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(Preliminary information: Dear SSR, These are the questions, I would have asked if I was there with you, when you committed
suicide. Miss you forever.)

It’s suicide...!
I don’t think I need to share why I’m committing suicide. Even if I share also nothing will happen.
Good Bye..!

Shushant writes those lines on paper and keeps that paper on table then closes all the doors of the

Then he takes a knife by standing on a one corner of the room and he was going to suicide. While he
was committing to suicide he observes ‘There is a one person in the room and observing him’.

He turns back his head slowly to that person who was sitting on the chair in the middle of the room.
He surprises…!
The person sitting on the chair was none other than him itself.

Shushant, was shocked. Asks who are you?

The person sitting on the chair replies 'scared'?

‘Yes’ says Shushant.

The person loughs.

Shushant: Who are you?

The person replies ‘you don’t know?
Shushant was confused. And says ‘My soul’?

Person loughs and says ‘wow! You senses are working, thank God you identified me?’
(The person sitting on the chair was inner soul of Shushant)

Shushant: why you came?

Soul loughs loudly...! And aggressively says ‘you are not supposed to ask that question, it’s my
question... I should ask ... I’m supposed to be stay inside you... But I’m here..! Why?
Shushant was confused..!

Soul: Gentleman! What is the meaning of your silence? Please tell me why I’m here?

Shushant: I’m not answerable to any one, please go away! I have to die!
(And goes on to cut his hand...!)

Soul: Hey, you!

Please stop..!
You may not be answerable to others!
You should answer me..!
Because if you die, i will also die!

Shushant: What?

Soul: Confused Again?

Okay then listen. I will tell you one story. A small little cute baby eagerly waiting to see the
world from 8 months, who was in his/her mother’s womb,
And that little baby was dreaming to do so many things after the birth..!

And the baby was planning several things.

The baby was thinking shall I become a Doctor or police? Otherwise a sport’s person!
As Baby is in the mother’s womb, Baby had only one work that is dreaming about his/her
Baby was dreaming and planning, so many things to do after the birth!

And suddenly few days before baby’s birth, mother committed suicide. Both baby and mother

Shushant: oh sad! Mother’s should have waited few days. The baby should have been born!
Because of her problems she killed little Baby. She could have coped up with her problems!

Soul: Then what you are doing now?

Same thing only right?
Shushant: what?
Soul: Yes, Mr Shushant.
Do you remember?
I and you as a one,
Planned to go Goa with friends..!
Date an MSDian Girl
Have a beautiful wife and children!
Cheer for Dhoni and CSK in the stadium…!
Take a selfie with Dhoni!
Construct own house!
Do podcasting!
Make short films..!
Take parents to tour and make them happy in their last day’s,
Megastar first day first show movie!
And so many…!
Million dreams..!

Remember, when you’re dreaming or planning anything for yourself, that means not only you
(physical body) me (inner soul’) also.
‘I' mean not only physical body, but the soul inside you also..!
And now you want to commit suicide and kill me.
I was eagerly waiting to fulfil our dreams, but you’re suiciding and saying you’re not
answerable to me.

Shushant: I’m extremely sorry. But

Soul: Don’t be sorry..!
I trusted you and chosen you as my body!
It’s my fault, not yours!

Shushant: What can I do?

I cannot live with toxic people around me!
Like joker says
“Everybody is awful,
The society, friends, parents... everybody, everybody is awful and selfish.
I was insulted by the society..!
I was cheated by the friends..!
And ignored by parents, they don’t like me.
Soul: you done?
Okay let’s answer to my questions?
Society in the sense?
Shushant: people around me, neighbours, community etc.,
Soul: If you are hungry, will they come and feed you?
If you are in trouble, will they come and save you?
If you are sick, will they come and take care of you?
They are not feeding you!
They are not helping you!
They are not taking care of you!
They are not valuing or recognising you!
And for you…!
Their perception of you is important right?

Whatever opinions or attitudes they have towards you, they should not affect you!
You don’t need to worry about them!
If they are treating you like a trash, you should also treat them like a trash.

Shushant: Yes, But Friends..!

Soul: How many friends do you have?
Shushant: many
Soul: How many friends cheated on you? All of them?
Shushant: Not all, but few!
Soul: Exactly, very few cheat on you!
They misunderstand you!
They back bitch about you!
Because they don’t love you
They don’t respect you!
They don’t care for you!
Yes you have few friends, those who take your help when they need but they disappear when
you need them. They don’t even respond to your calls/messages when you actually need
When they need you, they praise you, after that they won’t even treat you like a human.
They are fake,
If you ignore those few fake friends, there are many friends who genuinely care for you, loves
There are many friends, who really waiting for your success!
You need to worry about them,
You need to value them,
You need to live for them.
And you shouldn’t care what those few fake friends are bitching about you!
When you’re good person and have right intentions, you don’t really loose anybody, actually
they lose you!

Shushant: Yes, yes, you’re right!

Soul: You’re saying about parent’s right? What did they do?

Shushant: Yes, They don’t like me! They don’t want to do what I really like. They keep on suggesting
me what to do and what not; they don’t consider my opinion/desires! They don’t even allow
me to think, what actually I need to in my life!
What is good, what is bad! I’m matured enough, I can think!
They want me to be in their control. They want me to do what they wish or say!
Soul: A lot of people love you!
Neighbours, Friends, relatives, girlfriend/boyfriend wife, children and many..!
All of them love you,
When you’re convenient to them!
When you’re helpful to them!
When you’re useful to them!
When you’re not questing them!
When you’re not judging them!

It’s like a conditional love..!

In this world only two persons love you unconditionally. They are your father and mother.
You hate them – they love you!
You cheat them – they love you!
You insult them – They love you!
You ignore them – they love you!
You kill them – they love you!
Mother is the only person,
Who carries you nine months in her belly..!
Father and Mothers are the ones, who carry you Three years in their arms and forever in their
When you experience all kinds of love in your Life, then you realise that parents love is the
greatest love and sacred love!
Yes, they keep on suggest you what to do!
Yes, they wish you to do whatever they say to you!
They want you to be always successful!
They don’t like your failures!
They don’t like you committing mistakes!
So, they keep on suggest you what to do and what not!
They are not stopping your thoughts, they are suggesting you easy and best way!
They are not controlling you, they want you to choose wrong way!
They cannot see your failures…!
They want you to be respected everywhere! They want you to be happy every time.
You’re the king/queen for them!

Now you decide whether to die for the people who don’t like you or you want to live for the
people who love you!

Shushant realises and say thank you to the soul!

Soul disappears and enters into Shushant’s body.
Shushant goes on to meet his parents!
And Hugs them tightly and says ‘I love you Ma’am and Dad’
Parents are extremely happy.
Shushant starts living life to the fullest with the joy!

“All the love you created is still there.

All the memories are still there.
You live on--in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here...
Death ends a life, not a love.”
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