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How to save money on phone

Today, a cell-phone has significant meanings. It represents someone’s

identity and has whole life in it. Like a magic lamp, we can do many things

instantly. We can talk with others, watch new released movies. We can

enjoy our favorite songs and book concert tickets. Even we can get online

class via phone. However, phone bills are big headache and dented our


Here are some tips for how to save money on phone.

First, Use free Wi-Fi Zone.

Korea is the paradise of Wi-Fi Zone. Almost everywhere you can connect

free Wi-Fi. You can save data usage fees. Make sure you stay within your

monthly limit by only using cellular data when you need it.

Second, Switch mobile carriers

When you get a new phone, you can get many benefit. Since mobile

carriers fiercely compete in Korea, if you change your mobile carrier you

can get huge phone-bill discount.

Third, buy no-contract phone

Cell phone companies know how to make money—lots and lots of money.
One way they do that is through contracts. To buy a phone through them,

you’ll usually have to sign a two-year or even three-year contract to use

their network. And then they’ll hit you with a ridiculous cancellation

charge if you try to switch carriers.

So, what do you do instead? Buy no-contract, gently used phones. And can

take a SIM card. Ask around and look online for older phone models to

purchase at a discounted price.

Last but not the least, Keep your phone longer

Want a lower cell phone bill? This is one of the easiest ways to do it! Hang

on to that phone as long as you can! Does your “old” phone make calls just

fine? Great. Keep it a little longer. Don’t get tempted by the latest and

greatest shiny cell phone on the market. A phone is a phone. Do not

upgrade every 24 months.

Smartphones are a big part of everyday life for most of us. It’s hard to

even imagine that the world without phones.

Although today’s smartphones are impressive, they just device and tool.

If we stick to some tips and control our screen time, we can save more


We can be not smartphone zombies but a freeman who has free will from

smartphone addictions.
How to save money on transportation

First, take a walk

The easiest way to save money is to walk. Walking is easy for everyone to

practice, and doesn’t require money. It also makes me healthy.

Second, riding a bicycle

Riding a bicycle is as convenient and eco-friendly as walking. The

difference is that you have to buy it yourself. Luckily, the good thing is

large cities operate bicycle rental services, and the price is usually around

3,000 won for two hours.

Last but not the least, Use a carpool

Sharing a ride to walk can reduce your transportation costs and carbon

footprint. Carpool app tells you where people are going in the same

direction as you are.

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