,
although it also encompasses almost all of the sexual
orientations we mentioned before (since they all
question heteronormativity).
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Erotic Stimulation Sadomasochism

The use of visual materials such as magazines or giving and receiving of pleasure from acts involving
photographs for sexual arousal. the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation
Although this is thought to be mostly a male Practitioners of sadomasochism may seek sexual
phenomenon, there is increasing interest in centerfold pleasure from their acts.
photographs in magazines marketed primarily to terms sadist and masochist refer respectively to one
women. who enjoys giving and receiving pain, some
Some parents of adolescents may need to be assured practitioners of sadomasochism may switch between
that an interest in this type of material is activity and passivity.
developmental and normal. Respect this type of The abbreviation S&M is commonly used for
reading material when straightening patient’s room in Sadomasochism (or Sadism & Masochism), although
a health care facility. the initialisms S-M, SM, or S/M are also used,
particularly by practitioners.
Fetishism Sadomasochism is not considered a clinical
a form of sexual behavior in which gratification is paraphilia unless such practices lead to clinically
strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a significant distress or impairment for a diagnosis.
part of the body other than the sexual organs Similarly, sexual sadism within the context of mutual
worship of an inanimate object for its supposed consent, generally known under the heading BDSM, is
magical powers or because it is considered to be distinguished from non-consensual acts of sexual
inhabited by a spirit violence or aggression.
behavior in which someone has so much interest in an
object or activity that they spend an unreasonable
amount of time thinking about it or doing it Other Types of Sexual Expression
Leather, rubber, shoes and feet are frequently
perceived to have erotic qualities
Transvestism revealing one’s genital in public
the action or practice of dressing in clothes primarily
associated with the opposite sex
the practice of dressing in a manner traditionally individuals who are interested in sexual encounters
associated with the opposite sex. with children.
In some cultures, transvestism is practiced for Known pedophiles are registered sex offenders.
religious, traditional, or ceremonial reasons. The term When they move into a new community, families are
is considered outdated in Western cultures, especially notified of the move according to Megan’s law, a
when used to describe a transgender or gender-fluid national law designed to alert citizens to the
person. presence of a sex offender in a community.
Transvesite - an individual who dresses to take on the
role of the opposite sex. Obscene Phone Calling
Transvesites can be heterosexual, homosexual, or
an unsolicited telephone call where a person uses
foul or sexual language to interact with someone who
Voyuerism may be known to them or who may be a complete
practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching Making obscene telephone calls for sexual arousal or
others when they are naked or engaged in sexual other sexual pleasure is known as telephone
activity scatologia and is considered a form of exhibitionism.
the sexual interest in or practice of watching other
people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as Telephone Scatologia
undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually
usually classed as a paraphilia from a psychiatric
considered to be of a private nature.
The term comes from the French voir which means "to
It is in the DSM-5 as an other specified paraphilic
A male voyeur is commonly labelled as "Peeping Tom"
Related psychiatric terms (such as coprophonia) were
or a "Jags", a term which originates from the Lady
coined in Australia, the United States, and Germany;
Godiva legend. However, that term is usually applied
most of the pertinent literature is North American.
to a male who observes somebody secretly and,
From the viewpoint of the recipient of the calls,
generally, not in a public space.
obscene calls may be considered to be a form of
sexual harassment, stalking, or both.
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Common relationships in sexual harassment include:

Perpetrator - employer, supervisor, co-worker, client,
sexual intercourse between a person and an animal teacher or professor
There are few things stranger or more repulsive than Victim - male or female, person in an inferior role, may
bestiality be someone other than the person who is being
When you say bestiality, you can hear the word beast, harassed, such as a witness to sexually harassing
which is a good clue to the meaning. People who are behavior
into bestiality like having sex with animals. Place - workplace, school, university, or other location
It doesn't matter what animal is involved: if someone Gender - both perpetrators and victims may be of
if having sex with something alive that's not a person, either gender, and the perpetrator is not necessarily
it's bestiality. someone of opposite gender
Bestiality is illegal and usually considered very wrong
and harmful to everyone involved.

Disorders of sexual functioning
sexual intercourse with or attraction towards corpses
A person commits the offense of necrophilia when he Sexual Desire Disorders
performs any sexual act with a dead human body Healthy sexual activity can include a wide range of
involving the sex organs of the one and the mouth, desires and activities, which, when fantasized about
anus, penis, or vagina of the other. or experienced between consenting adults as part of
obsession with and usually erotic interest in or a fulfilling relationship, bring people pleasure, even if
stimulation by corpses others may prefer to live their sex lives in a different
Some sexual behavior, however, indicates the
presence of sexual disorder, because the practice
Sexual Harassment, Disorders of Sexual
leads to significant personal distress, involves
Functioning; Disorders of Sexual Arousal; harming others, or becomes compulsive.
Orgasm Disorders; Pain Disorders
Inhibited sexual desire (ISD)
Sexual Harrassment a medical condition with only one symptom: low
sexual desire.
refers to unwelcome sexual advances, comments of a According to the DSM/ICD-10, ISD is more correctly
sexual nature, requests for sexual favors, and referred to as HSDD or hypoactive sexual desire
harassment or comments about an individual’s disorder. A person with HSDD seldom, if ever, engages
gender, all of which create a hostile work environment in sexual activities. They don’t initiate or respond to a
Most commonly, sexual harassment is perpetrated by partner’s sexual overtures.
someone in a position of authority over the victim, It’s important to distinguish HSDD from asexuality.
such as an employer, supervisor, or teacher. Asexuality is a type of sexual orientation defined as a
Sexual harassment is illegal in the U.S., defined and general lack of sexual attraction, while HSDD is a
governed by the Equal Employment Opportunity condition focused on a lack of sexual desire.
Commission (EEOC). Failure to prevent, or to stop, such HSDD is one of the more common problems couples
behavior, may expose the employer to serious civil face today.
penalties. To explore this concept, consider the HSDD can be a primary or secondary condition. This is
following sexual harassment definition. an important distinction for treatment purposes. It’s a
Uninvited and unwanted sexual behavior, whether primary condition if the person with HSDD has never
verbal or physical, especially by an individual in a had sexual desire.
position of authority over the victim (such as an It’s a secondary condition if the person with HSDD
employer, or a teacher). began a relationship with normal sexual desire but
The concept of sexual harassment is relatively new, later became disinterested.
originating in the early 1970s, when the President and HSDD can also be understood as a relationship issue,
Chancellor of MIT addressed a variety of gender which helps to guide medical or psychological
issues. Sexual harassment is a serious problem in the treatment.
U.S. that is addressed by the EEOC. Commonly, sexual Situational HSDD means that the person with HSDD
harassment is perpetrated by an individual in a has sexual desire for others, but not for their partner.
position of power or authority, whether by social, General HSDD means the person with HSDD has no
political, or educational differences, difference in sexual desire for anyone.
age, or an employment relationship. Occasionally, an There’s no true normal range for sexual desire
individual looking to receive an advantage, such as a because it naturally fluctuates throughout life.
promotion, may engage in sexual harassment,
attempting to induce or entice the victim to elevate
his or her position.
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Nonsexual Diseases
Major life changes that can affect your sexual
Certain conditions can affect libido (sexual desire). The
desire include:
most common of these are:
high blood pressure
partner changes (marriage or divorce)
physical or psychological disability
coronary heart disease
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
work and life imbalance
neurological issues
People seek help when HSDD puts stress on their arthritis
relationships. However, the problem isn’t always a
case of HSDD. One partner may have an overactive
sexual desire. This creates a ‘sexual mismatch,’ which
also puts undue strain on a relationship. When this Sexual Dysfunction
happens, it can:
erode affection Women who have had breast or vaginal surgery may
cause neglect of the nonsexual relationship experience sexual dysfunction, poor body image, and
cause the other partner to lose sexual interest inhibited sexual desire.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) - inability to achieve an
erection of the penis. This can cause HSDD in the
What Causes Inhibited Sexual Desire? person with the penis, who may feel a failure sexually.
HSDD is often an intimacy issue. Common Perceived failure in both men and women (failure to
relationship factors that can impact sexual desire orgasm, for example) can cause the individual
include: experiencing the dysfunction to have HSDD.
toxic communication
Erectile dysfunction isn’t necessarily due to aging.
controlling attitudes
It can be a sign of medical problems such as:
contempt or criticism
heart disease
breach of trust (infidelity)
clogged blood vessels
lack of emotional connection
In many HSDD cases, medical conditions aren’t
spending too little time alone
as influential as each partner’s attitude about
sexual intimacy.
People who are most at risk of developing HSDD have
experienced trauma (incest, rape, or sexual abuse), or
were taught negative attitudes about sex by their
How Is Inhibited Sexual Desire Diagnosed?
family (or by their religion) while growing up.
blood tests to check for diabetes, high
cholesterol, thyroid problems, or low
There are many medical and psychological factors testosterone
that can also hamper sexual desire, including: pelvic exam to check for physical changes,
painful intercourse such as vaginal dryness, painful areas, or
erectile dysfunction (impotence) thinning of the vaginal walls
delayed ejaculation (inability to ejaculate blood pressure check
during intercourse) tests for heart disease
negative thinking patterns (anger, dependency, prostate gland examination
fear of intimacy, or feelings of rejection)
pregnancy and breastfeeding
mental health problems (depression, anxiety,
low self-esteem)
use/overuse of alcohol and street drugs
chronic illness
pain and fatigue
side effects of medicines (especially
antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs)
hormonal changes
low testosterone (in both women and men)

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