Torren, Andrian, B. - Project 1journal Entry Week 1

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Andrian B.



My First journal

August 27 2021-

Based on the topic that you have given to us this week, to be honest, it's still confusing because it's all
spreadsheet I don't have enough knowledge about spreadsheets so it gives me a hard time
understanding. I tried to understand the content, I read it every time I have a vacant time. In this topic, I
realized that there a lot of things that I should improve because everything changes, the mode of
learning changed. I should adapt to the new environment. Another time is that it gives me hints to learn
new things, especially in the technological skills. When it comes to studying, I'm a procrastinating person
so planned to avoide that in any instances and do my job, assignment, a project with an ample time.

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